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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,高中英语,动词不定式,so that,adj/adv + enough to do sth,be caught in,as a result of as a result,wake up to,形式宾语,make/think/feel/find+it +adj to do,形式主语,It is + adj+(for sb) to do/doing/,从句,prevent sb/sth (from) doing sth,one after another,sweep away,have an effect on ,take in give out,I couldnt agree with you more,I have no idea,in a nutshell,Its scary,Ill do my best,from what I understand,put into take away,if possible try to do sth,look after think about,非谓语动词,doing,动名词&现在分词,done,过去分词,to do,不定式,to do,可以作除谓语之外的任何成分,不定式的形式:,主动,被动,一般式,to do,to be done,进行式,to be doing,/,完成式,to have done,to have been done,其否定形式:,not to do,一般式:表示不定式的动作与谓语动词动作同时发生或发生在谓语动词动作之后。,He seems to know French,.(,同时发生),I expect to hear from you soon.,hear from you,动作在,expect,之后,2) 进行式:表示不定式的动作与谓语动词同时发生并在进行中。,He pretends to be working hard.,3),完成式:表示不定式的动作发生在谓语动词之前。,I regretted to have told a lie,.,先发生,关于句子成分:,必不可少的成分:,主语 + 谓语 (+ 宾语),主语 + 系动词 + 表语,其它成分:,定语,状语,补足语,I,had,a very difficult,job,to do,in my office,yesterday.,主语,谓语,定语,宾语,定语,地点状语,时间状语,不定式的句法功能:,作主语 谓语动词用单三形式,常用,it,作形式主语,To learn English well,is,not easy.,=,It,is not easy,to learn English well,.,you are foolish,在形式主语中,It is + adj+,for sb,to do,与,It is +adj+,of sb,to do,的区别,for sb,结构中,adj,表示事情的特征,指客观情况,of sb,结构中,adj,说明,sb,的特征。,It is,foolish of you,to say such words.,It is,necessary for us,to learn our lessons well.,we are necessary,2),作表语 (系动词之后为表语),Your job is,to wash dishes,.,All I,did,was (to) give him some advice,.,表语不定式如果解释主语中,do,的意义时,,to,可以省略。,3) 作宾语 在,vt,之后 用,to do,形式,此类动词:,decide,hope,fail,plan,pretend,refuse,manage,agree,promise,等,She promised to give him a chance.,4),作宾语补足语,v + sb/sth + to do,(,补充说明),此类动词:,want, wish, ask, tell, teach, allow,等,He told me not to bring you anything.,注意:,to do,在感官动词,see, hear, watch, feel, notice,等和使役动词,let, make, have,等后面作宾补时,省略,to,.,而,help,之后的,to,可加可不加。,I never,let,my child,stay,in the house all day.,I,heard,her,say,that shed like to go with me.,Could you,help,me,(to) repair,the car?,The doctor make him,give up drinking,.,被动:,He was made,to,give up,drinking,.(,主语补足语),5) 作定语 (修饰名词,),to do,作定语与所饰名词有以下关系:,主谓关系,动宾关系,同位关系,,如:,She was the first,girl,to work out,the problem.,(,主谓关系),He has an important,meeting,to attend,.,(,动宾关系),He keeps,his promise,to write to us,regularly.,(,同位关系),动宾关系时:定语,to do,的动词如果是不及物动词或情况需要时,,,后面应加有必要的介词,如:,Have you got a,pencil,to draw pictures,with,.,He is a,man,to depend,on,.,6),作状语:目的,原因,结果,条件,We were very excited,to hear the news,.(,原因),He hurried to the school,only to find nobody there,. (,结果),To look at him, you would like him. (,条件),I came to Beijing,to see you,. (,目的状语),作目的状语时,to do,中的,to,可用,in order to,或,so as to,代替,以加强语气,,so as to,不放句首,In order to see you, I came to Beijing.,I came to Beijing,so as to see you,.,否定时,用,in order not to,或,so as not to,而不用,not to,.,They started very early,in order not to/ so as not to,miss the train.,They started early,not to,miss the train.,X,两个结构:,too to ,太而不能,She is too nervous to answer the question.,如果,too,前有,否定词,,整个句子用,否定表肯定,,表示一种委婉含义,译为“不太”,Its never too late to mend.,改过不嫌晚,当,too,前有,only, all, but,时,too= very,I am,only too,pleased,to,be able to help you.,我非常高兴能帮助你。,She was,but too,eager,to,get home.,她很想回家,adj+ enough + to do,足够去做,7),to do,与疑问词(,how,what,where,when,等)连用起名词作用,可做主语,表语,宾语,补足语,He didnt know,what to say,.,How to solve the problem,is still unknown.,No one told me,where to find him,.,This is just,what I want,.,8),to do,中的省略,to do,中动词,do,的省略,The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him,not to,.,not to = not to ride his bicycle in the street,为了避免重复,省略了,to,后内容.,常出现在下列动词之后:,expect, hope, wish, mean, prefer, care, forget, want, try,或出现在,be glad , be happy, would like, would love,等结构之后,如:,_,Would you like to go with me?,_I,would like to,.,省略,to,的常见情况:,在某些情态动词和助动词,do, shall, will, would, can, could, may, might, must, need, dare,等后面,省去,to,如:,You must,stay,here now.,see, hear, watch, notice, feel,make, let, have,+宾语+,do,在“,why (not)+,不定式,”结构中,不定式不带,to,Why,spend,so much money?,Why not,let,him have a try?,如果介词,except,but,前面有动词,do,的某种形式,其后不定式不带,to,其他情况带,to,Mary,did,nothing except/but,clean,the dishes.,It,had,no effect except,to make,him angry.,下列固定短语:,cant (couldnt) but do,cant (couldnt) help but do,cant choose but do ,不得不,had better, would rather,之后+,do,I,cannot but,solve,the problem by myself.,I,would rather,stay,at home than go out.,不定式的被动式,He,preferred,to be given,some heavier work to do.,to do,逻辑上的主语,是,do,动作的,承受者,时,用不定式被动形式。,He didnt expect,the book,to be so well received,.,He,preferred,to have been given,some heavier work to do.,在“,There be,”,句型中,当说话人考虑的是,有人去完成某事,时,用,to do,的,主动,形式。如果强调,事情本身必须要做,时,则用,to do,的,被动,形式。如:,There is a lot of work,to do,.,有许多工作要(人)去做。,(需要人去做工作),There is a lot of work,to be done,.,有许多工作要做。,(工作需要被做),There is nothing,to do,.,(,什么都不做,无所事事),There is nothing,to be done,.,(,任何事情都做不了,没有办法了),主动表被动的情况,We,still have many,difficulties,to overcome,.,(1)不定式,to do,与其修饰,名词,构成,动宾,关系(,overcome the difficulties,),,又和该句,主语,构成逻辑,主谓,关系(,We overcome difficulties,)时,不定式常用,主动式,。,He,needs,a room,to live in,. (he live in a room),We,should take measures instead of waiting here for,problems,to be solved,.(,等着问题解决,,主语不是,we,),I feel really tired because,I,still have many,problems,to solve,.(I solve the problems),(2)在“,主语 + 系动词 +,adj + to do,”,结构中,句子的,主语,与动词,不定式,有逻辑上的,动宾,关系,且,adj,表示,主语的特征或性质,。该结构中常用的形容词有:,easy , hard , difficult , important , impossible , interesting , pleasant , nice , comfortable , safe , dangerous , cheap , fit , heavy,等,He,is not,easy,to persuade,.(to persuade him),He,is,hard,to talk to,.(to talk to him),


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