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,期末复习训练,R-,精通版,五年级上册,Unit 6,复习训练,提示,:,点击 进入习题,四,一,三,二,五,六,一、根据图片提示选一选。将序号填在横线上。,水果家庭大聚会,让我们来看一看都有谁出席了这个聚会:,_,先生、,_,女士、,_,小姐、,_,弟弟、,_,妹妹。,A. Lychee,B. hami melon C. strawberry D. cherry E. star fruit,B,E,D,C,A,二、用所给词的适当形式填空。,1. What are _(that)?,点拨:,通过,are,可知后面代词用,those,。,those,2. Whose _(peach) are these?,peaches,3. What are these?,They are _(star fruit).,点拨:,star fruit,单复数同形,。,star fruit,4. Can I _(have) some longans?,点拨:,情态动词,can,动词原形,。,have,5. Are _(it) coconuts?,点拨:,通过,are,可知后面代词应用复数形式,,it,复数形式为,they,。,they,三、单项选择。,(,)1. Can we have some _?,A. watermelon,B. grape,C. milk,点拨:,some,可数名词复数,/,不可数名词,。,C,(,)2. _ is this?,Its a pear.,A. How,B,. Whose,C. What,点拨:,通过答语,“,Its a pear.,它是一个梨,”,,知道上文问的是,“,这是什么?,”,,故答案为,C,。,C,(,)3. Apples, grapes and lychees are called,_.,A. fruit,B,. animal,C. vegetables,点拨:,fruit,水果,,animal,动物,,vegetables,蔬菜,。,A,(,)4. Well _ a watermelon in a shop.,A. take,B,. buy,C. make,点拨:,通过翻译可知,“,我们将要在店里买一个西瓜,”,。,take,和,buy,都有买的意思,但是,take,一般用于陈述买这一事实,,buy,则强调买的动作,故选,B,。,B,(,)5. Would you like _ orange juice?,A. an B. some C. a,B,点拨:,orange juice“,橙汁,”,是不可数名词,故选,B,。,四、按要求完成句子。,1. Whats that? (,用,peach,回答,),_ _ _.,2. It is a cherry. (,改为复数句,),_ _ _.,Its a peach,They are,cherries,3. Are they strawberries? (,作否定回答,),_, _ _.,4. Those are,hami melons,. (,对画线部分提问,),_ _ _?,5. we, have, can, grapefruits, an, and, some, apple(?),(,连词组句,),_,No,they arent,What are those,Can we have some grapefruits and an apple?,五、选出有错误的一项并在横线上改正。,(,)1. I want,to buy,some pears,. But not,this,.,_,(,)2.,It,is,an,green,apple,.,_,C,these,B,a,A B C,A B C,(,)3. Would you,like,any,fruit,? _,(,)4.,Well,buy,one,to,you. _,B,some,C,for,A B C,A B C,六、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。,Hello! My name is Zhou Pei. Im tall and thin. I like to eat yummy food. Look! What are these? They are lychees and chips(,薯片,). I like them very much. What are those? They are chicken and noodles. They are very nice. I also like juice very much.,But I dont buy juice in the shop. Because I can make orange juice, apple juice, peach juice and pear juice at home. They are very healthy(,健康的,).,(,)1. Zhou Pei is _.,A. smart and tall,B. tall and thin,C. tall and,quiet,B,(,)2. Zhou Pei likes _.,A. chips and juice,B. water and lychees,C. noodles and rice,A,(,)3. Zhou Pei doesnt buy _ in the shop.,A. fruit,B. food,C. juice,(,)4. Zhou Pei makes juice _.,A. at school B. at home,C. in a shop,C,B,


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