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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,0,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,A B,C D,赵教师 冀教版英语,第一轮教材考点梳理,第11-12课时,八年级下册unit5-8,中考总复习,第,1,课时,Units 14,Book 1,第,2,课时,Units 58,Book 1,第,3,课时,Units 14,Book 2,第,4,课时,Units 58,Book 2,第,5,课时,Units 12,Book 3,第,6,课时,Units 34,Book 3,第,7,课时,Units 56,Book 3,第,8,课时,Units 78,Book 3,第,9,课时,Units 12,Book 4,第,10,课时,Units 34,Book 4,第一篇 教材考点梳理,第,11,课时,Units 56,Book 4,第,12,课时,Units 78,Book 4,第,13,课时,Units 12,Book 5,第,14,课时,Units 34,Book 5,第,15,课时,Units 56,Book 5,第,16,课时,Units 12,Book 6,第,17,课时,Units 34,Book 6,第,18,课时,Units 56,Book 6,第1,1,课时,Units 56,,,Book 4,自 学 反 馈,自 学 反 馈,即 时 自 测,即 时 自 测,重 点 突 破,重 点 突 破,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,自 学 反 馈,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,类别,课标考点要求,词汇,拓展,1. factory(,复数,)_,2,mouse(,复数,)_,3,hero(,复数,)_,4,drive(,过去式,过去分词,)_,5,ride(,过去式,过去分词,)_,6,careful(,反义词,)_,factories,mice,heroes,drove/driven,rode/ridden,careless,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,类别,课标考点要求,词汇,拓展,7,advantage(,反义词,)_,8. danger(,形容词,)_,9,electricity(,形容词,)_,10,dirty(,反义词,)_,11,invent(,名词,) _,12,succeed(,名词,)_,(,形容词,)_,disadvantage,dangerous,electrical/electric,clean,invention/inventor,success,successful,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,类别,课标考点要求,短语归纳,1.,上,/,下,(,车、船等,)_,2,只要,_,3,匆匆忙忙; 着急,_,4,听起来像,_,5,打开,(,水源、电源,)_,6,手工; 人工,_,7,等待,_,get in/on/off,as long as,in a hurry,sound like,turn on,by hand,wait for,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,类别,课标考点要求,短语归纳,8,照顾; 照料,_,9,开始时; 起初,_,10,禁止停车,_,11.,连接,到,_,12,母亲节,_,13,一直; 总是,_,14,把,呈现给,_,take care of,at first,No Parking,connect,to,Mothers Day,all the time,present,to,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,类别,课标考点要求,短语归纳,15,现在; 立刻,_,16,收到,的来信,_,17,穿过,_,18,捎个信,_,19,等一会儿,_,20.,的清单,_,at once,hear from,go through,take a message,wait a minute/moment,a list of,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,类别,课标考点要求,句型再现,1.,我能给你捎个信儿吗?,Can I _ _ _,_you?,2,乘飞机从加拿大到中国要用,11,个小时。,It _eleven hours _,_from Canada to China.,3,想要去别的城市,他们需要骑马!,_ _ to another city, they,needed a horse!,take,a,message,for,takes,to,fly,To,get,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,类别,课标考点要求,句型再现,4,丹尼,你最好不要发明那种东西。,Youd better _ _ that, Danny.,5,我不知道该展示什么。,I dont know_ _ _.,6.,当然不。,_,not,invent,what,to,present/show,Of course not.,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,类别,课标考点要求,句型再现,7,Our air would be a lot cleaner.,_,8,Will Dannys invention really work?,_,9,Im sorry, but he isnt here right now.,_,我们的空气会变得清新得多。,丹尼的创造真的行得通吗?,对不起,他现在不在。,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,类别,课标考点要求,句型再现,10,Please wait a moment.,_,11,I can go almost anywhere on foot.,_,12,I hope it wont be long before I hear,from you.,_,请稍等。,我几乎能步行去任何地方。,我希望用不了多久就能收到你的来信。,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,类别,课标考点要求,语法结构,1.,情态动词。,详见,P82,,语法互动,(,八,),2,过去完成时。,详见,P86,,语法互动,(,十,),3,现在完成时。,详见,P86,,语法互动,(,十,),自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,词汇点睛,重 点 突 破,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,1 seldom,adv,.,不常;罕见;难得,点拨, seldom,是频度副词,可解释为,not often,,表否,定含义。多位于,be,动词、助动词或情态动词之后,实义,动词之前。如:,He seldom makes mistakes in the exams.,他在考试中不常犯错误。,Her name is seldom mentioned.,她的名字很少被提到。,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,注意:seldom, hardly等表示否认意义的词放在句首时,,句子要主谓倒装,即助动词或be动词要提前。如:,Seldom did he talk about the difficulties in the,work.,他很少谈论工作中的困难。,拓展 频度副词按频率上下排列依次为:always(总是), usually(通常) often(经常) sometimes(有时),seldom(很少)hardly(几乎没有) never(从不),自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,2 sound n声音 v听起来; 听上去,点拨 (1)作名词,意为“声音。如:,We can hear the sound of the sea in this hotel room.,我们在这个旅馆房间里能够听到海浪声。,(2)作系动词,意为“听起来; 听上去,后接形容词作表,语,无被动语态。如:,His advice sounds good. Maybe we can think about it.,他的建议听起来不错,也许我们可以考虑一下。,(3)sound like意为“听起来像,后加名词。如:,It sounds like a good idea.,那听起来像是一个好主意。,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,3 fail v失败,点拨 fail意为“失败; 不及格。当fail意为“失败,时,其反义词是succeed;当fail意为“(考试)不及格,时,其反义词是pass。如:,Her plan failed.Her plan didnt succeed.,她的方案失败了。,I passed in math but failed in English.,我数学及格了,但英语没及格。,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,拓展 (1)fail to do sth. 意为“未能做某事;,fail (in) sth./doing sth. 意为“在某方面或做某事失,败。如:,I failed to work out the problem.,I failed (in) working out the problem.,我没能解出这道题。,(2)fail的名词形式是failure。如:,Failure is the mother of success.,失败是成功之母。,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,4 succeed v成功,搭配 succeed in doing sth.意为“成功地做某事。如:,He succeeded in getting the job.,他成功地得到了那份工作。,拓展 succeed的名词形式是success,形容词形式是,successful,副词是successfully。表示“成功做某事 还可,用have success in doing sth., be successful in doing,sth.或do sth.successfully。,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,答 案,(1)successfully,(2)succeeded,中考典例,(1)2021凉山 After hundreds of experiments,Edison _ (成功) invented the light bulb.,(2)2021 荆州 The art museum _ (成功),in displaying the new paintings.,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,5 alive adj.活着的; 存在的,辨析 alive, living与lively,(1)alive 是形容词,意为“活着的; 存在的,常作表语,也可,作后置定语,修饰人或物。如:,She cant keep alive without the help of the police.,没有警察的帮助, 她活不下来。,(2)living是形容词,意为“活着的,既可以作表语,又可以作,定语。如:,Animals and plants are living things.,动物和植物都是生物。,(3)lively是形容词,意为“活泼的,可作表语或定语。如:,She is a lively girl.她是一个活泼的女孩。,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,6 since prep.自以来; 自从; 因为; 既然,点拨 (1)当since表示“此后,自以来时,后面可接表,示过去的时间点,也可引导表示过去的时间状语从句,其主句,常用完成时态,且主句的谓语动词为延续性动词。如:,I havent heard from him since last year.,自去年以来我未曾收到过他的信。,My brother has worked in this hospital since he,graduated from university.,我哥哥自从大学毕业以来就一直在这家医院工作。,(2)since还可表示“既然,因为,由于。如:,Since it is so hot, lets go swimming.,既然天气这么热,我们去游泳吧。,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,7 in the 1760s,在,18,世纪,60,年代,点拨, in the 1760s,即在,1760,1769,年; 也可以写成,in the 1760s,。如:,The story happened in the 1980s/1980s.,这个故事发生在,20,世纪,80,年代。,拓展,我们还可以加上,early, late,这样的词来表示某个,年代的早期和晚期。如:,in the early 1900s,在,20,世纪早期,in the late 1450s,在,15,世纪,50,年代晚期,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,8 as long as 只要,点拨 as long as也可写成“so long as,引导的状,语从句多用一般现在时表将来。如:,As long as you do your best, well be happy.,只要你尽力,我们就满意了。,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,答 案,Youll make progress as long as you work hard.,中考典例,翻译句子,2021福州 只要努力学习,你就会取得进步。,(progress, as long as),_,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,9 hear from收到的来信,点拨 hear from意为“收到的来信,后面的宾,语是人, 相当于get/receive a letter/an e-mail/a,phone/from sb.。如:,Mother hasnt heard from you for quite a long time.,母亲很久没有收到你的来信了。,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,辨析 hear from与hear of/about,hear from意为“收到的来信;hear of/about意为,得知,听说(某情况),听人说起。如:,They had often heard of elephants, but they had,never seen one.,他们经常听人说起大象,但从未看见过。,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,10 get on/off 上/下车,Please get on the bus one by one.,请一个一个地上公交车。,拓展 与get相关的短语:,get to 到达 get through 穿过,get over 抑制 get ready for 为做准备,get up 起床 get dressed 穿衣服,get down 记录,记下; 使悲伤/沮丧,get on/along with sb. 与某人相处融洽,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,巧辨异同,1 since, for,二者都可以构成表示一段时间的状语,搭配延续性动词。,since,用来说明动作起始时间,后接过去的时间点;也可以,跟一般过去时的时间状语从句。,for,用来说明动作延续时间,长度,后接时间段。如:,since 1998,自从,1998,年,for three hours (,持续,),三小时,since two years ago,for two years,自从两年前,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,解析,C,since,后跟时间点表示一段时间,用于现在完成时。,中考典例,2021 十堰 Im looking after Tom today. Hes been in my house _8:00 this morning.,AatBfor,Csince Dtill,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,2 sound, noise, voice,三者都与“声音 有关。,(1)sound泛指任何声音,不管其上下、是否悦耳等,也,指自然界的声音。如:,The music made me think of the sound of a,running stream.,这首音乐使我想起了小溪流水的声音。,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,(2)noise意为“噪音,喧闹,指的是人们不愿听到的声,音。如:,Dont make so much noise.,不要大声吵闹。,(3)voice特指人的声音,如说话、唱歌或发笑的声音。如:,Our teacher has a good voice.,我们教师有一副好嗓子。,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,3 already, yet,二者都有“已经 之意,多用于完成时态。already通常,用于肯定句中;而yet多用于否认句和疑问句中,且一般,位于句尾。假设already用于疑问句中,那么表示惊讶、惊讶。,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,句型透视,1 Youd better not invent that, Danny!,丹尼,你最好不要创造那种东西!,点拨 youd better也可以写成you had better。Had,better意为 “最好,表劝告或建议,后面接动词原,形,其否认形式为“had better not 动词原形。如:,There are too many things to buy. Wed better make,a shopping list.,有这么多东西要买,我们最好列个购物清单。,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,解析,D,had better (not) do sth.,表示,“最好,(,别,),做某事”。,中考典例,2021 咸宁 Its rather hot in the room. Youd better _ the windows or the door.,AcloseBnot to close,Cdont close Dnot close,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,2 I havent sent any e-mail yet.,我还没有发过任何电子邮件。,点拨 yet是副词,多用于完成时中。yet用于否认句中,表,示“尚未,还没有,通常置于句末;yet用于疑问句中,表,示“已经。如:,We have had no news from him yet.,我们还没有他的消息。,Has your brother arrived yet?,你弟弟已经到了吗?,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,解析,D,yet,用于现在完成时态的否定句中,表示“仍,还”,故选,D,。,中考典例,2021玉林 Dave, we will leave in 10 minutes. Are you ready?,No, I _ our guide book and towels yet.,Adont pack Bdidnt pack,Chave packed Dhavent packed,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,即 时 自 测,.单项填空,1May I play music here, Mr.White?,Sorry, youd better _ it.Look at the sign,“No Noise,Anot to doBnot do,Cdont do Dnot do to,2. 2021包头 Long time no see! I think you,_a lot.,Yes, I used to be quiet, but now Im outgoing.,Awill change Bwere changing,Care changed Dhave changed,B,D,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,3,Must I park my car behind the building?,No, you_. You_ park it here.,A. mustnt; may,B,may not; must,C. dont have to; may,D,shouldnt; must,4,Be quiet! Mr.Smith is coming.,Dont worry. It _ be him. Mr. Smith,is much taller.,A,mustnt B,must,C,cant D,shouldnt,C,C,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,5,Prison,Break,is the best American TV play that,I _ these years.,A,watch B,will watch,C,have watched D,was watching,6,My pen pal said he would write to me, but I,_ any letters from him so far.,A,wont receive B,havent received,C,hadnt received D,didnt receive,C,B,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,7,Oh, my god! The kids are making too much,_ here. I cant do anything.,A,sound B,voice,C,noise D,laugh,8,_ have you been away from your hometown,Janet?,Since 5 years ago.,A,How many B,How long,C,How much D,How often,C,B,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,9,Have you _ your pen pal in the UK?,Certainly. We often write to each other.,A,heard of B,heard from,C,heard about D,heard with,10,He _ fixing the new machine,yesterday. Look! It is running well.,A. felt like B. succeeded in,C,failed in D. gave up,B,B,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,.,根据汉语意思完成句子,1,请不要把车停在商店前面!,Dont _ _ _ in front of the,shop, please!,2,请等一会,我马上就来。,Please_ _ _,I am coming.,park,wait,the,cars,a,moment,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,11,课时,Units 56, Book 4,3,我希望不久后能收到你的来信。,I hope it wont be long before I _ _ you.,4,我能给他带个口信吗?,May I _ _ _ for him?,5,我不知道怎么给你展示我们学校。,I dont know how to _ _ _ _ _,hear,take,present,to,you,from,a,message,our,school,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第1,2,课时,Units 78,,,Book 4,自 学 反 馈,自 学 反 馈,即 时 自 测,即 时 自 测,重 点 突 破,重 点 突 破,第,12,课时,Units 78, Book 4,自 学 反 馈,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,类别,课标考点要求,词汇,拓展,1. large(,最高级,)_,2,ring(,过去式,)_,3,weight(,动词,)_,4,Europe(,形容词,)_,5. Russia(,形容词,)_,largest,rang,weigh,European,Russian,第,12,课时,Units 78, Book 4,类别,课标考点要求,词汇,拓展,6,save(,反义词,)_,7,mend(,近义词,)_,8,India(,形容词,)_,9. little(,比较级,)_,(,最高级,)_,10,bad(,比较级,)_,(,最高级,)_,waste,repair,Indian,less,least,worse,worst,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,12,课时,Units 78, Book 4,类别,课标考点要求,短语归纳,1. (,将来,),某天,_,2,平方公里,_,3,给,打电话,_,4,稍等;别挂断,_,5,出国;在国外,_,6,把,打扫干净,_,some day,square kilometre,ring up,hold on,go/be abroad,clean up,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,12,课时,Units 78, Book 4,类别,课标考点要求,短语归纳,7,捡起;拿起,_,8,一点儿,_,9,扔掉,_,10.,拿出;取出,_,11,关闭,(,电器等,)_,12,散步,_,pick up,a bit of,throw away,take out,turn off,take a walk,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,12,课时,Units 78, Book 4,类别,课标考点要求,短语归纳,13,把,分类成,_,14,在世界上,_,15,在结束时,_,16,漏出;渗出,_,17,旅行,_,18,大惊;大怒,_,sort,into,in the world,at the end,leak out,take a trip,have a fit,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,12,课时,Units 78, Book 4,类别,课标考点要求,句型再现,1.,你曾经去过亚洲其他的国家吗?,_you ever_ _ other,countries in Asia?,2,周游世界很有趣。,Its fun_ _ _ the,world.,3,中国的长江是世界第三长河。,The Yangtze River in China is the,_.,Have,been,to,to,travel,around,third-longest,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,12,课时,Units 78, Book 4,类别,课标考点要求,句型再现,4,他说的这些东西和我们的有很大不同。,He says the things are _ _,ours.,5,我们将在一小时之后打扫完!,We would_ _ _ an hour,!,6.,几乎所有的垃圾都可以被再利用或再回收!,Almost all of the rubbish can _,_ or recycled!,different,from,finish,cleaning,in,be,reused,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,12,课时,Units 78, Book 4,类别,课标考点要求,句型再现,7,不要忘记纸的两面都要用。,Dont forget to use _ _ of the,paper.,8,By 2050, there will be 9.1 billion people.,_,9,Deserts cover twenty percent of the earths,surface.,_,10,It is our duty to protect it for ourselves.,_,both,sides,到,2050,年,将会有,91,亿人口。,沙漠覆盖地球外表的百分之二十。,保护它是我们的责任,也是为了我们自己。,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,12,课时,Units 78, Book 4,类别,课标考点要求,语法结构,1.,不定代词,some, any, few, little, all,等。,详见,P71,,语法互动,(,二,),2,宾语从句,(I),。,详见,P93,,语法互动,(,十四,),自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,词汇点睛,重 点 突 破,第,12,课时,Units 78, Book 4,1 population n人口,点拨 population有以下用法:,(1)population意为“人口,是集合名词,常被看作一个整,体,一般不加-s,谓语动词多用单数;表示“有多少人口,时,一般用“has a population of或“the,population ofis。 如:,The population is growing very fast.,人口正在快速地增长。,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,12,课时,Units 78, Book 4,China has a population of about 1.3 billion.,The population of China is about 1.3 billion.,中国大约有十三亿人口。,(2)表示人口“多 或“少时,多用large或small修饰,,而不用many或few。如:,Singapore has a small population.,新加坡人口很少。,China has the largest population in the world.,中国是世界上人口最多的国家。,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,12,课时,Units 78, Book 4,(3)提问“人口多少用疑问词what,而不用how many或,how much。如:,Whats the population of your city?,你所在的城市人口是多少?,注意:当 population 作主语,前面有分数或百分数修,饰,且用来指具体人数时,谓语动词用复数形式。如:,About 60% of the population in China are farmers.,中国大约60%的人口是农民。,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,12,课时,Units 78, Book 4,答 案,1.Whats the population of Dalian,?,2. C,中考典例,1翻译句子,2021大连 大连有多少人口?,_,2单项填空,2021 荆州 The worlds population is growing,_ and there is _ land and water for growing rice.,Amore; less Blarger; fewer,Clarger; less Dmore; fewer,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,12,课时,Units 78, Book 4,2 increase v增加; 增长,点拨 (1)increase by意为“增加了,指增加的幅,度,后常接倍数或百分数。如:,The number of the girl students in this village,school increased by 30% last year.,去年这所乡村学校的女生人数增长了30%。,(2)increase to意为“增加到,指增长后的总数量,,后常接具体的增长后的数字。如:,The highest temperature in some cities has increased,to over 40 degrees these days.,这些天有些城市的最高温度已经升到了40多度。,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,12,课时,Units 78, Book 4,答 案,is increasing,典型例题,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,More and more people are worried about the serious air pollution because the number of family cars _(increase) all the time.,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,12,课时,Units 78, Book 4,3 waste n& v浪费,点拨 (1)waste既可作名词又可作动词,意为“浪费。如:,Doing such a job is a waste of his talents.,做这种工作是在浪费他的才能。,You cant waste your time any more.,你不能再浪费时间了。,(2)waste作名词时,还有“垃圾,废物的意思,相当于,rubbish/litter/garbage。,(3)waste还可作形容词,意为“废弃的。如:,waste paper 废纸,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,12,课时,Units 78, Book 4,答 案,C,中考典例,2021东营 What do you think of Eat-up Campaign (光盘行动)?,I think its really necessary. It is reported that the food that Chinese people _ every year is enough to feed 200 million people for a year.,Aeat Bhave,Cwaste Dmake,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,12,课时,Units 78, Book 4,4 twenty percent 百分之二十,点拨 percent与数字搭配时不加s。“数字 ,percent 修饰名词作主语时,谓语动词的单复数取决于,percent 后的名词。如:,Sixty percent of our town is covered with forest.,我们镇的森林覆盖率是百分之六十。,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,12,课时,Units 78, Book 4,5 pick up 捡起; 拾起,点拨 短语pick up为“动词副词构造,如果宾语是,代词,那么应放在pick与up之间。如:,Look! The photo is on the floor. Please pick it up.,看!照片在地上, 请把它捡起来。,拓展 pick sb. up还可表示“(用车)接某人。如:,My father will pick me up at five this afternoon.,我爸爸今天下午5点会来接我。,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,12,课时,Units 78, Book 4,巧辨异同,1 a bit of, a bit, a little,三者都有“一点儿 的意思。a bit of也可写成bits,of,修饰不可数名词;a bit修饰形容词和副词的原级及,其比较级。 二者都可用a little来替换。如:,I need a bit of/a little water to take medicine.,我需要一点儿水来吃药。,Her mother feels a bit/a little better today.,她母亲今天感觉好一些。,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,12,课时,Units 78, Book 4,注意: not a little与not a bit含义不同。,(1)not a little意为“非常,相当,相当于quite,rather, very much。,(2)not a bit意为“根本不,一点儿也不,相当于,not at all。,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,12,课时,Units 78, Book 4,解析,B,orange juice,为不可数名词,,A,、,B,、,C,均可修饰,但,any,多用于否定句和疑问句中,,little,表否定,与句意不符,,a bit of,不可数名词,表示“一点儿”。,中考典例,2021南宁改编 I still have _orange juice in the fridge.,AanyBa bit of,Clittle Da few,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,12,课时,Units 78, Book 4,2 have been to, have gone to, have been in,(1)have been to意为“去过某地,它强调一种经历,已,经返回; 常与ever, just, never, before等词连用,也,可与once, twice等表示次数的词连用。如:,He has been to Paris three times.,他已经去过巴黎三次了。(现在已经返回,不在巴黎),(2)have gone to意为“到某地去了,强调说话时去某地,的人不在场,且have gone to的主语大多是第三人称。如:,The children have gone to the park.,孩子们到公园去了。(孩子们去了公园,还没回来),自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,12,课时,Units 78, Book 4,(3)have been in意为“在某地待了多长时间,常与,表示一段时间的状语连用。如:,His parents have been in South Africa for three,months.,他的父母已经在南非待了三个月了。,(for three months表示一段时间),注意: 这几个短语后面如果接地点副词here, there,home, abroad等时,那么要去掉介词。,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,12,课时,Units 78, Book 4,解析,B,have gone to,表示“去了某地,(,还未回来,)”,;,have been to,表示“去过某地,(,已经回来,)”,;,have been in,表示“在某地”。,中考典例,2021阜康、米泉 Where is your father?,He_ Australia and he _ Sydney for two weeks.,Ahas been to; has been in,Bhas gone to; has been in,Chas been in; has been to,Dhas gone to; has been to,自学反馈,重点突破,即时自测,第,12,课时,Units 78, Book 4,3 too much, much too, too many,词语,意义及用法,例句,too much,意为“太多”,作形容词词组,修饰不可数名词。,I drank too much beer last night.,昨晚我喝了太多的啤酒。,much too,意为“太,非常”,用作副词词组,修饰形容词或副词,不可修饰动词。,Its much too hot today.,今天太热了。,too many,意为“太多”,修饰可数名词复数。,There are too many


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