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Unit4 A good read,Period 3 Grammar,课文呈现,Grammar,A. Using question words,to-infinitives,We can use a question word with a,to-,infinitive after a verb.,Millie has decided,what to read,.,Daniel did not say,who to talk to,about this book.,Simon forgot,when to meet,his friends.,课文呈现,Kitty cannot decide,which to choose,first.,Sandy is wondering,where to ask,for help.,Amy does not know,how to write,the report.,All question words can be used in this,way, except why., Suzy will explain why to recommend this book.,Suzy will explain why she recommends this book.,We can use a verb and an object before a question word with a to-infinitive.,课文呈现,Mr Wu,advised us which to choose,as after-school activities.,The students,asked their teacher when to hand in,their work.,Millie,showed us what to do,next.,Daniel,taught himself how to use,a computer to draw.,Dont forget to,tell your mum where to meet,you.,advise ask decide discuss find out,forget know learn remember say,show teach think understand wonder,课文呈现,We can use a noun after,what, which, whose, how many,and,how much,.,They are discussing,which colour to paint,the walls.,You can ask your parents,how much money to take,with you.,We can also use an adjective like,sure,or,clear,before a question word.,Suzy was not,sure who to ask,for help.,Are you,clear when to meet,at the gate tomorrow?,课文呈现,About Reading Week,Amy and Daniel are talking about their Reading Week. Complete their conversation. Use the correct question words and to-infinitives.,how what when where which who,ask for find,hand,in,read travel write about,温馨提示:,此符号表示,“,考点精讲点拨,”,链接。,课文呈现,Amy:,Mr Wu has recommended so many interesting books. Have you decided (1) _ first, Daniel?,Daniel:,Yes. I want to read Black Beauty first. But I dont know (2) _ the book.,which to read,where to find,how what when where which who,ask for find hand in read travel write about,课文呈现,Amy:,You can try our school library or Sunshine Library. Oh, did you know Peter is reading,Around the World in Eighty Days,? He wants to find out (3) _ around the world in such a short time.,Daniel:,Wow, thats amazing! By the way, can you tell me (4) _ our book report?,how to travel,when to hand in,how what when where which who,ask for find hand in read travel write about,课文呈现,Amy:,Before next Friday. Im still not sure (5) _ in the report.,Daniel:,You can write anything about your bookwhat the book is about, what you think of it,and so on,.,You should read some reviews about the book before writing.,what to write about,how what when where which who,ask for find hand in read travel write about,课文呈现,Amy:,Thank you. Anyway, I know (6) _ help with writing. Mr Wu is always there to help us.,who to ask for,how what when where which who,ask for find hand in read travel write about,课文呈现,B. Using,must,and,have to,We use,must,and,have to,to say that it is necessary to do something.,We use,must,when the speaker feels that something is necessary.,“,I,must,run away from them,” Gulliver thought.,We use,have to,when the situation makes something necessary.,课文呈现,I,have to,use them to reach the box on the fridge.,She,has to,take her daughter from school in the afternoon.,TIP,Have to has different forms. Have to,has to had to will have to have/has got to,课文呈现,We use,must not,to say that something is not allowed.,You,must not,smoke in the library.,We use,do not have to,to say that it is not necessary to do something.,We,do not have to,go to school at weekends.,TIP,must not,mustnt,do not have to,dont have to,课文呈现,Library rules,Amy is telling her cousin Shirley some library rules. Complete what she says with must, must not, have to or do not have to.,You (1) _ keep quiet in the library.,You (2) _ keep the books clean and tidy. You (3) _ draw or write in the books.,must,must,must not,课文呈现,You (4) _ eat or drink in the library.,You (5) _ return the books,on time,.,If you want to keep them longer, you (6) _ renew them.,You (7) _ bring your student card every time you go to the library, but remember to bring your library card.,must not,must,have to,do not have to,考点精讲, hand in,hand in,上交,e.g.,All of you must hand in your homework tomorrow morning.,你们所有人明天早上必须上交你们的家庭作业。,Please hand it in this afternoon.,请今天下午上交它。,考点,1,hand in,为动词加副词结构,若后接代词,it,或,them,作宾语时,则放在,hand in,中间,即,hand it/them in,。,考点精讲,中考在线,1,:,我们必须及时上交作业。,通辽,We must _ _ our homework in time.,【,点拨,】,本题用固定搭配法。此处考查动词短语“上交”,再结合空前有情态动词,must,,所以要用动词原形。,hand in,返回,温馨提示,:,可返回原文,考点精讲,You can write anything about your bookwhat the book is about, what you think of it and so on.,and so on ,等等,考点,2,and so on,之前的举例都是用逗号隔开的,不能用,and,连接。,考点精讲,e.g.,This shop sells clothes, shoes, hats and so on.,这个商店卖衣服、鞋、帽子等等。,I like many sports, such as football, basketball, badminton, table tennis and so on.,我喜欢很多运动,例如足球、篮球、羽毛球、乒乓球等等。,We discussed everythingwhen to go, what to see and so on.,我们什么都商量过了,什么时候走、看什么等等。,返回,考点精讲, You (5) _ return the books on time.,on time,准时,e.g.,We get there on time.,我们准时到达那里。,考点,3,time,的其他常见搭配:,in time,及时,at times,有时,考点精讲,中考在线,2,:, Excuse me, will the flight arrive soon?,Yes. It will be landing right _. ,青海,A. at times B. in time C. on time,【,点拨,】,本题用短语辨析法。,at times,有时;,in time,及时;,on time,按时,准时。句意:,打扰了,航班不久会到吗,? ,是的,它会准点降落。表示“按时,准时”应用,on time,。,C,返回,单元语法沙龙,疑问词,+,动词不定式,考点,1,“,疑问词,+,动词不定式”可在句中用作宾语、主语和表语。,e.g.,Can you tell me how to spell the word?,你能告诉我怎么拼写这个单词吗?,How to go there is a question.,如何去那里是个问题。,考向,1,单元语法沙龙,“,疑问词,+,动词不定式”作宾语是初中阶段的重点。在“疑问词,+,动词不定式” 结构中,只有疑问词,why,不能与不定式连用。有些疑问词,其后可先接名词再接动词不定式。作宾语时,此结构常用于,know, learn, see, hear, ask, tell, advise, decide, explain, find out, forget, remember, think, understand, wonder,等动词或动词短语后;也可用于,sure,,,clear,等形容词后。,考向,2,单元语法沙龙,e.g.,The teacher is telling the students what to do.,老师正告诉学生们要做什么。,Have you found out what time to start?,你查清楚什么时间开始了吗?,I am not sure which way to take.,我不确定走哪条路。,中考在线,1,:,我们还没有决定什么时候探望爷爷奶奶。,广州,We havent decided _ _ _ our grandparents.,when to visit,单元语法沙龙,中考在线,2,:,改为简单句,The teachers are still talking about where they will hold the concert. ,南通,The teachers are still talking about _ _ hold the concert.,where to,单元语法沙龙,单元语法沙龙,“,疑问词,+,动词不定式”结构可以改写为该疑问词引导的从句。,e.g.,We do not know what to do.,=We do not know what we should do.,我们不知道该做什么。,考向,3,单元语法沙龙,must,和,have to,考点,2,must,的用法,must,为情态动词,后接动词原形。,must,侧重于表示说话人的主观意愿;,must not,语气比较强,表示“禁止,不允许”。,Must I.?,的否定回答用“,No, you neednt. ”,或“,No, you dont have to.”,。,考向,1,中考在线,3,:,The biggest challenge we all face is to prevent further environmental disasters. We _ take action before it is too late. ,盐城,A. can B. must C. may D. might,【,点拨,】,本题用词义辨析法。句意:我们面对的最大的挑战是阻止进一步的环境灾难。我们必须趁早采取行动,否则来不及了。下文,before,引导的时间状语从句提示用情态动词,must,表示“必须”符合句意。,B,单元语法沙龙,中考在线,4,:,You _ take photos here! Look at the sign. It says “No photos”.,Sorry, I wont. ,云南,A. must B. need C. mustnt D. neednt,【,点拨,】,本题用词义辨析法。句意:,你不能在这里拍照,!,看这个标志。上面写着“禁止拍照”。,对不起,我不会了。,must,必须;,need,需要;,mustnt,禁止,不准;,neednt,不必。根据下文“,Look at the sign. It says No photos.”,可知,你不准拍照。,C,单元语法沙龙,单元语法沙龙,have to,的用法,have to,意为“不得不”,侧重于表示客观需要;第三人称单数形式为,has to,。,考向,2,中考在线,5,:,Must I study medicine and be a doctor like you, Dad?,No, you _, son. Youre free to make your own decision.,滨州改编,A. Cant B. mustnt C. Shouldnt D. dont have to,【,点拨,】,本题用词义辨析法。,Cant,不能;,mustnt,禁止,不可以;,shouldnt,不应该;,dont have to,没有必要。答句说到你可以自由地作决定,因此是你没有必要像爸爸一样成为一名医生。应用,dont have to,。,D,单元语法沙龙,课堂练习,一、用所给词的适当形式填空,1. He told his teacher that he didnt know how _ (deal) with his problem. ,常州新北区模拟,2. Lets discuss where _(go) after our exam.,3. Millie does not know which dress _ (choose) for her mother.,to deal,to go,to choose,课堂练习,4. She has to _(stay) at home and look after her sister.,5. You must _(go) to the doctor because your temperature is higher than usual. ,南京,stay,go,课堂练习,二、单项选择,6. Allen, shall we go to the bookstore this afternoon?, Im sorry, David, but I _ meet my cousin at the train station. ,青岛,A. have to B. can C. may D. could,【,点拨,】,本题用语法判定法。句意:,艾伦,我们今天下午去书店吧,? ,抱歉,戴维,我不得不去火车站见我表弟。表示不得不做的事情应用,have to,。故选,A,。,A,课堂练习,7. According to the new traffic rules, people _ wear a helmet when riding an e-bike. ,苏州,A. might B. may C. can D. must,【,点拨,】,本题用词义辨析法。句意:根据新的交通规则,人们骑电动车时必须戴头盔。,might,可能;,may,可能,可以;,can,能够;,must,必须,一定。根据最新交规,人们骑电动车戴头盔是强制性行为。用,must,表示“必须”,符合句意。故选,D,。,D,课堂练习,8. According to the school rules, the students _ get their ears pierced., I think thats right. Students should pay more attention to their study. ,鞍山,A. mustnt B. can C. neednt D. should,【,点拨,】,本题用词义辨析法。句意:,根据学校的校规,学生禁止打耳洞。,我认为那是正确的。学生应该更加注意他们的学习。,mustnt,禁止;,can,能,可以;,neednt,不需要;,should,应该。根据“,Students should pay more attention to their study”,可知,校规应该是禁止学生打耳洞。故选,A,。,A,课堂练习,9. Must I return this book before Friday, Sir? ,南通, No, you _, dear. You can keep it for two weeks.,A. cant B. shouldnt C. mustnt D. neednt,【,点拨,】,本题用词义辨析法。句意:,老师,我必须在周五之前归还这本书吗,? ,不,你不必,亲爱的。你可以借两周。用,must,引导的一般疑问句否定回答用,neednt,。故选,D,。,D,课堂练习,10. My family will go on a trip to Beijing this summer, but we havent decided _.,Why not take the high-speed railway? ,常州,A. when to leave B. how to get there,C. which hotel to choose D. how long to stay there,【,点拨,】,本题用语法判定法。句意:,今年夏天,我们一家人将去北京旅行,但是我们还没有决定怎样去那里。,为什么不坐高铁呢,?,根据答语可知,,A,、,C,、,D,项与句意不符。故选,B,。,B,课堂小结,本节课主要学习了:,重点单词:,hand,,,review,重点短语:,write about,,,and so on,重点句式:,Millie has decided what to read.,


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