2021-2022学年牛津深圳版英语七年级下册Unit 1 People around us 复习课件(短语 句子 课文 语法)(共20张PPT)

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2021-2022学年牛津深圳版英语七年级下册Unit 1 People around us 复习课件(短语 句子 课文 语法)(共20张PPT)_第1页
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2021-2022学年牛津深圳版英语七年级下册Unit 1 People around us 复习课件(短语 句子 课文 语法)(共20张PPT)_第2页
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2021-2022学年牛津深圳版英语七年级下册Unit 1 People around us 复习课件(短语 句子 课文 语法)(共20张PPT)_第3页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Unit 1,People around us,关键词汇:,1.,照顾,_,2.,两年前,_,3.,讲笑话,_,4.,让我笑,_,5.,嘲笑;取笑,_,6.,擅长,_,7.,打乒乓球,_,8.,充满,_,9.,对某事要求严格,_,take care of,two years ago,tell jokes,make me laugh,make fun of,be good at,play table tennis,be full of,be strict about sth.,一、根据教材,P3,的课文内容,补全下面短文,每空一词,My grandma was a short woman 1. _ grey hair. She was always 2._ and good 3._ cooking. I will never forget the taste of her dishes, and the,smell 4._.,Alice is my best friend. She often tells me jokes 5. _ me laugh, but she never makes 6. _ of others. I hope we will always 7. _ friends.,Mr Li is my Maths teacher. He is strict 8._ our studies. He often 9. _ us and says, “Never give up and youll be 10. _.”,successful,with,cheerful,as well,to make,fun,remain,about,encourages,at,Presentation,Articles,(,冠词,),定义:,冠词是一种虚词,本身不能单独使用,它用在,名词的前面,,帮助指明名词的含义。,分类:,不定冠词,:,a/an,定冠词,:,the,不定冠词a, an,的用法:,用在单数可数名词前面,表示,“一”或“一个”,。,1.,a,用在以,辅音音素开头,的单词前,,,如:,a,boy,a,question,;,2.,an,用在以,元音音素开头,的单词前,,如:,an,apple,an,idea,。,eg. Linda will go to Beijing in,a,month.,琳达将在一个月内去北京。,An,elephant is stronger than,a,horse.,一头大象比一匹马更强壮。,1,.,定冠词,the,的用法,(1),指谈话双方彼此,都知道的人或事物,。,Do you know the boy who is singing there?,你认识在那边唱歌的男孩吗?,(2),用在表示宇宙间独一无二的事物的名词前。,the Sun,太阳,the Earth,地球,the sky,天空,(3),对前面已提到的人或事物,第二次提到时加定冠词,表示特指。,I found an MP4 in this shop. The MP4 was very expensive.,我看到这家商店有一个,MP4,,它很贵。,Grammar,(4),在动词,play,(演奏)后与乐器名词连用。,play the violin,拉小提琴,play the flute,吹笛,play the piano,弹钢琴,(5),在海洋、江湖、山脉、群岛、海峡、海湾等地理名词前加定冠词。,The Pacific Ocean,太平洋,the Red Sea,红海,(6),在姓氏的复数形式之前加定冠词,表示一家人,.,the Smiths,史密斯一家人,The Wangs live in the next-door house.,王先生一家住在隔壁。,(7),用在某些形容词前,表示“一类人”。,the old,老人,the young,年轻人,the poor,穷人,the rich,富人,the blind,盲人,(8),在序数词、形容词的最高级前。,the first; the most beautiful,(9),用在一些习惯用语中。,in the day,在白天,in the morning,在早晨,the day after tomorrow,后天,Fill in the blanks using,the, a, an, /,:,1.,_,book on the desk is mine.,2. She can play,_,piano very well, but she cant play,_,football.,3. This is,_,old story, but it is interesting.,4. Canada is _ very big country.,5. We live in,_,old house near,_,station.,The,the,/,an,a,an,the,Language points,1.,with,(prep. “,带有”,);,表示伴随状态,He bought a house,with,a small garden.,The teacher came into the classroom,with,a book in her hand.,C.Using,the,with a phrase to describe a particular person or thing.,The,girl,with,glasses,is Joyces best friend.,man,in,the black coat,is our teacher.,woman,with,long hair,is Mrs.Li.,factory,near,my home,is very noisy.,We can use,the,with,a short phrase,to describe a particular person or thing.,我们可以用,the,加上一个短语来描述一个特指的人或物。,选择最佳答案填空。,1. At the weekend, I often play _ piano and my,brother usually plays _ football.,A. the, / B. /, theC. /, / D. the, the,2. Lily bought _new dress and _dress is beautiful.,A. the, a B. a, aC. the, the D. a, the,3. Whats _ capital of England?,A. a B. / C. the D. an,4. Which is bigger, _Sun or _ Earth?,A. a, a B. a, theC. the, the D. the, a,( )5. Do you play _ violin in your free time?, No, I like sports. I often play _football,with my friends.,A. /, the B. the, / C. the, the D. a, a,( )6. _woman over there is _English,teacher.,A. The, an B. The, the C. An, the D. An, an,( )7. I hope I can fly to _ Moon one day.,A. the B. a C. an D. /,B,A,A,3. There is _ “f” in the word “wife”.,A. an B. a C. The,4. Lily bought _new dress and _dress is beautiful.,A. the, a B.,a, the,C. the, the,5. What is _ most useful invention in the 20th century?, _ computer, I think.,A. the; A B. a; A C. the; An,一、中考回放:,1.【2014,重庆市,B】Jolin is _ famous singer. She has a lot of fans.,A. a B. an C. the D. /,2.【2014,湖州,】Who is _ young lady with curly blonde hair?,A. a B. an C. the D. /,答案:,C,解析:句意:有金色卷发的那个年轻女人是谁?,因有定语,with curly blonde hair,修饰,young lady,故表特指。,考点定位:冠词辨析,点评:限定词修饰的名词前加,the,,表特指。,4.【2014,重庆,C】Ihave_Englishdictionaryandithelpsmealot.,A.a B.an C.the D./,6.【2014,湖南省衡阳市,】The young man in a blue coat is my PE teacher. He often plays _ basketball with us.,A. the B. a C. /,has,glasses,with,Although/Though,well,patient,teaching,from,carefully,to work,


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