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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Hyperbole,夸张,1,用主观的眼光去渲染、铺饰客观事物,故意言过其实的表现法,修辞的夸张不同于说假话。假话是要使人信以为真,而夸张只是为了加强语言的力量。夸张的性质重在表达感动深切的情意,不重在客观事实的记述。因而在遇到这类词句时,应体会其深刻的含义,而不应机械地照字面去理解,。,2,Longman Modern English Dictionary: “hyperbole: a figure of speech which gently exaggerates the truth.”,虽然简单了一点,但点出了这个修辞格的实质,在事实的基础上进行夸大。因此,这是一种艺术手法,而不是欺骗手段。运用这种修辞格必须使人一听就知是夸张,同时要有语言感染力,能够引起人们的想象,却不能使人误以为真。它是英语中常见的修辞手段之一。,3,They swarmed up in front of Sherburns palings as thick as they could jam together, and you,couldnt hear yourself,think for the noise.,他们群集在薛伯恩的篱笆前面,挤得水泄不通,闹得你甚至无法思考。,4,We not only saw but heard it: the,report positively reverberated down the Rhine,. Dont condescend to subterfuge, Trench.,我们不仅看见了,而且听见了。这个报告简直响遍了整个莱茵河。你不要自甘下流,楚南奇。,5,Finally he didnt turn away at all; he just stood and stared with,mad lust,at the coat.,他终于没有走开,他只是站着,怀着疯狂的欲望盯着那件大衣。,6,“Polly, I love you. You are,the whole world to me, and the,moon and the stars,“,波里,我爱你。你是我的一切,你是月亮和星星,”,7,夸张不仅用于文学作品中,而且也常用在日常生活中。,8,I beg,a thousand pardons,.,千万请求原谅。,I was scared to death.,我吓死了。,Id give,worlds,to see you.,我十分想见到你。,9,“How is Fleur,?”,said Michael, neighbor.“Thanks, awfully wel1.”“Do you like your house?”“Oh,fearfully,Wont you come and see it?”“I dont know whether Fleur would?”“Why not,?,She,frightful1y,accessible?”,“,弗莱尔近来怎么样?”迈克尔的邻居问。“谢谢你,他很好。”“你喜欢你的房子吗,?”“,唤,太喜欢了,你愿意来看看吗?”“我不知道弗莱尔愿意不愿意。”“为什么不愿意?她非常容易接近。”,10,夸张与比喻、转喻、拟人有密切的关系。它往往是通过比喻、转喻或拟人的方法进行的。,11,To be, or not to be: that is the question.Whether it is nob1er in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,Or to take arms against,a sea of troubles,And by opposing end them,?,生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题;默默忍受命运的暴虐的毒箭,或是挺身反抗人世的无涯的苦难,在奋斗中结束一切?,12,用数字表示夸张:,It is a vast, somebre cavern of a room, some thirty feet,high and sixty feet square, and so thick with the dust of,centuries that the mud brick walls and vaulted roof are,only visible.,这是一间宽旷、阴森、昏暗的大屋,像个大洞穴,,约有,30,英尺高,,60,平方英尺,土坯墙上和拱形屋,顶棚上有一层厚厚的万年尘土,土墙和顶棚隐约可,见。,句中的两处数字都有夸张的作用,特别是,centuries,可译为“千年或万年”,,这个数字重在夸张,而不在其确切的年份。,13,The coffin is closed and carried slowly down the railway, through the corridors and out into the streets. Outside is a sea of faces.,棺椁合上了,被缓缓地抬下楼梯,经过走廊,到了寒风刺骨的大街上,街上人山人海。,A sea of,是个夸张的用法, 表示数量之多如同大海,类似的词类还有,a mountain of,14,Vingo sat stunned, looking a the oak trees. It was covered with yellow handkerchiefs20 of them, 30 of them, maybe hundreds.,文戈坐在那儿望着橡树惊呆了。树上挂满了黄手绢,二十条,三十条,或许几百条。,句中,20 of them, 30 of them, maybe hundreds,就是运用了夸张法,主观地渲染了气氛。,15,2.,用最高级比较形式,The camels are the largest and finest I have ever seen, and in superb condition.,这些骆驼是我见过的最大、最好的,也是最棒的。,这里用最高级和,in superb condition,夸张这些骆驼的无与伦比。,16,My wish to you is this, you shall become the most beautiful woman in the kingdom.,我祝愿你为王国中最漂亮的女人,17,And consequently, Marx was the best hated and most calumniated of his time.,因此,马克思在世时,敌人最仇恨他,千方百计地诋毁他。,18,The most savage controversies are those about matters as to which there is no good evidence either .,最激烈的争论乃是关于正反两方都无充分证据的事物。,19,有的时候,一些含有否定词的比较级也有夸张的意义与作用:,I have never had a better or a more comfortable dinner.,我从来没有吃过比这更好,更舒坦的的美餐。,这个句子虽然用了比较级,实际上含有最高级的意义,突出显示这顿美餐使他享受无比。,20,I never saw a prettier sight.,我从来没有见到过比这更美丽的景象,21,When you come to think of it, there is nothing in the world more potentand more important than words.,想想看,真是妙极了,语言比什么都有力量,也比什么都没有力量。,22,3.,用形容词和副词进行夸张,在日常生活对话中,人们常用形容词、副词渲染一种气氛,强调某种意义或事情。如,: very, very well, awfully well, terrible, terrific, horrible, great, wonderful, fantastic, fearfully, very tiny,等等。,23,Madame Loisel now knew the horrible life of the need. But she took her part heroically.,鲁瓦赛尔太太现在懂了穷人过着十分可怕的生活,但是,她英勇地过上了穷人的日子。,文中,horrible,和,heroically,都生动地写出了鲁瓦赛尔太太对这种艰苦生活的心态,她感到害怕,而又不得不去迎接它,严酷的现实使这位太太无法回避。,24,She went to the fruiters , the grocers , the butchers, bargaining, defending every sou of her miserable money.,Defending every sou, miserable,都夸张地写明了这位太太的贫困和不幸。,25,All at once she discovered a splendid diamond necklace, and her hands trembled as she took it.,突然她发现一条灿烂夺目的宝石项链,她以颤抖的手拿起了项链。,Splendid,和,trembled,说明了她的喜欢和激动的表现。,26,Every one bowed, including the westerners. After three days in Japan, the spinal column becomes,extraordinarily flexible.,27,4.,利用名词和动词进行夸张,这种夸张往往把词语意义推向极致,形成夸张:,I was scared to death.,吓死我了,Polly, I love you. You are the whole world to me, and the moon and the stars.,坡丽,我,爱你。你是我的一切,你是我的月亮和星星。,28,I sat for a while, frozen with horror.,我坐了一会儿,吓得六神无主,不知所措。,For she was beautifulher beauty made the bright world dim, and everything besides seems like the fleeting image of a shade.,因为她太漂亮了,她的美丽使光灿灿的世界暗淡失色,她身旁的一切就像是瞬息而去的烟云。,29,It is a crime to stay inside on such a beautiful day.,今天阳光明媚,躲在家中实在太遗憾了。(,pity or regrettable,),30,


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