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课时,3 Grammar,Unit 7 Memory,答案呈现,6,7,8,disappears,will be,9,10,will finish; feel,语法通关练,doesnt rain,1,2,3,if,if,4,5,unless,unless,unless,提示,:点击 进入习题,happens,答案呈现,11,12,13,is fine; will go,heat; boils,14,15,switch off,Unless; will be,bought; for; present,16,17,18,if; isnt,unless; protect,19,20,Unless; tidy,If; dont,if; dont,语法通关练,答案呈现,21,22,23,improve,taking,24,25,brain,Among,It,26,27,28,by,in,method,能力提升练,29,30,useful,for,一、用,if,或,unless,填空。,1. You can pass the exam,_ you,study hard.,2. You will fail in the exam _,you,study hard.,3. We will stay at home _,it,rains. Rainy,days make,us feel uncomfortable.,4. You cant drive your car _,you,get a,drivers license,.,5. I wont write to her _,she,misses me.,if,if,unless,unless,unless,二、用所给词的适当形式填空。,6. If you put sugar into water, it,_(,disappear).,disappears,7. What _(happen) if you take a fish out of water?,happens,8. You _ (be) late for school if you dont leave now.,will be,9. We will have a picnic tomorrow if it _ (not rain).,doesnt rain,10. I _(finish) the book today unless I _ (feel) tired.,will finish feel,三、根据汉语意思完成句子。,11.,如果明天天气好的话,我们将去购物。,If it,_,_,tomorrow,we,_ _,shopping,.,is fine will go,12.,除非你遵守校规,否则你的父母和老师会生气的。,_ you,follow the school rules, your parents,and the teachers _ _,angry.,Unless,will be,13,.,如果你把水加热,它会沸腾。,If you _,water, it _,.,heat boils,14,.,她妈妈给她买了一条裙子作为礼物。,Her mother _,a,dress _,her,as,a,_.,bought for present,15,.,离开教室前记得关灯,!,Remember to _ _,the,lights,before you,leave the classroom!,switch off,四、同义句转换。,16. Ill go swimming tomorrow unless it is rainy.,Ill go swimming tomorrow,_ it,_,rainy,.,if isnt,17. Unless you study hard, you will fail the exam.,_ you,_,study,hard, you will fail,the exam.,If dont,18,. Well have less clean water if we dont protect,the earth,.,Well have less clean water _,we,_,the,earth,.,unless protect,19,. You will not get better unless you take,your medicine,.,You will not get better _,you,_,take your,medicine,.,if dont,20,. If you dont tidy your bedroom, your dad will,not let,you go out.,_,you,_,your,bedroom, your,dad will,not let you go out.,Unless tidy,五、从方框中选择合适的单词完成短文。,There are many things you can do to,_21 your memory,. _,22,them are all kinds of,memorizing methods,as well as _,23,special care of your health.,useful, it, for, brain, improve, by, in, taking,among, method,improve,taking,Among,_24 is important that you regularly stimulate(,刺激,) your _ 25 to make your memory more efficient (,有效的,). You can do this _ 26 doing activities that you do not normally do.,useful, it, for, brain, improve, by, in, taking,among, method,brain,It,by,An excellent _ 27 to help memory is to link information with pictures. Try to see the images _ 28 your mind. Taking notes is also a good way _ 29 you to use. Being organized and keeping a diary will be _ 30 tools.,useful, it, for, brain, improve, by, in, taking,among, method,in,method,useful,for,


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