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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,投诉回复信件的要点,Rainby Studio,1,旅游投诉处理对策,Get the fact 承认投诉事实,Apologize & Sympathize 道歉并表示同情,Agree & Act 对要求条件的认同并行动补救,Thank the guest 向客人致谢,Act promptly 补救行动及时、到位,Follow up具体落实追综,Set up a file 备档案例(吸取教训、杜绝同类错误情况发生),2,贺州学院 外语系 旅游英语教研室 Rainbys Studio,投诉信应该有哪几部分构成?,如何让对方感到你有礼貌,很真诚?,请看我们下面的建议。,Follow these instructions to make your writing as well organized and effective as possible.,Writing an e-mail or a letter requires a clear and well-ordered text.,When composing a reply letter, use the following points to structure and order the content:,3,贺州学院 外语系 旅游英语教研室 Rainbys Studio,Key Points,Thank the customer for their letter.,Explain what you will do to investigate the cause of the complaint.,Say what action you will take after your investigation.,Apologize to the customer/client.,End the letter on a positive note.,4,贺州学院 外语系 旅游英语教研室 Rainbys Studio,Reply to Letters of Complaint,Key points:,致谢、致歉,说明要采取的什么措施、行动来满足对方的要求(事前调查了解),简单说明造成错误的原因(但不要推卸责任),说明已经采取的措施,以防止今后发生类似的情况,希望保持长期良好的关系,如对方提出不合理的要求,提出你的拒绝理由,但语气要委婉,不要使对方觉得你在怀疑他,5,贺州学院 外语系 旅游英语教研室 Rainbys Studio,传递准确的信息,If you want to know how to lay out your letter properly, go to Your Questions where we reply to a users query about letter layout.,Or go on to do our quiz where you can check that you know how each of the points above was carried out.,在这一页,你会学到使用什么样的语言来应对顾客的投诉。正确的语法会传递准确的信息,适当的场合说合适的语言是非常重要的。,6,贺州学院 外语系 旅游英语教研室 Rainbys Studio,如何写投诉信和如何回复投诉信,在这一单元中,我们将学习如何写投诉信和如何回复投诉信。下面是一个生气的商人写的一封投诉信,信中谈了他的一次不愉快的经历。读这封信的时候,想一想下面这两个问题: 他写信的目的是什么?他想让收信人做出什么反应?,7,贺州学院 外语系 旅游英语教研室 Rainbys Studio,写投诉信 例文1,Dear Sir/Madam,I am writing to you to complain about your hotel. I had a terrible stay in room 5012 of your hotel from the 24th to the 26th of August 2002, when I came to Guangzhou on business.,Firstly, the air-conditioning in my room could not be turned down or switched off. When I asked the reception staff to do something about it, they laughed and told me it was better than being hot. I asked your front of house manager and she told me she would send someone to my room immediately. No one came. As a result, I was very cold every time I was in the room.,Secondly, I found the bathroom dirty and the hot water was always warm.,Thirdly, the noise at night was extremely loud and I found it difficult to sleep. I asked to change rooms, but was told it was impossible because the hotel was full. I paid a lot for my stay in your hotel and expect much better service from such a well-known hotel.,In future, I will not be staying at your hotel again and will inform my business associates of the terrible service.,Yours faithfully,Tom,8,贺州学院 外语系 旅游英语教研室 Rainbys Studio,回复投诉信 例文1,December 7,Dear Carley,Thank you for you letter of December 6.,I am very sorry to know that we did not supply enough hot water in the bath-room during your stay. I do apologize to you for the inconvenience it made.,It had been very cold these days and our boiler was not enough to supply sufficient hot water during the summit of using hot water. We are preparing to change a bigger boiler now.,There will be no such trouble any more. Welcome you to my hotel again.,Yours sincerely,Walt Miller,Manager,9,贺州学院 外语系 旅游英语教研室 Rainbys Studio,道歉信,因过失或疏忽做错了事,给别人带来了麻烦或损失,发觉后要立即写信给对方赔礼道歉,这是一种礼貌。道歉信要写得坦率,诚恳。,因未能践约赴宴致歉 Unable to keep ones promise,Dear Miss Nancy,,Much to my regret I was unable to keep my promise to attend your birthday party last Saturday,owing to the fact that my little son was suddenly taken ill early that day.,Hoping to see you soon.,Truly yours,,Tom,亲爱的南希小姐:,小儿上周六突然生病,因此未能应约赴生日宴,殊觉抱歉,希原谅,再见。,10,贺州学院 外语系 旅游英语教研室 Rainbys Studio,


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