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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*, 書式設定, 書式設定,第 2 ,第 3 ,第 4 ,第 5 ,*,Unit 1 Section A,Learning a Foreign Language,Which is a good way of learning,a foreign language?,traditional,face-to-face,education,Practice,Self-study,computer,internet,Questions & Answers,1)The authors experiences with a,foreign language are quite different,in junior and senior middle school,2)The A is satisfied with his / her,English study in college.,3) _ is a new method that the A has discovered.,Online learning,4) Online learning requires _,_.,T,T,time,commitment, discipline and practice,Text Structure,introduction,experience,online learning,benefit,P.1,P.2-4,P.5-7,P.8,difficult & rewarding,frustrating & worth the effort,junior - senior - college,equipment, requirement, practice,Value, insights, mind, communication,Learning & Practice,patterns for cause & effect,Patterns for comparison &,contrast,Difficult sentences,(Line 6),Because of,this,positive,method,I,eagerly,answered,all the questions I could,never worrying,much about making mistakes.,句型提炼 1,Because of,sb,.,adv,. does,sth,.,/ is +,adj,. to do sth, never worrying,caring much about,由于,某人很,做某事,从不怎么担心,.,Cause & Effect,adj. (adv.): eager(ly), anxious(ly), free(ly), content(ly),Because of her strong,desire for,wealth, she,was eager to,trade,her power,for,money, never worrying about any,damage to,other people.,由于她对财富的强烈欲望,她急于进行权钱,交易,,根本不顾及对他人的伤害。,Cause & Effect,owing to,due to,Cause & Effect,thanks to,Over 60 drugs have been removed from sale,as a result of recent,tests.,We had to move to London,on account of,my job.,(L.50),Now that,I speak a foreign language,instead of,staring,into space when English is being spoken,I can,participate,and make friends.,句型提炼 2,Now that sb. does /,has done sth., instead of ,sb,. can,should do sth. else.,由于 既然某人做某事,而不再,他,她就能做另一事。,Cause & Effect,既然我们上网络课程,而不再因在普通课堂上出错感到难堪,那我们就应从网上学习中有所收获。,Now that,we have taken the online course,instead of,feeling,embarrassed,when making mistakes in the,regular,class, we should,reap,some,benefits,from it.,Cause & Effect,(L.16),Unlike,my senior middle school teacher,my college,English teachers were,patient and kind, and none of them carried long, pointed sticks!,句型提炼 3,Unlike sb. / sth. else (that),sb. / sth. is / does,不像另一人/物()那样(与另一人/物不同),某人/物,Comparison & Contrast,Unlike the regular English class, online courses are more,convenient,.,与一般的英语课不同,网络课程更方便。,Comparison & Contrast,Schools in the north,tend to,be better,equipped,while,those in the south are,relatively,poor.,(L. 9),While,my,former,teacher had,been patient with,all the students, my new teacher quickly punished those who gave incorrect answers.,Comparison & Contrast,While,regular schools still,exist, the,virtual,classroom,plays an important role in,todays learning,community,. (L.1, P.2),While,explaining something to others, students,reinforce,their own knowledge about the subject. (L.27, P.2),Comparison & Contrast,in contrast with / to ,In contrast to,the hot days, the nights are bitterly cold.,whereas conj.,The old system was fairly complicated,whereas,the new system is really very simple.,Difficult Sentences,(L.37),Once in a while,I,cried,with,frustration, and sometimes I,felt,like giving,up. But I didnt feel,intimidated,by students who spoke faster than I did because I took all the time I needed to think out my ideas and wrote a reply before,post,ing it,on the screen.,adv. 偶尔,Because of,v. 胁迫,sb,. from doing,sth,.,Want to,Difficult Sentences,(L.45),Not only did,learning another language teach me the,value,of hard work,but,it also gave me,insights,into,another culture, and my mind was opened to new ways of seeing things,(L.13),价值,n. 洞察力,见识,have an into,sth,.,Reading Skills,Reading Skills: Clues & Examples,1.,Some sentences set off (mark off) the definition for a difficult word by using punctuation (标点符号).,Monogamy,the practice or condition of having one marriage partner, is now adopted by most countries as one of state policies.,Example,Reading Skills: Clues & Examples,2.,Sometimes helping words, along,with punctuation, provide,important clues.,Still other people are not avoiding work; strictly speaking, they are merely,procrastinating,delaying their work.,Example,Reading Skills: Clues & Examples,3,.,Some sentences tell the opposite of what a new word means. From its opposite, you can figure out the meaning of the word.,If we desire to get rid of the,slovenliness,of our English we can,think carefully and clearly,before expressing ourselves in it.,Example,Reading Skills: Clues & Examples,4.,Sometimes you can use your own experiences to figure out,the definition of a word.,Confinement,requires,jailers, and a,death punishment,calls for,executioners,.,Example,Reading Skills: Clues & Examples,5.,Sentences before or after a sentence,that has a difficult word sometimes,explain the meaning of the word.,I had a,kind,and,patient,teacher who often,praised,all of the students. Because of this,positive,method, I eagerly answered all the questions I could, ,Example,Reading Skills: Clues & Examples,6.,Some sentences are written just to give the,definitions of the difficult wordswords,that readers will need to know in order to,understand what they are reading.,that I could,communicate,with many more people than before.,Talking with people,is one of my favorite activities.,Example,Reading Skills: Clues & Examples,7.,Because some sentences give,examples for a new word, you can,build a definition.,The,“vicious cycle”,recurs throughout human life.,To cure her husbands faults, for example, a wife may,find fault with,him. His faults get worse, so she finds fault with him even more. Naturally his faults get worse still.,Example,Reading Skills: Clues & Examples,8.,Some sentences use a word you,do know to help explain a word,you do not know.,The medical use of some drugs should be carefully regulated by doctors because they are,addictive,or,habit-forming,.,Example,Reading Skills: Clues & Examples,9.,Word part clues,stems,(,词干,) and,affixes,(,词缀,) also help to find out word meaning.,With many factors,un,fore,see,able, there is no reason for us to show a sweeping optimism about our plan.,Example,Reading Skills: Practice,1. Many different people find,that,the online method requires them to use their experiences and,that,online learning,offers,them a place to communicate with each other. This,forum,for communication removes the,visual barriers,that,hinder,some students from expressing themselves. (L.9),A. the online method,B. a place for online learning,C. a place to exchange opinions,D. the experience for online learning,1. Many different people find,that,the online method requires them to use their experiences and,that,online learning,offers,them a place to communicate with each other. This,forum,for communication removes the,visual barriers,that,hinder,some students from expressing themselves. (L.9),A. the online method,B. a place for online learning,C.,a place to exchange opinions,D. the experience for online learning,Reading Skills: Practice,This forum for communication removes the visual barriers that,hinder,some students from expressing themselves.,A. hide B. prevent,C. help D. advance,This forum for communication removes the visual barriers that,hinder,some students from expressing themselves.,A. hide B.,prevent,C. help D. advance,Reading Skills: Practice,Remember that instructors cannot see their students in an online course. This means students must be,absolutely,explicit,with their,comments,and,requests,. If they experience,technical,difficulties, or problems in understanding something about the course, they MUST speak up; otherwise there is,no way,anyone can know something is wrong. (L.22),A. necessary B. careful,C. attentive D. clear,Remember that instructors cannot see their students in an online course. This means students must be,absolutely,explicit,with their,comments,and,requests,. If they experience,technical,difficulties, or problems in understanding something about the course, they MUST speak up; otherwise there is,no way,anyone can know something is wrong. (L.22),A. necessary B. careful,C. attentive D.,clear,Reading Skills: Practice,Online courses require students to make decisions,based on,facts,as well as,experience. It is,absolutely,necessary for students to,assimilate,information and make the right decisions based on,critical,thinking. (L.39),A. take in B. take down,C. put into different class,D. make an analysis of,assimilate,take in,Reading Skills: Practice,5. Just as many excellent,instructors,may not be,effective,online,facilitators, not all students have the necessary qualities to perform well online. (L.54),A. teachers B. learning assistants,C. inspectors D. course designers,5. Just as many excellent,instructors,may not be,effective,online,facilitators, not all students have the necessary qualities to perform well online.,A. teachers B.,learning assistants,C. inspectors D. course designers,facilitate : Computers can be used to,facilitate,language learning.,Learning & Practice,Difficult sentences,Difficult Sentences,(L.44) Providing,meaningful,and quality,input into,the virtual classroom is an,essential,part of online learning. Testing and,challenging,of ideas is encouraged.,本质的, 基本的,vital,critical,Difficult Sentences,(L.49) Online learning is,normally sequential,and require commitment,on the students part,. The instructor may have to,communicate,with,students,personally,to offer help and,remind them,of,the need to keep up.,on ones part,remind,sb,. of,sth,.,remind,sb,. to do ,Test Yourself,Test Yourself-,Multiple Choice,1. The detail of this book requires more explanation than is possible here, but this is a _ book to read,A) rewarding,B) demanding,C) embarrassing,D) frustrating,A),reward,ing (L.1),报答的, 有益的, 值得的,B),demand,ing,过分要求的, 苛求的,C),embarrass,ing (L. 37),使人尴尬的,D),frustrat,ing (L.2) 使人沮丧的,A,Test Yourself-,Multiple Choice,2. It is _ to invest savings when they accumulate to a certain sum.,worth (L. 3),B) worthy,C) worthwhile,D) worthless,C,be worth doing,be worth,sth,./ $,be worthy of,it is to do,sth,.,doing,sth,.,a,man,a,job,Test Yourself-,Multiple Choice,3. It is better for you to be _ about its consequences before you take any action.,A) positive,B) patient,C) critical,D) favorite,A,(L.6) be about,(L.10) be with,(L.14/P.2) be of,it is that (should ) do,(L.49),Test Yourself-,Multiple Choice,4. The _ to be better than others drives him to work harder than before.,uniqueness,B) eagerness,C) awareness,D) effectiveness,B,unique,ness (L. 4/2),独一无二的,B),eager,ness (L.8) be to do / for,sth,.,C),aware,ness (L. 3/2) be of / that,D),effective,ness (L.54/2),有效果的,生效,Test Yourself-,Multiple Choice,5. If people feel hopeless, they dont bother to _ the skills they need to succeed.,require (L.16),B) inquire,C) acquire,D) request,C,sth,. /,sb,. to do,sth,.,requirement,询问,(of/ about);,调查,(into),inquiry, knowledge,acquisition,(n./ v.),请求,要求,Test Yourself-,Multiple Choice,6. In the wifes eyes, his _ to their marriage life is far from perfect.,require,ment,B),commit,ment,C),participat,ion,D),reflect,ion,B,(L.33),the hard work and loyalty that someone gives to an organization, activity,(L.31) participate in,(L. 10/ Section B),reflect on vi.,Test Yourself-,Multiple Choice,Are you ready to make a long-term,commitment,? a promise,(L.36/Section B) commit,The banks have,committed themselves to,boosting profits by slashing costs.,to commit suicide / an error /,a crime,Test Yourself-,Multiple Choice,C,7. As a result of his hard work, he has gained _ to the Beijing University.,A) access B) medium,C) opportunity D) reward,(L.30) There is no,access to,the street through that door.,have gain, get, obtain,access to,medi,a,/ dat,a,(L.29),Test Yourself-,Multiple Choice,8. Finding a cheap place to rent is a _ impossibility in this area.,A) minimum B) virtual,C) visual D) vital,B,(L.34) (L.31),(L.9/2) (L.50/2),9. Good habits of living have proved to be of much _ to our health.,A) barrier (L.9/2) B) benefit (L.42),C) community (L.2/2) D) commitment,(L.33),B,Test Yourself-,Multiple Choice,10. There is much that can be done about the accidents _ from carelessness.,A) rising B) raising,C) arising D) assigning,C,assignment,Arise,: happen,A crisis has,arisen,in the Foreign Office.,If,the need arises,for extra staff, we will contact you.,Arise from/ out of,: be caused by,Can we begin by discussing matters,arising from,the last meeting?,Test Yourself-,Multiple Choice,11. Anyone that goes against the social order is _ to answer for his action.,A) possibly B) willing,C,) likely,(L.35/B),D) normally,C,Young drivers,are,far more likely to have accidents than older drivers.,It is likely that,the votes will have to be counted again.,Test Yourself-,Multiple Choice,12.,You should always,_,the possibility that it might rain.,.,have insight into (L.46),B) come up with,C) allow for (L.45/2),D) reflect on (L.10/2),C,Allow for,: take into consideration,Allowing for,inflation, the cost of the project will be $2 million.,It is best to,allow for,wear through friction in designing the parts of every machine.,Test Yourself-,Multiple Choice,13. Experts have _,with,some effective measures to prevent the disease from spreading.,A) caught up B) put up,C) come up D) kept up,(L48./2),C,Test Yourself-,Multiple Choice,14. Now that they have done something _ about the situation, it comes to return to normal.,regular (L.1/2),B) effective (L.54/2),C) limited (L.15/2),D) sequential (L.49/2),B,Other Key Words,at times,: sometimes L2,Life is hard,at times,.,Former,: adj. existing before L9,the,former,Soviet Union,former,president Clinton,Their farm has been reduced to half its,former,size.,Require,: vt. L16,Marriage requires commitment and sacrifice from both,partners.(need,),2. You,are required,by law,to,wear a seat belt.,3. Regulations,require that,students attend at least 90% of the lectures.,Requirement,: n.,Unlike,: prep. completely different from,She was,unlike,any other woman I have ever known.,Its unlike Greg to,be late.,Far from: prep. Not at all L19,Conditions are still,far from,ideal.,Far from,helping the situation, youve just made it worse.,Your account is,far from (being),true,Intimidate,: vt. Frighten/ threaten / make worry L24,They tried to,intimidate,the young people,into,voting for them.,The idea of going to college,intimidated,me.,Take your time,: not hurry/ do slowly and carefully L39,He had planned to,take his time over,the journey.,He,took his time,and did the job well.,Come across,: vt. meet, find, or discover L40,I,came across,an old diary in her desk.,Ive never,come across,anyone quite like her before.,Reap: vt. Get 收获/收割L 42,reap the benefit/reward/profit (of something),Those who do take risks often,reap the rewards,.,You,reap what you sow,.,Trying,: adj. annoying or difficult,难受的, 费劲的, 令人厌烦的 L44,That child is very trying.,They do the best they can in,trying circumstances,.,Trade,: vt. Exchange L45,We traded necklaces.,I wouldnt mind,trading jobs with,her.,Ill,trade,my camera,for,your drill.,Gap,: n. a big difference 差距L52,the widening,gap between the rich and the poor,bridge/close/narrow the gap,(=,reduce,the amount or importance of a difference),His films attempt to,bridge the gap between,tradition and modernity.,Alvin managed to,bridge the gap between,ballet and modern dance.,Aware,: adj. conscious,The children,are aware of,the danger of taking drugs.,Mr Braley has been,made aware of,the need for absolute secrecy.,Were you,aware that,Joe had this problem with his knee?,Hinder,: vt. Obstruct/ block/ impede/ thwart/hamper/,His career has been hindered by injury.,Higher interest rates could hinder economic growth.,Hindrance,: n.,Reflect,: vt. Think carefully L10,He had time to,reflect on,his successes and failures,Moe,reflected that,he had never seen Sherry so happy.,Critical,: adj.,1.,Important,L14,It is absolutely,critical,for us to know the truth.,Foreign trade is of,critical,importance to the economy.,2.,making careful judgments,L38,His book provides a,critical analysis,of the television industry in Britain.,Perspective,: n. a way of thinking/,viewpoint,L18,1. His education gave him a whole new,perspective on,life.,2. The novel is written,from a childs perspective,.,3. This is my personal,perspective of,history.,Reinforce,: vt. Make stronger/ strengthen L28,The film,reinforces,the idea that women should be pretty and dumb.,This evidence,reinforces,my view that he is a thief.,Take seriously: L29,As a teacher, its important that the kids,take you seriously,.,Its only a joke - dont,take it seriously,!,Assimilate,: vt. Understand/ absorb L40,It will take time to,assimilate,all these facts.,Young people are able to,assimilate,new ideas.,Facilitate,: vt. Make easy L54,1. Computers can be used to,facilitate,language learning.,2. Dividing students into small groups usually helps,facilitate,discussion.,Make,: vt. Can become L56,Im sure you will make a very good teacher.,This hall will make an excellent theater.,Translation,1. Not only can students choose when and where to learn for an online course, but they can also take time to think through answers before making a reply.,2. She is excited by the idea of online learning while be considers it meaningless and useless.,3. Communicating with native English speakers is a very rewarding experience from which we can learn a lot.,4. Today, more and more people have access to the Internet through which they look for the information they need.,5. He wants her to give up working and stay home to look after the children. She feels, however, that this is too much for her.,6. Now that we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.,Quiz,In their own eyes, it is rather _ that the medical community as a whole still has little idea about the cause of SARS.,A) rewarding B) demanding,C) embarrassing,D) requiring,2. With the supplies of nurses below _, the local government decided to recruit (招募) volunteers.,A) acquirements,B) assignments,C) commitment,D) requirements,3. _ you realize your trouble with English learning, you can take some effective steps.,A) By now B) From now on,C) Ever since D) Now that,4. The most important for us now is to _ what is to be done next.,A) allow of B) reflect on,C) feel like D) remind of,5. The book will be useful reading for anyone seeking to _ between data and theory in ecology. (,弥补差距,),6. Parents _,_


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