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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,书面表达(满分,25,分) 假定你是李华,暑假想去一家外贸公司兼职,已写好申请书和个人简历(,resume,)。给外教,Mr,Jenkins,写信,请她帮你修改所附材料的文字和格式(,format,)。,注意:,1.,词数,100,左右,; 2.,可以适当增加细节,已使行文连贯。,Dear MS Jenkins,Im Li,Hua,from English writing class. Im writing to,ask for your help.,Im,applying for,a part-time job in a foreign company in my city during the summer vacation, and I have just completed my application letter and resume. However, I,am,not quite,sure of,the language and the format Ive used. I know you have a very busy schedule, but Id be very grateful if you could,take some time to go,through them and,make necessary changes,. Please find my application letter and resume in the attachment,(附件 ),.,Thank you for your kindness! ( 102 Words),Yours,Li,HUa,佳作欣赏,-2016,高考全国,I,卷作文范文,2016,高考全国,I,卷作文范文,鉴赏。,=,用词的地道,=,句式的高级,=,句句之间的衔接,经典累积,我知道你很忙,但如果你能拿出些时间来浏览一下他们并作出必要的改变我会很感激。,然而,并且,但是,ask for your help; apply for; make changes,I know you have a very busy schedule , but I d be very grateful if you could take some time to go through them and make necessary changes.,however- and-; but;,Writing,写出优质句子,,突破作文高分,学习目标,1.,能够鉴赏范文,掌握文中有用,的句型和好的表达形式。,2.,通过合作讲解:,能够写出正确的简单句,能够创作出精彩高档句,3.,掌握如何评价一份作文。,怎样译出地道的简单句?,第二步:找出修饰成分,,添加修饰成分。,第一步:找出句子主干,,翻译句子主干。,例句:,为了逃避挨骂,那个淘气的男孩没关水龙头就跑了。,第一步:找出句子主干,,翻译句子主干。,男孩 跑了,注意:时态和语态,The boy,ran,away.,=That,naughty,boy ran away.,=That naughty boy ran away,without turning off the water.,=In order to escape being scolded, the naughty boy ran away without turning off the water.,为了逃避挨骂,那个淘气的,男孩,没关水龙头就,跑了,。,第二步:找出修饰成分,,添加修饰成分,技 巧,1.,使用较高级的词汇,3.,使用恰当的连接词,词汇可以衡量英语水平,丰富的句式可以使文章增色生辉 。,恰当的连接词, 使文章有“英语味” ,上下衔接自然。,如何写出精彩的高档句子突破书面表达的高分?,2.,使用较丰富的句式,1.,短语优先:,我们想要和平。,她决定好好学习。,We,look forward to,/call on,peace.,一、怎样使用较高级词汇,We,want,peace.,She,decided to,study hard,.,She was determined to,devote,herself,to,studying.,2.,弃旧取新,:,There is a temple on top of the mountain.,There is a clean river in the city,一、怎样使用较高级词汇,A clean river winds through the city,.,On top of the mountain stands a temple,.,1. Suddenly I,thought of,a good idea.,2.,You can find my house easily,.,3.,When he spoke, he felt more and more,excited.,4. What we can do is to,study hard,.,5. The teacher,suggested,that we should pay attention to grammar.,一、怎样使用较高级的词汇,A good idea suddenly,occurred to me.,Youll have no trouble finding my house.,The more he spoke, the more excited he felt.,What we can do is to devote ourselves to study.,The teacher gave us a suggestion that we should attach great importance to grammar.,1.,感叹句,How,happy I was,when I received your letter!,2.,倒装句,Not only can it,help you to form the good habit,of studying English,but also,it can improve your,writing ability and skills.,3.,省略句,While walking,the dog, I witnessed a car accident.,二,.,如何使用较丰富的句式,4. it,做形式主语或宾语,It,is of great benefit,to keep diaries every day,.,5.,定语从句,In my spare time, I regularly take part in the English,corner,where,I can express myself freely.,6.,名词性从句,What is the most important,is,that,I often surf on,an English website -Enjoy Reading.,6.,To his surprise, the little girl knows so much.,(使用名词性从句),7. He did,nt,realize the truth,until,he came back.,(,使用强调句型,),8. She walked out of the lab,and many students followed her.,(,使用过去分词,),9.,When you realize the importance of foreign languages, you can learn them well. (,使用倒装句,),10. He lay on the ground,and his eyes were fixed on the ceiling.,(使用,with,复合结构),What,surprises him,is that,the little girl knows so much.,二、,怎样使用较丰富的句式,It was not until,he came back,that,he realized the truth.,She walked out of the lab, followed by many students,.,Only when,you realize the importance of foreign languages,can you,learn them well.,He lay on the ground,with his eyes fixed on the ceiling,.,11.,His mother lost work,and,his father was put into prison.,三、怎样巧妙使用关联词,His mother lost work,and to make things worse, his father was put into prison.,可以使文章衔接紧凑,有“英语味”的一些关联词,(1),表示对比的连接词,:,on the contrary,(2),表示时间的连接词,:,in the meanwhile,,,afterwards, eventually,,,in the end,,,(3),表示顺序的连接词,:,first of all,,,to begin with,,,last but not the least,(4),表示递进的连接词,:,what is more,,,in addition,(5),表示原因的连接词,:,due to,,,thanks to,,,owing to,(6),用于总结的连接词,:,on the whole,,,in a word,,,in brief,,,(7),表达个人观点的短语,:,As far as Im concerned, in ones opinion/ view,三、怎样巧妙使用关联词,可以使文章衔接紧凑,有“英语味”的一些关联词,(1),正相反,(2),在此期间,(3),后来,(4),起初,首先,(5),另外,还有,(6),因为,由于,多亏,(7),从整体上来说,(8),以我之见,on the contrary,in the meanwhile,afterwards,first of all,,,to begin with,what is more,,,in addition,due to,,,thanks to,,,owing to,on the whole,,,As far as Im concerned,in ones opinion/ view,


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