人教版高中英语配套课件:选修10 unit 4 period 1

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most.,Reading Recovery is aimed at sixyearolds,,,who receive four months of individual daily half,hour classes with a specially trained evaluation earlier this year reported that children on the scheme made 20 months progress in just one year,,,whereas similarly weak readers without special help made just five monthsprogress,,,and so ended the year even further below the level expected for their age.,International research tends to find that when British children leave primary school they read well,,,but read less often for fun than those for fun matters because children who are keen on reading can expect lifelong pleasure and loving books is an excellent indicator of future educational to the OECD,,,being a regular and enthusiastic reader is of great advantage.,阅读短文,判断正,(T),误,(F),(,)1.Many high,quality childrens books have been published.,(,)2.Statistics suggested that an increasing number of children showed interest in reading.,(,)3.Reading Recovery is aimed at helping all the children.,(,)4.Reading for fun is important because book,loving children are likely to succeed in their education.,(,答案,Unit 4 Learning efficiently Period 1,Warming Up,,,Prereading & Reading,课件(人教版选修,10,,课标通用),.,单词识记,1,_/IfI,nt/,adj,.,有效率的;效率高的,_,n,.,2,_/sentIgreId/,adj,.,摄氏温度的,3,_/daI,mIt/,n,直径,4,_/resIpI/,n,菜谱,5,_/k,mpItnt/,adj,.,有能力的;能胜任的,_,n,.,6,adopt/d,pt/,v,t,._,n,收养;采用,7,preview/prI,vju,/,v,t,. _,v,t,.(,反义词,),8,assess/ses/,v,t,._,n,评定,评估,_,adj,.,可估价的,9,consult/kns,lt/,v,t,._,n,顾问,10,manual/m,njul/,n,._,答案,;,efficiency,4,recipe,;,competence,6.,采用;收养;,adoption 7,预习;事先查看;,review,8.,评定;评估;,assessment,;,assessable,9.,请教;咨询;,consultant,10.,手册;指南,.,短语天地,1,up to sb to do sth_,2,get frustrated_,3,make comments on_,4,consult reference books_,5,在度假,_,6,从头到尾,_,7,也一样,_,8,舀出,_,答案,1.,由某人决定做某事,2.,感到灰心丧气,3.,对,作出评价,4.,查阅参考书,5.on holiday,6.from beginning to end,7.Its the same with.,8.scoop out,.,句型搜索,1,There are certain techniques you can learn and then _ _ _ _(,取决于,)you to practise,,,practise and practise.,2,_ _ _ _ _(,也是这样,) reading.,3,_ _(,阅读的时候,),,,a good reader thinks about the content and asks questions or _ _(,产生评价,) in his or her head.,答案,1.it is up to,2.It is the same with,3,While reading,;,makes comments,.,预读理解,1,How is the text organized?,the importance of techniques,summary,the importance of practice,A,B,C,D,答案,D,2,According to the text,,,the best way to become a successful reader is_,A,to practise reading for a long time,B,to keep in mind the purpose for your reading,C,to use proper reading techniques and practise a lot,D,to choose proper reading materials,答案,C,3,If you are reading a newspaper before going on board the plane,,,youd better_,A,taste it,B,swallow it,C,chew and digest it,D,look up the unknown words,答案,A,4,Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?,A,It is much easier to understand a text if you read the title and the sub,headings.,B,It is necessary to look up the unknown English words if you are an English learner.,C,The reading materials you choose to practise with should be neither too difficult nor too easy.,D,It is a good idea to study the techniques that good readers use.,答案,B,5,Why does the author cite(,引用,)Francis Bacons words?,A,Because Francis Bacon is wellknown to the readers.,B,Because the readers are interested in Bacons words.,C,Because the author wants to use Bacons words to support his own point.,D,Because the author wants the readers to keep Bacons words in mind.,答案,C,1,efficient,adj,.,效率高的;有能力的,He is an efficient teacher.,他是个能干的教师。,As we get older,,,our bodies become less efficient at burning up calories.,随着一天天衰老,我们的身体消耗热量的功能逐渐减弱。,【,归纳拓展,】,efficiently,adv,.,效率高地,efficiency,n,效率;效能;功效,labor efficiency,劳动效率,an efficient lawyer,一位能干的律师,effect,n,.,效果;影响,effective,adj,.,有效的,He is efficient at his,job,.,他能胜任工作。,【,比较网站,】effective/efficient,(1)effective,侧重产生实际的效果、效力或具有取得预期效果的能力,指人、物都适用。,(2)efficient,侧重指积极有效、效率高、效果好、节省精力;指人时,强调其能干。,【,完成句子,】,an _ secretary,工作效率高的秘书。,Increase _ of production and diminish cost of output.,提高生产效率,降低产品成本。,an _ medicine for hair loss.,一种治疗脱发的有效药。,答案,efficient,efficiency,effective,【,感悟高考,】,Computers and mobile phones, though they are indeed making our life _ and more _,,,have redued the need for face,to,face communications.,(2010,江西,,28),A. easily; efficient B. easier; efficient,C. easy; efficiently D. easily; efficiently,解析考查形容词的比较级。句意:尽管计算机和 确实使我们的生活变得更方便更有效率了,但是却减少了面对面交流的需要。两个空格处都需要形容词来作our life的宾补;又根据and more知道第一空格需要用比较级,所以B项正确。,答案B,2,endeavour,vi,.,努力;力图;,n,.,努力,尽力,CU,They endeavoured to make her happy but in vain.,他们尽量使她快乐,却徒劳无功。,The manager is expected to use his or her best endeavours to promote the artists career.,经纪人应以最大的努力来推动一位艺人的事业发展。,Please make every endeavour to streamline the plant organization.,请努力使工厂组织简化从而更有效地运作。,【,归纳拓展,】,endeavour to do sth,努力做某事,make every endeavour to do sth,尽力做某事,make every effort to do sth,尽一切努力做某事,try/do ones best to do sth,尽力做某事,do all one can to do sth,do what one can to do sth,做某人能做的一切,【,完成句子,】,Please _be early.,请尽量早点儿。,We always_ our customers excellent service.,我们始终尽力为顾客提供最佳服务。,Despite _,,,we couldnt get the machine started.,我们费了九牛二虎之力也没能把机器发动起来。,答案,make every endeavour to,endeavour to give,our best endeavours,3,competent,adj,.,(1),有能力的,能干的;能胜任的,称职的,Mark proved to be a very competent manager.,马克证明了自己是一个很能干的经理。,He is not competent to look after young children.,他没有看小孩的本事。,(2),充分的,足够的;令人满意的,合格的,She has a competent knowledge of English.,她已掌握了足够的英语知识。,Her drawing is competent,,,but her composition is poor.,她的画有功力,但布局欠佳。,The novel may be a bestseller but its no more than a competent piece of writing.,这部小说就算能畅销,也不过是平平之作。,【,完成句子,】,Is Mary _(,能胜任,)a teacher?,She has _ (,有能力处理,)the problems.,Is he really _ (,有能力的,) to run the switchboard?,答案,competent as,competence in dealing with,competent,4,beneath,(1)adv.,在下;向下,As we flew over the mountains we could see that there were snowy peaks beneath.,我们飞过群山时看到了底下被雪覆盖着的山巅。,Her careful makeup hid the signs of age beneath.,她的精心化妆掩饰了脂粉下面岁月刻下的痕迹。,(2)prep.,在,之下;向,下面;,(,地位等,),低于;劣于;对,不适合,(,或不值得,),The sun is now beneath the horizon.,太阳此刻落到地平线下了。,He is beneath his brother intellectually.,他在智力方面不如他兄弟。,He considered that job beneath him.,他认为做那个工作有失他的身份。,【,比较网站,】below/under/beneath,below,指,“,位置低于,”,;,under,指,“,正下方,墙角下,山脚下,”,;,beneath,在一般场合表示抽象含义。,Far below the moon appeared a bright star.,在月亮下面很远的地方有一颗明亮的星星。,She put the letter under her pillow.,她把那封信放在枕头下。,It is beneath you to tell a lie.,撒谎有失你的身份。,【,完成句子,】,The ship sank _(,在波涛之下,),They thought she had married _ (,不如她,),Such a thing is _ (,不值得注意,),答案,beneath the waves,beneath her,beneath notice,5,digest,(1),vt.,消化,(,食物,),The baby is too small to digest meat.,婴儿太小,吃肉不消化。,领悟,融会贯通,I have digested most of the important points in the book.,我领悟了书中大部分要点。,(2),vi.,消化,Protein digests slowly.,蛋白质消化得慢。,【,归纳拓展,】,digest,n,摘要,概要,a digest of the weeks news,一周新闻摘要,digestible,adj,.,可消化的;可吸收的,digestion,n,U,消化;吸收;领悟;,C(,常用作单数,),消化能力,消化力,digestive,adj,.,消化,(,食物,),的,the digestive process,消化过程,【,完成句子,】,This rich food _ (,不易消化,),It took me some time to_(,领会听到的东西,),答案,doesnt digest easily,digest what I had heard,6,assess,vt,.,估计,估算,评定,She looks at the house and assesses its market value.,她看了看房子并估算了其市场价值。,The lawyers assessed the property at $35,,,000.,律师们估计这笔财产价值,35,,,000,美元。,【,归纳拓展,】,assessment,n,评估,评价,Continuous assessment is made of all students work.,对全体学生的功课作出连贯性的评定。,【,完成句子,】,本人同时正安排我行检查员史密斯先生,拜访阁下并计算损失。,Meanwhile,,,I am arranging for,,,one of our inspectors,,,to call and _ _ _,飓风损害赔偿金的金额被确定为三百万美元。,The hurricane damage was _ _ three million dollars.,他对形势判断得很正确。,His _ _ the situation was correct.,答案,assess the damage,assessed at,assessment of,1,up to,直到;相当于;忙于,;胜任;该由,决定;多达;从事于,Where are you going,?,Are you up to something?,你要到哪儿去?你是不是在做什么坏事啊?,Im not up to this job.,我不能胜任这项工作。,Its up to you to decide when we shall start.,何时动身由你决定。,This kind of singlelung fish can live up to 12 hours when out of water.,这种单肺鱼离开水面能生存多达,12,小时。,【,归纳拓展,】,up to date,最新式的,up to now/then,直到现在,/,那时,not be up to much,质量差;不很好;值不了多少,up to sth,达到,(,某数量、程度等,),;至多有,up to doing sth(,体力或智力上,),能胜任,【,完成句子,】,I dont feel _the task.,我不能胜任这工作。,_ to do it.,这事该由他做。,_ to decide.,这主要取决于你。,_,,,I thought he was single.,直到昨天,我一直以为他是独身。,答案,up to,Its up to him,Its up to you,Up to yesterday,2,in detail,详细地,Would you please explain the theme in detail?,您是否能详细地说明一下主题?,Well discuss the problem later in detail.,我们以后再详尽地讨论这一问题。,【,归纳拓展,】,detailed,adj,.,详细的,详尽的,a detailed plan of work,详细的工作计划,go into details/detail,详细叙述,detail sth to/for sb,向,/,为某人详述某事,【,完成句子,】,I _(,向她详细讲述了我们的计划,),Can you describe what happened _(,详细地,)?,答案,detailed our plans to her,in detail,3,apply to,适用于;向,申请,(,或要求,),We applied to them for help.,我们向他们求援。,The laws apply to everyone irrespective of race,,,creed or colour.,法律适用于所有的人,不分种族、信仰或肤色。,【,完成句子,】,The rules of safe driving _,安全驾驶之规则适用于每个人。,If you _,,,youll have to pay a registration fee of at least$20.,如果你申请这所学校你就得交至少,20,美元的注册费。,You must _ the life abroad.,你必须使自己适应国外生活。,答案,apply to everyone,apply to this university,apply yourself to,4,figure out,想出;理解;明白,I cant figure out why you refuse to seize the chance.,我不明白你为什么会拒绝抓住这次机会。,The boy cant figure out the algebra problem.,这个男孩做不出这道代数题。,I cant figure out why he is absent.,我弄不明白他为什么缺席。,【,归纳拓展,】,figure sth in,把,计算在内,figure on sth,计划;打算,【,图解助记,】,figure,的多层含义,I hope that this years sales figures will be excellent.,我希望今年的销售额会很不错。,Yao Ming is an outstanding figure of his basketball team.,姚明是他所在的球队中的著名人物。,Every lady hopes to keep her figure.,每位女士都想保持优美的身材。,【,单项填空,】,The present situation is very complex,,,so I think it will take me some time to _ its reality.,A,make up B,figure out,C,look through D,put off,解析,make up,组成;化妆;编造;,figure out,理解,弄清楚;,look through,浏览;,put off,推迟。句意:目前的形势非常复杂,因此我认为要花费我一段时间来弄清楚它的真实性。,答案,B,1,For example,,,suppose,in biology you,were studying,how plants produce,,,then you,could find,an English text about this on the Internet.,例如:假设在生物学中,你正在研究植物如何繁衍,那你会在因特网上找到有关这方面的英语文章。,这里的,suppose,可以看成连词,意思是,imagine what will/would happen if .,。它所引导的从句表示,“,主观设想的情况,”,。因此,有时动词需要用虚拟语气,本句就是如此。有时也可用,supposing,代替,suppose,。,Supposing/Suppose you fall and hurt yourself when youre out alone in the mountains?,假设当你独自在群山中摔倒受伤了,(,怎么办,)?,Suppose they did not believe in,,,what would they do to him?,他们要是不相信,会把他怎样呢?,【,归纳拓展,】,(1)suppose,可表示建议,表示,“,怎么样,”,。,Suppose we put it off till next week?,我们把它推迟到下周如何?,Supposing you have another try?,你再试一次怎么样?,(2)be supposed to,必须,应该,Everyone is supposed to know this rule.,大家都该知道这条规则。,He was supposed to have told us yesterday.,他本该昨天告诉我们的。,(3)providing/provided,(that)clause,假如,【,完成句子,】,_(,假如,)she is absent,,,well still have the meeting without her.,答案,Providing/Provided(that)/Suppose/Supposing(that),2,It is the same with,reading.,阅读也是这样。,句子中,It is the same with,是,“,也如此,”,的意思,用于前面描述的是,“,两种或两种以上,”,的不同情况,这些情况对于后者来说也如此。,Tom is very weak and lazy.,汤姆非常虚弱也很懒。,So it is with his wife.,他妻子也是如此。,Tom is from America,,,but he can speak Chinese very well.,汤姆是美国人,但他汉语讲得很好。,It is the same with John.,约翰也是如此。,【,归纳拓展,】,(1)So it is with sb/sth,It is the same with sb/sth,也同样如此。,(2),如果前面只提到了一种肯定的情况,要表示,“,也如此,”,,可以用,“,So,be/,情态动词,/,助动词,(do/does/did/have/has.),主语,”,这一句式。,如果前面只提到了一种否定的情况,要表示,“,也不如此,”,,则可以用,“,Neither/Nor,be/,情态动词,/,助动词,(do/does/did/have/has.),主语,”,这一句式。,(3),如果表示对前面的内容的进一步肯定,则要用,“,so,主语,be/,助动词,/,情态动词,”,意为,“,的确是这样,”,。,(4)“,主语,do/did/does,so”,表示“某人这样做了”,本结构中的助动词不能改为,be,或情态动词。,Mary never does any reading in the evening,,,nor does Jane.,玛丽晚上从不看书,简也不看。,If Dick can finish the work on time,,,so can I.,如果狄克能按时完成工作,那我也能。,I heard Jack completed the experiment.,我听说杰克完成了实验。,So he did.,他是完成了。,Mike is from Canada and he speaks Chinese very well,,,so it is with Ann.,迈克是加拿大人并且汉语说得很流利,安也是如此。,The doctor asked him to eat more vegetables,,,and he did so.,医生让他多吃些蔬菜,他就这么做了。,【,完成句子,】,Singing is very interesting and it needs much practice.,(,舞蹈也是如此,),India is a large country and now it is developing very quickly.,(,中国也是如此,),答案,So it is with dancing/It is the same with dancing,So it is with China/It is the same with China,【,翻译句子,】,我不知道那件事,我也不关心。,玛丽会说英语,我也会。,答案,I dont know about that thing,,,nor do I care.,Mary can speak English,,,so can I.,3,Some pre,reading activities ask you to recall your knowledge about subject,,,some teach you a few of new words you will find in the text,,,some ask you to glance at,the way,the text is organized.(P,33,),有些读前活动要求你回忆与主题有关的知识,有些教你几个将在课文中出现的生词,有些要求你浏览一下课文的组织结构。,(1),在这个复合句中,,way,后含有一个由,that,或,in which,引导的定语从句,,that,或,in which,在从句中作状语,修饰名词,the way,,已被省略。,(2),当先行词是,way,,表示,“,方式、方法,”,,在定语从句中作方式状语时,关系词可用,in which,或,that,,也可以省略。,(3),当,the/a way,后面的定语从句中缺少主语或宾语时,关系词用,that,或,which,,作宾语时可省略。,请注意观察、分析、比较下面两个句子。,The way that/which/,不填,he explained to us was quite simple.,他向我们解释的那种方法很简单。,The way that/in which/,不填,he explained the sentence to us was not difficult to understand.,他向我们解释句子的那种方法并不难理解。,注意:,way,后跟,that/in which,从句的情况在近几年的高考中一直没有进行直接考查,请同学们一定要格外注意。考查的方式选择,that/in which ,选择,way,作先行词。,用这种方法,in this way/with this method/by this means,【,单项填空,】,I dont like,you speak to her.,A,the way B,the way in that,C,the way which D,the way of which,解析,the way,作先行词且在从句中作状语时,引导词用,in which,或,that,,也可省略。,答案,A,Tom could work out the maths problem,A,in this way B,by this means,C,with this method D,all the above,解析,in this way/with this method/by this means,都是,“,用这种方法,”,的意思。,答案,D,


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