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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,特殊句子的翻译,1,1.It 做形式主语和形式宾语,She had said what it was necessary to say.,该说的话他都说了,Rumor has it that there will be a war.,谣传快要打仗了。,2,2. it 强调句型,It is to men like Edison that we should be grateful.,我们应该感谢的是象爱迪生这样的人。,It is only shallow people who judge by appearance.,只有浅薄的人才会以貌取人,。,3,3. all + “抽象名词”或者“抽象名词” + itself,He was all gentleness to her.,他对她非常温存。,While she was waiting for the tinkling of the doorbell, all nerves, suddenly he stood before her.,正当她紧张得等待着铃声响的时候,他突然站到了她的面前。,To his superiors, he is humility itself.,他对长辈非常谦恭.,He was discretion itself in the use of speech.,他措辞非常谨慎。,4,4.重复表示强调的译法,A crime is a crime a crime,犯罪就是犯罪,(没什么可说的)。,Business is business,公事公办,5,5. something (anything, nothing,much ) of,He seems to be something of a scholar.,他有点学者的风度。,He is much of a gentleman.,他颇有些绅士风度。,He is more of a scholar than a teacher.,与其说他是教师,不如说他是学者。,6,5. something (anything, nothing,much ) of,If he is anything of a gentleman, he will keep his promise, I should think.,如果他有点绅士风度,我想他会守约的。,He knows something of everything.,他什么事都懂一些,但样样都不精。,7,6.同格名词的翻译:,of前后两个名词都修饰同一个人或物,of以及其前的名词构成一个形容词短语,以修饰of后边的哪个名词。,Those pigs of girls eat too much.,那些猪一般的女孩子吃太多。,She is an angel of a wife.,她是一位天仙般的妻子。,The child is a treasure of a son.,那是一个宝贝儿子。,8,7Asas can(may) be,You are as wrong as wrong can be.,你大错特错了。,It is as plain as plain can be.,那是再明白不过得了。,A lot of these boys are as green as green can be.,这些男孩子很多都精力充沛。,9,7Asas can(may) be,Since I have been in prison he has always been coming to see me, and at times he would talk to me, and as good to me as good could be.,自从我入狱以来他常来看我,有时和我谈话,对我好得不得了,。,10,8. It is inas in (It is withas with),It is in life as in a journey.,人生好比旅行,It is in studying as in eating; he who does it gets the benefits; and not he who sees it done.,读书和吃饭一样,得到利益的是实际在吃的人,而不是在旁边观看的人,It is with a machine as with a child that must always be taken care of.,机器和小孩一样需要时常照顾。,11,9. As good as实际上,等于,和一样,The house was as good as sold.,这房子等于已经卖掉了。,The merchant as good as promised the orphan boy that he would adopt him.,商人实际上等于许诺要把那孤儿收为养子,These soldiers were as good as dead.,这些士兵实际上已经死亡。,12,10. good and, nice and, fine and, lovely and, bright and, big and, rare and 表示强调,The road is good and long.,这条路很长。,The house stands good and high.,房子很高。,I was rare and hungry.,我很饿。,13,11May as well 还是好,Now that you have told me a little about your secret, you may as well tell me all about it.,既然你已经向我透露了一些秘密,不妨把全部情况都告诉我吧。,We may as well go and have a look at it.,我们还是去看看吧。,14,12. May as wellas 做和做.一样,May as well notas 与其不如不,You may as well go as not.,你去不去都一样.,You might as well throw your money into the sea as lend it to him.,你借钱给他还不如把钱扔到海里。,One may as well not know a thing at all as know it perfectly(completely).,与其一知半解还不如全然不知,15,13Make of,I will make a scientist of my son.,我要把儿子培养成科学家.,She often makes a hero of her husband.,她常把丈夫当作英雄看待。,She has made a conquest(战利品) of him.,他拜倒在她的石榴裙下,One who has done great things made stepping stones of their failure.,成就大事业的人都以失败为阶梯,16,14.tooto太而不能,not tooto并不太所以,One is never too old to learn.,活到老,学到老,English is not too difficult to learn.,英语并不太难学,toonot to太而很可能,He is too angry not to say it.,盛怒之下,他难免要说出那些话来,17,The expression is well known to many students who study English, but it is far too good not to be requited here.,学英语的人都知道这句话,不过这句话说得实在太精彩,所以这里不免要再次引用一下。,All (only, but) tooto都是表示肯定的意思,She shall be only too pleased to do my best in that work.,她会很高兴尽力做那项工作。,18,15Can not(hardly, scarcely) too(enough, sufficient, over-)无论怎样也不过分,You cannot be too careful.,你越仔细越好,The importance of English can not be overstressed.,英语的重要性无论怎样强调都不过分。,We can not love our motherland too much.,怎样爱我们的祖国都不为过。,I can not praise the film too high.,我怎样赞扬这部电影都不为过,19,16No more than(not any more than ) 同一样不,Not more than 不比更,More than+ adj. (adv,v) 很,,20,I could no more than do that than you.,=I could not do that any more than you.,这件事你不能做我也不能做。,A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is a man.,正如没有灵魂的躯体不能称为人一样,没有爱的家庭也不能称其为家挺。,What you said is no more true than what I told you.,你所说的和我讲的一样都是靠不住的。,21,The new edition is not more expensive than the old one.,新版本不比老版本更贵,It is more than possible that he will fail.,十有八九他会失败,She was dressed more than simply.,他穿戴岂止是朴素,简直就是破烂,He is more shy than unsocial.,他害羞,不是不爱社交,22,He is more dead than alive.,与其说他活着,不如说他死了。,This more than satisfied me.,这让我十二分满意,He more than hesitated to promise that.,他答应那件事时岂止是犹豫,简直就是拒绝.,More is meant than meets the ear.,有言外之意(话里有话),A fool can no more see his own folly than he can see his ears.,愚蠢的人往往看不见自己的愚蠢,正如他不能看到自己的耳朵一样。,23,17Not so much as与其倒不如,The oceans dont so much divide the world as unite it.,与其说海洋把世界分开,不如说海洋把世界连在一起。,Success does not depend so much on ones school record as on ones honesty and intelligence.,一个人的成功不在于他在学校的成绩,而是取决于他的诚实和勤勉。,The school education is not so much to teach you things as to teach you how to learn.,学校的教育不在于授人以鱼,而在于授人以渔。,24,18.否定+but: but means which not, that not, who not,There is no one but hopes to be rich.,人人都想发财,There is no one of us but wants to go.,我们都想去,25,19.not sobut(not such abut) but: that not,He is not so sick but he can come to school.,他没有病到不能上学的程度。,No man is so foolish but he may give another good counsel sometimes.,无论多么愚蠢的人有时也能给别人提出好的忠告。,26,20名词+and:相当于状语从句,A word,and he would lose his temper.,再说一句他就要生气了。,A turn of the path and you will get to the school.,从那条路转个弯进去,你就到学校了。,27,21.asso,As you sow, so you reap.,种瓜得瓜,As rust eats iron, so care eats the heart.,忧伤人,锈蚀铁,As fire tries gold, so adversity tries courage.,正如火可以试金一样,逆境可以考验人的智慧。,28,22If any,if ever,即使有,果真有,if anything, 如有不同的话,There is little, if any, hope.,希望甚微,It occurs seldom, if ever,即使有事,也不会太多,If anything, he is a little better today,如果说有什么不同,那就是他比昨天好些了。,29,23And that而且 (that 代替前面的内容),Return to your work, and that at once.,回去工作,而且立刻就走,The snow began to fall, and that heavily.,开始下雪了,且下得很大,30,24.at once and =bothand,The novel is at once pleasing and instructive.,这部小说既有趣味,又有教益。,31,24.not (no) less than和一样,Our village is not less beautiful than this picture.,我们的村庄像这幅画一样美丽。,He is no less active than he used to be.,他和以前一样积极。,32,25比较级用于委婉否定:英语比较级可用于委婉的批评,温和的责备和含蓄的否定。,You might have been more careful.,你不应该那么粗心大意,I knew better than to move another leg.,我知道我还是站着不动为妙,Some of the programs are good, others could have been better.,有些节目很好,有些节目则不怎么样.,You could have come earlier.,你为什么不早点来呢!,You could at least have met me at the station.,起码你应该到火车站来接我呀!,33,before clause 翻译赏析,1Before he came here, he was in America.,来这里之前他在美国,2The train had left before he got to the station.,他到车站后火车已经开了,他到车站之前火车已经开了,火车开了他才到车站。,34,3It seemed a long time before my turn came.,轮到我之前过了很长时间。,很久以后才轮到我,似乎过了好大一会儿才轮到我.,4Think well before you decide.,决定之前要慎重考虑,想好后再做决定,35,5. Be a pupil before you become a teacher.,在做先生前要先做学生,先做学生再做先生,6The day began to break before we got to the hilltop.,我们到了山顶前天已经亮了,还没到山顶天就亮了。,天亮前我们还没到山顶。,36,7Before I could say a single word, he ran away.,在我说话之前他跑了。,我还没说话他就跑了,我连一句话还没来得及说他就跑了。,8Study hard before it is too late.,在晚之前好好学习,趁早好好学习,37,9We had hardly left our school before it began to rain.,天下雨前我刚离开学校,我刚离开学校天就下雨了。,10It was not long before he got to know it.,他知道以前时间过得不长。,不久他就知道了。,38,11. The boy fell off the tree before he knew it.,那个男孩不知怎么就从树上摔了下来。,那个男孩一不小心从树上摔了下来。,12I will do it now before I forget it.,趁还没忘,我这就把事做了。,在我忘之前,我就把事情做了。,13. He will resign before he agrees to it.,他同意之前将会辞职,他宁愿辞职也不同意。,39,


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