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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,名 词,一、中考考查重点,可数名词与不可数名词,名词的单数与复数,名词所有格,4.,专有名词的常见的缩写形式,名词,专有名词(如:,Tom,、,China,、,the United States,January,Monday,),可数名词,普通名词,物质名词,(,如:,water,水,),抽象名词,(,如,:happiness,幸福,),个体名词,(,如:,teacher,教师,),集体名词,(,如:,police,警察,),不可数名,名词的定义:表示人、事物、地方、现象及其他抽象概念名称的名词。,cap-caps task-tasks star-stars tree-trees,house-hou,ses,exercise-exerci,ses,可数名词的复数形式,规则变化,A.,绝大多数名词的复数形式在单数形式后加,-S,B.,以字母,x,、,s,、,ch,、,sh,结尾的名词在其后加,-es,bus-buses box-boxes watch-watches,dish-dishes class-classes,C.,(,1,),以辅音字母,+ y,结尾的名词需把,y,变为,i,再加,-es,storystories babybabies countrycountries,partyparties,(,2,),以元音字母,+ y,结尾的名词在后面直接加,-s,daydays boy- boys toy-toys,E.,(,1,)以元音字母,+o,结尾的名词,以及某些以,o,结尾,的 外来词,变为复数时只加,-S,radioradios zoo-zoos,bamboo-bamboos,D.,以,-f,或,-fe,结尾的可数名词,先将,f,或,fe,变成,v,再加,-es,shelf-shelves lifelives knife-knives,leaf-leaves wifewives halfhalves,特殊,:roof-roofs,(,2,)以辅音字母,+o,结尾的名词变为复数,+es,potato-potatoes hero-heroes tomatotomatoes,但,pianopianos,photo,-photos,除外,.,不规则变化,特殊变化:,单复同形,man,m,e,n gentleman,gentlem,e,n policeman,policem,e,n woman,wom,e,n foot,f,ee,t tooth,t,ee,th mouse,mice,child,child,ren,sheep,sheep,fish,fish,/fishes,deer,deer,Chinese, Chinese Japanese Japanese,3.,表示“某国人”的名词,其变化有三种情况,a,Japanese, five,Japanese ( e.g Chinese ),a,Frenchman, two,Frenchmen,( e.g Englishman Englishwoman fisherman,policeman Frenchwoman ),a,German, five Germans,( e.g Russian American Indian Italian Korean ),4.,常以复数形式出现的名词,集体名词,:,trousers glasses clothes people police,口诀:中日不变英法变,其余把,S,加后面,5.,5.,复合名词的复数形式,a.,将主体名词变为复数,e.g a boy student,boy student,s,a flower shop,flower shop,s,a dining room,dining room,s,banana tree banana tree,s,shoe factory shoe factor,ies,b.,当名词的第一个构成部分为,man,或,woman,时,,将,2,个构成部分均变为复数,e.g,a,woman,teacher,two wom,e,n teacher,s,a,man,nurse,two m,e,n nurse,s,不可数名词,常见的不可数名词,.drink-coffe,milk,tea,2.food-rice,bread,meatporridge,tofu,3.sugar,salt,pepper,butter,4.weather-rain,snow,ice,cloud,wind,5.cotton,silk,wool,mental,paper,wood,glass,plastic,6.English,Chinese,Japanese,French,German,7.history,maths,science,physics,biology,PE,music,art,8.help,confidence,courage,success,danger,safe,9.work,homework,teamwork,news,money,advice,物质名词,(,如:,water,水,),抽象名词,(,如,:happiness,幸福,),不可数名词 数量的表达法:,通过,改变量词形式,的,方法来,表示不可数名词的量,a bottle of milk-two bottles of milk,a piece of meat-three pieces of meat,表示不可数名词量的相关词语还有,:,some,a,lot of ,much, a little , little, lots of,enough,plenty,of,巩固练习,:,(,1),一茶杯茶 (,2,)一块冰,(,3,)两公斤肉 (,4,)五瓶橘汁,(,5,)半公斤鸡肉 (,6,)许多瓶牛奶,不可数名词没有复数形式,既可做不可数名词,又可做可数名词的:,不可数名词 可数名词,paper,纸,a paper,glass,玻璃,a glass,iron,铁,a iron,room,空间,a room,chicken,鸡肉,a chicken,beauty,美,a beauty,一张报纸,一个玻璃杯,一个熨斗,一个房间,一只小鸡,一个美人,专有名词,:,1.,表示人名 如:,Jim Kate Li Lei Miss Gao,2.,表示地名,:,如,: China USA England Beijing,3.,表示星期、月份等时间概念的名称,如:,Sunday Monday Tuesday January February,4.,表示中外节日:,国际性节日,:New Year May Day Childrens Day,Womens Day,中国节日,: Spring Festival Mid-autumn Day,National Day,西方节日,: Christmas Day Easter(,复活节),Fathers Day,Mothers Day Saint Valentines Day(,情人节,),5.,机构或一些社会团体的名称,它们往往缩写,如,:,CCTV UN WTO PLA PRC UFO BBC SOS,UN,IT NBA IQ EQ PE RMB VIP,名词的所有格,单数的名词所有格,Mikes bag the boys knife,2.,在,词尾有,-S,的复数名词,所有格,只在词尾加,读音与名词变复数同,the students,books the teachers,office,3.,不规则名词,复数,的所有格,即词尾不是以,-s,结尾的单词,在词后,加,s,如,:,Womens Day mens clothes shop,4.,如果事物为,2,人或,2,人以上共同所有,在最后一个名词后加,-s;,珍妮和海伦的房间,Jenny and Helens room,Jennys and Helens rooms,5.,如果事物不是,2,人或,2,人共同所有,而是分别有的,则在,2,个名词,后都加,-s,珍妮的房间和海伦的房间,1.,有生命的东西,所有格用,s,的形式,8.,无生命的东西,一般用,“,of +,名词”,的形式表示其所有格,the door of the room the wall of the park,6.,有些表示,时间、距离、国家、城市、团体的等无生,命的,东西,,,也可以加,-s,构成所有格,2,小时路程,北京最好的公园,今日报纸,车站休息室,two hours,walk,Beijing,s,best park,today,s,newspaper,the station,s,waiting-room,at my uncles = at my uncles home,at a tailors = at a tailors shop,9.,表示类别的名词作定语,不用所有格,a silk hat cotton cloth,a coffee cup,7.,表示某人的,家、店铺、诊所,时,常,省略,所有格,后面的,名词,my,teachers,office,students,exercise books,Childrens,Palace,todays,newspaper,15,minutes,walk = a 15-minute walk,at the,butchers =,at the,butchers shop,to,Toms,= to,Toms house,1,我老师的办公室,2,学生们 的练习本,3,少年宫,4,今天的报纸,5,十五分钟的路程,6,在肉店,7,到汤姆家去,名词的所有格,Practice,8,广东的省会,9,教室的门,10,我父亲的一个朋友,11,他的两个兄弟,12,爱迪生的一些发明,13,他弟弟的一张照片,(,照片属于他弟弟,),14,他弟弟的一张照片,(,照片里的人是他弟弟,),the capital,of,Guangdong,the doors,of,the classroom,a friend,of,my,father,(s),two brothers,of his,some inventions,of,Edisons,a picture of his,brothers,a picture of his,brother,主谓一致,当,class, family, team, group, public,等集体名词做主语时,如果看成一个整体,动词就用单数;看成一个个具体成员时,就用复数。,e.g The class,are,waiting for her.,Toms family _ rather big.,Toms family _ are film fans,.,is,are,2.news, maths, politics,表示单数意义,动词用单数。,e.g The news,makes,her very happy.,Maths,_ not easy for him.,is,3,.,像,chopsticks, shoes, glasses,trousers,等表示复数含义的词,动词用复数。,e.g The shoes,are,hers.,但是,:,A pair of,glasses _ on the table.,Two pairs of,glasses _ on the table.,is,are,4. police, people(,人们,), youth(,青年们,),只有单数形式,,但表示复数意义,动词用复数。,e.g The police,are,gathering in the street.,The Chinese people _ peace.,love,但是,: people,当,“,民族,”,,,youth,当,“,男青年,”,讲时,,有单复数之分,e.g He,is,a youth of 20.,Many English-speaking people,s,_ this book.,like,5.,像,deer,、,sheep,等单复同形的词,动词单复根据,具体情况定,e.g A deer is over there in the field.,A group of deer _ over there in the field.,are,6.,The poet and musician _ at the party.,The singer and dancer _ just arrived.,The bread and the butter _ ready.,Bread and butter,_ her usual breakfast.,涂了黄油的面包,was,has,are,is,8. Both,and,的谓语动词用复数形式。,e.g. Both he and his father _ there.,were,7.,采取就近一致原则的句型结构:,There be ,e.g. There _ a book and two apples on the desk.,not onlybut also,e.g Not only you but also he _ right.,eitheror,e.g Either he or I _ wrong.,neithernor,e.g Neither she nor I _ right.,is,is,am,am,表示时间、距离 、金额、度量、书名、国名等的,复数名词,看作整体,动词用单数。,e.g Eight hours of sleep_ enough for you .,Ten dollars _ too much to pay.,is,is,10. each +,单数名词,+ and + each +,单数名词,every +,单数名词,+ and +every +,单数名词,no +,单数名词,+ and + no +,单数名词,each of +,复数名词,one of +,复数名词,many a +,单数名词,every / each +,单数名词,+ and +,单数名词,等结构做主语时,动词用单数。,e.g.,Each boy and each girl _ seen the film.,No teacher and no student,_ come yet.,Every knife, fork , and spoon _ to be bought.,Each of the students _ a dictionary.,has,has,has,has,(,) 1. Please give me _ paper.A. one B. a piece C. a D. a piece of (,) 2. This table is made of_. A. many glass B. some glasses C. glasses D. glass ( ) 3.,Bill runs fast,.,He won the _ 800 metre,race yesterday,.,A,boys B,boys C,boy D,boys . (,) 4. Some _ came to our school for a visit that day. A. Germans B. Germen C. Germany D. Germanies,(,) 5. In the picture there are many_ and two_.A. sheeps; foxes B. sheeps,; foxes,C. sheep; foxes D. sheep;foxs,课时训练,选择填空:,NOUN.,( ) 6. This is not my cap, but my _.,A. brothersB. brothersC. brothersD. brother,( )7.They write most of their_ in English.,A. business letter B. business letters,C. businesses D. businesses letters,( ) 8. _are_for cutting things. A. Knife, used B. Knives, using,C. Knife, using D. Knives, used,(,) 9. John bought_for himself yesterday. A. two pairs of shoes B. two pair of shoeC. two pair of shoes D. two pairs shoes,( ) 10.Excuse me, where is the_? A. mens room B. mens, room,C. mens rooms D. men rooms,NOUN.,1.Several _ are talkingabout their _under the tree.,A,woman;children B,woman;child C,women;children,2.How far is your school from here,?,Not very far,Its about twenty,walk.,(,2000,杭州),A,minutes B,minutes C,minutes,3. There are three,in my family. (2004,长春),A.people B. person C. child,4. Most students can go to college for further,in our city.,A. education B. information C.science,5. This is,bedroom. The twin sister like it very much.,A. Ann and Jane B. Ann and Janes C.Anns and Janes,典型例题解析,NOUN.,指点迷津,Ten years _(is ,are) short time for me.,A pair of shoes _(is, are) under the bed.,The number of the students in our school _(is ,are) 2,000.,The woman with two children _( is ,are ) coming here.,Neither he nor I _(are, am ) an American.,NOUN.,指点迷津,6. Maths,_(are, is ) hard to learn for the boy.,7. They are all _( woman, teachers ; women teachers).,8. The population of China _(are, is ) over 1,300,000,000.,9. There are many _(peoples,people )in the street in summer.,10. One of the students _(have, has) gone to Shanghai.,NOUN.,典型例题解析,The Browns,is,going to visit China. ( ),The Browns,are,going to visit China. (,),The young,is,dancing there. ( ),The young,are,dancing there.,( ),Physics,are,very difficult to learn. ( ),Physics,is,very difficult to learn.,( ),We have five,Germen,in this meeting. ( ),We have five,Germans,in this meeting.,( ),This is one of the English-Chinese,dictionary,. ( ),This is one of the English-Chinese,dictionaries,.,( ),


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