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课时,3 Grammar,牛津沪教版八年级下,Unit 4 Cartoons and comic strips,答案呈现,6,7,8,be used,have not been cleaned,9,10,has been studied,11,12,13,D,D,14,15,A,语法通关练,be washed,be found,C,A,1,2,3,coloured,held,4,5,been checked,thought,forgotten,提示,:点击 进入习题,答案呈现,16,17,18,must be brushed,has been finished,19,20,Can; be finished,21,22,23,be followed,be brought,24,25,be remembered,语法通关练,shouldnt throw,能力提升练,be eaten,has been used,26,27,28,be taken,is not allowed,29,30,opens,be kept,have borrowed,How long can,一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。,1. Some pictures must be,_(,colour) with,different colours,.,2. A plan should be _,(,think) of at the beginning.,3. The sports meeting will be _,(,hold),next month,.,4. Some details must not be _,(,forget).,5. The homework has,_ (,check) twice.,coloured,held,been checked,thought,forgotten,二、从方框中选单词并用其适当形式填空。,6. That washing machine should not,_ anymore,.,use, not clean, study, find, wash,be used,7. This kind of clothes must _ by hands.,use, not clean, study, find, wash,be washed,8. The windows _ for several weeks. They are so dirty.,use, not clean, study, find, wash,have not been cleaned,9. The aliens may _ in the world one day.,use, not clean, study, find, wash,be found,10. English _ by us for 3 years in this school.,use, not clean, study, find, wash,has been studied,三、单项选择。,11,.【,中考,毕节,】 The air pollution is very,serious in our city. Something _ about it now.,A. can do B. must do,C,. was done,D,. must be,done,D,【,点拨,】,句子主语,Something,与谓语动词,do,存在动宾关系,需用被动语态,故排除,A,和,B,;由句意可知,此处应用一般现在时,而,C,项是一般过去时的被动语态,故排除,故选,D,。,12,. So far,_ Mars,_,by,man yet?,No. Many countries have planned to visit it.,A. is; visited,B,. will; be visited,C. has; been visited,D,.,visited,C,13,. _,I,return the books this week?,No, you . You can do that next week.,A. Must; cant,B,. May; neednt,C. Need; mustnt,D,. Must; neednt,D,14,. What he said made us,_ angry,.,A. feel B,. to feel,C,. feeling,D. felt,A,15,. Our teacher _,carefully,in class.,OK. I will.,A. should be listened to,B,. should be listened,C. be listened,D,. be listened to,A,四、按要求完成句子,每空一,词。,16. You must brush your teeth twice a,day,.,(改为,被动语态),Your teeth,_,_ _,twice,a day.,must be brushed,17. The book can be kept,for two weeks,.,(对画线部分提问),_,_ _,the,book be kept,?,How long can,18,. He has finished the job so far.,(改为被动语态),The job _ _ _,by,him so far,.,has been finished,19,. Waste paper should not be thrown everywhere by you,.,(,改为主动语态),You,_ _ waste,paper everywhere,.,shouldnt throw,20,. Can you finish your homework on time?,(改为,被动语态,),_,your,homework _ _,on time,?,Can be finished,五、短文填空。,(其中有两项多余,),I love my school very much. But too many rules,must _21,in my school. I am very tired of them. Food,cant,_,22,in class, and we should listen to the,teachers carefully,when having classes.,eat, bring, remember, keep, not allow,take, follow, open, use, borrow,be followed,be eaten,After class, I cant fight with my classmates, and I cant run in the hallways. Even I cant talk loudly in the dining hall. The wet umbrellas cant _ 23 to the school library.,eat, bring, remember, keep, not allow,take, follow, open, use, borrow,be brought,Our new school library _ 24 since last month. There are many books in it.,But some rules should _ 25 before you go into it. First of all, bags cant _ 26 into the library with you.,eat, bring, remember, keep, not allow,take, follow, open, use, borrow,be remembered,has been used,be taken,Secondly, the books and reading rooms should _ 27 clean during your stay. Thirdly, any noise _ 28 in the library, so your mobile phone must be turned off while you are in the library. Whats more, four books can be borrowed at a time at most.,eat, bring, remember, keep, not allow,take, follow, open, use, borrow,is not allowed,be kept,The books that you _ 29 cant be lent to anyone else, and they must be returned on time. Lastly, the library _ 30 at 8 a.m. every day, and no readers are allowed to stay there after 6 p.m.,eat, bring, remember, keep, not allow,take, follow, open, use, borrow,opens,have borrowed,


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