人教版新目标七年级下unit6 i am watching tv section a课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Welcome to our class,Dawa Middle School,Wang Jing,Unit 6 I am watching TV.,Section A,What are you doing now?,Im watching TV.,What are you doing?,I am making soup.,I,read,a newspaper,What,are,you do,ing,?,am,ing,A : What,are,you do,ing,?,B,:,I,m,talk,ing,on the phone.,A,:,Are,you talk,ing,on the phone?,B: Yes,,,I am.,exercise,A: What,are,you do,ing,?,B: I,m,exercis,ing,.,A:,Are,you,running?,B: No, Im not. Im exercis,ing,.,T: What,is,he do,ing,?,S: He,is,He,is,eat,ing,.,use,the computer,What,is,he,doing,?,He,is,us,ing,the computer.,Is he?,Yes, he is./No, he isnt. He is,What,is,s,he,doing,?,Sh,e,is,wash,ing,the dishes.,wash the dishes,=do the dishes,Is she?,Yes, she is./No, she isnt. She is,What,are,they do,ing,?,They,are,clean,ing,.,Are they ?,Yes ,they are./No, they arent. They are,What,are,they do,ing,?,They,are,play,ing,basketball.,They,are,hav,ing,a class.,They,are,swim,ming,.,想一想:这些句子在结构有什么特点?,合作学习,探究现在进行时,含义:,1),表示现在(说话瞬间),_,的动作,Look, the students,are,listen,ing,to the teacher.,He,is,watch,ing,TV now.,2),现在进行时也可以表示当前一段时间内的 活动或,现阶段,_,的动作,.,We,are,work,ing,on a farm these days.,I,m,readi,ng,a history book this month.,3.,结构:,be动词(am, is, are)+ _,正在进行或发生,V-ing,eg: He,is,read,ing,a book.,2.,标志词:,now,look, listen,等,正在进行,动词,-ing,变化规则:,1)一般,情况,加 ing .,如: play-play,ing,watch-watch,ing,2,),以不发音e 结尾,去e 加ing.,如: take-tak,ing,come-com,ing,3),重读闭音节,结尾,的,动,词,末尾只有一个辅音字母,双写辅音字母再加ing,.,如:,run-run,ning,swim-swim,ming,4,),-ie,结尾变成,y,如,: die-d,ying,lie-l,ying,重读闭音节三要素:,1.,必须是重读音节;,2.,最后只有一个辅音字母;,3.,元音字母发短元音,口诀:,一直加,二去,e,,,三要双写,四注意,,y,代替,ie,。,做谓语,前加,be,,,正在进行记心里,clean,sing,write,be,die,lie,swim,watch,ing,play,ing,do,ing,have,ing,talk,ing,run,ning,see,ing,sing,ing,clean,ing,write,ing,d,y,ing,l,y,ing,swim,ming,be,ing,I believe you can make the “ing” forms,watch,play,do,have,see,talk,run,2.,否定句:直接在,be,后加,not.,如:,I,am,writ,ing,.,I,am,not,writ,ing,.,4.,现在进行时的句式,1.,肯定句,:,主语,+be +v-ing+,其它,.,如,: I,am,read,ing,a book.,3.,一般疑问句及回答,:,问句,直接把,be,提前,肯定回答,:Yes,主语,+be,否定回答,: No,主语,+,be,+,not,-,Are,you draw,ing,?Yes,I am./No, Im not.,4.,特殊疑问句结构,:,疑问词,+be+,主语,+,其他?,danc,ing,clean,ing,do,ing,the dishes,sleep,ing,watch,ing,TV,read,ing,a,newspaper,A: What,are you,doing?,B:,I am,.,play,ing,volleyball,do,ing,homework,read,ing,us,ing,the computer,A: What,is he/she doing?,draw,ing,mak,ing,soup,B:,He/She is,listen,ing,to a CD,1a,Match the activities with the pictures.,1.,watching TV _,2.,cleaning _,3.,reading a newspaper _,4.,talking on the phone _,5.,listening to a CD _,6.,using the computer _,7.,making soup,_,8.,washing the dishes _,9.,exercising _,a,g,d,i,h,e,c,b,f,a. Jenny _,b. John _,c. Dave and Mary _,1b,Listen. What are these people,doing? Write the numbers from 1a.,1,8,5,2a.,Listen and match the answers with the questions.,What is Steve doing? a. He is watching TV.,What is Jack doing? b. He is listening to a CD.,2b. Listen again. Fill in the blanks.,Jack,:,hello,,,Steve.,Steve: Hi, Jack.,Jack: What _you _, Steve,?,Steve,:,Im _. What about you?,Jack,:,Im_, but its kind of _.,Steve: Yeah, my TV show is also not very_.,Do you want to,_the movies,?,Jack,:,That sounds good,。,are,doing,watching TV,listening to a CD,boring,interesting,go to,go to the movies去看电影,Steve,Jack,2d,. Role-play the conversation.,Jenny: Hello?,This is Jenny,.,Laura: Hi,Jenny. Its Laura here.,Jenny: Oh, hi, Laura. What are you doing?,Laura:,Not much,.,Im,just,washing my clothes,.,What about you?,Jenny: Im watching TV.,Do you want to join me for,dinner,? My parents arent at home. We can,eat out,.,Laura: Yeah.,Id love to.,Jenny: Lets meet at my home first. Come at half past six.,Laura: Ok. See you then.,just,仅仅,只,eat out,出去吃,This is Jenny.我是詹妮。,用语,相当于This is Jenny speaking. 打 时this表示“我”,,that 表示对方“你”.,2. Not much.没什么事。还可以说Nothing much。,3. Im just washing my clothes。我只是在洗我的衣服。,just 仅仅;只是,相当于only,4. Do you want to join me for dinner? 你想要和我一起吃晚餐吗?,join+人/组织,5. Id love to. 我愿意。常用来回答Would you like to?提出的问句。,Id love to.有礼貌地接受他人邀请。当婉言拒绝他人邀请时,多用Id love to, but或Sorry,Im afraid I cant because,Language points,What are you doing?,Im watching TV.,Whats she doing,?,Shes washing her clothes.,What are they doing?,Theyre listening to a CD.,Are you doing your homework?,Yes, I am./No, Im not. Im cleaning my room.,Is he reading a newspaper?,Yes, he is./No, he isnt. Hes playing basketball.,Are they using the computer?,Yes, they are./No, they arent. Theyre exercising.,Grammar Focus,Shes exercising (,now,).,She exercises (,on Mondays/every night/,in the mornings/etc),watch TV,talk on the phone,use the computer,1.看电视,2.读报,3.通过 交谈,4.听CD,5.用电脑,6.做汤,7.洗碗,listen to a CD,read a newspaper,wash the dishes,make soup,一 译单词或短语,课堂练习,2.,L,ook,they _(play) Soccer.,4.I want,(talk) to you,Jeff.,5.,What language can he _(speak)?,1-,_Jim,(clean) his room,-,Yes he is.,用括号里的动词适当形式填空,to talk,speak,eat,are playing,cleaning,Is,.用所给动词的适当形式填空.,1.,Look! The cat_(run),up the tree.,2.Her parents_(have)breakfast.,3.-_he _(clean) the blackboard? -No,he isnt.,4.Tom_(play)the piano in the room,now,.,5.Listen! They_(sing),in the classroom.,is running,are having,Is,cleaning,is playing,are singing,.,选择填空,.,1.My mother is _TV.,2.-_you _a book? -Yes,I am.,A.Do,read B.Are ,read C.Are ,reading D.Are ,looking,3.Kate _,the other students _.,A.sing,listen B.is singing,is listening C.sing,are listening singing,are listening,4.I _my eraser,but I cant _ it.,A.look for ,finding B.am finding,look for C.am looking for,find D.find,look for,Task :Talk about what they are,doing?,Write a passage about a,photo of your family or friends,using,the Present Progressive Tense,.,2. Revise the words and phrases.,Homework,Thank you ,Goodbye!,


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