土木工程专业英语 unit 11【】

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Requirements for class,Be punctual,Provide a certificate for being absent from class,Hand in your homework on time,Plagiarizing(,剽窃,) isnt allowed.,Contact me if encountering any problems,Assessment,system for this class,In-class assessment:,class attendance (20%),New words dictation (15%),Homework (15%),Three quizzes in class (30%),Presentation before class(20%),Final exam,Aims of this subject,Familiar with basic terminologies,Get basic knowledge of civil engineering,Familiar with brief introduction to symbolic,structures in the world,土木工程英语 UNIT 1,think and Speak,I Talk about Liang Sicheng.,Conversation,A: Look at this picture. Do you know him?,B: Sorry, I dont know. Who is he?,A: His name is Liang Sicheng. He is a famous Chinese architect. He graduated from Qinghua University. And he started architecture education there. He devoted all his life,to architecture research. I admire him very much.,B: Really? I have known this name for a long time, but,I only dont know what he looks like. You know he is,my idol. I must learn from him.,A: The same to me.,偶像,You know he is my idol. 你知道他是我的偶像,idol,把奉献给,把专用于,Devoteto “把奉献于”,这里to是介词,devoted,建筑师,设计者,造物主,architect,土木工程英语教材 UNIT 1,Think and Speak,Oral Practice,Topic,Describe a person you admire.,You should say: who he/she is and how you got to know him/her;,what you particularly admire about the person;,how this has influenced your life.,土木工程英语教材 UNIT 2,Think and Speak,Exercise,2,Making conversations using the information given below.,Allen is a high school student who is facing to the,college entrance examination. He wants to be a civil engineer but know nothing about this course in college. A famous teacher, Professor Green, is trying to explaining about civil engineering and encouraging him.,土木工程英语教材 UNIT 9,Think and Speak,Exercise,2,Making conversations using the information given below.,A,Hello, Professor Green. Im about to graduate from,high-school soon and I have been decided to apply for,entering the Department of Civil Engineering. However, I,have no idea about this specialty actually. Would you please introduce it to me briefly?,G,Sure! Im so glad to hear that you are interested in this field, Allen. Can you tell me why you chose this field first?,土木工程英语教材 UNIT 2,Think and Speak,Exercise,2,Making conversations using the information given below.,A,The reason why I chose this field is that I loved the,skyscrapers since I was a small child, so I am eager to know how were they built?,G,Good! I think that reason will become a motive for you to learn this course! Simply to say, civil engineering is all about creating, improving and protecting the environment in which we live. If you are interested in the course, I will recommend you some books to know more.,土木工程英语教材 UNIT 2,Think and Speak,Exercise,2,Making conversations using the information given below.,A,Thats great! I am looking forward to reading those books.,G,How about to go to my office with me now and take them at once?,A,Thank you so much! Lets go!,Look and Read,Look at the following pictures and try to,guess the English words according to the,pictures and the English paraphrases.,土木工程英语教材 UNIT 2,Exercise,1,A special field of designing and,constructing public works,Civil,sivl Engineeringendi,niri,土木工程,Look and Read,土木工程英语教材 UNIT 2,Exercise,1,A very high and modern building,which can be found in most of,metropolis,skyscraper,Look at the following pictures and try,to guess the English words according to the pictures and the English paraphrases.,Look and Read,土木工程英语教材 UNIT 2,Exercise,1,tunnel,Look at the following pictures and try,to guess the English words according to the pictures and the English paraphrases.,A passageway through or under,something, usually underground,especially one for trains or cars,Look and Read,土木工程英语教材 UNIT 2,Exercise,1,A barrier constructed across a waterway,to control the flow or raise the level of,water, always its used to prevent the,flood and water he crops,dam,Look at the following pictures and try,to guess the English words according to the pictures and the English paraphrases.,土木工程英语教材 UNIT 2,Look and Read,Fill in each blank with the proper form.,Exercise,2,(,tunneled,),They _(挖隧道)for,weeks before they reached,the other side of the hill.,Words to help,A new _ (水坝)is now,being built at the valley.,(,dam,),土木工程英语教材 UNIT 2,Look and Read,Fill in each blank with the proper form.,Exercise,2,(,skyscrapers,),They also believe that building,_(摩天大楼)helps to solve,the problem of the growing,scarcity of land in the city.,Words to help,The river has been _,(用水坝截水).,(,dammed up,),土木工程英语教材 UNIT 2,Look and Read,Fill in each blank with the proper form.,Exercise,2,The planning and building of,architecture,things, such as roads, bridges and public,buildings, which is belong to,the range of,_(土木工程).,(,civil,engineering,),Words to help,architecture,:kitekt,建筑学, 建筑艺术,modern Latin American architecture 拉丁美洲现代建筑,t,he range of,范围,the range of the eye 眼睛所能看到的范围,土木工程英语教材 UNIT 1,try to write,Part,I,Simulate,The following is a brief description of a college . Read it carefully and try your best to put it into Chinese.,土木工程英语教材 UNIT 1,try to write,Part,I,Simulate,The college covers an area of 208 acres, with its floor space totaling 139,322 square meters. It was rewarded as a garden like campus.,The campus is mainly divided into several parts; they are the teaching office building area, the faculty dormitory area, the service area, the students dormitory area, the sports area and a plant area.,The campus is well provided.,校园面积为208英亩, 建筑面积139322平方米,为省级园林单位。,校园大致分教学区、教工宿舍区、服务区、学生宿舍区、活动区和植物园,。,校园设施齐全,,Passage translation,土木工程英语教材 UNIT 1,try to write,Part,I,Simulate,The college covers an area of 208 acres, with its floor space totaling 139,322 square meters. It was rewarded as a garden like campus.,The campus is mainly divided into several parts; they are the teaching office building area, the faculty dormitory area, the service area, the students dormitory area, the sports area and a plant area. The campus is well provided,.,校园面积为208英亩, 建筑面积139322平方米,为省级园林单位。,校园大致分教学区、教工宿舍区、服务区、学生宿舍区、活动区和植物园,。,校园设施齐全.,Passage translation,土木工程英语教材 UNIT 1,try to write,Part,I,Simulate,There is a university elementary school, secondary school, a kindergarten, a post office, a hospital and several shops. The office room where we just held a talk is a temporal office room.,The new office building will be set up just facing the gate of the college. The building is under construction and will be finished next year. When you come for a second visit next year, you are sure to see with your own eyes the new office building.,有一所小学、一所附中、一所幼儿园、一所邮电所、几家商店和一所医院。我们刚才会谈的地方是临时的部分办公楼。新的办公楼将建在校园大门的正对面。目前正在施工,预计明年完工。你明年再次来访时,就可看到这座新的办公楼。,Passage translation,Warm up: new words (dialogue),sublet s,blet vt.转租; 转包给; 分包给,accommodate k,mdeit vt. 给方便, 帮助,供给.住宿,容纳,accommodate (sb.)for the night 留(某人)住一夜,economical i:kn,mikl adj.节俭的, 节省的,经济的; 经济学的,be economical of ones time 节省时间,dismantle dismntl vt. 拆除的设备装备、家具、防御工事,dismantle a car 拆掉汽车上的零件,quotation kwutein n.【商】行情, 时价; 报价, 估价; 行市表; 估价单, 报价单,Warm up: new phrases (dialogue),specializes in专攻于,residential building住宅楼,light concrete slabs轻混凝土板,on a turn-key basis以交钥匙方式,level the ground平整场地,duty-free免税的,Warm up: new words (text),civil sivl adj. 1.公民的, 平民的; 民用的2.民事的, 民法的,Engineering ,endiniri n. 工程,architecture ,:kitekt n. 1.建筑学, 建筑术2.建筑风格, 建筑式样, 建筑设计,architect ,:kitekt n. 建筑师,architectural ,:k,tektrl adj. 建筑学的,building,bildi n. 建筑物,房屋,channel ,tnl n. 沟渠,海峡, 通道,construct kn,strkt vt. 1.修建, 建立,建筑,建造2.构成, 组成,construction knstrkn n. 1.建造, 建设; 建筑业2.建造物, 建筑物,craftsman ,krftsmn n. 工匠,Warm up: new words (text),dam , 大坝,design, v&n 设计,drainage, n. 排水,facility f,siliti n. 设备,设施,hydraulic英ha,dr,:l,k adj. 1.液力的,液压的,水力学的2.水、油等 (通过水管等)液压的,水力的,subdivision sbdi,vin,n.,细再分; 细分分成的部分,e.g. land subdivision 分割土地,environmental invairnmentl,adj.,环境(产生)的;周包围的,e.g. environmental costs 环境成本,environmental waste 环境废物,Warm up: new words (text),sanitary snitri engineering endiniri 卫生工程,e.g. municipal sanitary engineering 城市卫生工程学,public sanitary engineering 公共卫生工程,sewer susystems 排水工程,e.g. maintenance of sewer system 市政排水系统,originally ,ridnli adv. 最初,起始,distinguish dis,tiwi v. 区别, 辨别,military militri adj,.,军人的;军用的;军事的,e.g. a military school 军事学校,permanent p:mnnt adj. 永久性的, 耐久的,e.g. permanent address 永久地址,permanent assets 【会计】固定资产,Warm up: new words (text),civilian siviljn,n.,市民,平民,老百姓(与军人相对而言) e.g. civilian use 民用,Temporary temprri adj.暂时的, 临时的; e.g. temporary workers 临时工,unique ju:ni:k adj.,唯一的;无与伦比的;独特的 e.g. unique feature 特色,duplicate dju:plikeit vt.,使加倍;使成双 e.g. duplicate expenses 使费用加倍,modification ,mdifikein n .变更, 修正; e.g. data modification 数据修改,substantially sbstn()l adv.,主要地;实质上地,e.g. substantially alters 实质变更,Warm up: new phrases (text),Civil engineering 土木工程,Civil engineer 土木工程师,Chartered structural engineer 注册结构工程师,Chartered civil engineer注册土木工程师,structural engineering 结构工程,permanent structures 永久结构,hydraulic engineering 水利工程,Warm up: new phrases (text),come into use 开始被使用,e.g. The new car will come into use next month. 那辆新车将于下月开始使用。,environmental/sanitary engineering 环境或环卫工程,water supply供水,water purification水的净化,sewer systems污水处理系统,urban planning and design城市规划,military engineering军事工程,permanent structures永久性建筑结构,civilian use民用,使用时,直接删除本页!,精品课件,你值得拥有,!,精品课件,你值得拥有,!,使用时,直接删除本页!,精品课件,你值得拥有,!,精品课件,你值得拥有,!,使用时,直接删除本页!,精品课件,你值得拥有,!,精品课件,你值得拥有,!,Thank You!,土木工程英语教材 UNIT 1,


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