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,.,选词填空,known for, at the beginning, of great importance,ups and downs, varieties of, play a great role in,date back, related to, refer to, according to,1. What does the italicised words _ in the,sentence?,refer to,2. China is widely _ its ancient civilisation.,3. _ written Chinese was a picture,based language.,4. The traditional handicraft(,传统手工艺,) can _,_ thousands of years ago.,5. That writing system was _.,known for,At the beginning,date,back,of great importance,6. China _ global affairs.,7. _ the writer, the Chinese writing,system is an important part of Chinese culture.,8. Then look in the text for the words they are _,_.,plays a great role in,According to,related,to,.,文本整体理解,:,理清文章架构,.,文本细节理解,:,探寻语篇细节信息,1. What is the first written Chinese like?,A. It is a kind of picture painted on,longgu,.,B. It can date back to the Shang Dynasty.,C. It is a symbol carved on animal bones and shells.,D. It has a variety of dialects.,2. Which of the following is true except_.,A. Written Chinese has a long history of more than,3, 600 years,B. Written Chinese has different forms before,C. Foreign people much like Chinas culture and history now,D. The ancient symbol language cant be seen in today s,hanzi,3. The passage expresses that China has continued its civilisation all the way because_.,A. China plays a great role in global affairs,B. The Chinese writing system connects Chinas present with its past,C. The Chinese writing system can unite the Chinese people,D. Qin Shihuang made the Chinese writing system begin to develop in one direction,答案,:,13. CDC,.,文本素养提升,:,阅读技能综合运用,(1),译文,:,因为那是一个中国人被按照地理位置来划分区域,的时代,所以历经数年后,它发展成不同的形式, _,_,。,因此产,生了很多种方言和文字,(2),译文,:,对汉字书写体系的重视在汉字发展中就可以看,得出来,它发展成为一门艺术, _,_,。,成为中国文化的重要组,成部分,书法,根据课文完成短文,China is (1)_(wide) known for its ancient,civilisation, which can continue because of one of the,main (2) _(factor)Chinese writing system. (3)_,the beginning , written Chinese were symbols which,(4) _(carve) on animal bones and shells. By,widely,factors,At,were carved,the Shang Dynasty, these symbols had become a well-,developed writing system. At that time the Chinese,people were divided geographically. Many (5)_,(various)of dialects and characters appeared. By the,Qin Dynasty, the Chinese writing system began to,develop into one direction, which helped to unite the,varieties,people and culture. Even today, no matter (6) _,people live or what dialect they speak, they can still,communicate in (7)_(write). Written Chinese,has become a means (8) _ which Chinas present is,connected with its past. And it has become an art,form Chinese calligraphy. Today as China plays a,where,writing,by,(9) _ (great)role in global affairs, more and,more international students (10) _(begin),to appreciate Chinas culture and history by learning,Chinese.,greater,are beginning,【,阅读微技巧,】,速览文章内容,寻找时间信息,把握作者写作的基本思路,1.,关注每一段的段首句,注意作者说明事物的顺序。如,at the beginning, by the Shang Dynasty, today,等,2.,关注对汉字书写系统发展的描述,明确本文行文的逻辑条理。从以上两个方面来理清作者的写作思路,1. base,vt.,以,为据点,;,以,为基础,n.,底部,;,根据,*,I,base,my hopes,on,the news I had yesterday.,我的希望是以我昨天得到的消息为根据的。,*(2019,北京高考,)A lot of business is still done over the phone, and much of it,is based on,trust and existing relationships.,许多生意是通过电话进行的,并且大部分是建立在信任和可持续的关系的基础上的。,*,We judge a worker,on the basis of,his work.,我们根据工作表现评价工人。,*The family is the,basic,unit of society.,家庭是社会的基本单位。,【,语块积累,】,(1)base. . . on/upon. . .,把,建立在,基础之上,(2)based,adj.,以,(,某事,),为基础的,;,以,为重要部分,(,或特征,),的,be based on/upon,以,为基础,;,依据,(3)basis,n.,基础,;,基本原则,on the basis of,以,为根据,(4)basic,adj.,基本的,;,基础的,【,即学活用,】,语法填空,(1)We always base our idea _ facts.,(2)The suggestion was made on the _(base)of second-hand information.,on/upon,basis,(3)The right to work is a _(base)right of the citizens.,(4) _(base)on a lot of researches, his plan is very,practical.,basic,Based,2. means,n.,方式,;,方法,;,途径,*,Written Chinese has also become an important,means,by which China s present is connected with its past.,汉语书面语也成为了连接中国过去和现在的重要工具。,*,Shall I ask him to come in?,我请他进来好吗,?,By all means,.,当然可以。,*,The water may be carried,by means of,a pipe.,水可以用管子输送。,*,This is,by no means,the first time you have been late.,这绝不是你第一次迟到了。,【,语块积累,】,by this means,用这种方法,by all means,当然可以,;,一定,务必,by means of,用,;,依靠,;,借助于,by no means,绝不,一点也不,(,放在句首时,句子用部分倒装语序,),【,名师点津,】,单复数同形的,means,means,是单复数同形的名词,它的单复数意义取决于它的修饰词。,*,All,means,have been tried, but he still failed.,*,Every,means,has been tried, but he still failed.,一切方法都试过了,但他还是失败了。,【,知识延伸,】,动词,mean,的用法,(1)mean doing sth. “,意味着”,其主语通常是指事物的词。,(2)mean to do sth. “,打算或企图做某事”,其主语通常是表示人的名词或代词,其过去完成时表示“本来打算做某事”。,(3)mean sb. to do sth. “,打算让某人做某事”。,(4)What do / did you mean by. . . ? “,你,是什么意思,? ”,(5)be meant for“,打算给予,;,打算作,用”,*,Being a student,means studying,hard.,作为一个学生,意味着你要努力学习。,*We,mean to call on,you tomorrow.,我们打算明天看望你。,*,He,had meant to leave,on Sunday, but has stayed on.,他本来想星期天走的,但又留了下来。,*,I,mean you to work,as our spokesman.,我想请你当我们的代言人。,*,What do you mean by,acting like this?,你这样做是什么意思,?,*These rooms,are meant for,the childrens centre.,这些房间是打算用作儿童活动中心的。,【,即学活用,】,(1)She is _ stupid.,她一点儿也不笨。,(2)I escaped _ a secret tunnel.,我通过一条秘密通道逃跑了。,by no means,by means of,(3)Try _ to save the dying.,一定要尽力抢救那个垂危的病人。,(4)Every possible means _.,一切可能的办法都试过了。,by all means,has been tried,3. regard,n.,尊重,;,关注,vt.,把,视为,;,看待,*,The high,regard,for the Chinese writing,system,can be seen in the development of Chinese characters as an art form.,词汇复现,对汉字书写体系的重视在汉字发展成为一种艺术形式的过程中可见一斑。,*The teacher wishes to speak to you,in regard to,being late.,关于迟到的事,老师希望同你谈谈。,*,Please,give my kind regards to,your family.,请代我向你家人问好。,*,He,is regarded as,the most promising player.,他被看成最有希望的球员。,【,语块积累,】,give ones regards to sb.,向,致意,;,代,向,问候,关于,;,至于,regard. . . as. . .,把,看作是,【,即学活用,】,语法填空,(1)Please give my kind _(regard)to your family.,(2)I regarded him _ a dangerous person.,(3)I have nothing to say _ regard to your question.,regards,as,in/with,4. appreciate,vt.,欣赏,;,重视,;,感激,;,领会,vi.,增值,*,An increasing number of international students are beginning to,appreciate,Chinese culture and history.,越来越多的世界各国的学生开始欣赏中国的文化和历史。,*,I do not,appreciate,fully what he means.,我完全不理解他的意思。,*We shall,appreciate hearing,from you again.,我们将很感激再次收到你的信。,*,(2019,全国卷,)I,would appreciate it if,you could take my application into consideration.,如果你能考虑我的申请,我将不胜感激。,*I didnt realize that I had forgotten to express my,appreciation,to the boy until I got home.,直到回家,我才意识到我忘了对那个男孩表达谢意。,【,语块积累,】,(1)appreciate+,n. /pron. /v.,-ing,重视,/,感激,I would appreciate it if . . .,假如,我将不胜感激,(2)appreciation,n.,欣赏,;,感激,【,熟词生义,】,Houses in this area have all,appreciated,in value since,the new road was built. (,),新路建好之后这一地区的房子都增值了。,vi.,增值,【,即学活用,】,语法填空,(1)We appreciate your _(help)us.,(2)I would appreciate _ if you would send me the postcard as soon as possible.,(3)Our house _(appreciate) by 50% in the last two years.,helping,it,has appreciated,5. refer to,谈到,;,提及,;,涉及,*,Write the kind of information they,refer to,.,写出他们谈到的信息。,*,Does your words,refer to,all of us?,你说的话是针对我们所有的人吗,?,*The regulations,refer,only,to,children.,这些规定只适用于儿童。,*,I,referred to,my watch for the exact time.,我看了一下手表好知道准确时间。,*,The children used to,refer to,that old teacher as Grandpa.,孩子们通常称那位老教师为爷爷。,【,导图理词,】,【,即学活用,】,根据语境猜测词义,(1)No one,referred to,the matter again. ( ),(2)When I said some people were stupid I wasnt,referring to,you. ( ),(3)The new law does not,refer to,land used for farming.,( ),提及,指的是,有关,;,适用于,(4)If you dont know the exact meaning of the word,you may,refer to,the dictionary. ( ),(5)English is,referred to as,a universal language.,( ),查阅,把,称作是,6. date back (to. . . ),追溯到,*,It,dates back,several thousand years to,longgu.,它可以追溯到数千年前的龙骨。,*,This castle,dating back to,Roman times lay in ruins.,这个可追溯到罗马时代的城堡成了废墟。,*The Great Wall,dates from,the third century B. C.,万里长城建成于公元前三世纪。,*,Much of the information in that book is now,out of date,.,那本书中的材料有许多现在已经过时。,*,The car is a beauty and quite,up to date,.,那辆车子很漂亮,是最新式的。,【,语块积累,】,date from,追溯到,;,始于,date back to,追溯到,;,始于,up to date,时髦的,out of date,过时的,【,名师点津,】,date back to,三注意,date back to,和,date from,一般不用于进行时态和被动语态。作后置定语时,需用现在分词形式。,【,即学活用,】,单句语法填空,(1)The history of the town dates back _ the Middle,Ages.,(2)Our friendship _(date)back to 1960.,(3)A lot of new words go _ of date very quickly.,to,dates,out,(4)They are very _ to date in their method of,language teaching.,(5)According to the expert, the vase has a history,_(date) back to the early Tang Dynasty.,up,dating,7. Even today,no matter where,Chinese people live or what dialect they speak, they can all still communicate in writing.,即使在今天,不论住在哪里,也不论说何种方言,中国人都能通过书写进行交流。,【,句式解构,】,no matter where/when/who/what/how,是一个引导让步状语从句的连词结构,意为,:,无论在哪里,/,何时,/,是谁,/,什么,/,怎样,。可置于句首、句中、句尾。,*,No matter what,you do, you must be very careful.,不管做什么事,你都必须非常细心。,No matter who,you are (=Whoever you are), Ill never let you in.,无论你是谁,我绝不让你进去。,*,Ill discuss it with you,no matter when,you like.,无论什么时候,只要你喜欢,我都将同你讨论这件事。,【,知识延伸,】,(1)whatever, whoever, whichever, whomever , however,也可引导让步状语从句,相当于,no matter what/who/ which/whom,。,(2)whatever, whoever, whichever, whomever,也可引导,名词性从句。,*,However far away,(=,No matter how far away,) we are, we feel close to each other.,无论我们距离有多远,我们都感觉彼此很亲近。,*,We will never give up studying,whatever,(=,no matter what,) happens.,无论发生什么事,我们都不会放弃学习。,*,Whoeve,r(=,No matter who,) is interested in making small inventions can join in it.,任何对小发明感兴趣的人都可以参加。,【,即学活用,】,(1)Ill post that letter _ Wilson says.,不管威尔逊说什么,我都要寄出那封信。,(2) _ you like , you can take it away.,你喜欢哪个就拿走哪个。,no matter what,No matter which,(3) _ hot it is, he will not take off his coat.,无论多热,他也不会脱掉外套。,No matter how,【,要点拾遗,】,1. native,adj.,出生地的,;,本地的,;,土著的,n.,本地人,*,French is not my,native language,.,法语不是我的母语。,*,Banana is,native to,Taiwan.,香蕉是台湾的土产。,*,The kangaroo is,a native of,Australia.,袋鼠是澳大利亚的土生动物。,【,语块积累,】,a native of,生于,的人,原产于,的动植物,be native to,原产于,/,原籍是,native land,本国,祖国,native language,母语,【,即学活用,】,(1)He is _ _ _ _.,他是北京当地人。,(2)She _ _ _ Shanghai.,她原籍上海。,(3) _ is as pretty as a picture.,祖国河山美丽如画。,a,native,of,Beijing,was,native,to,Our native land,2. variety,n.,(,植物、语言等的,),变体,;,异体,;,多样化,*,The Chinese people were divided geographically, leading to many,varieties,of dialects and,characters,.,中国人被按照地理位置划分区域,因此产生了各种方言和文字。词汇复现,*There are,a large variety of,cars on sale in the market.,市场上有大量的各式各样的汽车出售。,*,Opinions on this matter,vary from,person,to,person.,对于这件事,各人意见不一。,*,They often quarrel for,various,reasons.,他们经常因种种原因吵架。,【,语块积累,】,(2)various,adj.,不同的,;,各种各样的,for various reasons,由于种种原因,(3)vary,vt. &,vi.,改变,;,变化,vary from. . . to. . .,从,到,不等,;,在,到,之间变动,【,即学活用,】,语法填空,(1)There are _ goods in the supermarket, and,the prices _ from cents to dollars. The _,attracts many customers. (variety),(2)The research team is made up of the pupils, whose,ages vary from 10 _ 15.,various,vary,variety,to,3. major,adj.,主要的,;,大的,;,重要的,n.,主修课程,;,主修学生,vi.,主修,;,专门研究,*,Emperor Qinshihuang united the seven,major,states into one unified country.,秦始皇把七个主要的国家联合成一个统一的国家。,*,English is my,major,at university.,我大学学的专业是英语。,*She,majored in,maths and physics at university.,她在大学里主修数学和物理。,*,The majority of,people prefer peace to war.,多数人要和平,不要战争。,*,He believes that his supporters are,in the majority,.,他相信支持他的人占多数。,【,语块积累,】,(1)major in,主修,;,以,为专业,(2)majority,n.,大多数,;,大半,a/the majority of. . .,大多数,in the/a majority,占多数,【,即学活用,】,(1)The car needs _ _.,这辆汽车需要大修。,(2)In college I _ _ natural science. What was _ _?,上大学时我主修自然科学,你当时学什么专业,?,major repairs,majored,in,your major,(3)The _ _ _ _ _ was ruined by the earthquake.,这座城镇的大部分已被这次地震毁成一片废墟。,(4) _ _ _ students were in favour of the suggestion.,大多数学生赞同这个建议。,major,part,of,the,town,The,majority,of,4. of great importance,很重要,*,The writing system was,of great importance,in uniting the Chinese people and culture.,这种书写方式在中华民族和文化方面的融合上起了至关重要的作用。,*,It is of importance that,he is ready in mind to accept the future .,他在心理上已准备好接受未来这一点很重要。,*,His better means of communication is,of great help,.,他的更好的交流方式很有帮助。,【,语块积累,】,(1)be of +,抽象名词 就等于这个名词的形容词,通常在,of,的前面会有形容词,great/little/much/a lot of,来表示程度。,(2)be of value=be valuable,很有价值,值钱,be of much help=be very helpful,很有帮助,be of use=be useful,有用处,【,即学活用,】,语法填空,(1)I have a matter _ importance to deal with.,(2)He has made an _(importance)contribution,to the companys success.,(3)These things are of _(helpful)for my future life.,of,important,help,5.,As China plays a greater role in global affairs, an increasing number of international students are beginning to appreciate Chinas culture and history through this amazing language.,随着中国在全球事务中扮演着更为重要的角色,越来越多的世界各国的学生开始通过汉语这一奇妙的语言了解和欣赏中国的文化和历史。,【,句式解构,】,此句中,as,引导时间状语从句,意为“随着,”,强调两个动作同时发生,;,或某事一发生,另一事立即发生。,此外, as,引导时间状语从句时,还可译为,: “,当,的时候”, “,一边,一边”。,*The book explains how animals and plants develop,as,the environment changes.,这本书解释了随着环境的变化,动植物是如何进化的。,*,He shouted aloud,as,he ran along.,他一边往前跑,一边高声地呼喊。,*,He quickly got off the bus,as,the door opened.,车门一开,他就快速跳下了车。,【,知识延伸,】,1.,引导原因状语从句,译为,: “,因为,由于”,与,because,的用法相近。,2.,引导方式状语从句或比较状语从句,译为,: “,正如, (,如,),像”。,3.,引导让步状语从句,常用倒装语序,即把从句中的表语、状语或动词原形放在,as,之前。译为,: “,虽然,尽管”。,4. as作关系代词。,(1)引导限制性定语从句, 用在“such. . . as”, “the same. . . as”, “as. . . as”等结构中, 常译作“像一样的人(或物)”, “凡是的人(或物)”。,(2),引导非限制性定语从句,用来指代它前面的整个句子,(,即先行句,),意思是“这一点”。这个分句可以位于句首、句中或句末。,*,I must stop writing now,as,I have rather a lot of work to do.,我必须停笔了,因为我还有许多工作要做。,(,原因状语从句,),*When at Rome, do,as,Romans do.,入乡随俗。,(,方式状语从句,),*Strange,as,it may seem, it is true.,尽管这事看上去可能很奇怪,但却是真的。,(,让步状语从句,),*Try,as,he might, Tom could not get out of the difficulties.,不管怎样努力,汤姆还是摆脱不了困境。,(,让步状语从句,),*He wished to be,such a man as,Lei Feng was.,他曾希望做一个像雷锋那样的人。,(,定语从句,),*My hometown is no longer,the same as,it was.,我的家乡再也不像过去一样了。,(,定语从句,),*,As,is well known, oceans cover more than 70% of the earth.,我们知道,海洋占地球面积的百分之七十以上。,(,非限制性定语从句,),


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