College English Reading Course Book IV

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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,College English Reading Course Book IV,Unit One,1,Reading Skills:,Identifying Transitions Between Ideas,Four basic categories of formal transitional devices,1. Using transitional expressions,2. Repeating key words and phrases,3. Using pronoun references,4. Using parallel forms,2,1. Using transitional expressions,These expression, also known as signal words, provide an aid for the reader to predict the thread of thought in the material to be read. By using signal words to predict what may come next, the reader can decide whether he should speed up his reading, slow down or pause to make sure what is being read is understood.,3,Five groups of signal words:,1) Words that signal more of the same,When you see a word from this group, you can continue reading rapidly without worrying about a completely new idea or thought coming.,andfurthermoremore than that,alsolikewisemoreover,in addition what is more,for instance for example,4,2) Words that change the direction of thought,When you see a word from this group, you need to slow down. The author is signaling that a change is about to be made.,althoughhoweveron the contrary,butotherwisein spite of,despiteyet nevertheless,5,3. Words that signal an order,These words help you keep ideas, points or steps separated and ordered.,firstsecond third and so on,thenafter before next,lastfinally afterward,6,4. Words that signal a summary,as a resultfinallytherefore,accordinglyin shortthus,consequentlyin conclusion so,in briefin a word,as resultfor thusbecause,for this reasonsotherefore,consequentlyassince,5. Words that signal cause and effect,7,2. Repeating key words and phrases & 3. Using pronoun references,Writers may use different words or expressions to refer to the same thing several times. For instance, it is common to use pronouns to replace nouns. Another common pattern is the use of one noun to take the place of another noun. Therefore, it is important for you to find the common referent (,被替代的词,) wherever such word chains turn up in your reading. That is to say, never lose the thread. Only in so doing can you read accurately and efficiently.,8,Text 1.,Storm Chasers Face the Powerful Forces of Nature,I. Information Related to the Text,1. the tornado,A tornado is a vortex of air rising into a cloud. In their early and mature stages, all thunderstorms are characterized by rising air, called updrafts. These updrafts supply the warm, humid air that fuels thunderstorms. But, in some cases, the column of rising air becomes a vortex - a funnel cloud or tornado.,9,One of the key questions that scientists are trying to answer about tornadoes is why updrafts in some thunderstorms become twisting whirlwinds while those in apparently similar thunderstorms dont.,The tornado is natures most violent wind. An average of 1,000 of these vortices spin up beneath thunderstorms year round in the USA and can generate wind speeds faster than 250 mph, at times devastating whole communities.,10,2. supercell,Many tornadoes, including the strongest ones, develop from a special type of thunderstorm known as a supercell. A supercell is a long-lived, rotating thunderstorm 10 to 16 km (6 to 10 mi) in diameter that may last several hours, travel hundreds of miles, and produce several tornadoes.,11,II. General Comprehension of the Text,1) Why do storm chasers have to go a long way in pursuit of tornadoes?,2) Why did the research team fail to acquire scientific data in New Mexico?,3) How did the author feel about their one-day chase of the tornado in Oklahoma?,12,4) According to the authors account of their experience in chasing tornadoes, what qualities are needed in tornado research?,5) The author remarks that “luck more than skill and experience is a storm chasers best friend on days when tornadoes seem likely to occur”. What role do you think luck plays in scientific discoveries and inventions?,13,III. Vocabulary,Band 4 Vocabulary,log,witness,shield,peak,Band 6 Vocabulary,marginal,prevalent,robust,batter,rip,arrogant,contemplate,14,更高要求词汇,tornado,intercept,poise,ebb,siren,Useful Phrases,take chances,pose a challenge to,all for naught,just a coin toss,settle for,at the heels of,pick up (force),white out sb.s view of,interfere with,15,IV. Difficult language points in the text,1. That is why we find ourselves taking chances on road trips even if there is only a slight chance a tornado will occur somewhere in the region. (L. 5),Paraphrase: Thats why we set out in our trucks in the hope that we might be able to witness a tornado, even when there is only a small chance of one occurring somewhere in the region.,Translation:,这就是我们决定上路碰碰运气的理由,即使在这个地区内遇到龙卷风的可能性微乎其微。,16,2. Our efforts were rewarded with one marginally interesting storm and a long drive home. (L. 12),Paraphrase: Despite all our efforts, we only managed to see one slightly interesting storm and had to suffer a long ride home.,Translation:,我们努力的回报是一场勉强合格的风暴和一段长途归程。,17,3. But the high terrain in the northeast corner of the state has all the ingredients for rotating storms, known as supercells, which develop into the most powerful tornadoes. (L. 16),Paraphrase: But the northeast part of New Mexico, which is marked by high terrain, is an ideal site for the formation of rotating storms, known as supercells, which can become the strongest tornadoes.,Translation:,但是,这个州东北部地区地势较高,具有形成旋转式暴风雨的一切地理特征,这种暴风雨被称作“超级暴风雨”,它有可能最终形成最强劲的龙卷风。,18,4. A scarcity of roads and the prevalence of hills that blocked our radar scans posed a challenge to our ability to intercept storms that were building. (L. 19),Paraphrase: There were not many roads but too many hills that prevented our radar from scanning the storms, so that we had great difficulty intercepting the storms that were developing.,Translation:,能行驶的道路非常有限,地形以山为主,山脉阻挡了雷达的扫描,这给我们追踪正在形成的风暴带来了困难。,19,5. Luck - more than skill and experience is a storm chasers best friend on days when tornadoes seem likely to occur. (L. 28),Paraphrase: Whether a storm chaser can successfully witness and intercept tornadoes depends more on his luck than his skill and experience.,Translation:,在龙卷风可能形成的那些日子里,运气是追赶风暴者最好的朋友,而不是技能和经验。,20,6. Its tornado sirens were blaring. (L. 93),Paraphrase: In the town of Stigler in Oklahoma, sirens were still on to warn its residents of the tornado.,Translation:,龙卷风警报器还在响。,7. An old metal lawn chair sat upright in the middle of a road. (L. 95),Paraphrase: An old metal garden chair stood in the middle of a road, blown there by the tornado from the lawn.,Translation:,一把原来安置在草坪上的旧金属椅子横立在路的中间,21,V. Key to exercises,I. 1. D 2. C 3. A 4. B,II. 1,但是新墨西哥州东北部地区地势较高,具有形成旋转式暴风雨的一切地理特征,这种 暴风雨被称作“超级暴风雨”,它有可能最终形成最强劲的龙卷风。,2,能行驶的道路非常有限,地形以山为主,山脉阻挡了雷达的扫描,这给我们追踪正在形成的风暴带来了困难。,3,但这一切已毫无意义,我们一直监视风暴不停地旋转,最终却没有形成龙卷风。因此,我们没有获得任何科学数据,看到的却是美丽壮观的风暴渐渐地消失在地平线上。,4,在形成龙卷风的条件已经成熟的那几天里,可能会有多股强劲的风暴可以成为追逐的目标,最终决定追逐哪一股风暴有时纯属偶然。,22,Key to the Reading-Skill Exercises,Extract 1,1. “yet” and “but”, showing contrast; “for”, indicating a reason; “in addition to”, additive; “indeed”, restating an assertion.,2. All of them make the paragraph highly cohesive.,Extract 2,1. C 2. B,23,Text 2.,The Nature of Man,I. Information Related to the Text,1. Woody Allen ( 1935 -),Woody Allen is an American motion-picture director, actor, and writer, many of whose films are humorous depictions of neurotic characters preoccupied with love and death. Allen frequently stars in his own movies.,24,Allens first major critical success came with,Annie Hall,(1977), which won Academy Awards for best picture and best screenplay and Allen won the Academy Award for best director. Allen received Academy Award nominations in various categories for many of his films.,25,Crimes and Misdemeanors,is Woody Allens most mature, most profound film. It is a marvel of complexity, with fascinating, well-written characters, deep, complicated relationships, and thought-provoking examinations of religion, infidelity, morality, murder, comedy, and tragedy.,26,Hannah and Her Sisters,is Woody Allens 1986 masterwork about the changing relationships among three sisters living in New York City. It is Allens most fully realized, optimistic adult comedy. He won a well-deserved Oscar for his marvelous screenplay, filled with his trademark sharp, witty dialogue, his undying passion for New York (its culture, architecture, music, romance), and some of his most well developed characters. Taking place over the course of a few Thanksgivings, Allens insightful, wonderful film is a thoroughly enjoyable mature look at the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of family life.,27,2. naturalism,Naturalism is a metaphysical theory which holds that all phenomena can be explained mechanistically in terms of natural (as opposed to supernatural) causes and laws. Naturalists argue that the universe is a vast machine or organism, devoid of general purpose and indifferent to human needs and desires.,28,theism,Theism refers to the belief in the existence of a god or gods. In Christianity, Jesus Christ is believed to be sent to his followers by God to reveal His purpose.,pantheism,In contrast to theism, pantheism is the view that God is identical with the world or is completely immanent, pervading everything that exists in the world.,29,3. Sigmund Freud,Sigmund Freud (1856- 1939), an Austrian doctor and father of psychoanalysis, is generally recognized as one of the most influential and authoritative thinkers of the twentieth century. He elaborated the theory that the mind is a complex energy system, the structural investigation of which is proper province of psychology.,30,He articulated and refined the concepts of the unconscious, of infantile sexuality, of repression, and proposed a tri-partite account of the minds structure (consciousness, subconsciousness and unconsciousness).,Further, Freuds innovative treatment of human actions, dreams, and indeed of cultural artifacts as invariably possessing implicit symbolic significance has had massive implications for a wide variety of fields, including anthropology, semiotics, and artistic creativity and appreciation in addition to psychology.,31,4. B.F. Skinner,B. F. Skinner (1904- 1990) was an American psychologist. Skinner was the leading exponent of the school of psychology known as behaviorism, which explains the behavior of humans and other animals in terms of the physiological responses of the organism to external stimuli. Like other behaviorists, he rejected unobservable phenomena of the sort that other forms of psychology, particularly psychoanalysis, had studied, concerning himself only with patterns of responses to rewards and stimuli.,32,5. existentialism,Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980), French philosopher, dramatist, novelist, and political journalist, was a leading exponent of existentialism. In his early philosophic work,Being and Nothingness, Sartre conceived humans as beings who create their own world by rebelling against authority and by accepting personal responsibility for their actions, unaided by society, traditional morality, or religious faith.,33,Distinguishing between human existence and the nonhuman world, he maintained that human existence is characterized by nothingness, that is, by the capacity to negate and rebel.,His theory of existential psychoanalysis asserted the inescapable responsibility of all individuals for their own decisions and made the recognition of ones absolute freedom of choice the necessary condition for authentic human existence.,34,II. General Comprehension of the Text,1) What important themes are Woody Allens films concerned with?,2) How do Christian theism, naturalism and pantheism view the nature of things in general respectively? What do you think of their views?,3) How do naturalists view the nature of man? Do you agree with them?,35,4) Is man really free to act, according to naturalists? How do you view this issue?,5) How do you understand the assertion “Human destiny is an episode between two oblivions”? Do you agree with this assertion?,36,III. Vocabulary,Band 4 Vocabulary,influential,comic,condition (,v.,),might,theme,Band 6 Vocabulary,affirm,destine,stimulus,recur,37,更高要求词汇,preoccupy,diversify,Useful Phrases,be destined to,at large,mutually exclusive,chance result,strike a balance between,duty-bound,38,IV. Difficult language points in the text,1. His continued popularity might be partially explained by humanitys need to deal with these issues as they relate to the meaning of life. (L. 6),Paraphrase: Woody Allen has stayed popular partly because all his films deal with the meaning of life, and this echoes mans curiosity about the same subject.,Translation:,他还受人欢迎,也许部分原因是人类需要解决这些问题,因为这些问题关系到生活的意义。,39,2. Allen himself admits to a preoccupation with the notion of death. (L. 9),Paraphrase: Allen himself says that he keeps thinking about the meaning of death.,Translation:,艾伦自己承认死亡问题一直困扰着他。,40,3. These worldviews hold to mutually exclusive ideas about the nature of things in general, and specifically about the nature of man. (L. 37),Paraphrase: These outlooks involve completely different ideas concerning the nature of things in general, specifically about the nature of man.,Translation:,这些世界观对一般事物的本质和人的具体本性有彼此不相容的看法,彼此互不相让。,41,4. There is no place in the naturalists view for a spiritual reality. (L. 42),Paraphrase: The naturalist does not believe at all that a spiritual reality exists alongside physical reality.,Translation:,对自然论者来说,根本就不存在任何精神实体。,42,5. The process of evolution is sufficient to explain all that man is, even if difficulties exist in its application. (L.73),Paraphrase: Despite some difficulties in applying the idea, evolution is all that is needed to account for what man is.,Translation:,进化过程足以解释人是什么,即使其应用过程仍然存在困难。,43,6. A recurring theme of naturalism is that man is not duty-bound to adhere to a set of moral rules. (L. 103),Paraphrase: Naturalists constantly assert that man has no obligation to follow a set of moral rules.,Translation:,自然论中一个永恒的主题是:人没有义务遵循一套道德规范。,44,V. Key to exercises,I. 1. C 2. D 3. D 4. A,II. 1,他回忆到,他很小的时候夜间常常躺在床上,想像生命会怎样终结、什么是虚无、为什么死亡是无法改变的。,2,随着美国进一步走向多民族化,对人的本性产生了新的认识,进而影响到我们原有的个人观点。,3,我们对涉及人类本性的问题的回答,在很大程度上影响我们对子女的教育方式,以及对犯罪、贫困等社会问题的处理方式。,4,即使是弗洛伊德也相信:为了平衡其,(,动物,),本能和文明社会的要求,人类能超越其纯动物性的存在。,5,如果我们能够意识到,人类没有道德选择的自由,需要的是设计者来创造一个完美的环境规范人的行为,那么,我们就能创造一个完美的社会。在,沃尔等第二,一书中,斯金纳对此进行了描述。,45,Text 3.,Dad,I. Information Related to the Text,1. About the author:,Andrew H. Malcolm, a former foreign and national correspondent, editor, government and campaign spokesman, is a member of the Editorial Board of,the Los Angeles Times,.,At,The New York Times,he was a correspondent, editor and columnist.,46,He was also Executive Assistant and Communications Director for Governor Marc Racicot of Montana and Deputy Communications Manager of the Bush presidential campaign.,He has written 10 books, including,Final Harvest,and,The Canadians,.,47,2. Cleveland Indians:,A professional baseball team and one of five teams in the Central Division of the American League (AL).,Cleveland Indians cap refers to the team cap the baseball players wear,48,II. General Comprehension of the Text,1) The author says “The relationship between a son and his father changes over time.” Can you identify the different stages of the father-son relationship as illustrated by the authors experience?,How did the relationship between you and your parents change as you grew up?,49,2) Is it still important today for a man to display a firm handshake and a steady gaze into someones eyes?,3) How do you feel about Malcolms father crying with his son when the boys dog was killed?,4) As you grew up, did you ever shift from trying to please a parent to trying to impress that parent? If so, when?,5) The last two paragraphs deal with how the father ended his life. How does this impress you?,50,III. Vocabulary,Band 4 Vocabulary,yawn,sour,shake,Band 6 Vocabulary,mortal,batter,contradict,jerk,scar,51,更高要求词汇,incumbent,errand,ailment,crave,Useful Phrases,swing (a child) up to ones shoulders,defuse the anger of,throw up,sores and scars,a two-way street,52,IV. Difficult language points in the text,1. It may sour in resented dependence or independence. (L. 9),Paraphrase: The son may want to become independent and the father may want the son to be dependent upon him. This conflict may make the relationship between them less agreeable.,Translation:,父子关系可能在儿子反抗,(,对父亲的,),依赖或走向独立的过程中变得不愉快。,53,2. None of those fishy little finger grips, but a good firm squeeze accompanied by an equally strong gaze into the others eyes. (L. 28),Paraphrase: Fathers handshake is not cold holding of the others fingers, but firm grasping of his whole hand, with an steady look into his eyes.,Translation:,父亲的握手,不是那些冷冰冰的捏捏手指的做法,而是仅仅地握住对方的手,同时眼睛炯炯地看着对方。,54,3. When my cat killed a bird, he defused the anger of a nine-year-old with a little chat about something called instinked. (L. 35),Paraphrase: One day when I was nine years old, my cat killed a bird and I was very angry. My father told me that it was the cats instinct to eat a bird. In this way, he lessened my anger. (Note: The nine-year-old boy did not know how instinct is spelled.),Translation:,我九岁时,我的猫杀死了一只鸟,于是,他同我谈到“本性”这样的东西,驱散了我的怒气。,55,4. Impossible that he could be wrong, but there it was in the book. (L. 61 ),Paraphrase: He could not be wrong, but what was in the book contradicted what he said.,Translation:,他不可能错,但这又明明写在书本里。,5. I never threw these up at him. (L. 67),Paraphrase: Though I could see his blind spots, his prejudices and his weaknesses, I never pointed these out to him.,Translation:,我从来也没有当面向他挑明这些东西。,56,6. No amount of love could make someone else care about life, I said: it was a two-way street. (L. 93),Paraphrase: No matter how much love you gave to another person, you cannot persuade him to take an active attitude to life, because, I told him, a change in his attitude to life depends not only on other peoples advice but more on his willingness to change.,Translation:,无论你怎样爱一个人,你都无法使他关心自己的生命,我认为:这是一个双向过程。,57,V. Key to Exercises,I. 1,C 2,D 3,A 4,A,II. 1,他当时,33,岁,我,4,岁,他有力的大手一把握住我细小的双臂,轻而易举地把我扛上肩头,使我能居高临下地看到我想看到的一切。,2,但是,对一个生活在二战后的小男孩来说,父亲就像一个具有神秘力量和威力的神,超乎凡人之上,无所不能,无所不知。,3,每天晚上他下班回来以后,我们都会练习握手。戴着克利夫兰印第安球队的旧帽子的 我,蹒跚地跑向身材高大的父亲,一遍又一遍地同他握手,直到能够握得很紧。,4,第二年,我的狗被车压死,我感到悲痛难忍。这时,父亲来到我身边,用他有力的双臂抱着我,陪我一起流泪,告诉我生与死都是自然规律。但是,我总是不明白,一辆超速行驶的汽车没能及时刹车怎么也能算是自然而然的事。,58,


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