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课时,1,Getting ready & Reading,Unit 3 Computers,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,基础巩固练,提示,:点击 进入习题,5,11,12,13,14,答案呈现,C,B,B,B,typing,better,smaller,cheaper,to calculate,monitor,expensive,speed,railways,brains,15,D,答案呈现,16,17,18,tiny,controlled,typing,19,speaker,20,Compare,21,22,23,our lives better,depends on,lack,24,to control,25,work as,基础巩固练,答案呈现,能力提升练,26,27,28,G,F,C,29,A,31,32,33,B,B,C,30,B,34,35,C,A,36,37,38,C,A,D,39,40,D,D,41,42,43,A,B,C,一、根据句意和汉语提示完成句子。,1. The,_(,显示器,)of,a computer can show,us pictures,and words.,2. The house is too _,(,昂贵的,).,He really,doesnt have,enough money to buy it.,3. He is riding his motorbike very fast. It means he is riding his motorbike at a fast _,(,速度,).,monitor,expensive,speed,4. Engineers can use computers to operate _ (,铁路系统,).,5. We think with our _ (,大脑,).,railways,brains,二、用所给单词的正确形式填空。,6. People usually use the keyboard for _(type).,typing,7. With the help of computers, our life is getting _ (good).,better,8. Today the computers are becoming _ (small) and lighter than they were.,smaller,9. The red pen is _ (cheap) than the yellow one.,cheaper,10. People use computers _ (calculate) in some ways.,to calculate,三、单项选择。,11. What happened,_ Mike,?,He had an accident and hurt his legs.,A. for,B,. with,C. to,D,. over,C,【,点拨,】,What happened to sb. ?,是固定句型,意为“某人发生了什么事?”,12.【,中考,连云港,】,(易错题),If we dont,protect nature, some wildlife,_ die,out in the future.,A. need,B,. may,C. neednt,D,.,should,B,13,.【,中考,内江,】Time is money., But I think time is _,money,.,A. as important as,B. more important than,C. the most important,D. less important as,B,【,点拨,】,句意:,时间就是金钱。,但我认为时间比金钱更重要。根据转折提示词,But,引出比较级,本题只有时间和金钱两者的比较,不是最高级。故选,B,。,14. Can you,control,two computers at the same time when this machine works?, Yes. But the work is not easy to do.,(选出,与画,线单词意思相符的选项),A. sell,B,. operate,C,. push,D,.,speak,B,15,.【,中考,宜昌,】 A research suggests,that walking,helps people live longer., I quite agree, but it,_ on,when and,how they,walk.,A. remains,B,. separates,C. returns,D,. depends,D,四、从方框中选择正确的单词并用其适当形式完成句子。,16. There is a _ computer inside my watch. It works well.,speaker, control, tiny, type, compare,tiny,17. The traffic lights are _ by a central computer.,speaker, control, tiny, type, compare,controlled,18. Look! He is _ fast on the keyboard.,speaker, control, tiny, type, compare,typing,19. My radio is wrong. There is no sound coming out of the right-hand _ .,speaker, control, tiny, type, compare,speaker,20. _ the two computers and youll find this one is better and cheaper.,speaker, control, tiny, type, compare,Compare,五、根据汉语意思完成句子。,21.,我妈妈正在让我们的生活变好。,My mother is making,_ _ _ .,our lives better,22.,什么时候出发,取决于天气状况。,When to start,_,_,the weather conditions.,depends on,【,点拨,】,When to start,作主语,相当于第三人称单数,故,depend,要用第三人称单数形式。,23,.,这个胖男孩似乎从不缺少零花钱。,The fat boy never seems to _,pocket,money,.,lack,24,.,他能控制整个电脑系统吗?,Is he able _ _,the,whole computer,system,?,to control,25,.,他的父母亲一直在一个城镇医院里从事医生工作。,His parents _ _,doctors,in a town,hospital all the time.,work as,【,点拨,】,work as,从事,工作。,Li Lei,: Hi! Mr. Wang.,Mr. Wang,: Hi! Li Lei. How are you going these days?,Li Lei,:,_26,Mr. Wang,:,Why?,六、补全对话(有两项多余),【,中考,山西,】,A. Please remember to protect your eyes.,B. Have a good day, bye!,C. Dont worry! You will go back to school soon.,D. I have to go to school every day.,E. Because I can play basketball with my neighbors.,F. Because I have to take online lessons at home.,G. Actually, I feel a little bit bored.,G,Li Lei,:,_27,I really miss my classmates.,Mr. Wang,:,_28,Li Lei,: I hope so. But once I play computer games after class, my parents will be angry!,A. Please remember to protect your eyes.,B. Have a good day, bye!,C. Dont worry! You will go back to school soon.,D. I have to go to school every day.,E. Because I can play basketball with my neighbors.,F. Because I have to take online lessons at home.,G. Actually, I feel a little bit bored.,F,C,Mr. Wang,: Maybe your parents are right. After all, playing games too long is bad for your eyes. _29,A. Please remember to protect your eyes.,B. Have a good day, bye!,C. Dont worry! You will go back to school soon.,D. I have to go to school every day.,E. Because I can play basketball with my neighbors.,F. Because I have to take online lessons at home.,G. Actually, I feel a little bit bored.,A,A. Please remember to protect your eyes.,B. Have a good day, bye!,C. Dont worry! You will go back to school soon.,D. I have to go to school every day.,E. Because I can play basketball with my neighbors.,F. Because I have to take online lessons at home.,G. Actually, I feel a little bit bored.,Li,Lei,: OK. Thanks a lot! Mr. Wang.,Mr. Wang,:,_30,B,七、完形,填空,。,There are all kinds of machines. They are,used _31,many different ways. One kind of machine is called a computer. A computer can do many things,.,31. A. on,B,. in,C,. at,D,. for,B,A computer can solve math problems. People can also solve math problems. But they cannot solve them as,_32,as a computer,.,32. A. faster,B,. fast,C,. bigger,D,. big,B,Computers can remember things. Computers can remember,_33,people tell them. People cannot remember as many things as computers,.,33. A. something,B,.,nothing,C. everything,D,. thing,C,Computers help tell _34 the weather will _35. Computers help fly planes and spaceships.,34. A. which B. where C. what D. why,35. A. be like B. like C. look D. feel,C,A,There are,_36,of ways computers are used. They are used in thousands of ways.,_37,they are not always used in the same way,.,36. A. all,B,. many,C. a lot,D,. only some,37,. A. But,B,. And,C,. When,D,. Though,C,A,【,点拨,】,此句与前一句形成了转折关系。,Some computers do,just _38,things. Some computers can do a lot of things. There are,_39,computers,.,38. A. a little,B,. little,C,. few,D,. a few,39,. A. large,B,. huge,(巨大的),C. good,D,. small,D,D,There are big computers. There may be computers in your school. Do you,_40,what they do,?,40. A. get,B,. talk,C,. make,D.,know,D,八、阅读理解。,41. At first Steve Jobs became a,_ after,he left college.,A. designer,B,. farmer,C. teacher,D,. gardener,请同学们看,点拨训练,第,26,页原文。,A,【,点拨,】,根据原文第二段中句子,After he left college, Steve Jobs worked as a video game designer.,可知答案。,42. Steve Jobs designed his new computer,_.,A. in India,B,. with his friend,C. by himself,D,. in an apple tree,garden,B,【,点拨,】,根据原文倒数第二段中句子,In 1976, he began to make a new type of computer. He designed the Apple Computer with his friend.,可知答案。,43,. Steve Jobs chose the name “Apple”,because _.,A. the apple was his favorite fruit,B. he designed the computer under an apple tree,C. he wanted to remember the happy time,D. the computer was designed in the apple tree garden,C,【,点拨,】,根据原文倒数第二段中句子,He chose the name “Apple” just because it could help him to remember a happy summer he once spent in an apple tree garden.,可知答案。,


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