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At that afternoon, she _ work and _ out into the street, ready to go home in King Street. _ to the thick _, she didnt took the usual bus and had to take the _to Green Park, then to her house.,left,stepped,Due,fog,Underground,A brief revision of the story,2,2020/12/1,As it was so _ that she felt a bit _. On the bus she _that she was being _ by a tall man; walking in Park Street, she _ footsteps and felt a mans rough hand _ her face. She was _ with fear. Therefore, when she heard another mans footsteps, how,foggy,frightened,sensed,watched,heard,brush,beating,3,2020/12/1,she _ to run, but fear _ her still. Much to her joy, this time an old man _ a stick _ out his hand, held her hand firmly, _ her to her street, chatting all the way.,In the _, Polly got to know that the old man was,!,wished,held,carrying,reached,led,end,blind,4,2020/12/1,1. People have five,sense,s.,2.Im afraid I havent got,a,very good,sense,of,directions, so I easily get lost,.,3.,There is no,sense,(in) worry,ing,about the past.,5. She,sense,d that the storm was coming.,感官,意义,The world of our senses,感,vt.,感觉到,5,2020/12/1,make (no) sense,make sense of,in a sense,common sense,讲,(,不,),通,有,(,无,),意义,理解,明白,从某种意义上,常识,6,2020/12/1,Dogs have a very good _ of smell and are often used to search for survivors in an earthquake. (2008,浙江,),A. sense B. view C. means D. idea,A,巩固练习,7,2020/12/1,Translation:,1.,那天早晨波莉离家时,整个城市已笼罩在灰色的薄雾中,。,2,她不知道这个时候公交车是不是还照常运行。,Para 1,When Polly left home that morning, the city,was already covered in a grey mist.,She,wondered,if the buses would still be,running.,8,2020/12/1,wonder,vt.,对,感到疑惑,想要知道,+,疑问词引导 的句子或不定式,(,肯定句,),n. (Its ) no wonder (that).,我不知道下一步该做什么。,I wonder what we will do next / what to do next.,难怪你那么累,你一直走了好几个小时。,No wonder you are that tired, youve been walking,for hours.,9,2020/12/1,1. Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop.,= Once_ _out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop.,once “,一旦,就,”,状语从句的省略(,if; when; while; unless,),Para 2,she,was,一旦出版,这本字典会非常畅销。,Once published, this dictionary will be very popular.,10,2020/12/1,that,2. The truth is,that,the fog is too thick for the bus to run,that,far.,引导表语从句,adv.,那么,问题是我们钱已用完。,The problem is,that,we have run out of money,.,他没来的原因是他病了。,The reason why he didnt come is that he,was ill.,11,2020/12/1,1. As Polly _the passengers on the train, she had a feeling,that,she was being watched by a tall ma in a dark overcoat.,2. While,of the passengers _(be) getting out, she glanced at the faces around her.,Para 3,observed,the rest,were,观察,;,注意到,;,遵守,其余的,剩下的,12,2020/12/1,一感:,feel,二听:,listen to, hear,三使:,let, have,make,五看:,observe,,,see,,,watch,,,notice,,,look at,感观动词的用法,+ do/ doing sth,13,2020/12/1,人们常看到他乞讨,People often see him beg.,People often see him begging.,(),(),昨天人们看到他乞讨的,.,People saw him begged yesterday.,People observed him beg yesterday.,He was seen to beg yesterday.,(),(),(),True or false,14,2020/12/1,1._she looked, the fog lay like a thick ,grey cloud.,2. There was no one_ _.(,什么人也看不见),3. She could feel her heart _ _fear.,A. beat with B. beating for,C. beat for D. beating with,Para 4,wherever,in sight,D,15,2020/12/1,1.Wherever she looked, the fog lay like a thick , grey cloud.,1,It is generally considered unwise to give a child _he or she wants.,A,however B,whatever,C,whichever D,whenever,B,16,2020/12/1,2. Well have to finish the job._.(NMET99),A. Long it takes however,B. it takes however long,C. Long however it takes,D. however long it takes,D,17,2020/12/1,My parents fell in love with each other _.,2. There was no one _ in that large desert and it made me really frightened.,3. On entering her room, I _ a big picture on the wall.,4. After saying goodbye to my parents, I didnt return to my room until I _ them at the end of the street.,at first sight,in sight,caught sight of,lost sight of,2. There was no one in sight.,18,2020/12/1,3. As she walked along the narrow street, she heard the sound of footsteps,approaching,.,a new approach,to,teaching languages,approach,vi.,接近,靠近,He didnt approach the front door at once.,n. 接近;方法;途径;,19,2020/12/1,希望有人过来,让她一动不动,抬头凝视,住在国王大街,86,号,小心台阶,多好的年纪啊,将手握得更紧了,Para 5,1. translation,wish for someone to come along,hold her still,stare up at,live at 86 king street,watch out for the step,a nice age to be,hold her hand more firmly,20,2020/12/1,Please hold _ your head high.,He held _his hand for money.,She cant hold _ her tears.,The accident held _ the traffic.,Please hold _. Ill ask him.,up,out,back,up,on,高昂起头,伸出,阻止,阻挡使停顿,别挂电话,等一下,2. but fear,held,her,still,.,21,2020/12/1,still,在此意为“静止的,不动的”,指没有运动或者动作的状态。,e.g. The kids found it hard to stay,still,.,那些孩子觉得呆着不动很难做到。,22,2020/12/1,calm,意为“平静的,,沉着的,”,指无风浪或人的心情不激动。,quiet,意为“宁静的,,安静的,”,指没有声音,不吵闹,心里不烦恼。,silent,意为“,沉默的,”,指没有声音或不讲话。,辨析,still,,,calm,,,quiet,,,silent,23,2020/12/1,Parents ask their children to keep _.,She kept _ about what she had seen in the traffic accident.,Fear held her _.,When running into danger, keeping _ is of great importance.,quiet,silent,still,calm,24,2020/12/1,find oneself,突然发现自己处于某种状况,1. When I got home,(我发现他在等我),.,2. The girl _,(,发现自己被陌生人包围着,).,3. When he came to, he _,(,他发现自己在一个不明飞行物里,).,found him waiting for me,found herself surrounded by strangers,found himself in a UFO,3. Polly found herself staring up at the face,of an old man with a beard.,25,2020/12/1,1.,Thank you so much for coming to my aid, said Polly,in relief,.,In Chinese,:,_,Para 6,“非常感谢您帮忙”波莉如释重负地说。,2. It gives me the chance to _ the help that people give me when its sunny.,A. pay back B. pay off C. pay for,A,26,2020/12/1,3. It gives me the chance to,pay back,the help that people give me when its sunny.,We must make them , pay back all of these debts,Youve been very kind to me. How can I pay you back?,He embarrassed me at the party. Ill pay him back someday.,偿还,报复,报答,27,2020/12/1,pay for / pay off / pay back,All my years of training as an explorer have finally _.,How can I _ you _ for all your kindness?,Have you _ the money you owe me yet?,After these years, weve at last _ all our debts.,I _ ten dollars _the book.,paid off,pay,back,paid back,paid,for,paid off,28,2020/12/1,Complete the following sentences with,proper prep. and adv.,1. At the sight of the abominable yeti, the hunter stepped back and shook _ fear.,2.If you take kids to the park, always remember to keep them _ sight.,with,in,Practice,29,2020/12/1,3. Tony waited for the bus anxiously and glanced _ his watch from time to time.,4. I can never fully express my thanks to you. How can I ever pay you _?,5. Watch _ _ the steps when you come down stairs, will you?,at,back,out for,30,2020/12/1,6. Dont rest too much hope _ the,guy.,7. How I wished _ a warm drink! I,reached _ but it was gone.,8. Dont stand there _ your arms,crossed.,Come on and lend a hand.,on,for,out,with,31,2020/12/1,C. Make sentences:,1.,我们班学生数比你们班多。,( that ),The number of students in our class is larger than that in yours.,2.,当他醒来时,他发现自己躺在 床,上。,(find ),When he woke up, he found himself lying in bed.,32,2020/12/1,I observed him hold Moms hand firmly.,Helen works out everyday with her dog following behind.,3.,我注意到他紧紧抓住妈妈的手。,( observe, hold),4.,海伦每天锻炼,她的狗就跟在后面。,( with.doing.),33,2020/12/1,考例, The traditional view is _ we sleep because our brain is “programmed” to make us do so.(,上海,2007),A. when B. why,C. whetherD. that,句意:传统的观点认为我们睡觉是因为我们的大脑被“预置”,使得我们这样做。表语从句中不缺成分,也不缺内容,故选,D,。,34,2020/12/1,考点,2,第二个,that,是副词,意为“那么,如此”,相当于,so,。,考例, Sometimes it was a bit boring to work there because there wasnt always _ much to do.(,广东,2004),A. such B. that,C. more D. very,句意:有时候在那儿工作有点让人厌烦,因为那儿并不是总有那么多事情可做。此处,that,相当于,so,。,B,35,2020/12/1,考例, I smell something _ in the kitchen. Can I call you back in a minute?(2007,全国卷,I),A. burning B. burnt,C. being burnt D. to be burnt,句意:我闻到了厨房里有东西烧焦的味道,一分钟后我给你回电话好吗?,burning,表动作的主动和进行;,burnt,表动作的被动和完成;,being burnt,表动作正在被进行;,to be burnt,表动作将要被完成。,根据句意,,burn,和,smell,两个动作应该是同时进行,故选,A,。,36,2020/12/1,考例,1 The information on the Internet gets around much more rapidly than _ in the newspaper.(,辽宁,2007),A. it B. those,C. one D. that,句意:因特网上的信息比报纸上的信息传播得要快得多。根据句意,前后比较的内容都是,information,,但指代不同的内容。,37,2020/12/1,it,指代同类同物;,those, one, that,都指代同类不同物,但,those,替代前面的特指的复数名词;,one,替代前面的泛指的单数可数名词;,that,替代前面的特指的单数可数名词或不可数名词。,information,是不可数名词,故选,D,。,38,2020/12/1,考例,2 Little joy can equal _ of a surprising ending when you read stories.(,四川,2007),A. that B. those,C. any D. some,句意:几乎没有什么乐趣能比得上在阅读故事时读到了出乎意料的结局的乐趣。此处,that,相当于,the joy,。,A,39,2020/12/1,Homework,课课练,40,2020/12/1,谢谢观赏,


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