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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 5 单元教学设计,1,编者的编写意图, 新课标把一个单元看成完整的一个“大课”整体设计,。, “输入(input)处理(processing)输出(output)反思(reflexion)”, 对内容(content)和语言(language)的教学处理都是按照这一思路,。,2,培养学生用外在的语言传递信息的听说、读写的交际能力,和学生用内在的语言处理信息,发现、分析和解决问题以及分析语言形式(,form,)本身内在特点的认知,(,思维,),能力。,整个过程要有一致的目标,即“语言结构,(structure),”最终要达到的“功能,(function),”,这一单元具体化为,“expressing ideas on qualities of great people”,。,最好的教学组织方式就是“任务型(,task-based,)”活动,。,3,本单元的整体活动设计看成是“输入处理输出反思”的一个大任务。,大任务最终的结果(outcome)是学生能结合真实交际情景,“流畅(fluency)、准确(accuracy ) 、灵活(complexity)”地实现功能。,每个课时都是这个序列任务活动的一环(小任务),但又各自形成“输入处理输出反思”的小循环。,学生的交际和认知能力逐步提升。,4, 四方面的材料“输入”(Input),一,精读和泛读,精听和泛听(读为主),二,教师讲解和呈现(,presentation,),三,通过互动(如,discussion,)获取的其他学生的经验和思想,四,通过调查(,survey,)、,Internet,收集的素材,所有输入以学生自己的已有经验为基础。,5,第一课时 “精读课”, Warming-up是对单元大话题的准备,属于“前输入”准备阶段。设计个人性格调查活动,讨论引出涉及人的,智、情、意,的伟大品质,初步熟悉相关词intelligent,loving,determined,unselfish。, Pre-reading涉及本课时的小话题qualities of a particular great person。讨论辨析、廓清an“important” person和 a “great ”person的不同概念(concept)。,6, 和传统做法不同,提倡学生自主讨论(,discuss,),在已知的经验基础上预先“建构”初步的整体框架。,Reading 材料呈现,该文章从黑人,Elias,本人的故事角度,从侧面记叙,1952-1963,年期间黑人领袖,Mandela,事迹,更加真实地说明,Mandela,的伟大品质。,“处理”信息,基于来自前面survey 、discussion、presentation等渠道的“输入”,学生独立“处理”信息,发展思维。,7,“综合”能力是“归零为整”的思维。,学生找出主题、与主题相关的主要信息,以及,它们之间的逻辑联系,,构建文章整体“语义图”,本课的主题是Mandela对Elias的影响,构建“语,义图”的活动是make a timeline of Elias,life and what Mandela did or said。,8,“分析”能力是“化整为零”的思维。,1,重要概念的“廓清”(clarification)和“辨 析”(distinguishing) 能力,2,基于事实的“判断”(judgement) 能力,3,结合个人经验的“推理”(inference)能力,4,“作决定”(decision-making),“得出结论”(drawing-conclusion),“解决问题”(problem-solving) 能力。,9,相对应的本课活动,1,Discussion:How do you understand the “position” of the black people and the “stage”they have reached.,2,Tell whether the statements are true or false and why.,3,Debate:Is it right for Mandela to “answer violence with violence”?,4, Decision-making:Suppose you were a black at that time,decide whether you would follow Mandela.,10, 和传统做法不同,提倡给出基于理由(,reasons,)的不同答案。,第二课时 “泛读课”,有两篇文章:,1,,The rest of Elias Story,进一步介绍,Elias,和,Mandela,的交往。,2,,Workbook,关于,Bill Gates,的,Follower,和,Competitor,对他不同评价。,11,第一篇文章分析处理大致同第一课时, “前输入”准备阶段(preparation)和信息处理简略于“精读课”,,采用书面选择答案的练习检查理解,。教学侧重点在设计任务Role-play:Suppose you were Elias,now working as a guide to your old prison on Robben Island,make up a dialogue orally,answering questions from the tourists(your partnersroles).,12, 第二篇文章侧重对比不同观点,得出结论(drawing-conclusion) 。, “因材施教”是教学的一个重要原则。,第三课时“词汇学习课”, 和传统做法不同,提倡自我发现和分析。, 略修改为“输入处理练习(practice)输出反思”。, 练习(practice)环节是词汇半控制性初步应用。, 活动情景尽量和本单元主题相关,Talking about qualities of great people。,13, 发现(,notice,)目标语言,(突出,Language Awareness,)并处理分析(,analyse,)关键词汇的,意义、用法、搭配、使用情景、扩展意义、词义辨析、形式变化等,。, 发现和分析活动,1, Find the words for the English explanation,2, Find the words to finish the sentences or short passage .,3, Find the correct form to fill in the blanks.,4, Guess the wordsnew meaning in context.,5, Discuss with your partner about the usage of a key word and try to make a sentence with it.,14, 练习(practice)活动,1, Retell the story with key words.,2,,,Complete the passage with the key words we have learned.,3,,,Choose the right expressions from the brackets to complete the passage.,4,,,Translate the missing part with the given words., 现实的交际意义和趣味性,留有思考余地,引导学生分析语境线索(,clues,)。,15, 分析和练习的基础上,任务:,Comment on Gandhi,based on information the teacher gave and you have gathered by yourself,,综合运用本单元的重点词汇。,第四课时“语言结构(,structure,)学习课”,第五课时“听说课”-,语言运用(,Using Language), 和传统做法不同,综合技能运用(Integrated skills)代替单一的技能。,16, Listening 和Reading相似,前者语音输入的“瞬时性”决定了安排活动的两个侧重点。,一是侧重“前输入”准备阶段(preparation)的预测作用。第一篇听力记叙黑人Elias跟随Mandela的经过。预测问题Why did Elias decide to join ANC Youth League?,二是侧重听力输入信息筛选(捕捉重要信息)作用。, 两个侧重点突出听的目的性。,17, 捕捉重要信息活动:,1,,,Make notes of words related to the poor condition of the poor.,2,Pay attention to the main indicators,(指示词),如,conjunctions.(,连词,),3,Write down the timeline.,4,Fill in the blankets with the word you hear.,Workbook,上的第二篇听力材料话题和单元不同,是关于两个车祸目击者不同的证词。语言功能是一致的,,expressing your own ideas,。,分析理解后,“说”的任务是,Problem-solving,:,Suppose you are the traffic police,who do you think held the major responsibility for the accident?,18,最后课时I,ntegrated skills,另一组合“读写课”,通过阅读,Mandela,的简历和他的一篇演讲,理解他的伟人品质。“写”的任务是“得出结论”,(drawing-conclusion),:,Write a letter to China Daily to tell a great person you admire and state the reasons for his great qualities,。,由于写是复杂的技能,最需要我们周密的计划(,planning,)。计划除了分配给学生合理的时间外,最重要的是利用,Worksheet,给出语言和内容方面的指导(,instructions,)。,19, 内容和文章结构的提示:,Step1.Collect your ideas for the letter.Write them down in the order you think is proper. (a suggested order: Paragraph1, Personal information / Paragraph2, Achievements / Paragraph3,Good qualities / Paragraph4,Your opinions),Setp2.The letter is supposed to focus on explaining to the editor 1,what kind of person he/she is. 2,what he/she actually did for the others 3,why what he/she did is respectable., 语言方面的提示:,These are the things you can do to help you prepare 1,think what structures you need to do the task . 2,think what vocabulary you need to do the task 3,think how to avoid difficulties and solve problems with structures and vocabulary(,交际策略,).,你也可直接提供相关的语法结构和词汇。,20,语法课教材分析。, “承上启下”的过渡课。, “承上” -学生对语言结构的自我发现和分析是基于前面课时的输入材料。, “启下”-,学生对语言结构的自我练习和运用是为进一步的综合技能的活用铺垫。, “输入处理练习(,practice,)输出反思”的过程就是学生自我发现和分析和自我练习和运用的过程。,21,本课话题和单元主题一致,,the qualities of great people,,, 学习语言结构“由,when,、,where,、,why,引导的定语从句”,达到的交际功能目标和单元目标有关:,stating your reasons for your ideas of great people,,,illustating the specific reasons,、,places and times,。,22, 其它主要教学目标,1,,情感、德育目标:教学过程促进学生情感内在的和谐(内心的平和)和外在的和谐(人际交往的愉悦),其中培养爱心、恒心和虚心的个人品质尤为重要。,2,,学习策略目标:认知策略侧重学生自我发现和分析和自我练习和运用定语从句,保证使用定语从句的准确,(accuracy ),、灵活,(complexity),。,交际策略侧重学生使用交际技巧(省略、回避)保证交际的流畅(,fluency,)。,23,教学步骤,Step1, Noticing and analylsing,Activity 1: Matching. Match great people and their sayings,and then 1),give your reasons. 2), say the meaning of each sentence 3)find out which sentence structures you are not familiar with. 3),work with your deskmate,compare familiar and unfamiliar ones,and say the difference(notice the the key noun and conjunction,先行词和连词,),活动设计说明:发现结构,通过辨析,初步分析,结构的形式和意念功能(突出对特定时间、地点、原因的描述)。,24,Activity 2:Discovering.,Represent the reading material(,再回到课文,1).Elias was talking to his friends about what Mandela did for him and the black.Please find the information in the text.,活动设计说明:再回到课文发现结构,通过信息转化,进一步分析,结构的意义。,25,Activity 3: Discussion. Present more sentences containing the target structure, all related to Albert Einstein. Students discuss in groups of four,find out as many grammatical rules as possible.Then The teacher sums up., 活动设计说明:再次增加相关话题的输入,通过讨论,综合分析,结构句法特征,作一归纳。,26,Step2,Meaningful practice,Activity 4:Finding the information.Complete the short passage related to Mohandas Gandhi with information provided below,using the target structure beginning with “where 、when 、why”., 活动设计说明:通过书面填空,,初步运用,结构,在给定的语境中,要求自己判断,选择连词和合适的信息内容。,27,Activity 5:Guessing. Students collect information about a particular great person,and try to use the target structure to say something about him.(one or two sentences) Others guess who he/she is.,举例说明:,Student A: Warsaw,Poland was her hometown where she was born, and Paris was her second hometown where she studied and lived most of her life.(Madam Curie), 活动设计说明:通过口头练习,放宽语境控制,进一步训练学生用特定语言组织内容的能力。,28,Activity 6:Commenting. Students read the material in Activity 4 again,and work within groups to make comments on Gandhis great qualities.When giving reasons,try to use the target structure. (小组记录员集中汇报)Students are then asked to comment on a familiar ordinary person who they think are also great,eg. Their father,mother,teacher., 活动设计说明:通过读、说多技能综合练习,结合学生生活实际,训练学生灵活运用结构的,能力。,29,Step3,Tasked-based language using.,Activity 7:Choice-making. You are supposed to vote for a monitor of your class between two candidates.The two candidates first make a brief introduction of themselves,including their characters. When making your choice within your groups,do give your reasons,using as many target structures as possible.Every group takes a vote first,and the group leader collects the ideas and gives a final report.,活动设计说明:通过任务型活动,解决,学生真实问题,,培养,综合运用,语言能力。,30,


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