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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,新概念英语学案青少版1A-Unit3,New Words and Expressions,What?,什么,?,red,Hey,!,嗨,umbrella,伞,good,好的,that,look,看,grey,灰色,a,一(个),bird,鸟,wheel,轮、车轮,key,钥匙,green,绿色,right,OK,行,好,silver,银色的,now,现在,chair,椅子,flower,花,table,桌子,New Words & Expressions,大家来给单词分类吧。,疑问词,what,How,whose,who,which,家庭,father,mother,sister,cousin,brother,人称,物主代词,he she,I you it,their his her,my your its,形容词,young,old,new,Practice,我们来比赛。,看谁能一口气说出一组单词,家 庭,疑问词,物主代词,Whos that boy,Polly?,Which boy,Annie?,Who is that boy, Polly?,大家看到这个句子是怎么组成的呢?,疑问词+ Be + 东东 ?,课文解析,Practice,那个年轻的女人是谁?,这本书是谁的?,Who is that young woman?,Whose is this book?,Which apple ?,Which+n(boy/car/student)?,Thats Robert Jenkins.,The boy on the silver bicycle.,w,ho is that?,(boy/man/woman/girl),That is ,课,文,解,析,The boy on the silver bicycle.,大家来看看这个句子是表达什么意思?,在什么东西上面的人,人 on the 东西,大家来练练,骑在自行车上的女孩,坐在床上的女人,the girl on the bicycle,the woman on the bed,Is his bicycle black?,Whos that man?,Which man?,The man with the black umbrella.,Thats Mr. Jenkins.,课 文 解 析,大家看看这个句子。,表达了什么意思?,The man with the black umbrella.,拿着东西的人,人 with 东西,Practice,拿着书的女孩,拿着灰色照相机的女人,the girl with a book,the woman with the grey camera,Is Mr. Jenkins umbrella black?,The man with the black umbrella.,Hes Roberts father.,咦,这个句子有两个s,意思都一样吗?,Hes Roberts father.,对,,它们俩可不是,一个意思哦,Hes = He is,Roberts =Robert的,可别弄错了哟!,Whos that woman with the white umbrella?,Thats Mrs. Jenkins.,Whos that woman with the white umbrella?,Shes Roberts mother.,Is Mrs. Jenkins Roberts mother?,Is Mrs. Jenkins umbrella black?,And whos that girl on the red bicycle?,Thats Lucy Jenkins.,Is Lucys bicycle silver?,And whos that girl on the red bicycle?,Shes Roberts sister.,Look at that young man.,Who is he?,Which young man?,The young man in that old car.,Oh,thats Paul.,Paul is Lucys cousin.,Is Pauls car old?,课,文,解,析,快帮我把,水里的鱼,钓起来吧!,The young man in that old car.,在东西里面的人,人 in the 东西,the fish in the water,坐在火车里的男孩,the boy in the train,prep.,1. ,表示地点、场所、位置等,在,里面;在,内部;在,上:,in the room,在房间里,in town,在城里,2. ,表示时间,在,期间;在,(,一段时间,),以内;过,之久:,in summer,在夏天,in this century,在本世纪,3. ,表示状态,在,状态中:,in haste,急着,匆忙中,in progress,在进行中,4. ,表示某抽象范围、领域,在,之内,在,方面:,in ones power,在能力所及的范围内,in politics,政治方面,表示地点、场所、位置等,在,里面;在,内部;在,上,:,in the room,在房间里,in town,在城里,2. ,表示时间,在,期间;在,(,一段时间,),以内;过,之久,:,in summer,在夏天,in this century,在本世纪,3. ,表示服装、打扮,穿着;戴着;带着:,a policeman in uniform,穿着制服的警察,a lady in white,穿白衣服的女士,So Paul is Roberts cousin,too.,Thats right.,Is Paul Lucys cousin?,So Paul is Roberts cousin,too.,Robert is Lucys brother.,So Paul is Roberts cousin,too.,And Paul is their cousin.,So Paul is Lucys cousin,too.,Hes a student.,Is Paul a student?,Annie: _ is that boy, Polly?,Polly: _ boy, Annie?,Annie: The boy on the _ bicycle.,Polly: Thats Robert Jenkins.,Annie: Whos that _?,Polly: Which man?,Annie: The man _the black umbrella.,Polly: Thats Mr. Jenkins. Hes Roberts _.,Annie: Whos that _ with the white umbrella?,Polly: Thats Mrs. Jenkins. _ Roberts mother.,Annie: And whos that girl on the red _?,Polly: Thats Lucy Jenkins. Shes Roberts sister.,Annie: _ that young man. Who is he?,Polly: Which young man?,Annie: The young man _ that old car.,Polly: Oh, thats Paul. Paul is Lucys _.,Annie: So Paul is Roberts cousin, too.,Polly: Thats_. Robert is Lucys brother. And Paul is their cousin. Hes a _.,silver,Who,Which,man,with,father,woman,Shes,bicycle,Look at,in,cousin,right,student,1. Is Roberts bicycle silver?,2. Is Mr. Jenkins umbrella black?,3. Is Mrs. Jenkins Roberts mother?,4. Is Mrs. Jenkins umbrella black?,5. Is her umbrella white?,6. Is Lucys bicycle silver?,7. Is her bicycle red?,8. Is Pauls car old?,9. Is Paul Lucys cousin?,10. Is Paul a student?,主格,形容词性,物主代词,第一,人称,单数,I,my,复数,we,our,第二,人称,单数,you,your,复数,you,your,第三,人称,单数,he,his,she,her,it,its,复数,they,their,Who?,谁,?,young,年轻的,boy,男孩,in,在,-,里面,which?,哪一个?,old,陈旧的,on,在,-,上面,car,小汽车,man,男人,Oh!,噢!,with,有,带着,cousin,堂(表)兄弟(或姐妹);,Mr.,先生,so,那么,这样看来,he,他,too,也,father,父亲,brother,兄弟,woman,女人,their,他们的,she,她,student,学生,mother,母亲,his,他的,girl,女孩,her,她的,sister,姐妹,new,新的,look at,看,Pronunciation,on hot dog Polly Robert what,ball hall Paul daughter four fourteen,Numbers,10,ten,11,eleven,12,twelve,13,thirteen,14,fourteen,15,fifteen,16,sixteen,17,seventeen,18,eighteen,19,nineteen,20,twenty,one two three four,five six seven eight,nine ten eleven twelve,thirteen fourteen fifteen,sixteen seventeen eighteen,nineteen,twenty,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,9,5,Pattern Practice,1,、,A: Who is that boy?,B: Which boy?,A: The boy on the silver bicycle.,B: That is / Thats Robert.,2,、,A: Is Roberts bicycle grey?,B: No, it isnt.,A: Is his bicycle silver?,B: Yes, it is.,3,、,A: Tell me about Robert.,B: Hes the boy on the bicycle.,A : What color is his bicycle?,B: Its silver.,15 (fifteen),Robert / boy,on / silver bicycle / not grey,16 (sixteen),Lucy / girl,on / grey horse / not black,17 (seventeen),Paul / young man,in / yellow car / not blue,18 (eighteen),Karen / woman,in / blue taxi / not yellow,19 (nineteen),William / man,with / black umbrella / not white,20 (twenty),Polly / woman,with / brown bag / not grey,silver bicycle,/,Robert,Whose is the,silver bicycle,?,The,silver bicycle,is,Roberts,.,grey horse,/,Lucy,Robert,/,bicycle,/,red,/,silver,Is,Roberts,bicycle,red,?,No, it isnt.,Is his/her,bicycle,silver,?,Yes, it is.,Lucy,/,horse,/,white,/,grey,boy,/,silver,bicycle,/,Robert,Jenkins,Who is that,boy,?,Which,boy,?,The,boy,on the,silver,bicycle,.,That is,Robert,Jenkins,.,girl,/,grey,horse,/,Lucy,Jenkins,


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