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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,学术英语(理工)详解答案-Unit-3,学术英语(理工)详解答案-Unit-3学术英语(理工)详解答案-Unit-3,Unit Contents,1,Preparing for listening to a lecture,2,Paying attention to the introduction,3,Understanding the ideas through examples,4,Following a lecture through signal words,5,Memorizing the points by taking notes,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,1 Preparing for listening,to a lecture,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,1 Preparing for listening to a lecture,Tips before listening to a lecture:,Find out the topic of the lecture to be delivered.,2),Research the topic by reading the related sources or,the assigned readings.,3),Familiarize yourself with the subject and list out,questions if possible.,4),Sort out subject-specific words and terms the lecture,may use.,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,1 Preparing for listening to a lecture,Tips before listening to a lecture:,5),Check the meanings and pronunciations of the terms,and words.,6),Bring loose leaf paper or spiral bound notebooks. Or,bring a laptop if you prefer to take notes on it and if the,room is set up with ample power outlets and space.,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,1 Preparing for listening to a lecture,1 What are the definitions of the following terms?,1) CO2:,2) ozone layer:,is a greenhouse gas which plays a major role in global warming and anthropogenic climate change. It is also a major source of ocean acidification which dissolves in water forming carbonic acid.,is a layer in Earths atmosphere containing relatively high concentrations of ozone (O3).,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,1 Preparing for listening to a lecture,1 What are the definitions of the following terms?,3) greenhouse:,4) methane:,is,a structure with different types of covering materials, such as a glass or plastic roof and frequently glass or plastic walls; it heats up because incoming visible solar radiation from the sun is absorbed by plants, soil, and other things inside the building.,is the simplest alkane, the main component of natural gas, and probably the most abundant organic compound on earth. The relative abundance of methane makes it an attractive fuel.,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,1 Preparing for listening to a lecture,1 What are the definitions of the following terms?,5) Kyoto Protocol:,6) deforestation:,i,s a protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC or FCCC), aimed at fighting global warming.,is the removal of a forest or stand of trees where the land is thereafter converted to a nonforest use.,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,1 Preparing for listening to a lecture,1 What are the definitions of the following terms?,7) chlorofluorocarbon:,8) polar ice cap:,i,s an organic compound that contains only carbon, chlorine, hydrogen and fluorine, produced as a volatile derivative of methane and ethane.,is a high latitude region of a planet or natural satellite that is covered in ice.,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,1 Preparing for listening to a lecture,2 What is the relationship between carbon dioxide, greenhouse gases and the thinning ozone layer with global warming?,Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. Burning oil, coal and fossil fuels leads to a sharp increase in the greenhouse gas which build up and condense, forming a thick gas layer of carbon dioxide. This gas traps heat from the sun and destroys the ozone layer, the layer which protects the Earth from harmful radiation, causing global warming.,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,1 Preparing for listening to a lecture,3 How many factors affect global temperature? What are they?,Many factors affect the Earths temperature on a global scale. The main factors are solar output, orbital variation volcanic eruptions, and polluting effect of human activities.,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,1 Preparing for listening to a lecture,4 What are the potential effects of global warming?,The effects of global warming may be physical, ecological, social or economic. Evidence of observed climate change includes the instrumental temperature record, an increase of extreme weather events (such as hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanoes, and landslides), rising sea levels, decreased snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere, mass animal extinctions and human migrations.,2 Paying attention to the introduction,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,2 Paying attention to the introduction,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,A lecture often begins in two ways:,Telling an interesting story or an anecdote,Introducing the points to be covered in the talk directly,2 Paying attention to the introduction,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,Patterns the speaker tends to use to introduce their ideas:,1),To start with, Ill talk about Then Ill discuss After that, well look at Ill finish by giving a summary of,2),In the first part Ill explain/talk Then in the second part, I will present/examine/analyze,2 Paying attention to the introduction,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,1,Topic:,Content:,Computer Ethics,The proper ethical behavior of computer users,2,Topic:,Content:,Dyslexia-Learning Problems,The analysis of the causes of dyslexia and,doctors explanation of it,Read the following introductions of two lectures and guess the topic and content of each of them.,2 Paying attention to the introduction,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,1 How does the lecturer introduce his topic?,A. By providing updates on climate crisis.,B. By showing pictures of polluted beach.,C. By presenting some dreadful disasters.,D. By stating the importance of renewable energy.,Answer: A,Watch the video clip of Lecture 10 and answer the following questions.,2 Paying attention to the introduction,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,2 What is the lecturers attitude toward efficiency and conservation?,A. He is strongly negative as they are costly.,B. They are unrealistic goals that are out of reach.,C. They are effective but not the most desirable means.,D. They are profitable unless there is massive investment.,Answer: C,Watch the video clip of Lecture 10 and answer the following questions.,2 Paying attention to the introduction,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,3 What does the lecturer say about cars and trucks?,A. They are the most efficient transportation.,B. They cause less global warming pollution than buildings.,C. The standards of cars and trucks in the U.S. are the best in the world.,D. CCS in cars and trucks is available for us to use fossil fuels safely.,Answer: B,Watch the video clip of Lecture 10 and answer the following questions.,2 Paying attention to the introduction,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,4 Which of the following is not mentioned as the way to tackle global warming?,A. Living a carbon-neutral life.,B. Raising public awareness of the problem.,C. Starting from home in reducing emissions.,D. Refusing to do business with those involving carbon.,Answer: D,Watch the video clip of Lecture 10 and answer the following questions.,2 Paying attention to the introduction,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,5 According to the lecturer, what is the role of politics in the reduction of pollution?,A. It helps reduce climate collapse to climate crisis.,B. For bipartisan conflicts, politics play a passive role.,C. It urges corporations to reduce carbon emissions by law.,D. Republicans are more active and influential than Democrats.,Answer: C,Watch the video clip of Lecture 10 and answer the following questions.,2 Paying attention to the introduction,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,1 What problem does the lecturer intend to address in this lecture?,The ways to do about the climate crisis.,2 According to the lecturer, what is the new temperature record in January?,Thirty one degrees.,Watch the video clip of Lecture 10 again and answer the following questions.,2 Paying attention to the introduction,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,3 What suggestions does the lecturer make about cars and trucks?,He suggests that we should raise the standards in transportation efficiency and continue the development of renewable.,4 According to the lecturer, what can businessman do to relieve the problem?,Integrate climate solutions into innovations and invest,sustainably.,Watch the video clip of Lecture 10 again and answer the following questions.,2 Paying attention to the introduction,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,5 According to the lecturer, what should a catalyst of change do?,He should teach others, learn about climate crisis and talk about it.,6 What does the lecturer urge Democrats and Republicans to do?,Work together to bring coherence to all efforts and cap,carbon dioxide emissions.,Watch the video clip of Lecture 10 again and answer the following questions.,3 Understanding the ideas through examples,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,Signal words that you should pay attention to:,for example,for instance,the following example (story/ incident) illustrates/ demonstrates,such as,as in the case of,a good case in point,3 Understanding the ideas through examples,3 Understanding the ideas through examples,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,1 Why does the lecturer mention his daughters,confrontation and strong emotion?,To introduce his topic and raise the awareness about the,seriousness of global warming.,2 What do the two Wal-Mart stories exemplify respectively?,One is to illustrate the power of companies in addressing,global warming and the other is to illustrate the role of,individuals in this matter.,Watch the video clip of Lecture 11 and answer the following questions.,3 Understanding the ideas through examples,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,3 Why does the lecturer draw a comparison between the,Brazilian government and American government?,To illustrate the importance of policy in reducing CO2.,4 What is the fourth or final lesson that the lecturer learns,about the climate crisis?,The potential of radical innovation.,Watch the video clip of Lecture 11 and answer the following questions.,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,1 Wal-Mart has one of the worlds most amazing supply,chains,suppliers. When Wal-Mart achieves,energy reductions, thats going to be a very,big deal.,2 One hundred million compact fluorescent light bulbs,means that well save,in energy,bills, and,of CO2 every year, year in,and year out.,Complete the blanks and table with what you hear.,3 Understanding the ideas through examples,60,000,20 percent,600 million dollars,20 million tons,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,3,Complete the blanks and table with what you hear.,3 Understanding the ideas through examples,29,000,700 +2 in California,85%,5%,Brazil,The U.S.,Ethanol pumps,Flex-fuel cars in three years,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,4 In Brazil,of the gasoline has been replaced,with ethanol in automotive fleet, which has saved,dollars since 1975 and of,CO2. Thats,of the CO2 emissions across,the entire country. Brazil is only,of the worlds,CO2 emission.,Complete the blanks and table with what you hear.,3 Understanding the ideas through examples,40%,59 billion,32 million tons,10%,1.3%,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,1 What did the lecturer and his partners do after the talk,with his daughter?,They traveled around to learn more about climate crisis,and assembled a network.,2 What are the three biggest uses of energy in Wal-Mart?,Heating and air conditioning, lighting and refrigeration.,Watch the video clip of Lecture 11 again and answer the following questions.,3 Understanding the ideas through examples,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,3 What are the returns of using 100 million compact,fluorescent light bulbs?,Saving 600 million dollars in energy bills and cutting,down 20 million tons of CO2 every year.,4 According to the lecturer, what can individuals do to,solve the climate crisis?,They can change their behaviors, for example, shopping,behaviors, to go green.,Watch the video clip of Lecture 11 again and answer the following questions.,3 Understanding the ideas through examples,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,5 What did Bob Epstein suggest at the end of the first,meeting?,Set up a market-based system of mandates to cap and,reduce greenhouse gases in California.,6 What are the tragic problem and the breakthrough,technology the lecturer uses to exemplify the potential of,radical innovation?,Malaria and synthetic biology.,Watch the video clip of Lecture 11 again and answer the following questions.,3 Understanding the ideas through examples,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,7 What is the lecturers attitude toward the current investment in R&D?,He thinks it is far from enough.,8 According to scientists, what do we need to do to stabilize climate?,Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by one half and do it as fast as possible.,Watch the video clip of Lecture 11 again and answer the following questions.,3 Understanding the ideas through examples,4 Following a lecture through signal words,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,1 Signalling topic,Today Im going to take up the subject of .,2 Signalling structure,Now let us consider .,3 Signalling a shift,Now, lets move on to .,4 Signalling explanation,What I mean is .,That is to say .,4 Following a lecture through signal words,Signpost language,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,1 illustration,2 cause,3 effect,comparison,condition,contrast,listing,classification,summary,4 Following a lecture through signal words,Transitional language,similarly, likewise,to conclude, in brief,if, unless, assuming that,as a result, so,for instance, in particular,one feature is,due to, owing,additionally, furthermore,however, nevertheless,4 Following a lecture through signal words,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,A. _,;,B. _,;,C. _,;,Watch the video clip of Lecture 12 and fill in the blanks following the direction of the cues.,some climate change things in the ocean,sea level rise,ocean warming,4 Following a lecture through signal words,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,2 A. _,;,B. _,;,Watch the video clip of Lecture 12 and fill in the blanks following the direction of the cues.,natural causes,human-induced causes,4 Following a lecture through signal words,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,3,A. _,;,B. _,;,Watch the video clip of Lecture 12 and fill in the blanks following the direction of the cues.,sediments in the Ross Sea,ocean acidification,sediments carried out by ice have an ice shelf,overhead while those that need sunlight do not,4 Following a lecture through signal words,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,Watch the video clip of Lecture 12 and fill in the blanks following the direction of the cues.,5 in this region, the ice shelf melted back and formed again in our recent past,6 in the amount of sunlight there, caused by natural changes,4 Following a lecture through signal words,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,1,),the dissolution of carbon dioxide into the sea,2,),A. _,;,B. _,;,Watch the video clip of Lecture 12 and fill in the blanks following the direction of the cues.,a major loss of marine biodiversity, especially carbonate organisms.,8 cap or limit CO2 emissions as soon as possible to protect oceans,the stress on some physiological processes,4 Following a lecture through signal words,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,Watch the video clip of Lecture 12 again and answer the following questions.,1. Interdisciplinary way.,2. The lack of concern about the oceans.,3. Because climate change is caused by both natural,and human-induced causes.,4. Drill into the sea bed to recover sediments to see,climate change.,4 Following a lecture through signal words,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,Watch the video clip of Lecture 12 again and answer the following questions.,5. The ice in the Ross Sea region is dynamic, which,leads to the rise and fall of sea level.,6. Because they are instrumental-quality recorders of,temperature change (Because they record,temperature change of hundreds of years).,5 Memorizing the points by taking notes,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,5 Memorizing the points by taking notes,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,Watch the video clip of Lecture 13 and take notes. Then answer the questions according to your notes.,Worse no rain crops not grow starve ,uncertainty unrest,energy,pris, poverty, 2 ,2. CO2 warm planet tmptur ecosystm clps,5 Memorizing the points by taking notes,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,Watch the video clip of Lecture 13 and take notes. Then answer the questions according to your notes.,3. P: population,S: services/ person,E: energy/ service,C: CO2/ unite,4. first 3 - 13 b tons,tagt - 26 b tons,5 Memorizing the points by taking notes,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,Watch the video clip of Lecture 13 and take notes. Then answer the questions according to your notes.,5. a new energy systm globly,tide, geothermal, fusion, biofuel,work on 5: fossil fuel, nuclear, & renewable sources,6.,1) density of energy a power plant,2) sources intermittent,3) transmission challenges,5 Memorizing the points by taking notes,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,Watch the video clip of Lecture 13 and take notes. Then answer the questions according to your notes.,7. to burn up the waste (all the leftover waste from,todays reactors), e.g. 99% of uranium, as fuel,8. more research funding,team up to work on innovative ways,some market incentives,5 Memorizing the points by taking notes,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,Watch the video clip of Lecture 13 and take notes. Then answer the questions according to your notes.,1. The reduction of CO2 to near zero.,2. We should lower world population, evenly distribute,services, improve efficiency and develop a new,energy system.,3. Solving problems arising from fossil fuels and,developing nuclear and three renewable resources,5 Memorizing the points by taking notes,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures,Watch the video clip of Lecture 13 and take notes. Then answer the questions according to your notes.,4. It intends to advance the burning of uranium from,1% to 99%.,5. Inventing an energy technology with no CO2 and at,half the cost.,谢谢,


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