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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lead-in,Look at some pictures first, what are they?,They are different kinds of food .,What are they doing?,Theyre eating.,Can you see what they are eating? And do you think eating only meat can make them healthy?,What about eating only this?,If we eat only steamed bread (馒头) or rice every day, can we be healthy?,Healthy Eating,Unit 2,Healthy Eating,Learning Goals,Knowledge Goals,Talk about the problems with the diet, balanced diet and nutrition.,Topic,Words and Expressions,Words:,diet, nut, bean, pea, cucumber, eggplant, pepper, mushroom, peach, lemon, balance, barbecue, mutton, roast, fry, stir-fry, ought, bacon, slim, curiosity, hostess, raw, vinegar, lie, customer, discount, weakness, strength, consult, fiber, digest, carrot, debt, glare, spy, limit, limited, benefit, breast, garlic, sigh, combine,Expressions:,balanced diet, ought to, lose weight, get away with, tell a lie, winback, earn ones living, in debt, spy on, cut down,before long, put on weight,Functional Items,How to make suggestions and advices.,How to exchange(交流) when seeing the doctor.,How to express agreement and disagreement.,How to express our like and dislike.,Grammar,Learn to use “ought to and review the other modal verbs:,may/might ,can/could ,will/would ,shall/should ,must/cant,Ability Goals,Training skills of explaining words in English, then make the transition to think in English;,training skills of skimming, scanning, paraphrasing, close reading, summarizing and comparing.,Emotion Goals,Understand the issues involved in healthy eating; identify what foods are better for you and improve your diet in the future;,Correctly handle the conflict (正确处理矛盾、解决矛盾.,Important and Difficult Points,Important Points,Diet and health; try to understand the three kinds of food; how to eat a balanced diet;,The usages of “ought to.,Try to improve speaking ability by talking about healthy eating, suggestion and advice, seeing a doctor, agreement, etc.,Try to explain new words in English.,Difficult Points,Try to understand the Classification(,分类,) of food and talk about how can we make a balanced diet.,Try to develop our ability of speaking, listening, reading and writing.,Learn to explain English words in English, and to think in English.,Warming up,You will be showed three groups of pictures about food:,The first group,The second group,The third group,Everybody has to eat, but not all eat a healthy diet. Different foods you ate help you grow in different ways.,Could you tell the differences between the three groups and do you know their roles ?,Do you eat these three kinds of food each day?,What will happen if you dont eat a balanced diet?,Foods that provide energy ( e.g. energy-giving food),Foods that help grow bones and muscles ( e.g. body-giving food),Foods that help the body fight diseases ( e.g. protective food),Rice, ,Meat, ,Cucumber, ,Can you tell other more foods and classify them in the form?,Vegetables,Nuts,Chocolate,Tofu,Milk and Cheese,Mutton Kebabs 印度烧烤羊肉串,Roast Pork,Raw Vegetables,Fried Potatoes,Hamburger,Ice-cream,pineapple,pear,banana,apple,orange,Brainstorming,Do you know some other foods?,corn,bitter gourd 苦瓜,cucumber,pepper,bean,eggplant,tomato,pumpkin,(南瓜),Foods that provide energy ( e.g. energy-giving food),Foods that help grow bones and muscles ( e.g. body-giving food),Foods that help the body fight diseases ( e.g. protective food),rice, noodles, spaghetti, bread, potatoes, chocolate, butter, cream, oils, nuts, ,meat, eggs, milk, cheese, tofu, ,most vegetables (e.g. beans, peas, cucumber, eggplants, peppers, mushrooms, cabbages) and fruit (e.g. peaches, lemons),Pre-reading,What do you think should go into a good meal?,Imagine that you and your partner are going to invite some friends for dinner. What special food would you offer them?,Look at the title of the passage and the pictures. Predict what the passage is about. Then read it quickly.,Reading,Skimming(,略读,) firstly, pay attention to summarizing(,归纳,):,How many parts can this passage be divided?,Whats the main idea of each part?,2. Listen to the record:,The passage can be divided into 3 parts:,Wang Peng is worried about his restaurant because it is not as full as it usually is.,He follows his friend to a newly opened restaurant which is very popular.,He does some research to win his customers back.,Close reading and scanning:,Read the text for a second time and then tell if the sentences are True.,1)Usually Wang Peng s restaurant was full of people.,2)Yong Hui could make people thin in two weeks by giving them a good diet.,3)Wang Peng s menu gave customers more energy-giving food.,4)Wang Peng s regular customers often became fat.,5)Wang Peng s menu gave customers more protective food.,6)Wang Peng decided to compete with Yong Hui by copying her menu.,4. Paraphrasing(释义):,1) Something terrible must happened if Li Chang was not coming to eat his restaurant as he always did.,Explain the following sentences in your own words:,Suggested answer: Li Chang always came to his restaurant, so if he did not, it meant that something serious had happened to stop him.,2) He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!,Suggested answer: He did not want Yong Hui to tell lies and people to believe her.,5. Read the text again:,While reading, work with your,partners make a list of the useful phrases youve noticed in the passage, if necessary, you may refer to the notes on pages 79-80, and then work in pairs to do Exercise 5 on Page 11, try to predict the ending of the story.,Explanation,diet,1.饮食,食物。n. CU,Their diet chiefly consists of grain and vegetables.,他们的饮食主要是谷类和蔬菜。,2.限定的食物种类或数量;食谱。n. C,No chocolate, please. Im on a diet.,请不要放巧克力,我在节食。,diet aids,食疗,3.比喻意义:多得另人生厌的事物。,the constant diet of soap operas on TV,多得使人腻烦的电视连续剧,4.规定吃某类食物;尤指为减轻体重节食。v.,She is dieting to lose weight.,她在节食以减肥。,5.(有时大写)(日本等的)议会,国会。n. C,The Diet is now sitting.,国会现在在会期中。,diet,health,1.安康。 n. U,Smoking does harm to health.,吸烟有损安康。,2.安康状况。 n. U,She is in poor health.,她身体不好。,3.为安康干杯。 n. U,We all drank a health to the bride.,我们都为新娘的安康干杯。,习语,a clean bill of health 安康状况良好的报告,e.g. The doctor gave him a clean bill of health.,in rude health 十分强健的,health centre 卫生院;地方医疗效劳中心,health farm 健身场,health food 保健食品天然的,通常不加人造物的食物,health,Health and diet,X: Do you know what are the factors contributing to good health?,Z: Yes, of course, they are physical exercise, balanced diet and living habits.,Y: Today, people care more about todays health problem. They dont have more choice in food,Z: Why do you think so?,Y: Today, most foods are over processed(过度生产, some are genetically modified food转基因食品, and too much pesticide(农药) is used in agriculture too.,Reading for fun,X: People are very busy when they work, so they dont have much time to ask, so they eat the fast food(快餐). Because of the irregular(无规律的) dinner time, it will be very bad to their healthy.,Z: Yes, most of them sit at in front of computers all day long, and the Hypertension(高血压), heart diseases appear.,Y: I think if we want to have a good health, we should eat more vegetables, fruits, and grains. Dont eat too much sugar.,Reading for fun,X: It not enough, we also need to do more outdoor activities such as running, swimming and so on.,Z: We also need to enough sleep. And dont smoking. Then Im sure well have a good health.,flash?减肥?,Brainstorming,How many kinds of cooking were mentioned in the text? Could you find them and fill them in the blanks?,Kind of cooking,What skill it describes,1.barbecue,cook food on a metal frame over fire outdoors,Roast (烘烤),Fry,(油炸,油煎),Stir-fry (炒),Raw (生的,未加工的),Barbecue (烧烤),Boil (煮),Kind of cooking,What skill it describes,1. barbecue,Cook food on a metal frame over fire outdoors,2. roast,Cook something in an oven(烤箱) or over a fire,3. stir-fry,Cook quickly by moving the food around continuously in very hot oil,4. fry,Cook something in hot fat or oil,5. boil,Cook something in boiling water,6. Comparing (比照):,Wang Pengs restaurant and Yong Huis both have weakness as well as strength. Comparing them and complete the form.,The two restaurants diet,weakness,strength,Wang Pengs,did not give enough protective food,provide plenty of energy-giving food,Yong Huis,did not give enough energy-giving food,provide plenty of protective food,Language Points,1. He sat in his empty restaurant,feeling very depressive(沮丧的).,feeling very depressive,是-ing形式短语作伴随状语。,如:,Pretending to look frightened, I left the place.,2. “Nothing could be better than his food. he thought.,这句话相当于All his foods could have been the best.,“not no never nothing 比较级 常用来表示“没有比更,即:用否认形式的比较级表达最高级概念。如:,There is nothing more interesting than the film I have ever seen in the past years,这部电影是我在这几年看过的最有意思的一部。,另外,否认形式的比较级还可以表示:,1) no better than:表示“和一样,和等同。如:,He is no better than a beggar. 他就是一个乞丐。,The invalid is no better than he was yesterday.,病人的情况和昨天一样。,He has no better a say in the matter than I have. 他在这件事上和我一样没有发言权。,2) not. . . any more than 或 no more. . . than: 表示“同一样不。如:,I could no more do that than you./I could not do that any more than you.,我和你一样也不能做什么。,He is not a poet any more than I am a scholar. 我不是一个学者,他也不是一个诗人。,This story is no more interesting than that one. 这个故事和那个故事一样无聊。,3. I,saw him putting,something,in the bag.,see sb. doing表示看到某人正在做某事。,see, hear, notice, watch, feel等动词后面的宾语补足语可以是不带to的动词原形,也可以是-ing形式。以不带to的动词原形作宾语补足语着重表达事实的经过,以动词-ing形式作宾语补足语表示偶然觉察到正在进展的动作。如:,Suddenly he saw his friend Li Chang hurrying by. I watched her step off the sidewalk, cross the road, and disappear into the post office.,4. He could not,have her getting,away with telling,people lies!,Have somebody doing something让某人做某事,让某情况发生。如:,Our success in the Beijing Olympics has her wondering whether we can win even more medals in the next Olympics Games.,Get away with做了某件该受惩罚的事而没有受惩罚,携带跑掉。如:,They got away with damaging the car.,5.,Dont you,get tired quickly?,Dont you?是否认疑问句,并非真的询问,而是表示说话者的观点或态度。如:,Wed better leave now, it almost two oclock?,Its almost dinner time and you havent eaten since breakfast. Arent you hungry?,6. By now his restaurant,ought to,be full of,people.,ought to,应该,应当。,如:,Something,ought to,be done about this waste.,be full of,充满,7. Wang Peng followed him into a,newly-opened,small restaurant at the end of the street.,newly-opened是“副词+过去分词构成复合形容词。,复合形容词的构成介绍以下几种形式:,1形容词 + 名词 + ed,kind-hearted 好心的,white-haired 白发的,2形容词 + 形容词,red-hot 炽热的,dark-blue 深蓝的,3形容词 + 现在分词,good-looking 好看的,easy-going 随和的,4副词 + 现在分词,hard-working 勤劳的,well-moving 运行良好的,5副词 + 过去分词,hard-won 得来不易的,newly-made 新建的,6名词 + 形容词,life-long 终生的,world-famous 世界闻名的,7名词 + 现在分词,peace-loving 爱好和平的,fun-loving 爱开玩笑的,8名词 + 过去分词,snow-covered 白雪覆盖的,hand-made 手工的,9数词 + 名词 + ed,three-legged 3条腿的,10数词 + 名词名词用单数,ten-year 10年的,two-man 两人的,8. be amazed at,对感到惊讶;惊愕,9. earn ones living,谋生,10. in debt,负债,11. cut down,削减,压缩,12. spy on,暗中监视,侦查,13. lose weight,减肥,1 . Words,diet, nut, bean, pea, cucumber, eggplant, pepper, mushroom, peach, lemon, balance, barbecue, mutton, roast, fry, stir-fry, ought, bacon, slim, curiosity, hostess, raw, vinegar, lie, customer, discount, weakness, strength, consult, fiber, digest, carrot, debt, glare, spy, limit, limited, benefit, breast, garlic, sigh, combine,Learning About Language,Find words and expressions from the text,that mean the same:,something that you say is not true,not to be punished for something,uncooked,the strong wish to know about something,someone who buys things or services from a shop, company, etc.,a particular quality that gives someone or something an advantage,lie,get away with,raw,curiosity,customer,benefit,2 . Pronunciation,Do the underlined letters in each group have the same pronunciation? Tick out the odd one.,1. p,ea,ch cr,ea,m p,ea,r b,ea,n,2. b,u,tter n,u,t s,u,gar m,u,tton,3. b,a,con h,a,m c,a,bbage l,a,mb,4. l,e,mon,e,ggplant strawb,e,rry waterm,e,lon,3 . Expressions,balanced diet ought to lose weight get away with tell a lie winback earn ones living in debt spy on cut down before long put on weight feel frustrated hurry by,be amazed at energy-giving food tell lies/a lie follow into,Exercises,单词拼写:根据句意及汉语提示,写出各句中所缺单词的正确形式。,1. Rice can offer you some _ when you are tired.,2. Having a _ diet is good for our health.,3.,_,is the driving force for success.,4. He is in deep _ because of his mothers serious disease.,5. Our government hoped that these measures would _ all the people.,energy,benefit,debt,Curiosity,balanced,之词汇篇,6. To our surprise, he _ (平静地) accepted the unfair treatment.,7. Scientists are doing _ (研究) on how to prevent bird flu spreading all over the world.,8. After two hours journey, his _ (力气) gave out at last.,9. A persons life is _ (有限的), but love is lasting.,10. After _ (联合) with that large company, his business gradually picked up.,calmly,combining,limited,strength,research,4 . Grammar, Usages of Model Verbs,1) Firstly, review the last lesson by yourself.,2) Then try to do exercise 2 on page 13.,Grammar,ought (oughtnt) to,和,should (shouldnt),表劝告或责任,,后者的语气更强一些。口语中也常用,had better,表示“最好(做或是不做某事)。例如:,You should /ought to do as you are required.,must或have to(口语中常用have got to)表示“必须。not have to和neednt 表示“不必。not have to是have to的否认式,neednt是must的否认式。“过去不必要用didnt have to表示。例如:We didnt have to hurry because we had plenty of time.,Grammar,must还可以表示推测,意思是“一定,想必,即最有可能,但却仍是一种主观的推测,而不是客观的事实,其否认式用cant。例如:,You must be very hungry after your long walk.,The phone is ringing but there is no answer. She cant be at home.,mustnt表示“不许,一定不要,语气很强。例如:You mustnt smoke here!,can/cant可以表示能力,也可以表示可能。表能力如:He can (not) speak French。表示可能时can常用于疑问句或者否认句中,如:Can the news be true?,Grammar,Exercises,选择题:根据以下各题的句意及语境,选择正确的一项使句意完整。,之语法篇,Mild forms of exercise can _ some of the loss of flexibility that accompanies aging.,A stop B to stop C stopping D be stopped,2) The traditional goal of science is to discover how things are, not how they ought _.,A,to,B,to be,C,be,D,have been,3) It _ around nine oclock when I drove back home because it was already dark.,A had to be B must have been,C was to be D must be,4) Johns score on the test is the highest in the class; _ .,A he should study last night,B he should have studied last night,C he must have studied last night,D he must had to study last night,5) You _ yesterday if you were really careful about your work.,A ought to come,B ought to be coming,C ought to have come,D ought have come,6) “We didnt see him at the class yesterday. “He_ it.,A mustnt attended,B couldnt have attended,C would have not attended,D neednt have attended,7) You _ all these parcels yourself. The shop would have delivered them if you had asked a shop assistant.,A didnt need to carry,B neednt have carried,C neednt carry,D didnt need carry,8) “Did you shout at him for his mistakes ? “Yes, but _it.,A Id rather not do,B Id rather not doing,C Id rather not have done,D Id rather not did,9) Sorry Im late I have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again (北京 2000春),A,might,B,should C can D will,10) My sister met him at the Grand Theater yesterday afternoon, so he your lecture(上海 2000),Acouldnt have attended,Bneednt have attended,Cmustnt have attended,Dshouldnt have attended,Flash:和尚的饮食,轻松一刻,Using Language,Listening,1.Using language listening material,3.Workbook listening material part 1,5.Workbook listening task,2.Using language reading and discussing material,4.Workbook listening material part 2,Vocabulary,scurvy 坏血病,rickets 佝偻病,obesity 过度肥胖 (名词,obese 形容词,Listen to the tape again tell the names of the illness and the causes. Then answer the following questions:,Question,Answer,Which illness do we still have today?,Obesity,Why is it we dont get scurvy and rickets today?,1 more varied diet: vitamin C for scurvy; vitamin D for rickets,2 more understanding of what we need to stay healthy,Who got these illnesses and why?,Scurvy: sailors who did not eat fresh fruit and vegetables,Rickets: children who did not get enough sunshine or oily fish to eat,Reading and Discussing,After reading the passage, discuss these questions in pairs:,1.How did Yong Hui feel when she came to Wang Pengs restaurant? Why?,2.Why was their cooperation a success?,1.She felt angry because she thought Wang Peng had come into her restaurant to spy on her.,2.(a) They offer balanced diet in their restaurant.,(b) They cooperated successfully in business.,(c) They loved each other.,Suggested Answer,Speaking and Writing,1. 建议和劝告,(suggestions and advice),What should we do? Shall we?,How about? You must/mustnt,I think you ought to Perhaps you should. Youd better You might,You need/neednt,You have to/dont have to,I would strongly advise you to,I suggest that you. My advice is/would be It might be a good idea to,2. 就医,(seeing the doctor),Whats the matter? Whats wrong with you? What seems to be the trouble?,How long have you been this?,Its nothing serious, only,I suppose you had better,I think you ought to Ive got a pain in,It comes and goes. Im suffering from,I feel tired all the time. Ive got a bad,It hurts when I touch it.,(agreement and disagreement),(Im afraid) I dont agree.,Im not sure about that!,You could be right, but,I agree up to a point, but,Thats an interesting idea, but Rubbish/Nonsense! Do you really think? You cant be serious! Thats not how I see it. Actually/As a matter of fact, I think,Imagine you are planning to open a restaurant which will provide the best local dishes in your area and balanced diet. Make a conversation which includes the expressions on last pages. Exercise in groups.,Write a short passage to advertise your restaurant and its service, your writing should:,Explain what kinds of food will be offered.,Describe their ingredient, flavor, smell.,Explain how they will provide a balanced diet.,Explain why your restaurant will provide the best food in the area.,Explain how customers will be served.,Summing Up,重点单词:,diet, balance, fry, ought, raw, strength, consult, debt, limit, benefit, combine,重点短语:,ought to, lose weight, get away with, tell a lie, win back, earn ones living, in debt, cut down, , before long, put on weight,功能,1.,建议和劝告,(suggestions and advice),2.,就医,(seeing the doctor),3.,同意和不同意,(agreement and disagreement),语法:,情态动词,ought to,的用法。,话题:,problems with the diet;,balanced diet and nutrition,高考链接,1. The picture _ on the wall is painted by my nephew.,A. having hung B. hanging,C. hangs D. being hung,解析:hang作“某物悬挂 / 吊在某处解,是不及物动词,the picture与hang是主动关系,用hanging作定语。,B,2. European football is played in 80 countries, _ it the most popular sport in the world. (全国卷),A. making B. makes,C. made D. to make,解析:“足球成为世界最受欢送的体育运动是伴随80个国家踢足球产生的自然结果,前后有因果关系,making=which makes,A,3. _ his telephone number, she had some difficulty getting in touch with Bill. (上海卷),A. Not knowing B. Knowing not,C. Not having knownD. Having not known,解析:现在分词的否认式在前面加not,“不知道 号码与“难与Bill联系同时发生的不用完成式。Not knowing=As she didnt know,A,Exercises,1. Cloze Test,One man was to meet his wife downtown and sp


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