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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,English for Special Purposes in Civil Engineering,作者:,蒲万丽,西南石油大学土木工程学院,2007年10月,土木工程专业英语,Lesson 3,Text:,Components of A Building,教学要求:,1、,掌握有关专业术语;,2、 熟悉一些常见的表达方式;,3、 延伸了解一些有名的建筑、建筑师、工程师;,4、 拓展专业知识;,5、 能正确、流畅地翻译,Materials and structural forms are combined to make up the various parts of a building, including the,load-carrying frame,skin, floors, and,partitions,. The building also has mechanical and electrical systems, such as elevators,heating and cooling systems, and lighting systems. The,superstructure,is that part of a building above ground, and the,substructure,and foundation is that part of a building,load-carrying frame:,承重骨架;,load-bearing frame,partition, p:tin :,隔墙,,隔断;,heating and cooling systems:,供热制冷系统,below ground.,材料和结构形式结合在一起组成的建筑的各个部分,包括承重的框架、围护结构、楼板和隔板。建筑还包含机电系统,如电梯、供热制冷系统以及照明系统。上部结构是建筑的地上部分,下部结构和基础则位于地面以下。,The skyscraper,owes,its existence,to,two developments of the 19th century: steel skeleton construction and the passenger elevator. Steel as a construction material dates from the introduction of the,Bessemer converter,in 1855. Gustave Eiffel(1832-1923) introduced steel construction in France. His designs for the,Galerie des Machines,and the Tower for the Paris Exposition of 1889 expressed the lightness of the steel framework. The,Eiffel Tower, 984 feet(300 meters) high, was the tallest structure built by man and was not surpassed until 40 years later by a series of American,skyscrapers.,Bessemer converter :,贝色明转炉;,Galerie des Machines,:,机械馆,;,摩天大厦的存在归功于19世纪的两大发明:钢结构和载人电梯。钢结构作为建筑材料起源于1885年贝色麦转炉法的推广。Gustave Eiffel在法国率先使用了钢结构。他为1889年巴黎博览设计的机械馆和铁塔展现了钢结构的轻巧。埃菲尔铁塔高984英尺(300米),是当时最高的建筑,直到40年后,才被美国的一系列摩天大楼超过了它的高度。,Alexandre Gustave Eiffel,(18321923 ) was a French engineer and architect and a specialist of metallic structures. He is famous for designing the,Eiffel Tower, built for,the,1889,Universal Exposition,in Paris, France, and the armature for the,Statue of Liberty, New York Harbor, USA.,Information,Completed in,1889,Status,demolished (1909),Structural Type,truss roof,three-hinged arch truss,Part of,World Exposition 1889,faade,glass,building,structure,wrought iron (熟铁),width,115 m,height,43.50 m,length,420 m,Galerie des Machines,机械馆是1889年的巴黎世界博览会上最重要的建筑之一,它运用当时最先进的结构和施工技术,采用钢制三铰拱桁架,(three-hinged arch truss),,跨度达到115米,堪称跨度方面的大跃进!陈列馆共有20榀这样的钢拱,形成宽115米、长420米,内部毫无阻挡的庞大室内空间。,Information,Location,Paris,France,Status,Complete,Constructed,1889,Use,Observation tower, Radio broadcasting tower,Height,Antenna/Spire,324 m (1,063 ft),Roof,300.65 m (986 ft),Companies,Architect,Gustave Eiffel,StructuralEngineer,Gustave Eiffel,ServicesEngineer,Gustave Eiffel,The Eiffel Tower had a huge impact on France. The tower was the focal point of the,Exposition Universelle,(1889) and drew millions of people to Paris. Nearly two million people visited the,Eiffel Tower,in 1889 alone. The tower quickly became a tourist attraction and brought large amounts of money into Frances economy. After originally being thought of as an eyesore, the tower quickly became a,national symbol,of France and brought,a sense of pride,to the people who live there. In 1910 Gustave Eiffel accomplished extraordinary outcomes in determining the wind resistance of a flat plate; Gustave used the Eiffel Tower as his test platform.,Eiffel Tower under construction in July 1888,The first elevator was installed by,Elisha Otis,in a department store in New York in 1857. In 1889, Eiffel installed the first elevator on a grand scale in the Eiffel Tower, whose,hydraulic,elevators could transport 2,350 passengers to the summit every hour.,hydraulic, haidr:lik ,:,水力的,水压的;,summit:, smit ,:,顶点,;,比较:,电梯,elevator, ,eliveit,lift,自动扶梯,e,scalator, ,eskleit,步行楼梯,stairs,Elisha Graves Otis,(,1811.8.-1861.4),invented a safety device that prevented,elevators,from falling if the hoisting cable broke. He worked on this device while living in,Yonkers, New York,in 1852 , and had a finished product in 1854.,Load-Carrying Frame. Until the late 19th century, the,exterior walls,of a building were used as bearing walls to support the floors. This construction is essentially a,post and lintel,type, and it is still used in frame construction for houses.,Bearing- wall,construction limited the height of buildings because of the enormous wall thickness required; for instance, the 16-story,Monadnock Building,built in the 1880s in Chicago had walls 5 feet(1.5 meters) thick at the,lower floors.,Load-Carrying Frame:,承重框架,,load-bearing frame,exterior walls :,外墙;,b,earing- wall,:,承重墙;,承重结构。直到19世纪后叶,外墙依然被用来做承重墙来支承楼板。这种结构本质上是一种过梁柱,现在依然在住宅结构中使用。由于墙体的厚度,承重墙限制了建筑的高度。例如,建于19世纪80年代的芝加哥Monadnock大楼底层墙厚达5英尺(米)。,Monadnock Building,In 1883,William Le Baron Jenney,(1832-1907) supported floors on,cast-iron,columns to form a cage-like construction. Skeleton construction, consisting of steel beams and columns, was first used in 1889. As a consequence of skeleton construction, the,enclosing walls,become a “curtain wall” rather than serving a supporting function.,Masonry,was the curtain wall material until the 1930s, when light metal and glass curtain walls were used. After the introduction of the steel skeleton, the height of,cast-iron,:, k:stain 铸铁;,m,asonry, meisnri :,砖石、砌体;,buildings continued to increase rapidly.,William Le Baron Jenney,芝加哥学派,(,Chicago School 18831893,高层、铁框架、横向大窗、简单,)的创始人。,William Le Baron Jenney,(1832-1907),William Le Baron Jenney is a civil engineering, an architect. He is known as the Father of the American Skyscraper.,代表作品:,1、迪瑞威曼住宅,Deere-Wiman House,2、家庭保险大楼,Home Insurance Building,All tall buildings were built with a skeleton of steel until World War II. After the war, the shortage of steel and the improved quality of concrete led to tall buildings being built of,reinforced concrete,.,Marina Towers,(1962) in Chicago is the tallest concrete building in the United States; its height-588feet(179 metes)-is exceeded by the 650-foot(198-meter),Post Office Tower,in London and by other towers.,reinforced concrete:,钢筋混凝土;,二战以前,所有的高层建筑都是采用钢结构。战后,钢材的短缺以及混凝土质量的发展,产生了钢筋混凝土高层建筑。芝加哥的Marina Towers(1962)是美国最高的混凝土建筑,高588英尺,后来伦敦650英尺高的Post Office Tower以及其他塔式建筑超过了他的高度。,Marina Towers. 61层,有城中之城之称,又被称为Marina City。,The architecture combines the function of an office block with the function of a radio tower, producing a structure which is strangely thinner in the middle than at the top and bottom. This wasp waist effect has always had style and may look futuristic in some ways,but at the time it was built in the 1960s* it was an astonishing futuristic architectural statement.,A change in attitude about skyscraper construction has brought a return to the use of the bearing wall. In New York City, the,Columbia Broadcasting System Building, designed by,Eero Saarinen,in 1962, has a,perimeter,wall,consisting of 5-foot(1.5-meter)wide concrete columns spaced 10feet (3 meters) from column center to center. This perimeter wall, in effect, constitutes a,bearing wall,. One reason for this trend is that,stiffness,against the action of wind can be economically obtained by using the walls of the building as a tube; the,World Trade Center,buildings are another example of this tube approach. In contrast,rigid frames,or vertical,trusses,are usually,provided to give,lateral stability,.,Columbia Broadcasting System Building,:哥伦比亚广播公司大楼;,perimeter wall,:, primit ,围墙;,bearing wall,:承重墙;,stiffness,:刚度;,rigid frames,:刚架;,truss,: trs 桁架;,lateral stability:,侧向稳定性,;,而后,人们摩天大楼的结构形式,有了不同的看法,又回归到采用墙承重。1962年,由Eero Saarinen设计的在纽约建成的哥伦比亚广播大厦,5英尺宽、间距为10英尺的混凝土柱子构成了一个环形墙。这种环形墙实际上组成了一个承重墙。产生这种趋势,是因为将建筑的墙体作为一个筒体,其刚度可以非常经济地抵抗风荷载。世贸大厦是另一个采用这种方式的例子。相比之下,刚架或者垂直桁架常用来保证侧向稳定性。,Eero Saarinen(,沙里宁 ),:,(,August 20,1910, in,Kirkkonummi,Finland,September 1,1961,Ann Arbor, Michigan,United States,) was a Finnish American architect and product designer of the,20th century,famous for varying his style according to the demands of the project:,simple, sweeping,(,making an important difference to something,),arching structural curves,or,machine-like rationalism,.,杰斐逊国家纪念碑,“城市是一本打开的书,从中可以看到它的抱负。”,“让我看看你的城市,我就能说出这个城市居民在文化上追求的是什么。”,Eero Saarinen(,E沙里宁 ):,Skin.,The skin of a building consist of both,transparent,elements,(windows)and,opaque,elements(walls). Windows are traditionally glass, although plastics are being used, especially in schools where breakage creates a,maintenance,problem. The wall elements, which are used to cover the structure and are supported by it , are built of a variety of materials: brick,precast,concrete, stone, opaque glass, plastics, steel, and,aluminum,. Wood is used mainly in house construction; it is not generally used for commercial, industrial, or public buildings because,of the fire,hazard,.,transparent, trnsprnt ,:透明的;,element,:,构件;,opaque, upeik ,:不透明的;,maintenance, meintinns ,:维护;,precast,:预制的;,aluminum, .ljuminim :铝;,hazard, hzd ,:,冒险,危险,危害,;,外壳。建筑的表层由透明的(窗户)和不透明的(墙)组成。窗户传统上采用玻璃,尽管有时也采用塑料,特别是在学校因为破碎而产生维护问题的情况下。墙体是用来围护和支撑结构用的,其材料很多有:砖,预制混凝土,石材,透明的玻璃、塑料还有铝等。木材是重要的房屋建筑材料,由于火灾危险很少用于商业、工业或公共建筑中。,Floors.,The construction of the floors in a building depends on the basic structural frame that is used. In steel skeleton construction, floors are either,slabs,of concrete,resting on,steel beams or a,deck,consisting of,corrugated steel,with a concrete topping.,In concrete construction, the floors are either slabs of concrete on concrete beams or a series of closely spaced concrete beams(,ribs,) in two directions topped with a,thin concrete slab, giving the appearance of a,waffle,on its underside.,The kind of floor that is used depends on the span between supporting columns or walls and the function of the,space.,slab,:楼板、平板;,rest on,:,依靠,由支撑;,deck,:板、面板;,corrugated steel, krgeitid :波纹钢板;,rib,:肋;,waffle, wfl : 格子;,延伸:,composite floor with profiled steel sheet,压型钢板组合楼板,composite floor system,组合楼盖,ribbed slab floor,密肋楼板,slab-column system,无梁楼盖,stiffening rib,加劲肋,楼板。楼板结构取决于结构的形式。在钢结构中,楼板是支撑在钢梁上的混凝土板,或者是波纹钢板加混凝土面层的楼板。在混凝土结构中,楼板是支撑在混凝土梁上的混凝土板,或者是一系列排列紧密的双向梁(肋)加上部的混凝土薄板,板下面呈格状。,girder,post poured concrete,profiled steel sheet,secondary beam,composite floor with profiled steel sheet,In an apartment building, for instance, where walls and columns are spaced at 12 to 18 feet (3.7 to 5.5 meters), the most popular construction is,a solid concrete slab with no beams,. The underside of the slab serves as the ceiling for the space below it.,Corrugated steel decks,are often used in office buildings because the corrugations, when enclosed by another sheet of metal, form ducts for telephone,and electrical lines,延伸:,a solid concrete slab with no beams,slab-column system,无梁楼盖,例如,在一幢公寓中,柱间距为12到18英尺(米到米),最普遍的是实心的无梁楼板。板下部可作为下层空间的顶棚。办公大楼中常使用波纹钢楼板,这是因为当波纹钢楼板的波纹被另一块金属板盖上时可以形成 线和电线管道。,Mechanical and Electrical Systems.,A modern building not only contains the space for which it is intended (office, classroom, apartment) but also contains,ancillary,space for mechanical and electrical systems that help to provide a comfortable environment. These ancillary spaces in a skyscraper office building may constitute 25% of the total building area. The importance of heating,ventilating, electrical, and,plumbing,systems in an office building is shown by the fact that 40% of the,ancillary, nsilri :,辅助的;,ventilating,:,通风 ;,plumbing systems, plmi :,管道系统;,construction budget is allocated to them.,Because of the increased use of sealed buildings with windows that cannot be opened,elaborate,mechanical systems are provided for ventilation and air conditioning.,Ducts and pipes,carry fresh air from,central fan rooms and air conditioning machinery,. The ceiling, which is suspended below the upper floor construction, conceals the ductwork and contains the lighting units. Electrical wiring for power and for telephone communication may also be located in this ceiling space or may be buried in the floor construction in pipes or,conduits,.,elaborate, ilbrt :,精细的,详尽的;,ductwork, dktw:k :,管道系统;,conduit, kndit ,:,导管,水管,沟渠 。,There have been attempts to incorporate the mechanical and electrical systems into the architecture of buildings by frankly expressing them; for example, the,American Republic Insurance,Company Building,American Republic Insurance,Company Building,(1965)in Des Moines, Iowa, exposes both the ducts and the floor structure in an organized and,elegant,pattern and,dispenses,with the suspended ceiling. This type of approach makes it possible to reduce the cost of the building and permits innovations, such as in the span of the,structure,Des Moines, diminz :得梅因,(美国爱荷华州,Iowa州的首府),;,suspended ceiling,:,吊顶,人们尝试将机电系统暴露出来,融入到房屋的建筑中。例如,在爱荷华州首府得梅因的美国共和保险公司大楼(1965)就将管线和楼板以一种优美的图案展现出来,从而免除了吊顶。这种方法使得降低房屋造价成为可能,并且可以允许创新,例如在结构的跨度方面,。,Soils and Foundations. All buildings are supported on the ground, and therefore the nature of the soil becomes an extremely important consideration in the design of any building. The design of a foundation depends on many soil factors, such as type of soil, soil,stratification, thickness of soil layers and their,compaction, and groundwater conditions. Soils rarely have a single composition; they generally are mixtures in layers of varying thickness. For evaluation, soils are graded according to particle size, which increased from,silt,to,clay,to,sand,to,grave,l to,rock,. In general, the larger particle soils will support heavier loads than the smaller ones. The hardest rock can support loads up to 100 tons per,square,foot(976.5,metric,tons/sq meter), but the softest silt can support a load of only 0.25 ton per square,foot(2.44 metric tons/sq meter).,stratification, .strtifikein ,:,分层;,silt,:淤泥,粉土;,square, skw :平方;,metric, metrik :公制的,米制的;,compaction, kmpkn ,:压缩;,土壤和地基。所有建筑都是坐落在地面上的。因此任何设计中,土壤的特性成为一项的重要考虑环节。基础设计必须考虑众多因素,例如土壤类型、土壤分层、每层的厚度及压缩性、地下水状况等。土壤很少是单一成分的,通常是不同厚度土层的混合物。为了评估土壤,根据粒径不同,,22,)。,All soils beneath the surface are in a state of compaction; that is , they are under a pressure,that is equal to the weight of the soil column above it.,Many soils(except for most sands and gavels) exhibit,elastic properties,-they,deform,when compressed under load and,rebound,when the load is removed. The elasticity of soils is often,time-dependent, that is, deformations of the soil occur over a length of time which may vary from minutes to years after a load is,imposed,. Over a period of time, a building may,settle,if it imposes a load on the soil greater than the natural compaction weight of the soil. Conversely, a building may,heave,if it imposes loads on the soil smaller than the natural compaction weight. The soil may also flow under the weight of a building; that is, it,tends to be,squeezed,out.,elastic properties,:,弹性性质,;,deform, di:f:m ,:使.变形;,rebound:,ribaund 弹回;,time-dependent, di:f:m :时间依赖,时间性的;,rebound,: ribaund 弹回;,Impose, impuz ,:,施加;,settle :,沉降;,heave, hi:v :举起;,squeeze, skwi:z :压缩,所有地表下的土都处于受压状态,就是说,这些土承受与其上的土柱重量相等的压力。许多土(除了大多数沙土和碎石土)显示出弹性性质受压时会变形,卸载后恢复。土壤的弹性是有时间性的,也就是说,土的变形可能发生在荷载作用后从数分钟到数年的时间长度上。如果建筑物作用在土体上的荷载高于土的天然压实重量,可能产生沉降。相反,如果建筑物作用在土体上的荷载小于土的天然压实重量,建筑物就会被举起。土壤可能在建筑的重量下产生流动,就是说,它很容易被压挤出。,Due to both the compaction and flow effects, building tend to settle.,Uneven settlements,exemplified,by the leaning towers in Pisa and Bologna, can have damaging effects-the building may lean, walls and partitions may crack, windows and doors may become,inoperative, and, in the extreme, a building may collapse.,Uniform settlements,are not so serious, although extreme conditions, such as those in Mexico City, can have serious consequences. Over the past 100 years, a change in the groundwater level there has caused some buildings to settle more than 10 feet (3 meters). Because such movements can occur during and after construction, careful analysis of solutions to the behavior of soils under,a building is vital.,uneven settlements,:,不均匀沉降,;,exemplify, igzemplifai, :例证,例示;,inoperative:, inprtiv 失效的,无效力的;,uniform settlement,:均匀沉降;,由于土的压缩和流变影响,建筑物会有沉降。不均匀的沉降(例如Pisa and Bologna的斜塔)会导致建筑物倾斜,墙体裂缝,门窗破坏,甚至可能会造成建筑物坍塌。均匀沉降没有那么严重,尽管有极端情况,例如墨西哥城曾造成严重后果。100多年来,由于地下水位变化,使得某些建筑下沉了10英尺(3米)。由于这样的变形发生在施工过程中和施工后,因此仔细分析土壤特征至关重要。,Leaning tower,of Bologna,Originally the cathedrals bell tower, construction began in 1173 and began leaning due to,subsidence,of the ground underneath it soon after. A project to keep the tower from leaning more and,tipping over,finally reached a successful conclusion in 2001, and the tower is again open to those wishing to climb it. Climbing the tower requires a reservation based ticket for 15 Euro. Expect 45 minutes to 2 hour wait, but there is lots to see while you wait.,The great variability of soils has led to a variety of solutions to the foundation problem. Where firm soil exists close to the surface, the simplest solution is to,rest,columns,on,a small slab of concrete (,spread footing,). Where the soil is softer, it is necessary to spread the column load over a greater area; in this case, a continuous slab of concrete(,raft,or,mat,)under the whole building is used. In cases where the soil near the surface is unable to support the weight of the building, piles of wood, steel or concrete are,spread footing, :nmnt ,扩展基础,独立基础;,raf, r:ft 阀;,mat, mt 垫、块;,driven down to firm soil.,土的巨大的可变性导致基础问题多样的解决方法。在地表附近存在坚硬土时,最简单的解决方法是把柱放置在一个小的混凝土板上(扩展基底)。土较软的地方,有必要将柱荷载分散到一大块面积上,这种情况下,在整个建筑物底下采用连续的混凝土板(筏式基础)。地表附近的土体不能承载建筑物重量时,将木桩、钢桩或者混凝土桩被打入以加固土体。,The construction of a building proceeds naturally from the foundation up to the superstructure. The design process, however, proceeds from the roof down to the foundation (in the direction of gravity). In the past, the foundation was not subject to systematic investigation. A scientific approach to the design of foundations has been developed in the 20th century.,Karl Terzaghi,of the United States pioneered studies that made it possible to make accurate predictions of the behavior of foundations, using the science of,soil mechanics,coupled with,exploration,and testing procedures. Foundation failures of the past, such as the classical example of the leaning tower in Pisa, have become almost nonexistent. Foundations still are a hidden but costly part of many buildings.,建筑物的施工自然是从基础开始到上部结构的。设计则是按照重力方向从屋面到基础的。过去,基础设计没有经过系统的研究。20世纪,基础的科学设计得以发展。美国人Karl Terzaghi率先研究,利用土力学知识和勘察,使得准确估计基础的特征成为可能。过去基础设计常常失败,例如最经典的比萨斜塔,几乎要消失了。如今,基础仍然是建筑物中隐蔽而昂贵的部分。,Karl Terzaghi,The Father of Soil Mechanics.,Born:,October 2, 1883 in Prague,Died:,October 25, 1963 in Winchester, Massachusetts He was married to Ruth D. Terzaghi, a geologist. He won the Norman Medal of,ASCE,four times (1930, 1943, 1946, and 1955). He was given nine honorary doctorate degrees from universities in eight different countries. He started modern soil mechanics with his theories of,consolidation,lateral earth pressures,bearing capacity, and,stability,.,nutshell:,


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