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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2014/5/25,#,Top 10 Survival Tools,Shared by,Iris, Jaxson, Victor,and Brooklynn,PPT by Iris,Original Link,:,1,2,There are many different situations that could lead to a survival scenario, and any of them could happen to you., Bear Grylls,3,There are many different situations that could lead to a survival scenario, and any of them could happen to you., Bear Grylls,4,qqqqqqqqqq,Its better to have something and not,need it than to need it and not have it.,The old saying holds true ,5,10 Tools,6,10. Compass and Map,If you have a compass and a map of the area you can pinpoint specific locations and get wherever you need. If youre stuck without a map, but you still have your compass, you can at least get going in the right direction.,如果你有一个指南针和一幅该区域的地图,你可以定位你的精确位置并且找到你要去的任何地方。如果你在被困的时候没有地图却仍然有一个指南针,至少你可以找到正确的方向。,7,Now that GPS is on the scene, compasses have taken a back seat. While a GPS may be better at pinpointing your exact location from any spot on Earth, it requires something you wont be able to provide in a worst case scenario - a charged battery.,如今,GPS,出现了,指南针已经退居幕后了。虽然,GPS,可以精确的指出你在地球的什么方位,但是它需要一个你在悲剧状况下往往拿不出来的东西,充好电的电池。,8,In addition to a first aid kit, any backwoods hiker or car camper should pack a small fire starting kit. After you get a waterproof box, pack it with at least two lighters, some weatherproof matches, a flint and a small magnifying glass lens.,除了急救包,所有荒野远足和自驾游的驴友都应该带一包生火工具。在准备好一个防水盒子之后,你可以在里面放至少两个打火机,一些万能火柴,一个打火石和一个小的放大镜。,9. Fire Starter,9,8. First Aid Kit,Its just important to know what to pack. Begin with a supply of medications and wound-cleaning solution - anti-bacterial ointments, alcohol, peroxide, pain reliever, antacid, aspirin and anti-histamine. You should also have some tweezers, gauze, bandages and eyewash on hand.,(急救包)知道要带什么很重要。先准备一些必须的药物以及清创剂,抗病毒药膏,酒精,双氧水,止痛药,抗酸剂,阿司匹林,抗组胺剂。你还应该带着镊子,纱布,绷带和眼药水。,10,7. Mirror,Size isnt important here - even a small 2 by 3 inch (5 by 7.6 centimeter)mirror flash can be seen from 100 miles (160 kilometers) away. Signal mirrors work best on clear days with direct sunlight, but you can also use them on overcast days. Not only that, but you can reflect headlights, flashlight beams and even bright moonlight for rescue.,尺寸在这儿并不重要,即使一个,2*3,英寸的小镜子(,5*7.6,厘米)的反射光都可以在,100,英里(,160,公里)外被看到。打信号的镜子最好是在晴天直接反射太阳光,不过也可以用于阴天。 甚至,你可以用来反射头灯,手电筒甚至明亮的月光来求援。,11,6. Flares,There are many different types of flares to choose from. Some require a gun and shoot into the sky. Others are handheld and emit a red flame that you hold and wave over your head.,目前市面上有各种照明弹。有的需要用枪支发射到空中,有的是手持式的,发出红色的火焰。你可以拿着它在头顶挥舞。,12,5. Survival Knife,When it comes time to buy your survival knife or any knife, you get what you pay for. A cheap knife will have a dull and breakable blade. Once you have your knife youll want to custom pack the handle depending on your needs.,当你购买你的求生刀具或者任何刀具的时候,你会发现一分钱一分货。一把便宜的刀,刀刃很钝也很脆弱。一旦你有了自己的刀,你就可以根据自己的需求来改制刀具的把手。,13,4. Multi-tool,youll have a number of options. They typically weigh between 5 and 10 ounces (141 to 283 grams). Most will come with flat and Phillips head screwdrivers, pokers, saw blades, and bottle and can openers.,你会有很多的选择。一般的万用到都会有,5-10,盎司重(,141-283,克)。大部分会有一字和十字螺丝刀,小坠子,锯条和开瓶器。,14,3. Snakebite Kit,The great outdoors is all fun and games until you have a rattlesnake attached to your calf. Although snakes are afraid of humans and will do their best to avoid you, theyre a reality that you should be prepared to deal with.,户外是美好的,在你被响尾蛇在腿肚子上狠狠的“亲”上一口之前。虽然蛇类非常怕人,会尽可能的躲着人类,但是事实是,你应该准备好应对这些家伙。,15,2. Water Treatment,you should bring along more than one way of purifying water on any trek into the wild.,Water filters are your best option and they come in all shapes, sizes and prices. Some are no bigger than a large drinking straw.,你在出发前往荒野之前应该携带超过一种净化水源的工具。过滤器是你最好的选择,它们有各种形状,尺寸和价格。有些甚至和一支大的吸管一样大。,16,1. Machete,Survival experts will tell you that a machete is the most versatile tool you can have in the wilderness.,A machete is a valuable survival tool and should be strapped to your backpack or on your hip if you plan on venturing into the wilderness.,生存专家会告诉你,大砍刀是你在野外用处最多的装备了。砍刀可以做很多事情,所以你在准备走入荒野的时候,你就应该把一把大砍刀绑在你的背包上,或者系在你的腰间。,17,Thank you,Original Link:,More about Bear:,Man vs. Wild,:,18,


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