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,Unit 6 Have you read Treasure Island yet?,单元整合与拔高,答 案 呈 现,温馨,提示,:,点击,进入,讲评,习题链接,1,B,2,C,3,C,4,C,真题真练 走近中考,5,D,6,C,7,Have you ever been to,8,if/whether I have finished,9,succeed,10,popular,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,真题真练 走近中考,11,introduce;,to,12,Have; heard of,13,have been;,joined,the same,14,have loved each other,for,many years,15,belong to,16,full of,17,in common; give,up,18,French,19,worries,20,technology,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,真题真练 走近中考,2,1,beautiful,2,2,belong to,2,3,are full of,2,4,There used to be a bank opposite our school.,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,原汁原味 提升素养,1,2,3,About 360, 000.,Junior high school students and senior high,school,students with their parents.,8: 30 am.,挑战自我 体验原创,作文,一、语法整合真题,练,1. Sarah,_ many,places of interest in,Beijing already,.,【,中考,沈阳,】,A. visited,B,. has visited,C. will visit,D,.,visits,B,【,点拨,】,句中,already (,已经,),多用于现在完成时态,强调,影响或结果,故选,B,。句意,:,萨拉已经参观过北京的许多名胜景点。,2. When will you give the novel back to me?,Sorry, I,_ it,. How about Friday?,【,中考,日照,】,A. didnt finish,B,. wont finish,C. havent finished,D,. dont,finish,C,【,点拨,】,根据句意可知“读那本小说从过去某个时间就已经开始,一直持续到现在还没有结束”,故要用现在完成时。故选,C,。,3. Bob,you,_,in this city since 2018. How do,you like,it?,【,2020,成都,】,A. lived,B,. live,C,. have,lived,C,【,点拨,】,根据时间状语,since 2018,可知此处要用现在完成时,故选,C,。,4. Diana cant go to the farm with her,classmates because she _ a,bad cold.,【,中考,呼和浩特,】,A. will catch,B,. is catching,C. has caught,D,. is,caught,C,【,点拨,】,根据过去患感冒对现在造成的影响是“不能和同学们去农场”可知,because,引导的原因状语从句应用现在完成时态。故选,C,。,5.,How,about the third season of documentary,Aerial China,(,航拍中国,) ?,Great.,I,_,it twice.,【,2020,宜昌,】,A.,watched,B. watch,C. will watch,D,. have,watched,D,【,点拨,】,根据句意可知“我”已经看过两次,使用现在完成时。故选,D,。,6. The book is popular. _,you,_,it,yet?,Yes, I have.,【,2020,天津,】,A. Are; reading,B,. Were; reading,C. Have; read,D,. Will; read,C,7.,你曾经去过上海的迪士尼乐园吗?,【,中考,本溪,】,_ the,Disneyland in Shanghai,?,Have you ever been to,8.,他总是问我作业做完了没有,。,(finish),【,中考,荆州,】,He always asks me,_ my homework.,if/whether I have finished,二、高频考点真题练,9. Work hard, and you will _,(,成功,) some,day.,【2020,牡丹江、鸡西,】,succeed,10. Im sure that the song will become even more,_. (,流行,).,【,2020,宜宾,】,popular,11.,我们应该思考如何把中国文化介绍给全世界。,【,2020,达州,】,We should think about how to,_ Chinese culture,_,the,world.,introduce,to,12.,你听说过抖音没有?一款深受年轻人喜欢的小程序。,【,2020,乐山改编,】,_,you,ever _ _,TikTok,a video,app popular among young people,?,Have heard of,13.,我们自从加入同一个俱乐部就成了好朋友。,【2020,淮安,】,We,_ good,friends since we,_ club.,have,been,joined,the same,14.,这对年轻人相爱多年,将于下月成婚。,【2020,无锡,】,The young couple,_,_. and,will get married next month,.,have loved each other,for many,years,15.,我们永远不要拿不属于我们的东西,。,【,2020,达州,】,We should never take anything that doesnt,_ us.,belong to,16.,别灰心,生活充满了惊喜和希望。,【,2020,孝感,】,Dont lose heart. Life is _,_ surprise and,hope.,full,of,17.,这对双胞胎兄弟有一个共同点:面临困难时他们,从不,轻易放弃,。,【2020,黄石,】,The twin brothers have one thing,_ _ : they,never _ _,easily,when they,face difficulties.,in,common give up,18. We are going to Paris next week. Its a good chance,to try,some,_(France),dishes.,【,中考,南京,】,French,19. I have been running into a lot of troubles,these days,.,Take,it easy. Problems,and,_,(worry) are normal,in daily life.,【,中考,曲靖,】,worries,20. Every Chinese takes pride in our,scientific _ (,技术,) ,such as the high-speed railway.,【,中考,乌鲁木齐,】,technology,21. Guilin is a,_ (,美丽的,) city,.,【,中考,桂林,】,beautiful,22.,海边的那些漂亮的房子属于那对老夫妇。,【,中考,盘锦,】,The beautiful houses near the sea,_ that old,couple,.,belong to,23,.,人们对未来美好生活充满希望。,【,中考,葫芦岛,】,People,_ hope,for the beautiful life,in the,future,.,are full of,24,.,我们学校对面曾有一家银行。,【,中考,抚顺,】,_,There used to be a bank opposite our school.,1. How many people visited Tsinghua University,during the,2-month summer vacation,?,_,请同学们看,典中点,第,55,页,短文。,About 360, 000.,【,点拨,】,根据第二段,中,“,about 6, 000 visitors visited Tsinghua University every day on vacation. ”,可知,每天有大约,6000,人参观清华大学,由此计算,两个月的暑假中有大约,36,万人参观该校园。,2. Who mainly visited the universities on summer vacation,?,_,_,Junior high school students and senior,high school,students with their parents.,【,点拨,】,根据第二段,中,“Most,of them were junior high school students and senior high school students with their parents. ”,可知,参观的人群主要是初中生、高中学生和他们的家长。,3. What time is the earliest for visitors to enter,Tsinghua University,every day,?,_,8: 30 am.,【,点拨,】,根据第三段,中,“Tsinghua,University opens to the visitors at 8: 30 am”,可知。,以下是我们本单元所学的重点词汇,请用它们写一,篇,80,词左右的短文,体裁不限。,the home of, the number of, millions of, cant wait, must be,_,It is said that Sarah will give a concert in Shanghai. I am very happy to hear that. She plays country music very well. She has already sold millions of records around the world. Once she said that Nashville was the home of country music, and she wanted to go there. All the students in my class want to go to her concert. The number of us is 50. We all cant wait to see Sarah. I think it must be very exciting.,


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