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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,人教版高一英语必修一unit5基础知识复习,1. 质量好/次/上乘,2.,大大改善生活质量,3.,具有领导素质,4. 个人品质,5.,一个热心人,6.,冷酷无情的;没有同情心的,7.,对,sb,刻薄,8. 在花钱方面很小气/吝啬,9.,在花钱方面很大方,11.,积极参加,(),12.,在某方面很活跃,1. be of good/poor/top quality,2. greatly improve the quality of life,3. have leadership qualities,4. personal qualities,5. a warm-hearted man,6. cold-hearted,7. be mean to sb,8. be mean with money,9. be generous with money,10. accept the apology with great generosity,11. take an active part (in sth),12. be active in sth,13. 自我中心的,14. 不言而喻的;不证自明的,15. 自私的/无私的行为,16. 全身心地投入到.中,17. 将毕生/余生奉献给.,18. 把所有时间/一半的时间都奉献给./都用在.上,19. 把所有精力/大部分精力都奉献给./都用在.上,20. 一所创办于17世纪的大学,21. 中华人民共和国,22. 坚持原则,13. self-centered,14. self-evident,15. selfish/selfless behavior,16. devote oneself to,sth/doing sth,/ be devoted to,sth/doing sth,17. devote all ones life,/the rest of ones life,to,sth/doing sth,18.devote all ones time/half of ones time to,sth/doing sth,19. devote all ones energy/ most of ones energy to,sth/doing sth,20. a university founded in the 17th century,21. the,P,eoples,R,epublic of China,22. stick to,/keep to,ones principles,23.,咨询,/,请教一下律师,24.,辩方律师,25.,法律费用;律师费;诉讼费,26.,在某人指导下,27.,失业,28.,失业者,29.,这个国家的青年一代,30.,在某人年轻的时候,31.,青年团,32.,政治舞台,33.,投票支持,/,反对,23. consult a lawyer,24. a defense lawyer,25. legal fees,26. under sbs guidance; under the guidance of sb,27. lose ones job; be out of work; be unemployed,28. the unemployed,29. the youth of this country,30. in ones youth,31. Youth League,32. the political stage,33. vote for/against sb/sth,34.,心脏病发作,35.,进攻某地;攻击或抨击某人,36.,对某人进行暴力威胁,37.,事实上,38.,给,充气;使爆炸,39.,与,相等,/,平等,40.,胜任这一工作,41.,在危险、受罚、痛苦、忧虑等的处境中,42.,闯祸,;,陷入困境,43.,摆脱不幸,/,困境,44.,乐意做某事,45.,心之所愿,无所不成,34. a heart attack,35. attack sw/sb,36. threaten sb with violence,37. in fact; in reality; as a matter of fact; actually,38. blow sth up,39. be equal to sth; be equal with/to sb,40. be equal to the job/work; be up to the job/work,41. in trouble,42. get into trouble,43. get out of trouble,44. be willing/ready/prepared to do,45. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.,46.,向,求助;求助于,47.,向某人寻求建议,48.,无与伦比;无人能及,49.,释放,50.,发行电影,/,唱片,51.,丧失勇气或信心,52.,从监狱逃走;越狱,53.,逃脱惩罚,54.,死里逃生;险些丧命,55.,接受教育,/,治疗,46,.,turn to sb (for help); ask sb for help; seek help from sb,47. turn to sb for advice; ask sb for advice; seek advice from sb,48. have no equal (in ),49. release sb/sth; set sb/sth free,50. release a film/an album,51. lose heart,52. escape from prison,53. escape punishment/ being punished,54. narrowly escape being killed; have a narrow escape,55. receive education/treatment,56.,有教养又思想开放,57.,当权;上台,58.,执政,59.,发电厂;发电站,60.,停电,61.,太阳,/,核,/,风能,62. (1),请原谅;对不起,; (2)(,未听清楚,),请再说一遍,63.,近亲,/,远亲,64.,相对来说比较容易治疗的癌症,65.,相对而言,66.,对,残忍,67.,吓得直发抖,56.,be,well educated and open-minded,57. come to power,58. be in power,59. power plant/ station,60. a power failure,61. solar/nuclear/wind power; solar/nuclear/wind energy,62. I beg your pardon.,63. a close/distant relative,64. a cancer that can be cured with relative ease,65. relatively speaking,66. be cruel to sb/sth,67. shake with terror,68.,在恐怖袭击中受伤,69.,悬赏一万英镑寻找目击证人,70.,作为回报,;,作为奖励,71.,因,而酬谢或报答某人,72.,建立;设立,73.,被判处死刑,/,终身监禁,/,四年有期徒刑,74.,反黑人的,/,反社会的,/,防冻剂,75.,征求某人的意见,76.,在某人看来,77.,某人自己的房间,68. be wounded in terrorist attacks,69. offer a 10,000 reward for witnesses,70. as a reward (for ); in reward (for ),71. reward sb for sth/doing sth,72. set sth up,73. be sentenced/condemned to death/life in prison/four years in prison,74. anti-black; antisocial; antifreeze,75. ask for ones opinion,76. in ones opinion/view; as far as sb be concerned,77. ones own room; a room of ones own,78.,以暴制暴,79.,为某人抽出,/,匀出时间,/,金钱等,(,例:您能为我匀出几分钟吗?,),80.,紧跟着,(,某人,/,某物,),81.,筋疲力尽的;疲惫不堪的,82.,沮丧的,83.,破旧不堪的,84. 使.精疲力竭;使疲惫不堪,85. 使.沮丧,86. 磨破;穿破,78.,answer violence with violence,79. spare sb,sth,; spare,sth,for sb (Could you spare me a few minutes?/ Could you spare a few minutes for me?),80. follow (sb/sth) closely,81. be worn out; be tired out; be exhausted,82. be cast down,83. be worn out,84. wear/tire sb out,85. cast sb down,86. wear sth out,1.,我们有麻烦时,,Smart,老师总是乐于相助,对此我们学生都非常感激。,When we are in trouble, Mr. Smart is always ready to help, for which we students are all very grateful.,2.,在求助无门的情况下,他只能自谋生路。,With no one to turn to, he had to make a living by himself.,3.,被大学录取的那天是我一生中最高兴的日子之一。,The day when I was admitted to/into the university was one of my happiest.,4.,惟虚心乃能进步。,Only if you are modest can you make progress.,第一次见到Leslie, 他就给我留下了深刻的印象。,Leslie在十几岁时就不得不辍学了,因为他父亲失了业,且负债累累,根本负担不起他的学费。在求助无门的情况下,他只能自谋生路。面对困难,Leslie毫不气馁。而是在业余,时间坚持自学法律。事实上,他从小就对法律感兴趣,他的,梦想就是成为一名优秀的律师。苍天不负有心人(有志者事,竟成),经过数年艰苦学习,他的努力终于得到了回报。他,成立了自己的律师事务所并为贫困者无偿提供法律问题的指,导,对此他们都非常感激。,把毕生都投入到了帮助那些需要帮助的人,,Leslie,被认为,是美国最慷慨无私的律师之一。,The first time I met Leslie, he left a deep impression on me.,Leslie had to drop out of school in his teens, because his father was out of work and heavily in debt, thus being unable to afford his school fees. With no one to turn to, he had to make a living by himself. Faced with difficulty, Leslie never lost heart. Instead, he kept on teaching himself law in his spare time. As a matter of fact, he showed interest in law at an early age, and his dream was to become an excellent lawyer. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. After years of hard work, his efforts finally paid off. He set up his own law practice and offered guidance to the poor on their legal problems for free, for which they were all very grateful.,Devoted to helping those in need, Leslie is considered to be one of the most generous and selfless lawyers in the United States.,谢谢观赏,


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