九年级英语全册 unit 6 when was it invented section b 2课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Unit 6,When was it invented?,九年级,(,全,),不但而且,钦佩;仰慕,n.,英雄; /hiru/, /hiru/,男主角,adj.,职业的;专业的 /prfenl/,adv. 几乎;差不多 /nili/, /nirli/,not onlybut also,look up to,hero,professional,nearly,Words and expressions,How much do you know about international basketball teams in America? Match the right information.,TheLakers,Celtics,HoustonRockets,ChicagoBulls,凯尔特人队,芝加哥公牛队,火箭队,湖人队,2a Do you like basketball? Do you watch basketball games? How much do you know about this sport? Discuss the sport with your partner and share your ideas with the class.,Do you like basketball?,How much do you know about basketball?,basketball court,Equipment about basketball,basketball,metal hoop,backboard,net,wooden floor,2b Read the passage quickly. What is the,main idea of each paragraph?,MIND-MAPPING,Changing the information you read into a mind map may help you remember it more easily.,Learning strategy,Basketball is a,much-loved,and active sport that is enjoyed by many for fun and exercise. It is,over,100 years old and is played by more than 100 million people in over 200 countries. It is believed that the first basketball game in history was played on December 21, 1891. Then in 1936 in Berlin, it became an event at the Olympics.,Do You Know When Basketball Was Invented?,Basketball was invented by a,Canadian,doctor named James Naismith, who was born in 1861. When he was a college teacher, he was asked to think of a game that,could,be played,in the winter. Dr. Naismith created a game to be played inside on a hard floor. Dr. Naismith,divided,the men in his class,into,two teams and taught them to play his new game. Players on the same team must work together to get the,ball in the other teams basket. At the same time, they need to,stop,the competing team,from,getting the ball into their own basket.,Today, the,popularity,of basketball has,risen,around the world,with,many young,people dreaming of,becoming,famous players. In China, you can sometimes see people playing basketball in parks, schools and even factories. Basketball has not only become a popular sport to play, but it has also become a popular sport to watch.,Although Americas NBA games are the most famous, the CBA games are becoming more popular in China. The number of foreign players, including Chinese players, in the NBA has increased. There are also more and more foreign players in the CBA. Many young people,look up,to,these basketball,heroes,and want to become like them. These stars,encourage,young people to work hard to,achieve,their dreams.,Paragraph 1:,The history of basketball.,Paragraph 2:,How basketball was invented.,Paragraph 3:,The popularity of basketball in the world.,Main idea of each paragraph,Language points,1. Basketball,is a,much-loved,and active sport,that is enjoyed by many for fun and exercise.,篮球是一项备受热爱、充满活力的运动,为,了娱乐和锻炼身体,很多人都喜欢打篮球。,much-loved (be loved very much )是一个合,成形容词,意为“备受喜爱的; 深受爱戴的”。,People around the world were feeling sorry to,the death of the much-loved leader, Nelson,Mandela. 世人都在为这位深受爱戴的领导,人纳尔逊.曼德拉的去世而感到难过。,2.,It is,over,100 years old and is played by more than 100 million people in over 200 countries. 篮球运动有100多年的历史。200多个国家的一亿多人在打篮球。,over介词,意为“多于;超过”,在此相当于,more than。,There are over one thousand students in the,school.,在这所学校有一千多名学生。,拓展:,over,的其他用法,over,作介词,还可意为“在,上方”,强,调正上方,不接触,其反义词为under。,There is a bridge over the river.,河上有座桥。,over,用作副词,意为“结束”。,Class is over.,下课。,与over相关的常见短语:,over there 在那边 get over 克服,go over 检查 all over the world 全世界,over and over again 多次;反复地,3. Basketball,was invented by a,Canadian,doctor named James Naismith, who was born in 1861.,篮 球 是 由 加 拿 大 一 位 名 叫 詹 姆 斯 .奈 史,密 斯 的博士发明的。他出生于1861年。,(1)这是一个主从复合句。定语从句who was,born in 1861 修 饰 先 行 词 James Naismith。,另 外,过去分词短语named James Naismith,作 后 置 定 语 ,修 饰 doctor。,(2) Canadian,形容同,,,意为“加拿大的,;,加拿大,人的”。,Canadian,也作,名词,,,意为“加拿大人”。,Canadian culture is different from Chinese,culture.,加拿大的文化有别于中国的文化。, Many of my friends are Canadians.,我的很多朋友都是加拿大人。,4.,When he was a college teacher, he was asked to think of a game that,could,be played,in the winter.,在做大学老师的时候,他被要求想出 一种能在冬天进行的运动项目。,“could be played”为含有情态动词的被动语 态,其结构为,“情态动词+ be +及物动词的过去分词”,,,否定形式为“情态动词+ not + be + 及物动词的过去分词”,。,All these must be finished in three days.,所有的这些必须在三日之内完成。, Kids should not be allowed to drink.,小孩不应该被允许喝酒。,5. Dr,. Naismith,divided,the men in his class,into,two teams and taught them to play his new game.,奈史密斯博士将他班里的男生分成两队并教他 们玩他的新运动项目。,divide . into意为“把分开;把划分为”。, The teacher divided our class into four groups. 老师把我们班分成四个小组。,divide up意为“分配;分享”。, The children divided up the candy among,themselves. 孩子们把糖果分了。,6. At the same time, they need to,stop,the,competing team,from,getting the,同时,他们需要阻止对方的球队抢到球投进他们自己的篮里。,stop sb. from doing slh.意为“阻止某人做事事”,,,相当于 prevent sb. from doing sth.,在主动语态中,,两者中的from均可省略,但在被动语态中不可省略。,No one can stop us (from) carry the plan.,没有人能阻止我们实施计划。,The water must be prevented from polluted by us. 我们必须保护水不受污染。,7. Today, the,popularity,of basketball has,risen,around the world,with,many young,people dreaming of,becoming,famous players.,如今,随着许多年轻人都梦想成为著名的篮球运动员,篮球在世界各地越来越普及。,(1) popularity名词,意为“受欢迎;普及;流行”,其形容词形式popular意为“受欢迎的”。, Her books have grown in popularity.,她的书近来大受欢迎。,(2) rise,不及物动词,意为“增加,;,提高攀升,;,升,起,;,站起来”。其过去式、过去分词分别为,rose 和 risen。,The sun rises in the east and sets west.,太阳从东方升起,从西方落下。,rise,意为“增加;上升;站起来”,是,不及物动词,不能用于被动语态,。,raise,意为“提高;增加,;,举起”,是,及,物动词。, Meat prices are still rising.,肉的价格仍然在上涨。, The man raised his voice and I heard what he,said. 那个人提高了嗓音,我听见了他说的话。,(,3),句中“with +宾语,+,现在分词”构成的复合结构在句中作伴随状语。, With winter coining on, it s time to buy warm clothes.,冬天来了,是时候买保暖的衣服了。,“with十宾语+宾语补足语”构成with的复合结构,宾语补足语除了可以是现在分词外,还可以是介词短语、形容词、副词等。,He came in with a smile on his face.,他面带微笑走了进来。,(with十宾语+介词短语),Anderson left his house with the lights on.,安德森开着灯离开了家。,(with+宾语+ 副词),(4) dream of,意为“梦想,;,想象”,相当于:,dream about .,They dream of going to college.,他,们梦想去上大学。,拓展:dream的用法,dream作及物动词时,后接名词、代词或,that从句作宾语,。,He dreamed a sweet dream.,他做了一个美梦。, dream作可数名词,意为“梦;梦想”。, His dream will come true next year.,他的梦想明年将会实现。,8.,Many young people,look up to,these basketball,heroes,and want to become like them.,许多年轻人崇拜这些篮球英雄,并且想成为像,他们那样的人。,(l) look up to意为“钦佩;仰热”。,We all look up to the learned and modest,professor.,我们都很尊敬那位博学而又谦逊的教授。, He is a movie star whom I look up to.,他是我崇拜的电影明星。,look up to还可意为“抬头看;仰望”。,He looked up to the sky and seemed to be thinking.,他抬头望向天空,好像在思考着什么。,(2) hero,可数名词,意为“英雄;男主角”,其,复数形式为在词尾加-es。, He is a hero in my heart.,在我的心里他是个英雄。,Negro Negroes,(,黑人),potato potatoes,(,土豆),tomato tomatoes,(,西红柿,),拓展:,其他常见以,o,结尾加,-es,变复数的名词,9.,These stars,encourage,young people to work hard to,achieve,their dreams.,这些明星激励着年轻人为了实现他们的梦想而努力奋斗。,encourage,动词,意为“鼓励;激励;支 持”,常用结构,encourage sb. to do,sth,.,“,鼓励 某人,做某事”。,Parents should encourage children to do things by themselves.,父母应该鼓励孩子独立做事。,achieve,及物动词,意为“实现,;,完成”。,He could not achieve his goal.,他未能实现他的目标。,辨析:,achieve,与,come true,achieve,“实现;完成”,,主语通常是人,come true,“实现”,,主语通常是梦想等, I believe I can achieve my dream.,我相信我能实现我的梦想。, I hope my dream will come true.,我希望我的梦想会实现。,2c Complete,the mind map with the,information in the passage. What else,can you add to the mind map?,Game, Played inside on a hard _,_ teams,get _ into other teams _,floor,two,the ball,basket,Popularity, Played by _ people,over _ countries,more than 100 million,200,Development, invented by _,first game on _,became Olympic event in _ in the,year _,most famous games: _,popular games in China: _,James Naismith,December 21, 1891,Berlin,1936,NBA,CBA,2d U,se the mind map to summarize what you and your partner remember about the development of basketball.,Use the following,questions to help you.,Who invented basketball and how is it played?,James Naismith. It is played inside on a hard floor. Players on the same team must work together to get the ball in the other teams basket. And they need to stop the competing team from getting the ball into their own basket.,2. When was the first basketball game in,history played?,On December 21, 1891.,3. Why were the Berlin Olympics important,for basketball?,Because it made basketball become an,event at the Olympics.,4. What are the professional basketball groups,in America and China?,NBA and CBA.,5. How popular is basketball?,It is over 100 years old and is played by,more than 100 million people in over 200,countries.,2e What do you think of famous,basketball players?,Make a list,of good and difficult things about,being a famous basketball player.,First, he can do things he likes best.,Second, he can earn a lot of money every year.,Third, he may have many fans, and gets a lot of attention wherever he goes.,Another thing, he can travel around the world, and meet many new friends.,But there are also some difficult things for him. For example, he must work very hard all the time.,He may get hurt in the hard games.,1. During the afternoon, there was a _ (suddenly) heavy fall of snow.,2. I think the telephone _ (invent) before the car.,3. The _ (Canada) song,Alouette,(,百灵鸟) is a fun song about a bird.,一、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。,sudden,Exercises,was invented,Canadian,4. They _ (invite) to take part in the May Day celebrations in Beijing.,5. The _ (popular) of private cars is changing the peoples life style.,6. When the bill _ (bring) to him, he was such surprised.,were invited,popularity,was brought,7. They gave their lives for their country and were honored as _ (hero).,8. We _ (divide) into eight groups by our teacher last week.,heroes,were divided,Write a short passage about the,development of basketball.,Homework,Thank You!,


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