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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,TEACHING AIMS,Knowledge Aim:,Let students master the usages of some words and phrases and get to know more about the three great musicians.,Ability Aim:,Develop students reading ability, especially their skimming and scanning ability.,Emotional Aim:,Develop their love for music,.,How much do you know aboutthe world of,MUSIC?,Module Three,M,u,s,i,c,singer,someone,who sings songs,band,a,small group,of people who sing together,a large group of people who sing together,composer,a person who,writes,music,Famous pieces,滚滚长江东逝水,妈妈,的吻,采蘑菇的小姑娘,歌声,与微笑,director conductor,someone who stands in front of a group of musicians or singers and directs their playing or singing.,A large group of musicians who play together on various instruments.,pianist,piano,献给爱丽丝,贝多芬 作曲,理查德,克莱德曼 演奏,pipa,民乐,十面埋伏,刘芳演奏,flute,民乐,牧笛,俞逊发演奏,guitar,Beyond ,Amani,前奏,drum,男儿当自强,前奏,梁山伯与祝英台,陈刚 何占豪 作曲,俞丽拿 演奏,violin,erhu,华彦钧,(,阿炳,),二泉映月,Saxophone,茉莉花,凯丽金 演奏,harpsichord,大键琴,zheng,suona horn,xiao,trumpet,小号,bell chimes,编钟,Revision,1.,听众,_,2.,指挥,_,3.,作曲家,_,4.,音乐家,_,5.,管弦乐队,_,6.,合唱队,_,7.,钢琴,_,8.,吉他,_,9.,萨克斯风,_,10.,小提琴,_,audience,conductor,musician,composer,orchestra,choir,piano,guitar,violin,saxophone,冼星海,pieces:,music / songs,musician,director,conductor,singer / band / choir,composer,Module Three,M,u,s,i,c,instrument,Haydn,Mozart,Beethoven,Read the passage about the world-class musicians, and choose the best,answer according to the text.,1.The text is mainly about_.,A,three great Austrian composers,B,three great composers of the 18th century,C,three great child composers,Tip1,: Just look through it. Dont read word by word,skimming,Skim it again to divide the passage into 3 parts,:,Haydn,Mozart,Beethoven,Paragraph 1,Paragraph 2,Paragraph 3,Paragraph 4,Paragraph 5,Paragraph 6,Paragraph 7,Paragraph 8,Name,Birthplace,Family background,Haydn,Mozart,Beethoven,Austria,Austria,orchestra conductor,Germany,singer,try to fill in the table:,peasant,musician,Tip,2,:,Just pick out the key words,scanning,How did Haydn change the form of symphonies?,Fast reading (,I,),2. How long did he work in eastern Austria?,Having worked there for 30 years , Haydn moved,to London, where he was very successful.,Read the first two paragraphs,He changed the symphony into,a long piece for a large orchestra,.,Austria,London,Eastern Austria,Vienna,Say what the places,refer to,He was born in a village in Austria,He studied music in Vienna,He worked at the court of a prince in eastern Austria,He was very successful,Read para2 to answer the following questions:,Fast reading (,II,),How many pieces of music,did Mozart compose,?,2. How old was he when he,played for the Empress of Austria?,3. How long were Mozart and Haydn friends?,He composed over 600,pieces of music.,He was six years old.,They were friends for ten years.,Read paragraphs 3,4,5,Step 3,Intensive reading (,),Read paragraph 3,、,4 and 5 about,Mozart,and match the time with the right information,(,5 minutes,),.,toured Europe giving concerts,play the harpsichord in a concert for the Empress of Austria,showed musical talent,Learned to play the harpsichord,Started composing music,composed many pieces for the harpsichord ,piano and violin,at a very early age,when he was 4,when he was 5,when he was 6,By the time he was 14,When he was a,teenager,Fast,reading (,III,),Who taught Beethoven,how to play the piano?,2. Did he stop composing when he became deaf?,His father taught him.,No, he continued composing when he,became deaf.,Read the last three paragraphs,Intensive reading,Decide if these sentences are true,(,T,),orfalse,(,F,),Beethoven was born in ( ),Beethoven learned to play the violin and piano from his father ,who was a singer.( ),Beethoven met Hayden in . ( ),Hayden encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna.( ),When Beethoven became completely deaf , he composing .( ),F,T,F,T,F,Austria.,Germany,.,1790,1791,stopped,continued,Step 4,Read the text very carefully again, and fill in the blanks with proper words or phrases.,About Haydn,Haydn was an Austrian_. He was born in a village in Austria. His father was a_. First he studied _in Vienna. Then he went to work at the _of a prince in eastern Austria where he became a_. 30 years later he _to London. He was very successful. He is known as the _of the symphony because he changed the symphony into a long piece for a large_.,composer,peasant,music,court,director,moved,father,orchestra,About Mozart,Another Austrian composer, Mozart, was born in Salzburg. _ he only lived 35 years, he composed _ 600 pieces of music, Mozart had musical _ from a very early age. _ he was 14, he had composed many pieces for the harpsichord, piano and violin, _ for orchestras. In 1781 Haydn met Mozart and was very _ with him. They were friends _ Mozarts death.,Though,more than,talent,By the time,as well as,impressed,until,About Beethoven,Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany. When he was very young, he learned to play the violin and the piano _ his father. In 1791, Beethoven met Haydn, who _ Beethoven to move to Vienna. Beethoven became very _ in Austria, and stayed there for the _ of his life. Even after he became _ deaf, he _ composing.,encouraged,popular,rest,completely,continued,from,Summary,In this lesson, we have learned more about the three great western musicians.,Whats more, we have learned some language points.,For example,change-into-, having done-,-.,be impressed with,as well as,by the time,Compare the following two sentences:,Walking,in the street, I met an old friend.,Having finished,the homework, he went home,.,Multiple choice:,1._ there for many years, he got used to the life there.,A. Living B. To live C. Having lived,2. _ football, I broke my arm.,A. Having played B. To play,C. Playing D. Played,By,the time,he was 14, Mozart,had composed,many pieces for the harpsichord, piano and violin,as well as,for orchestras,.,Please fill in the blanks:,By now, we _(finish) the task.,B,y,yesterday, we _(finish) the task.,He, as well as his brothers, _(like) football.,have finished,had finished,likes,Interview,Suppose one is a reporter, the other is Haydn/Mozart/ Beethoven. Please make up a dialogue. You may start the dialogue as follows:,R: Hi, I am a reporter.,M: I am Haydn/Mozart/Beethoven.,R:,As we all know, you are a very famous musician.,Where,were you born?,did you study music?,What does your father do?,Did you meet Mozart/Haydn/ Beethoven?,Were you impressed with him?,M: (please answer the questions according to the passage),Homework,用英语写一篇介绍,Charlie Chaplin,的短文。,简历:,1,),1889,年出生于英国伦敦,2,),5,岁开始演戏,,17,岁去了美国,3,),1912,年在美国第一次当演员,4,),1977,年逝世于瑞士,主要成就:一生中演过,82,部电影;被认为是电影史上最伟大最滑稽的演员之一;著名的代表作品:城市之光(,City Lights,),摩登时代(,Modern Times,),Music brings us beauty and happiness.,It helps us to get rid of our tiredness,.,Let enjoy music,!,But when you enjoy music, never forget the great,musicians, who composed beautiful music for us!,


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