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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,句型转换,“,句型转换,”,题,是为了全面考查学生在初中阶段所学的词汇(同义或反义)、短语、句型和语法等方面的知识及其它的之间的灵活运用能力。,所谓,“,句型转换,”,就是先给一个完整的句子,A,,再根据括号内的要求(有时没有明确,须自己观察),在第二个句子,B,的空白处填上适当的词来完成的句型转换。,句型转换,主要包括以下几个类型:,1. 肯定句变否定句;,2. 肯定句变一般疑问句;,3. 变特殊疑问句;,4. 单数句变复数句,5. 变反义疑问句;,6. 陈述句变感叹句;,7. 变选择疑问句;,8. 同义句转换。,一、肯定句变否定句,1.,His mother,is,calling,the police for help.,His mother _ _ the police for help.,2. He can speak English well.,He _ _ English well.,isnt,calling,cant speak,肯定句在变否定句时,若,原句中含有,be,动词,(am, is, are, was, were),和助动词,(have, has, ),和情态动词,(can, may,must, need,should, would, might, had better,等,),时,不管何种情况,构成否定式时,一律在其后加not。,解析:,3. His brother does his homework every day.,His brother _ _ his homework,every day.,doesnt do,原句中没有,be,动词,助动词或情态动词时,要在行为动词前加助动词,(do, does, did),与否定副词,not,的缩写形式。另外,还需要将原句子中的,some,改为,any; too,改,either; already,改为,yet,。还需要分清,do, have,等是实义动词还是助动词。,解析:,4. He can read and write.,He _ read _ write.,5.,We can see some flowers in front of the house.,We,_,see,_,flowers in front of the house.,cant or,cant,any,既要否定谓语动词,又要变换句中的单词( and,一般要变为,or, some,变为,any, already,变为,yet, too,变为,either ),。,解析:,6.,祈使句,变否定,2,),以 Lets,或,Let us,开头的祈使句,在变否定句时常在其后加,not,。,如: Lets play with fire., Lets not play with fire.,Let me try again., Let me not try again.,1,),一般情况下,在句首的动词前加 Dont,。,如: Close the door., Dont close the door.,二、变为一般疑问句,将陈述句变成一般疑问句,要根据陈述句中的谓语动词及其时态确定疑问形式。其句型特点一般是:,连系动词be或,助动词或情态动词 + 主语 +,谓语 + 动词 + 其他?,【即:有三类动词(动词、助动词及情态动词)的直接把三类动词提到句首;没有三类动词的在句首加相应的助动词】,The policeman told the boys not to play,football in the street. (甘肃省中考题),_ the policeman _ the boys not to play football in the street?,答案:Did, tell,三、变为特殊疑问句,该类型的题目主要是考查学生对疑问句的结构,语序以及某些特定疑问句类型的掌握情况。解答这类题目,正确选择疑问词是关键:考生必须准确把握常见疑问词所提问题的侧重点。,同时掌握疑问句的语序:,(1) 当提问主语或主语的定语时,用陈述句语序。,(2)当提问其它成分时,则只能用一般疑问句语序。,将陈述句变成特殊疑问句时,常用的方法是,:,“,一选,二移,三变,四代,”,。,被选择的疑问代词有:,what, which, who, whose;,疑问副词有: where, when, why, how;,疑问副词词组有: how long, how often,how soon, how far,how many, how much,how old等。,“一选”就是选择疑问词,“,四代,”,就是将选好的特殊疑问词替代划线部分。,“,二移,”,就是把be动词,助动词或情态动词移到句首。,“,三变,”,就是将原句中第一个单词的首字母改为小写,(专有名词除外),将some, something等改,为any, anything等,将句号改为问号。,解析:在原句中look,是系动词,,his father,指人,做,look,的表语,对其提问故用,who,。语序为一,般疑问句语序。根据时态是现在时因此助动词,用,does,,系动词,looks,变为原形,look.,正确答案,为:,Who; does ;look.,1.,对,表人的,主语或表语提问时用who,语序分两种,情况:,(,1,)对主语提问时,语序为陈述语序。,即:,Who+,谓语动词,+,?,(,2,)对表语提问时,语序为一般疑问句语序。,即:,Who+,系动词,+,主语,+,?,For example:Tim looks like,his father,.,_ _ Tim _ like?,解析:根据题意得知:划线部分做动词短语learn,from,的宾语,指人。故用特殊疑问词,whom,或,who;,在此注意的是第一人称的,we,变为第二,人称的,you.,因此正确答案为:,Whom/who ;,should ;you.,(,3,),对,表人的,宾语提问用,whom,,口语中可用,who,来代替。,For example:,We should learn from,Comrade Leifeng.,_ _ _ Learn from?,解析:在本题中名词friend,前是一个名词所有格,,对此提问应用,whose.,句式结构为:,Whose+,名词,+,一般疑问句语序?故正确答,案为:,Whose; friend.,2.,对物主代词或名词所有格提问,用特殊疑问词,whose,For example:,The teacher is,my brothers,friend.,_ _ is the teacher?,解析:划线部分的短语是表地点的。因此对此提问用,where,。句式结构为,Where +,助动词,+,主语,+,谓语动词原形,+,?根据时态得知助动词,为,did,。其正确答案为:,Where ;did ;play,3.,对地点提问用,where.,For example:,The little boys played football,on the,playground,yesterday.,_ _The little boys _ football,yesterday?,解析:,本题考查对定语的提问。故用特殊疑问词,which+,名词,girl.,正确答案为:,Which; girl.,4.,对定语进行提用,_,。,which,句型结构公式:,Which +,名词,+,一般疑问句语序?,For example:,The girl,who is reading English under,the tree,is my sister.,_ _ is your sister?,For example:(1) I arrived in Beijing last week.,(对划线部分提问),_ _You arrive in Beijing?思路解析:划线部分last week,是时间状语,对此提问用,when,且为 一般过去时,故助动词为,did.,其正确答案为:,When; did.,5.,对时间提问,_ / _ .,when,what time.,When,是对不具体时间提问;,what time,是对具体时间(点钟)提问;,有时对具体时间提问也可用,when.,(2) We usually get up,at half past five,in the,morning.(,对划线部分提问,),_ _ _You usually get up in the,morning?,解析:,划线部分是具体时间早上的五点半。因此用特殊,疑问词what time.,且时态为一般现在时,故助,动词为,do.,其正确答案为:,What time ;do.,解析:,Monday,是表示星期名称的词,对此提问,用,What day.,故正确答案为:,What day.,6.,对星期名称提问用,_ _,.,what,day,句型结构,What day +,一般疑问句语序?,For example:,It was Monday yesterday.(,对划线部分提问,),_ _Was it yesterday?,解析:,在本题中划线部分是表示颜色的单词,对此提问,用,what color.,结构公式为:,What color +,be/,助动词,+,主语,+,谓语动词原形?,其正确答案为:,What , color, does, like.,7.,对颜色提问用特殊疑问词,_ _,(,什么颜色,),。,what color,结构公式,what color +一般疑问句语序?,For example:,She likes red clothes.(,对划线部分提问,),_,_ _,_,_ _,_,_She _,_,_clothes?,结构:,(1,),How many +,可数名词复数,+,一般疑问句语,序?,(2,),How much +,不可数名词,+,一般疑问句语序?,(3,),How much +,一般疑问句语序?(对价钱提问),8.,对数量提问有两个特殊疑问词:,_ / _,how many,how much;,how many,是对可数名词前的数量进行提问;,而,how much,是对不可数名词前的数量进行提问。,除此之外,how much,还对价钱进行提问。,For example:,1,There are forty workers in the factory.,(对划线部分提问),_ _workers are there in the factory?,2. The computer is 4980 yuan. .,_ _ is the computer?,3.There is some water in the bottle.,_ _ _ Is there in the bottle?,解析:,在(1,)中,workers,是名词复数,对此提问用,how many.,在(,2,)中划线部分是价格,,故,用特殊疑问词:,how much.,。,第(,3,)题是考查对不可数名词前的数量提问,故用,How much +,不可数名词,+,一般疑问句语序?,因此正确答案为:,How; much ; water.,解析:,本题对方式状语提问。对其提问用how,。因原句,中的时态为过去时,,助动词应用did .,那么第三空,填,went,动词原形,go.,故正确答案为:,How; did;,go.,9.,对方式,程度,身体状况的词提问用特殊疑问词,_,。,how,结构:,How +,助动词,+,主语,+,谓语动词原形?,For example:,They went to the Summer Palace,by bus,two days ago.,_ _they _ to the,Summer Palace?,解析:根据划线部分的题意得知间接的表示的是时,间段。因此应用how long.,原句是时态为现,在完成时,时态不变。,正确答案为:,How; long; have,10.,对时间段提问用,how long.,(多久)如:,for +,时间,段。,since +,句子。,For example:,I have taught in a Middle School since,I came here.,_ _ _ I taught in a Middle,School?,解析:,本题是对将来的时间段提问,故用How,soon.,11.,对将来的时间提问用,how soon,(多久),如:,in+,时间段,We will finish work in four days.,_ _will you finish work?,解析:,该题考查,“,Henry,多久去看望,grandma,一次?故用,how often.,正确答案,:How often.,12.,对频率副词或短语及单位时间内的次数提问,用,how often (,多久一次,),For example:,Henry went to visit his grandma,every six days.,_ _did Henry go to visit,his grandma?,解析:,本题考查对距离的提问(大约十分钟的路程),对此提问用how far.,答案为:,How far.,13.,对重量,距离,长,宽等提问用,how.,句型为:,How +,形容词(,heavy/far/long/wide,.,),For example:,Its about ten minutes walk from my,home,to school.,_ _ is it from your home to,school?,解析:,本题是对because,引导的原因状语从句提问,应用疑问词,why.,答案为:,Why didn,t sleep.,14.,对,because,引导的原因状语从句提问用,why,(为什么),For example:,Mrs. Read didnt sleep well last night,because the wind made too much noise.,_ _ Mrs. Read _ well,last night?,解析:,主语this,应变为,these,。因此谓语动词由单数,is,变为复数,are; an,变为,some,用在肯定句中。名,词,book,由单数变为,books,复数形式。,四、,单数句子变复数句子,1,单数句子变复数句子就是把句在中的名词或代,词变成复数形式。如果主语变成了复数,相应,地谓语动词也要注意其变化。,如:,This is an English book.,(变复数句子),_ _ _ English _,解析:,根据句意得知woman,在此修饰名词,teacher,是,表示性别的名词,因此两个名词同时变复数形式。,故填:,women; teacher.,2.,在单数句子中,有表示性别的名词修饰名词时,变复,数句子时两个名词同时变,复数,不是表示性别的名词,修饰时只变后面的名词为复数形式。,如:,There is a woman teacher in the office.,There are some _ _ in the office.,五。,反意疑问句,1. 定义:,在陈述句之后加上一个意思与之相反的简单问句,这种句子叫反意疑问句。反意疑问句必须由意思相反的两部分组成,在前一部分之后用逗号,后一部分之后用问号。,反意疑问句的否定句必须用缩略形式,同时它的主语必须用人称代词。,2.反意疑问句分为两类:,前一部分为肯定形式后一部分为否定,形式。,前一部分为否定形式,后一部分为肯,定形式。,3. 反义疑问句的答语。,不管反义疑问句的陈述部分是肯定的还是否定的,回答时要根据事实来回答。但yes后面必须跟肯定句;no的后面必须跟否定句。,即:Yes + 肯定句,No + 否定句,例如:,1). - He is a scientist, isnt he?,-Yes, he is. / No, he isnt.,2).- You didnt have a meeting, did you?,- Yes, I did. (不,我参加了。),- No, I didnt. (是的,我没参加。),用法:,1.,陈述部分主语是,everyone, everybody,someone, somebody, anybody, no one,nobody,等时,,其附加问句的主语强调全部时常用,they,; 强调个体时常用it.,例如:,Everyone is having a good time, arent they?,Someone is waiting for you, isnt he?,2.,陈述部分是,everything, something,nothing,anything,时,,附加,疑问部分,的主语,用,it。,例如:,Everything is well, isnt it?,例如:,3. 陈述句的主语为there be结构时,则附加疑问句的,主语必须为there.,There will,be a meeting tomorrow,wont,there?,4. 当陈述部分有,had better,时, 附加部,分的谓语多用,hadnt.,例如:,You,had better,go home now,hadnt,you?,例如:,5. 当陈述部分有,have/has/had to,时,,附加问句的谓语要用,do,的相应形式。,They had to leave early, didnt they?,6.,陈述部分主语是,this, that , these, those,时,,疑问部分用,it, they.,例如:,This is a useful book, isnt it?,That is a mountain, isnt it?,Those are yours, arent they?,These buildings are very beautiful, arent they?,7,. 陈述部分有,no , never, few, little,nothing, hardly, seldom, nowhere,时, 疑,问部分用肯定.,例如:,She makes few mistakes, _ _ ?,He is never late for class, _ _ ?,They have no friends here, _ _ ?,There is little water in the cup, _ _?,is he,do they,does she,is there,8.,陈述部分是,I am,或,I,m,时,疑问部分用,aren,t,I,.,例如:,Im a student, arent I?,9,.祈使句的反意疑问句,多,用,will you,但以,Lets开头的祈使句,附加问句必须用,shall we。,例如:,Give me a hand, _ _ ?,Lets help Jim with his English, _ _ ?,Let me have a try, _ _ ?,will you,will you,shall we,10,. 陈述句是主从复合句时, 如果主句的,谓语动词是think, believe, expect, feel, guess,等词, 且主语是第一人称I时, 反意疑问部分的,人称、时态与宾语从句保持一致, 同时还要,考虑到否定的转移。,如:,I believe that,the boy can,get a,ticket for you,cant he,?,例如:,She,used to,study in Chinese,usednt/didnt,she?,11. 当分可用也可用。陈述句的谓语部分有,used to,时,,附加问句的谓语可用,used,,也可用,did,.,Ex,ercise,1. June is the sixth month of the year, _?,2. Wednesday is the third day of the week, _?,3. Jim Green is from American, _?,4. Your mother likes seafood, _?,5. Your father goes to work by bus, _?,isnt it,isnt it,isnt he,doesnt she,doesnt he,6. David and Joy are brother and sister, _?,7. You sit in the middle of your class, _?,8. Jeff Green teaches English in Shanghai, _?,arent they,dont you,doesnt he,结构一: 前肯 + 后否,Be 动词:,1. You are an actor, _ _ ?,2. He is a good boy, _ _ ?,3. It was fine yesterday, _ _ ?,4. You were studying when I called,you last night, _ _ ?,5. She is going to visit me, _ _?,6. I am Chinese, _ _?,arent you,isnt he,wasnt it,werent you,isnt she,arent I,小试牛刀,行为动词:,1. It often rains here, _ _ ?,2. He likes soccer, _ _ ?,3. You have a headache, _ _ ?,4. I called you yesterday, _ _?,其它动词:,1. You will go to America, _ _ ?,2. We have ever been to Shanghai,_ _ ?,doesnt it,doesnt he,dont you,didnt I,wont you,havent we,三、特殊用法(一),1. His mother is a doctor, _ _ ?,2. The dogs are fighting, _ _?,There is a boy in our classroom,_ _?,4. There were many cars in the street,_ _ ?,5. There will be robots in our families,_ _ ?,isnt she,arent they,isnt there,werent there,wont there,三、特殊用法(二),6. Sit down please, _ ?,7. Please call me, _?,8. Let,s,go home, _ ?,9. Let,us,go home, _ ?,10. Let,me,see, _ ?,will you,shall we,will you,will you,will you,结构二:前否 + 后肯,1. You arent an actor, _ _ ?,2. He isnt a good boy, _?,3. It wasnt fine yesterday, _ _ ?,4. It doesnt rain here, _ _ ?,5. His sister doesnt have a headache,_ _ ?,6. You didnt call me yesterday,_ _?,are,you,is,he,does it,does she,was it,did you,7. You wont go to USA, _ _?,8. There isnt a boy in our classroom,_ _ ?,9. There werent many cars in the street,_ _ ?,10. Dont smoke, _ _ ?,will,you,is there,were,there,will,you,二、选择题:,1.My sister doesnt like eating , _?,A doesnt she B does she C do she D is she,2.Peter could hardly see the words on the blackboard , _?,A did he B couldnt he C didnt he D could he,3.There is little milk left in the bottle , _?,A is it B is there C isnt it D isnt there,4. Lets go to the park tomorrow , _?,A will you B shall we C wont you D do you,B,D,B,B,5.Dont forget to feed the bird for me , _?,A will you B shall we C wont you D do you,6.Mike has to finish his homework now , _he ?,A has B hasnt C does D doesnt,7.You have never been there before , _you ?,A havent B have C do D dont,8.Everyone in our class likes English ,_ ?,A doesnt it B isnt he,C dont they D doesnt she,D,B,C,A,六、陈述句改为感叹句,.,根据所给的句子结构和单词的词性,来确定使用,哪一种感叹句的形式,英语的感叹句一般由,what/how,两个感叹词引导,,常用的句型有以下三种:,What + a(an) + 形容词 + 可数名词的单数 + 主,语 + 谓语 + 其他!,What + a(an) + 形容词 + 可数名词的单数 + 主语,+ 谓语 + 其他!,How + 形容词 /副词 + 主语 + 谓语 + 其他!,例如:,A,:,This is an interesting book.,B,:,What an interesting book this is!,或 How interesting this book is!,七,、变为选择疑问句,将陈述句变成一般疑问句,在问号前加,上,“,or + 所给的被选择部分,”,。,根据上句,写出一个意思相同(或相近)的下句,此类形式繁多,内容复杂,涉及面广,归类如下:,八、,同义句转换,1,、同义词或词组之间的转换。(通常上下句时态保持一致)。,常见的同义词或词组有:,(1),四个,“,花费,”,(,spend,take,cost,take,);,(2),三个,“,到达,”,(,get to,reach,arrive in/at,);,(3),四个,“,收到,来信,”,(,hear from,get a letter from,receive a letter from,have a letter from,);,(4),两个,“,擅长于,”,(,be good at,do well in,);,(5),两个,“,有空,”,(,be free,have time,);,(6),三个,“,入睡,”,(,go to sleep,get to sleep,fall asleep,);,(7),两个,“,玩得开心,”,(,enjoy oneself,have a good time,);,(8),“,给,打电话,”,(,call sb,telephone sb,ring sb. a,call,make a telephone to sb.,),(9),“,飞往,”,(,fly to,go to,by air/plane,),(10),“,自学,”,(,teach oneself,learn,by oneself,),(11),在,方面帮助,help,with,help,(to)do,(12),在,差,be weak in,do badly in,(13),能,/,会,canbe able to,(14),更喜欢,likebetter thanpreferto,(15),充满了,be full ofbe filled with,(16),放弃干,give up doingstop doing,(17),不再, no longernot any longer,(18),照顾,/,保管,take care oflook after,(19),展览,on showon display,(20),阻止,干,stopfrom doing,keep/preventfrom doing,常见的同义句型有,It seems that,从句,Somebody seems,(,to be,),+adj/n,Its kind of sb. to do,Somebody is kind to do,What doesmean?,What do you mean by?,或,Whats the meaning of?,There is something wrong,with,Something is wrong with,notuntil,与,when/after/before,引导的时间状语从句的转换,(21),由于,thanks tobecause of,(22),举手,hands upput up ones hands,(23),最后,终于,at lastin the end,(24),与,不同,be different frombe not the same as,(25),从,借入, borrowfromlendto,(26),乘公汽,/,火车,/,的士,go toby bus/train/taxitake a bus /train/taxi to,(27),乘自行车去,go toby bikeride a bike to,(28),为,感到自豪,be proud ofbe the pride of,(29),步行去, walk togo toon foot,(30),独自地,by oneself alone,等。,Whats wrong with?,Whats the matter with?,How is?,Whatslike?,Its time that,Its time for sb. to do,Its said that,People say that,Can I help you?,What can I do for you?,How do you like?,What do you think of?,注意:,这类题目首先要注意比较上下两句,找出需要,改动的地方,运用同义词或同义词组进行转换。,还要注意把握两句的时态、数的单复和主谓一,致等。,一、运用同义词或同义词组,1. I,got a letter from,my brother last,month,.,= I,heard from,my brother last,month,.,2.His little sister,could,dress herself,when she was three years old,.,= His little sister,was able to,dress,herself,at the age of three,.,1.A.The children are having a good time in,the park now.,B. The children are_ _,in the,park _ _ _.,2.A.He spent thirty minutes in finishing his,homework. My God.,B._ _ him _,_ _,_ finish his homework.,3.A.Very soon the baby started crying.,B. In _ _ the baby _,_,_,_,_,_cry.,4.A.What do you think of the movie you,saw last week?,B._ do you _ the movie you,saw last week?,Exercises:,5.A.There is only an old chair in the room.,B. Theres _ _ an old chair,in the room.,6.A.Whats the matter with you, young man?,B. Whats _ with you, young man?,7.A.Did you have any problems in working,out the math problem?,B. Did you have _ in _,the math problem?,8.A.Hell come to my birthday soon after,he finishes his project.,B. Hell come to my birthday _ _,_ his project is finished.,注意:,这类题目可以否定句中的动词或形容词,是,两句意思相符。仍然要注意动词时态一致。,二、运用反义词或反义词组,1.She,failed,the English exam last time.,= She,didnt pass,the English exam last,time.,2.His house is,near,the school.,= His house is,nt far from,the school.,= His house is,close to,the school.,Exercises:,9.A.I dont think the pig is beautiful.,B._ _ _, the pig is _.,10.A.All of the questions are easy.,B._ _ the questions is,_.,11.A.They didnt find anything under the,desk.,B. They _ _ under,the desk.,三、动词短语转换成介词短语.,Yesterday Mr. King went to New York by air.,= Mr. King flew to New York yesterday.,此类题目关键就是使用恰当的介词短语,还要注意,动词时态一致。,注意,:,12.A. Helen always goes to school on foot.,B. Helen always _ _school.,13.A.Tom used a brush to clean his shoes.,B. Tom _ his shoes _ a,brush.,14.A. Manuel usually goes to work by,subway, sometimes he rides his,motorcycle.,B. Manuel usually _the subway to,work, but at times he goes to work,_ motorbike.,Exercises:,此类题目需要熟悉一些重要的句型和短语。例如:too,to,; so,that,; not,until,等。还要注意了解相关转换类型,如:,without,短语与,if/ unless,条件状语从句的转换;,enough to,与,so,that,的转换;,too,to,not,enough to, so,that,not,的相互转换等。,四、单句转换成复句,或者复句转换成单句,1.She found him a very clever student.,= She found that he,was,a pretty clever,student.,2.The gate is quite wide. Two cars can go,through it at the same time.,= The gate is so wide that two cars can,go through it together.,15.A.Mrs Green doesnt like traveling by plane at all,I think.,B.I _ think Mrs. Green _ traveling a lot.,16.A.The boy is too young to go to school.,B. The boy is _ young _ he _ do to school.,C. The boy isnt _ _ _ go to school.,17.A.Fish cant live if theres no water.,B. Fish cant live _ _ water.,C. Fish cant live _ there _ water.,18.A.He seemed tired last night.,B._ _ that _ was tired last night.,19.A.The book is so difficult that none of us ca read it.,B.The book is _ difficult _ us _ read.,C The book _ _ _ for us to read.,20.A.I cant finish the work on time if you,dont help me.,B.I cant finish the work on time _,_ _.,C.I cant finish the work on time _,you _ me _ _.,21.A.I think it easy to work out the physic,problem.,B.I think I _ work out the physic,problem _ .,C._ easy _ me _ work out,the physic problem.,22.A.Jim didnt come to school because he,was ill.,B. Jim didnt come to school _ _his_.,23,.,A.Mike decided to try to learn English,well.,B Mike _ a _ to try to learn,English well.,24.A.Lets discuss it together, OK?,B._ you please _,a _,_,_ with us?,五、同一单词的不同词性相互转换.,He promised to help us.,= He made a promise to help us.,此类题目要求学生在记单词的时候要理解它们的,词性,。,功在平时,博闻强识。,25.A.He is a successful actor.,B. He _ in _.,26.A. What he said surprised us.,B. We _ _ _ his words.,27.A. The story interested them a lot.,B. The story _ them very _ .,此类题目特别要注意时态的一致,主语和谓语在数上的一致。还要对象一些短语比较熟悉,例如:,either,or, both,and,., neither,nor,; not only,but also,。,还有一些句型,例如:,So +,动词,+,主语;, too.,等。,六、并列复合连词连接或改写原句,Maria has been to Shanghai, so has Kate.,= Both Maria and Kate have been to,Shanghai.,28.A.She cant answer the question, neither can I.,B._ she _ I _ answer the question.,C._ _ us _ answer the question.,D. She cant answer the question, and I cant, _.,29.A.Grace went to bed after she finished doing her homework.,B.


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