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安徽外研版九年级下,写作能力提升练,Module 3,Life now and then,同学们都非常热爱自己的家乡吧!那么你的家乡和过去相比有什么变化呢?把它们写下来,和同学们分享吧。,安徽外研版九年级下,请以,“ My home town”,为题写一篇关于你家乡的短文。词数,100,左右。,内容提示:,1.,过去,我的家乡并不大,人们过着简朴的生活。,2.,过去,没有这么多的工厂,所以空气非常新鲜,河水很清澈,河边有许多鸟儿飞来飞去。,3.,过去交通也不拥挤,在街道上也非常安全。,4.,现在发生了巨大的变化。工厂越来越多,水变脏了;空气也不如以前新鲜了;越来越多的车导致很多交通事故。,5.,希望人人为保护家乡的环境做出贡献,让家乡变得越来越美。,【,思路构建,】,步骤,构思,列纲,1,除了介绍自己的家乡变化外,还要向同学们发出倡议,号召大家行动起来,为家乡的繁荣发展贡献力量。,My hometown is a small city in South China. I hope that everyone will do their best to,2,对家乡过去的描述多用一般过去时,对未来的描述用一般将来时,人称用第一人称。,There werent many factories in the past, so the air was very,the traffic was not,3,写作时切勿只列要点,在合适的要点处,要适当加一些细节或者承上启下的连接词。,In addition,As a result,My hometown,My hometown is a small city in South China. There werent many factories in the past, so the air was very fresh and a lot of birds flew above the lakes. In addition, the traffic was not heavy and it was safe in the street. People enjoyed swimming in the river in summer.,【,精彩范文,】,However, there have been more and more factories. As a result, the water has become dirty. The air is not as fresh as before. Too many cars have caused more traffic accidents.,I hope that everyone will do their best to save our city and make it more and more beautiful in the future.,fresh,新鲜的,better,更好的,healthy,健康的,beautiful,漂亮的,before,以前,change,改变,in the past,在过去,in addition,此外,另外,enjoy doing sth.,喜欢做某事,too many,太多,【,常用词汇,】,do ones best,尽某人最大的努力,in the future,在未来,compared to,与,相比,live a happier life,过更幸福的生活,in some ways,在某些方面,1. Life in the future will be very different from it is today.,未来的生活与现在的生活将大不相同。,2. There will be more people in the world and most of them will live longer.,世界上将会有更多的人,他们中的大多数将会活得更久。,【,常用句型,】,3. People will work fewer hours than they do now and they will have more free time for sports, watching TV and travelling.,人们将会比现在工作更少的时间,他们将有更多的空闲时间来做运动、看电视和旅游。,我国脱贫攻坚战取得全面胜利,老百姓的衣食住行都有巨大改善。你家餐桌上的食物和以前相比变化大吗?,30,年前,人们只能勉强填饱肚子;,20,年前,人们吃的食物更加丰盛;近几年来,人们不仅讲究食物种类,更讲究营养和健康。请以,“Changes on the dinner table”,为题,写一篇短文介绍一下餐桌上的变化。,要求,: 1.,要点齐全,条理清楚,语句通顺,语法正确,书写规范。,2.,词数,: 100,左右。,Changes on the dinner table,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,Changes on the dinner table,Great changes have taken place on peoples dinner tables in the past 30 years.,Thirty years ago, people were so poor that they didnt have enough food to eat. They had to fill their stomachs with something unhealthy. Twenty years ago, peoples life was better than before. They could make more money and,had,_,_,_,_,_,_,more food to eat. In recent years, most people have led a better life. On one hand, they can buy anything that they want to eat, such as seafood and all kinds of meat and fruits. On the other hand, people pay more attention to their balanced diets. They want to be healthier.,I think people will lead a better life in the future.,


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