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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,人教八年级下英语复习课件知识点短语例题易错题Unit-2,人教八年级下英语复习课件知识点短语例题易错题Unit-2人教八年级下英语复习课件知识点短语例题易错题Unit-2P9 :How oftenThey have piano lessons twice a month.(划线部分提问),_ _ _ they have piano lessons.How often doHow often=?How many times. a week/a month?Unit 2,P9,:How often,They have piano lessons,twice a month,.(划线部分提问),_ _ _ they have piano lessons.,How often do,How often,=?,How many times. a week/a month?,Unit 2,exercise,锻炼短语,take exercise,早操,morning exercise,s,He hardly takes_, so the doctor asks him to do some running and moring_.,学生应该每天花至少一个小时时间进行锻炼。(翻译),exercises,exercise,1a:help,help sb do,help with,help oneself to the fish,随便吃鱼,couldnt help doing sth,情不自禁,当名词用:,在的帮助下,with the help of sb,谢谢你的帮助,thank you for your help,He is a good boy and he often_me_my English.,help with,some times,几次,some time,一段时间,sometime,某时,sometimes,有时,He usually does his homework by himself,but_he copies others.,sometimes,hard,Hard,hard,stone,work,hard,Hardly 几乎不,硬的,石头,-,(形容词),努力地,工作,-,(副词),=,?,almost not,几乎不,hardly,几乎不,hardly ever,-,表频率,My mum _surfs the Internet,. She likes watching TV.,A.doesnt hardly ever,B. hard ever,C.isnt hardly ever,D.hardly ever,D,Helen was so excited at the news that she could_say a word.,C,P10,2d,有空,be free,没空,be full,free,的其他意义,自由,:,You are free to go,免费:,The service is free.,你可以走了。,这项服务是免费的。,full的其他意义:,饱的,忙的,满的,充满,be full of =?,be filled with,瓶子里装满了水,The bottle _ _ _ water.,is filled with,/is full of,P10,2d,How about (表建议)+,(表建议) + do,doing,Why not,Why dont you,+ do,P11:Grammar Focus,What do you usually do on weekends?,回答:,always /often / sometimes,How often do you go to the movies?,回答: 一月一次,几乎不,Do you go shopping?,回答 :Yes, I do./ No. I dont.,/No , I never go shopping,once a month,hardly ever,区别:maybe 、 may be,-Where is Xiao Ling?,-She _ in her bedroom, but I am not sure.,A must be B cant be C maybe D may be,D,放句首:,Maybe,可能,放句中:,may be,可能是,P 12,健康,n.,health,健康的,adj.,heathy,我的健康, 你的健康, 他的健康,My heath, your health, his health.,我是健康的。,I am healthy.,Jane,是一个,16,岁的美国高中生,,美国青少年,杂志询问了她的生活习惯。,Jane,有很多好习惯。她总锻炼身体,每天都读书。她也喝果汁,并且她从不熬夜。但是她也有一些坏习惯,她每天通常看一个小时电视,有时还吃汉堡包。她父母不是很高兴,因为她几乎不做家务,也从不去看牙医清洁牙齿。她说她很恐惧。,P13,through,(倒数第三行),across,We walk _ the forest.,Can you swim _ the river?,Can the table go _ the door?,The policed led the old man _ the street.,through,through,across,across,13页最后一段,I have a lot of hobbies, _ _ reading and singing.,I like drinks, _ _, tea and coffee.,for,example,such as,逗号出没!,请注意,spend,I enjoy playing computer games, but I dont _too much time _that.,A. take;doing B. spend; doing,C. spend;do D.spend; to do,Dont spend too much time _(watch) TV.,He didnt spend much time _his homework.,B,watch,ing,on,spend . on sth,spend.(in) doing,去乡村野营,go camping in the country,询问某人关于某事,ask sb,about,sth,业余活动,free time activities,这就是调查的结果,Here are the results.,一点也不;根本不,not.at all,问题的答案,the answers,to,the questions,对。有好处,be good for,熬夜;睡的很晚,stay up late,积习难改,Old habits die hard.,至少,at least,少于,less than,学习英语最好的办法是运用英语。,The best way to learn,English is to use English.,多吃水果对我们的健康有益。,Its good,for,our health,to eat,more fruits.,我认为听音乐是放松的最好方法。,I think listening to music is,the best way to relax.,P 15 3a 表格第三行,over =?,我们班有50多名男生。,There are more than fifty boys in our class,There are over fifty boys in our class.,more than,反义词?,less than,P16,We think of Mr.Li as our friend, but _(几乎)no one believed him.,A .almost B. nearly,接no one , nothing, none .的时候用almost, 不用nearly,A,都是:both,both do,be both,both of them , both .and .,玛丽和露西都是学生。她们两个都喜欢英语。,例如:,_ Mary _Lucy _students, they _ like English.,Both and,are,both,人有了知识,就会具备各种分析能力,,明辨是非的能力。,所以我们要勤恳读书,广泛阅读,,古人说“书中自有黄金屋。,”通过阅读科技书籍,我们能丰富知识,,培养逻辑思维能力;,通过阅读文学作品,我们能提高文学鉴赏水平,,培养文学情趣;,通过阅读报刊,我们能增长见识,扩大自己的知识面。,有许多书籍还能培养我们的道德情操,,给我们巨大的精神力量,,鼓舞我们前进,。,


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