人教新目标九年级英语全册课件_unit6 when was it inventedsectionb 3aselfcheck (共33张)

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人教新目标九年级英语全册课件_unit6 when was it inventedsectionb 3aselfcheck (共33张)_第1页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 6 When was it invented?,Period 6,Section B 3a-self check,学习目标:,1,复习整个单元的单词、短语、重点句型及语法要点。,2,结合本单元的主要语言结构进行写作练习,提升英语写作能力。,3,完成导学案过关检测,3a,Think of something that you do not like doing. Then think of an invention that could help you. Make notes.,Problem:,quickly taking notes in class,New invention,: a special pen,What it is used for,: It can listen to the writer and write by itself,Price,:,$ 50,Writing,invention,Have you ever come across any difficulties in your daily life?,I am not able to take notes quickly in class.,Its very hard for me to get up early.,Im worried about my everyday homework.,Can we invent something new to solve those difficulties?,Think of something that you do not like to do. Then think of an invention that could help you. Make notes.,Problem:,quickly taking notes in class,New invention:,a special pen,What it is used for:,taking notes for me It can take notes automatically.,Problem:,getting up early,New invention:,a special clock,What it is used for:,waking me up It can call me up with the voice of my teacher.,Problem:,doing homework,New invention:,a robot,What it is used for:,doing homework with me It can be my favorite homework partner.,Now its your turn!,Imagine you are a business person. Write a description of your new invention. Try to sell the invention to the class.,This special pen was invented by Liu Jie. It has three colors and is used for,This special pen was invented by,Liu Jie.,It has three colors,and,is used for,taking notes quickly.,It is very useful if,you have a lot to write down.,The pen comes with,a microchip,(芯片),that can store a list of common words that you will use.,You can,program the words you will use often into the microchips memory, then assign a short form to each word.,When you,are writing,you just need to,write the short forms with the pen, press a button on the pen and all the short forms will change into the actual words. The microchip can contain nearly 50 words and you can make changes to the list of words whenever you need to.,Sample writing:,Writing examples,:,My favorite invention,(laptop),思路点拔,开门见山,引出观点- my favorite,说明手提电脑的特点- light and small , easy to carry ,very useful, get the latest information ,keep in touch with ,mail and chat,总结上文,展望前景- most useful , in the future ,everyone will have his or her laptop,经典范文,Laptops were invented many years ago. They are my favorite invention. Laptops are light and small. They are easy to carry. With a laptop we can work, study and entertain at any time. Laptops make us get the latest information wherever we go. They are also used for keeping touch with our best friends and families. Especially, they are also used for mailing and chatting anywhere and anytime. I think laptops are the most useful invention. In the future, I think everyone will have his or her own laptop.,将有,6,位同学扮演“推销商”上台向同学们“推销”自己的发明,台下的每位同学都有一票选择权,得票最多的“推销商”获胜。,(注:在“推销”发明时需全程使用英语),Play a game,谁的发明最畅销?!,我们在推销一件产品的时候,通常会从哪几个方面去描述呢?,Invention,What is the invention?,What is it used for?,Who invented it?,When was it invented?,Summary,Talk about it,A: This special pen was invented by Zheng Jie. It has three colors and it is used for learning English.,B: How is it special?,A: When the red color is turned on, the pen reads out English as it is moved,along the line.,B: What about the black color?,A: When the black color is turned on, the pen finds out the structure of the sentences,as it is moved along the line.,B: What about the yellow color?,A: When the yellow color is turned on, the pen shows the formation and meaning of,the word as it is moved along the line.,B: Wonderful! Where can I get one?,A: I am the shop owner selling this kind of pen.,3b,Imagine you are a businessperson. Write a description of your new invention. Try to sell the invention to the class.,Your time to write,This special pen was invented by Liu Jie. It has three colors and is used for,Self-check,Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words in the box.,invent doubt mention website,all of a sudden,It,is,often,difficult,to decide,on the inventor of certain inventions.,invent doubt mention nearly website all of a sudden,This is because sometimes a few people may _things which are _the same.,Its hard to tell,who,came up with,the idea first.,Some inventions can also,lead to,other inventions _.,So some people,_,whether the inventor came up with he idea himself or herself.,They think that the inventor used someone elses idea to create his or her invention.,That is why books or _,usually _more than one inventor when,giving,information about inventions.,invent,doubt,mention,nearly,website,s,all of a sudden,一般,过去,时的,被动语态,Passive voice,for past tense,主语,是动作的,承受者,。,一般,疑问句,特殊,疑问句,陈述句,主动语态变被动语态?,不及物,动词,没有,被动语态。,Verbs,Past tense,Past participle,sweep,swept,swept,buy,bought,bought,steal,stole,stolen,take,took,taken,use,used,used,ask,asked,asked,invent,invented,invented,Past tense & Past participle for verbs,主动语态,:,We,swept,the floor,every day.,被动语态,:,The floor,主语,主语,谓语,宾语,谓语,宾语,单宾语陈述句,wa,s,swept,by,us,every day.,was/were +,及物动词,过去分词,Someone,stole,my watch.,My watch,was stolen,by someone.,P48,Self-check2,陈述句型,was/were +,及物动词过去分词,4. They asked,us,not to run in the hallway.,We,were asked not to run in the hallway,by them,.,5. Someone took,the video,back to the store.,The,video,was taken back to the store,by someone,.,2. They use,five eggs,to make this big cake.,Five eggs,w,ere,used to make this big cake,by them,.,P48,Self-check2,was/were +,及物动词过去分词,双宾语陈述句,如遇双宾语,最好变间宾。,如若变直宾,,to/for,间宾前。,My father bought,me,a basketball,.,I,was bought,a basketball,by my father.,A basketball,was bought,for,me,by my father.,间接宾语,直接宾语,Did someone,steal,my watch?,Was,my watch,stolen,by someone?,P48,Self-check,一般,疑问句型,be (was/were),提到,主语,前,3. When did they,invent,the personal computer,?,When,was,the personal computer,invented,by them,?,P48,Self-check2,特殊,疑问句型,特殊疑问词,+,一般疑问句,Innovation distinguishes between,a leader and a follower.,领袖和跟风者的区别就在于创新。,-Steve P.(aul) Jobs,史蒂夫乔布斯,Invention,What,:,When:,Who:,Purpose:,Find out information about an invention,you would like to know more about,and write sentences.,P48,Self-check3,Mobile phone,communicat,ing,with others freely,1973,Martin Cooper,Invention,What,:,When:,Who:,Mobile phone,1973,Martin Cooper,I,d like to,know more about,mobile phones.,They were invented in 1973.,They were invented by Martin Cooper.,know more about,be used for,Purpose,:,communicat,ing,with others freely,They,were used,for,communicat,ing,with others freely.,Innovention,TV,car,plane,.,Who,John Logie Baird,Karl Friedrich Benz,Brother Wright,.,When,1925,1886,1946,.,Purpose,helping us to get to know the world,making our life more convenient,helping us to travel from long distance,.,


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