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专项五单项选择,(,连词,),外研安徽版九年级下,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,提示,:点击 进入习题,5,11,12,13,14,15,答案呈现,D,C,A,B,D,B,A,B,A,B,B,B,16,17,18,A,B,A,C,A,C,19,20,C,A,考点,1,并列连词,1,. 【2021,四川达州,】Hurry up, dear!,_ we wont,catch up with the train., Dont worry! Time is still enough _,we,can make it.,A. And; or,B,. Or; but,C. And;,but D,. Or; and,D,2,. 【2021,海南,】Many tourists visit Hainan around the Spring Festival, because its,_ too cold,_,too,hot.,A. both; and,B,. not only; but also,C. neither;,nor,C,3,. 【2021,黑龙江绥化,】You dont need to take,any cash (,现金,) when,shopping. You may pay,by,_,Alipay (,支付宝,),_,WeChat(,微信,).,A. either; or,B,. neither; nor,C,. not;,but,A,4,. 【2021,内蒙古包头,】 Jamie, please send,me postcards,_,Ill,know where you have visited.,Its a good idea!,A. but,B,. so,C,.,or,D. for,B,考点,2,从属连词,5,. 【2021,重庆,B,卷,】We were lucky yesterday.,The bus,left,_ we,got on it.,A. before,B,. although,C. until,D,. as soon as,D,6,. 【2021,甘肃武威,】,_ you,practice every day, you wont make any progress.,A. Although,B,. Unless,C. If,D,.,Since,B,7,. 【2021,河北,】I love to listen to rock,music,_I,am running.,A. while B,. after,C,. since,D,.,until,A,8,. 【2021,湖南岳阳,】 _,he,is 72 years old,_he,keeps running every day.,A. Although; but,B,. Although; /,C. But;,/,B,9,. 【2021,江苏南京,】You need to practise,speaking every,day _,you,hope to improve your spoken English.,A. if,B,. although,C. unless,D,. until,A,10. 【2021,江苏扬州,】,_ we,always wait for another day, fruitlessly our life will pass away.,A.,Until,B. If,C. Although,D,. Whether,B,11. 【2021,江西,】There are no buses to the beach,. _ you,have a car, its difficult to get there.,A. Since,B,. After,C. Unless,D,.,Because,C,12,. 【2021,山西,】Please dont hurt the little,animals,_,you,see them on the street. They are our friends.,A. so,B,. when,C,.,unless,B,13,. Father is too tired today. Dont call him _,it,is necessary.,A. if,B,. unless,C. whether,D,. when,B,14. 【2021,四川遂宁,】Our headmaster asks us to watch news every day,_ we,can find out whats going on around the world.,A. so that,B,. even though,C. in order to,D,. instead,of,A,15,. 【2021,四川自贡,】Would you like to help,me clean,the house this weekend?,Id like to _,I,finish my homework.,A. before,B,.,though,C.,if,C,16,. 【2021,天津,】My cousin became a,country doctor,_,he,finished medical school.,A. after B,. so that,C,. but,D,.,so,A,17. 【2021,新疆,】We can achieve our,dream _ we,dont give up hope in the face of difficulties.,A. even though,B,. as long as,C. so that,D,. no matter,what,B,18,. 【2021,云南,】 _,he,heard the little girl crying for help outside, he rushed out of the room.,A. As soon as,B,. Unless,C. If,D,.,Although,A,19,. 【2021,湖北荆州,】 How do you like,the singing,competition yesterday?, Exciting, _,some,students didnt do very well.,A. so,B,. and,C. though,D,. because,C,20. 【2021,湖北十堰,】Im afraid I cant do,well in,the sports meeting., Dont worry. I will support you,_ you,dont succeed.,A. even if,B,. if,C. so that,D,. unless,A,


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