Unit 3 Warehousing Management and Inventory Control 《物流英语》教学课件

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Unit 3 Warehousing Management and Inventory Control 《物流英语》教学课件_第3页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 3 Warehousing Management and Inventory Control,Warehousing Management,Inventory Control,【Lead-in】,Warehousing management and inventory control are parts of logistics. The first text mainly describes the different types of warehouses and the warehouse management system (WMS). And the second text will draw your attention to the inventory classifications and ABC analysis of inventory.,【Learning Objectives】,1. To understand the definitions of warehousing management and inventory control.,2. To identify the different types of warehouses.,3. To know the warehouse management system (WMS).,4. To know the inventory classifications.,5. To understand ABC analysis of inventory.,Listening & Speaking,. Listen to the sentences and fill in the blanks with what you exactly heard.,1. Warehousing is not a new, but it has gained new functions in modern logistics.,2. Warehousing management is a,factor for companies to remain competency.,concept,critical,3. Warehousing has three basic functions: movement, and information transfer.,4. Inventory control, otherwise known as stock control, is used to show how much inventory you have at any one time, and how you,it.,5. Inventories are vital to a company to help it function,.,storage,keep track of,smoothly,. Listen to the dialogues and fill in the blanks with what you exactly heard.,manufacturers,achieve,advantages,shared,1. A: Why are public warehouses so popular with,and retailers?,B: It is because a public warehouse can,.,scale economy by consolidating,(联合,巩固),the goods owned by different public warehouse customers.,A: How about contract warehouses?,B: The main,of contract warehouses are the service relationship, tailored service and,risk.,raincoats,reserve,deliver,2. A: Have you got any,in stock?,B: Yes. But in fact there is not much stock left because of the continual raining weather.,A: Can I,all the stock?,B: Yes, of course. When shall we,the goods to you?,A: What about tomorrow morning?,B: No problem.,A warehouse is a,c,building for storage of goods. Warehouses are used by manufacturers, importers, exporters,w, transport businesses, customs, etc. They are usually large,p,buildings in industrial areas of cities and towns. They come,e,with loading docks to load and unload trucks, or sometimes are loaded,d,from railways, airports, or,s,. They also often have cranes,(起重机),and forklifts,(铲车,叉车),for moving goods, which are usually,p,on International Standards Organization (ISO) standard pallets.,. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with what you exactly heard, the first letters have been given.,ommercial,holesalers,lain,quipped,irectly,eaports,laced,Reading,Text 1 Warehousing Management,【Key Terms】,warehousing management,仓储管理,private warehouse,自有仓库,public warehouse,公共仓库,contract warehouse,合同仓库,retail chain stores,零售连锁商店,inventory control,库存控制,warehouse management system (WMS),仓库管理系统,putaway,上架,Stocktaking,盘点,picking,分拣,bonded warehouse,保税仓库,【New Words and Phrases】,storage /,st:rid,/,n.,保管,存储,facility /,fsiliti,/,n.,设备,设施,warehouse /,wehaus,/,n.,仓库,classify /,klsifai,/,vt.,把分类,把分级,authority /,rti,/,n.,权威,权利,construct /,knstrkt,/,vt.,建造,handle /,hndl,/,vt.,处理,操作,utilize /,ju:tilaiz,/,vt.,利用,in charge,负责,主管,extensively /,ikstensivli,/,adv.,广泛地,广阔地,bonded /,bndid,/,adj.,有担保的,保税的,respond to,响应,对做出反应,alternative /,:lt:ntiv,/,n.,可供选择的事物,unique /,ju:ni:k,/,adj.,唯一的,独一无二的,tailor /,teil,/,vt.,专门制作,定做,exclusively /,iksklu:sivli,/,adv.,专门地,排他地,long-term relationship,长期关系,inspection /,inspekn,/,n.,检查,视察,primarily /,praimrli,/,adv.,首先,主要地,optimize /,ptimaiz,/,vt.,使优化,status /,steits,/,n.,状况,情形;身份,地位,utilization /,ju:tilaizein,/,n.,利用,boundary /,baundri,/,n.,分界线,边界,界限,to aextent,到程度,monitor /,mnit,/,vt.,监视,监测,station /,stein,/,n.,站,台,局,【Text Learning】,What Is Warehousing Management,Warehousing has been defined as the part of logistics systems that store products (raw materials, parts, goods-in-process, finished goods etc.) at and between points of origin to points of consumption.,Types of Warehouses,Private Warehouse,Public Warehouse,Contract Warehouse,Warehouse Management System(WMS),A warehouse management system (WMS) is a key part of the supply chain, and primarily it aims to control the movement and storage of materials within a warehouse, including receiving, putaway, stocktaking and picking.,【Notes】,1. Warehousing has been defined as the part of logistics systems that store products (raw materials, parts, goods-in-process, finished goods etc.) at and between points of origin to points of consumption.,仓储是物流系统的一部分,商品(包括原材料、零配件、在制品和产成品等)从原始起点到消费终点之间的存储就是仓储。,2. Private warehouses provide more control and flexibility since the enterprises has absolute decision-making authority over all activities in the warehouse.,自有仓库的经营者对仓库业务有绝对的决策权,所以更易于对经营活动进行控制,其灵活性也更强。,“since”,引导原因状语从句。,3. The largest users of private warehouses are retail chain stores, as they have to handle large volumes of products on a regular basis.,自有仓库的最大用户是零售连锁商店,因为他们经常要处理大批量的货物。,on a regular basis,定期地,经常地,Example: He heard from his children on a regular basis.,他会定期收到孩子们的来信。,4. Public warehouses are constructed by the state or by a department in charge to offer social service, such as the storehouses in the airport or seaport, or a bonded warehouse etc.,公有仓库是由国家或一个主管部门修建的为社会服务的仓库,如机场、港口的库房,保税仓库等。,保税仓库是保税制度中应用最广泛的一种形式,是指经海关核准的专门存放保税货物的专用仓库。,5. Retailers that operate their own private warehouses may occasionally seek additional storage space if their facilities have reached capacity limit, or if they are making a special, large purchase of products.,拥有私人仓库的零售商在某些情况下,比如当他们的仓库存储能力不够,或他们在进行特别的大批量的采购时也会租用公共仓库。,6. Contract warehouse is between the two alternatives mentioned above, which provides unique and specially tailored warehousing services exclusively to one customer.,合同仓库介于上述两种仓库之间,它可以为顾客提供排他性的、独特的量身定制的仓储服务。,“which”,引导的非限制性定语从句,其中关系代词,“which”,指代,“contract warehouse”。,7. At the same time, contract warehouse operators can also offer other value-adding activities such as inventory control, order processing, product inspection, tracking and port-to-port services.,同时,合同仓库运营商还可以提供其他增值活动,如库存控制、订单处理、产品检测、跟踪和港到港服务等。,8. A warehouse management system (WMS) is a key part of the supply chain, and primarily it aims to control the movement and storage of materials within a warehouse, including receiving, putaway, stocktaking and picking.,仓库管理系统是供应链的重要组成部分,其主要目的是控制仓库中物资的移动和储存,包括接收、上架、盘点和分拣。,【Exercises】,. Choose the best answer for each question.,1. The most important facility used in warehousing is,.,A. warehouse B. storage,C. conveyor D. carousel,A,2.,are more flexible because the enterprises have authority over all the activities in the warehouse.,A. Private warehouses,B. Public warehouses,C. Contract warehouses,D. All of the above,3. A bonded warehouse is a,.,A. private warehouse B. public warehouse,C. contract warehouse D. none of the above,A,B,4.,can provide unique and specially tailored warehousing services to the customers.,A. Private warehouses,B. Public warehouses,C. Contract warehouses,D. All of the above,5. Which of the following is not one of the activities of WMS?,.,A. putaway B. stocktaking,C. picking D. distribution,C,D,. Read the following statements carefully and judge if they are “True” or “False”.,1. Warehouse can be classified into private warehouse, public warehouse and contract warehouse. ( ),2. Private warehouses are operated by the carriers. ( ),T,F,3. Manufacturing firms also utilize public warehouses. ( ),4. When using public warehousing service, it is hard for a firm to change the location and size of inventory. ( ),5. Contract warehouse operators can offer other value-adding activities such as order processing, product inspection. ( ),F,T,F,. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the forms if necessary.,storeuniquewarehousingWMS,handleemployfacilityprimarily,1. For many years, enterprises had two choices with respect to,public and private.,2. Principal warehousing activities include receipt of products, shipment, and order picking.,warehousing,storage,3. Private warehouses are usually designed to,a variety of items, while private warehouses are more specialized.,4. Most firms depend on a,to standardize work procedures and encourage best practice.,5. Every user of warehousing,wants it to operate with highest efficiency.,handle,WMS,facility,6. Contract warehouse can provide,and specially tailored warehousing services.,7. Warehouse emphasizes the storage of product and their,purpose is to maximize usage of available storage space.,8. Modern warehouses,a wide range of handling equipment.,unique,primary,employ,. Translate the following phrases into English.,1仓储管理,2自有仓库,3公共仓库,4保税仓库,5分拣,warehousing management,private warehouse,public warehouse,bonded warehouse,picking,. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.,1. The most important facility used in warehousing is warehouse.,仓储管理中最重要的设施是仓库。,2. Broadly speaking, warehousing consists of the protection, management and storage of goods.,从广义上讲,仓储就是保护、管理、储藏物品。,3. Using public warehouse can offer more flexibility for the users since it requires no capital investment of the users.,使用公共仓库具有更强的灵活性,因为使用者不需要投入资本金。,4. We need to check the products and facilities regularly, keep the warehouse clean and safe, standardize each operation and gather information.,我们需要定期检查产品和设备,维护仓库清洁、安全,规范各项运作,并汇总信息。,5. Contract warehousing is becoming a preferred choice for many companies because it allows a company to focus on its core competencies with warehousing provided by experts.,很多企业愿意选择合同仓储的形式,因为让专业机构管理仓储的业务,他们就可以专注于发展自己的核心竞争力。,Text 2 Inventory Control,【Key Terms】,cycle stock,周转库存,safety inventory,安全库存,in-transit inventory,在途库存,dead inventory,呆滞库存,inventory carrying cost,库存持有成本,ABC classification,ABC分类法,【New Words and Phrases】,resale /,riseil,/,n.,转卖,转售,assemble /,sembl,/,v.,装配,安装,issue /,iu:,/,n.,问题,accurately /,kjurtli,/,adv.,正确无误地,准确地,influence /,influns,/,v.,影响,起作用,classify /,klsifai,/,v.,分类,归类,satisfy /,stisfai,/,vt.,使满意或满足,lead time,提前期,constant /,knstnt,/,adj.,始终如一的,不变的,suffer /,sf,/,vt.,经历,遭受,stockout /,stkaut,/,n.,缺货,result from,起因于,由产生,regional /,ri:dnal,/,adj.,地区的,当地的,current /,krnt,/,adj.,当前的;流行的,turnover /,t:nuv,/,n.,周转,minimize /,minimaiz,/,vt.,使减至最小量或最低程度,annual /,njul,/,adj.,年度的,annual sales volume,年销售额,identify /,aidentifai,/,vt.,认出,确认,effective /,ifektiv,/,adj.,有效的,生效的,【Text Learning】,What Is Inventory,Inventory refers to the stock of goods that are maintained for a variety of purposes, such as for resale to others, as well as to support manufacturing or assembling processes.,Inventory Classifications,Cycle Stock,Safety Inventory,In-transit Inventory,Dead Inventory,50,100,150,200,Weeks,Cycle Stock,Safety Inventory,0,1,2,3,Units,Available,ABC Analysis of Inventory,The ABC classification system is to group items in decreasing order according to annual sales volume or the amount of money each item represents.,100,Amount (%),75,50,25,25,50,75,100,0,A,B,C,Value (%),【Notes】,1. Inventory refers to the stock of goods that are maintained for a variety of purposes, such as for resale to others, as well as to support manufacturing or assembling processes.,库存是指为了不同目的而储存的货物,如为了转售而储存的产品和为了支持生产或装配流程而储存的零部件等。,a variety of,各种,种种,Example: All of them arrived late for a variety of reasons.,由于种种原因,他们都来晚了。,2. Customers demand that their orders be shipped completely, accurately and on time, which means having the right inventory at the right place and right time.,客户要求企业能将其所订的货物完整、准确、及时地运送给他们,这就意味着企业要在适当的地点和适当的时间持有适当的库存。,“demand”,后面的,“that”,从句是宾语从句,宾语从句的语气为虚拟语气,句中省略了情态动词,“should”。,3. Generally, the higher the safety inventory, the better a firms customer service. It is because the firm suffers fewer “stockouts”.,一般来说,一个企业的安全库存越多,其客户服务水平也就越高,这是因为企业“脱销”的可能性降低了。,the +,形容词或副词的比较级,the +形容词或副词的比较级,意思是“越越”,Example: The more we have learnt, the more we have to learn continuously.,学的越多,就越需要不断学习。,4. The increase of transit time for these inventories would lead to an increase in the size of the in-transit inventory.,产品运输途中花费的时间越长,在途库存的数量就越多。,lead to,导致,Example: Smoking can lead to lung cancer.,抽烟可能导致肺癌。,5. Because dead inventory increases inventory carrying cost, reduces inventory turnover and takes up space in warehousing facility, companies should minimize the size of dead inventory.,因为呆滞库存会增加库存持有成本,降低库存周转率,占用仓储空间,所以企业应将呆滞库存量降到最低。,6. The ABC classification system is to group items in decreasing order according to annual sales volume or the amount of money each item represents.,ABC分类法是根据年销售额或资金占用大小将物品按降序排列的方法。,7. The ABC classification makes it easy to identify the small number of items that account for most of the sales volume and that are the most important ones to control for effective inventory management.,ABC分类法能够很容易地区分出所占数量少但销量金额较大的物品,在进行有效库存管理时,对此类物品要重点掌控。,【Exercises】,. Choose the best answer for each question.,1.,refers to inventory that is needed to satisfy normal demand during the courses of an order cycle.,A. Cycle stock B. Safety inventory,C. In-transit inventory D. Dead inventory,A,2.,is used to guard against uncertainty in demand and lead time.,A. Cycle stock B. Safety inventory,C. In-transit inventory D. Dead inventory,3. The increase of transit time for these inventories would lead to an increase in the size of the,.,A. cycle stock B. safety inventory,C. in-transit inventory D. dead inventory,B,C,4. The A group represents,by number of items.,A. 5%10%B. 10%20%,C. 20%30% D. 30%40%,5. The C group represents about,of the sales volume.,A. 5%B. 10%,C. 20%D. 30%,A,B,. Read the following statements carefully and judge if they are “True” or “False”.,1.The classification of inventory can influence the way of inventory management. ( ),2. For a company, if the demand and lead time are constant, only cycle stock is necessary. ( ),T,T,3. The higher the safety inventory, the worse a firms customer service. ( ),4. In-transit inventories are caused by the need to transport items or materials from one location to another. ( ),5. The C group is the most important to control for effective inventory management. ( ),F,T,F,. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the forms if necessary.,accuratelyoperationallowutilize,efficientdesignequipmentdecision,Inventory management is the active control program which,the management of sales, purchases and payment.,Inventory management and inventory control must be,to meet the dictates of the marketplace and support the companys strategic plan. It should provide information to,.,manage the flow of materials, efficiently,.,people and, coordinate internal activities, and communicate with customers. Inventory management and activities of inventory control do not make,or manage,; they provide the information to managers who make more,and timely decisions to manage their operations.,allows,designed,efficiently,utilize,equipment,decisions,operations,accurate,. Translate the following phrases into English.,1提前期,2周转库存,3安全库存,4在途库存,5ABC分类,lead time,cycle stock,safety inventory,in-transit inventory,ABC classification,. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.,1. Inventory is defined as the stock of any item or resource used in an organization.,库存是指企业所有物料和资源的储备。,2. Inventory is mainly classified into cycle stock, safety inventory, in-transit inventory and dead inventory.,库存主要分为周转库存、安全库存、在途库存和呆滞库存。,3. Cycle stock refers to inventory that is needed to satisfy normal demand during the course of an order cycle.,周转库存是指在订货周期内用于满足正常需求的库存。,4. Dead inventory refers to products for which there is no demandat least under current marketing practices.,呆滞库存是指那些没有需求至少在目前没有需求的产品。,5. The approach of ABC analysis recognizes that inventories are not of equal value to a firm and that, as a result, all inventory should not be managed in the same way.,ABC分析法认为不同的库存对企业的价值是不一样的,因而,不能对所有的库存用同一种方法进行管理。,Writing,According to your understanding of the definition of inventory given in the text, you are required to write a composition of at least 100 words, explaining the reasons for holding inventory. The title is given below.,Reasons for Holding Inventory,Reasons for Holding Inventory,The major reasons for keeping inventory are as follow.,Meet demand. For example, a retailer must have the products on hand when the customer wants them. Hence, if a product is not in inventory, it can result in loss of sale.,Keep operations on. A manufacturer must have certain purchased items (raw materials, components, or subassemblies) in order to manufacture its products. Running out of only one item can prevent a manufacturer from completing the production of its finished goods.,Lead time. Lead time is the time between placing a purchase order and actually receiving the goods ordered. The supplier may fail to supply the required goods on demand, so firms must keep an inventory of the needed goods. The longer the lead time, the larger quantity of goods firms must carry in inventory.,Quantity discount. Often firms are given a price discount when purchasing large quantities of goods. This also frequently results in inventory in excess of what is currently needed to meet demand.,


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