制药工程 专业英语 Unit 1

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These crocetin,(藏红花酸),derivatives,which are different from most families of carotenoids,(类胡萝卜素), are known for their coloring properties,owing to,their peculiar water-soluble behavior 4. Numerous studies have dealt with the component structures of yellow pigment extracts,isolated from gardenia fruits,48, their spectroscopic characterization and radical-scavenging activity 4,9, data,concerning,the concentration of major components for the determination of optimal time of harvest and extraction process 10,11.,The content of this course,Introduce some skills of translation and do some exercise in the classroom.,Summarize some regulations in the professional English.,Learn the text.,Discuss some topics.,Part 1 Medicinal chemistry,Unit 1 Production of Drugs,The whole concept of the production of drugs,The classification of the drugs,The introduction of each group of drugs,The first question: how to classify the drug,Depending on the kinds of disease:,Cardiovascular drugs,Digestive system drugs,Respiratory system drugs,Antiviral drugs,Proprietary drugs or Generic drugs,Depending on the production or origin:,药品的生产,依据其生产或来源,药物制剂可以分为三类:,I.,完全的合成材料(,人工合成材料,),,II.,天然产物,和,III.,源自部分合成的产品(,半合成产品,)。,Depending on their production or origin,pharmaceutical agents,can be split into,three groups,:,I . Totally synthetic materials (synthetics),,,II. Natural products,,,and,III. Products from partial syntheses (semi-synthetic products).,Unit 1 Products of Drugs,Words,synthetics,glycoside(s),hydrolys,ate,dextran,targeted modification,Epinephrine,Levodopa,Prostaglandins,D-Penicillamine,Vincamine,Eu,karyont,Pro,karyont,Leuconostoc mesenteroides,Coryne,bacterium,glutamicum,Brevi,bacterium,flavum,Propioni,bacterium shermanii,purina nucleotide,citric acid,monosodium L-glutamate,chromatin,n.,用作复,人工合成,(,绝缘,),材料,n.,配醣;配糖体;糖苷,n.,水解液;水解产物,n.,葡萄聚糖;右旋糖酐,定向(或靶向)修饰,n.,肾上腺素,n. ,药,左旋多巴(等于,L-dopa,),n.,前列腺素(,prostaglandin,的复数形式),n. D-,青霉胺,n.,长春胺,n.,真,核细胞,n.,原,核细胞,肠膜状明串珠菌,谷氨酸棒杆菌,黄色短杆菌,谢氏丙酸杆菌,嘌呤核苷(酸),柠檬酸,谷氨酸钠(味精),n.,核染色质;核染质,Alkali metal,Li,lithium,Na,sodium,K,potassium,Rb,rubidium,Cs,caesium,Fr,francium,H,hydrogen,本书的重点是在于,和,类中,最重要的,化合物,药物合成。但是,这并不意味着,天然产品或其他制剂并不太重要。它们可以作为有价值的先导结构,他们常常作为重要的合成产品的起始原料或中间体产品。,表,1,列,出了获取,药物制剂,的不同方法的概述。,The emphasis,of the present book,is on,the most important,compounds,of groups I and,- thus Drug synthesis. This does not mean,,,however,,,that natural products or other agents are less important. They can serve as valuable lead structures,,,and they are frequently needed as starting materials or as intermediates for important synthetic products.,Table 1 gives an overview of the different methods for obtaining pharmaceutical agents.,最初从天然资源库获得的几个重要治疗作用的天然产品,今天可以通过全合成更有效地,例如更经济地被制备出来。这样的例子包括,L-,氨基酸、氯霉素、咖啡因、多巴胺、肾上腺素、左旋多巴、肽类激素、前列腺素、,D -,青霉胺、长春胺,,以及几乎所有的维生素。,Several therapeutically significant natural products which were originally obtained from natural sources are today more effectively -i. e. more economically -prepared by total synthesis. Such examples include,L-amino acids, Chloramphenicol, Caffeine, Dopamine,Epinephrine, Levodopa, peptide hormones, Prostaglandins, D-Penicillamine, Vincamine,and practically all vitamins.,在过去的几年里,,,发酵,,,即微生物过程,,,变得极其重要。通过现代技术和基因选择导致,的,微生物,的,高性能,突异变种,的,结果,,发酵已成为选,择宽范围,物质,的,方法。真核细胞(酵母菌和霉菌)和原核细胞(单细胞细菌,放线菌),都可,用,作,微生物。可以得到下列产品类型:,Over the last few years fermentation - i. e. microbiological processes has become extremely important. Through modern,technology and results,from genetic selection leading to the creation of high performance mutants of microorganisms,fermentation,has already,become,the,method,of choice for a wide range of substances. Both Eukaryonts (yeasts and moulds)and Prokaryonts(single bacterial cells, and actinomycetes)are used microorganisms. The following product types can be obtained:,尽管从诸如肠膜,状,明串球菌的某些微生物的黏膜可以生产葡萄聚糖,但第,2,和,3,类产品类型只与药品生产的有关。葡聚糖自身的分子量,5,万,10,万,可用作血浆代用品。而来自谷氨酸棒杆菌和黄色短杆菌突变体的初级代谢产物中,,L-,氨基酸尤其令人感兴趣。从这些生物体中,可以生产约,35,万吨,L-,谷氨酸单钠盐(,味精,,食品添加剂)和约,70,000,吨,L-,赖氨酸(用于植物蛋白补充物质)。此外,重要的初级代谢产物还有嘌呤核苷酸、有机酸、乳酸、柠檬酸和维生素,例如源自谢氏丙酸杆菌的维生素,B,12,。,Disregarding the production of dextran from the mucous membranes of certain microorganisms,,,e. g.,Leuconostoc mesenteroides,classes 2 and 3,are,the relevant ones,for the preparation of drugs.,Dextran,itself, with a molecular weight of 50,000 100,000,is used as,a blood plasma substitute.,Among the primary metabolites the L-amino acids from mutants of,Corynebacterium glutamicum,and,Brevibacterium flavum,are especially interesting. From these organisms some 350,000 tones of,monosodium L-glutamate,(food additive) and some 70,000 tones of,L-lysine,(supplement for vegetable proteins) are produced. Further important primary metabolites are the purina nucleotides, organic acids,lactic acid, citric acid, and vitamins, for example vitamin B,12,from,Propionibacterium shermanii,.,在次生代谢产物中首先必须提到的是抗生素。以下五组药品代表了全球每年价值,170,亿美元:,青霉素类(,产黄青霉,),,头孢菌素类(,顶头孢霉菌,),,四环素类(,金霉素链霉菌,),,红霉素类(,红霉素链霉菌,),,氨基糖苷(如来自,灰色链霉菌,的,链霉素,),。,Among the secondary metabolites the antibiotics must be mentioned first. The following five groups represent a yearly worldwide value of US-$17 billion:,penicillins (,Penicillium chrysogenum,),,,cephalosporins (,Cephalosporium acremonium,),,,tetracyclines (,Streptomyces aureofaciens,),,,erythromycins (,Streptomyces erythreus,),,,aminoglycosides (e. g. streptomycin from,Streptomyces griseus,).,Dextran is a,poly,mer of glucose. It is a white powder and it is,soluble,in water and,in,soluble,in ethanol. Dextran can,increase,the plasma volume and,maintain,the blood pressure, so it can be used for as a blood plasma substitute. It can be produced by fermentation of sucrose in,leuconostoc mesenteroides.,Certainly, the fermentation only produce the,raw material,and the some purification is necessary.,The simple introduction of dextran,Molecular formula:,(,C,6,H,10,O,5,),n,glucose,葡萄糖,fructose,果糖,mono-, di-, tri-, poly,mer,单体,二聚体,三聚体,聚合体,(,物,),sucrose n.,蔗糖,从微生物中已分离出约,5000,种抗生素,但其中只有不到,100,种有治疗用途。但是,必须记住,许多衍生物已通过部分合成法来修饰以获得治疗用途;在过去的十年里,采用半合成方法已从,-,内酰胺,获得了约,50,000,种制剂。发酵,是,在体积高达,400m,3,的,不锈钢发酵罐,中进行,。为了避免受到噬菌体等微生物的污染,(发酵)全过程都必须在无菌条件下进行。由于更重要的,是,,发酵只在有氧条件下才能发生,;,因此,,,需要,提供,有足够量的(无菌)氧气或空气。二氧化碳的来源包括糖类(碳水化合物),如废糖浆、低聚糖类和葡萄糖。,About 5000 antibiotics have already been isolated from microorganisms, but of these only somewhat fewer than 100 are in therapeutic use. It must be remembered,,,however,,,that many derivatives have been modified by partial synthesis for therapeutic use; some 50,000 agents have been semisynthetically obtained from,-,lactams,alone in the last decade.,Fermentations,are carried out in stainless steel fermentors with volumes up to 400 m,3,. To avoid contamination of the microorganisms with phages etc. the whole process has to be performed under sterile conditions. Since the more important fermentations occur exclusively under aerobic conditions, a good supply of oxygen or air (sterile) is needed. Carbon dioxide sources include carbohydrates, e. g. molasses, saccharides, and glucose.,Words,ammonium,(,ammonia,),amine,sodium,bi,carbonate,sodium hydroxide,hydrochloric/sulfuric/nitric,acid,hypo,chlor,i,te,chlor,i,te,chlor,a,te,per,chlor,a,te,nitr,i,te,nitr,a,te,sulf,id,e,sulf,it,e,sulf,a,te,per,sulf,a,te,phosph,i,te,hypo,phosph,i,te,phosph,a,te,di,hydrogen phosph,a,te,hydrogen phosph,a,te,铵;铵盐 (,氨;氨水,),胺,碳酸氢钠;小苏打、,NaHCO,3,氢氧化钠 、,NaOH,盐,酸;,硫,酸;,硝,酸,次氯酸盐(酯),亚氯酸盐(酯),氯酸盐(酯),高氯酸盐(酯),亚硝酸盐(酯),硝酸盐(酯),硫化物;硫醚,亚硫酸盐(酯),硫酸盐(酯),过硫酸盐(酯),亚磷酸盐(酯),次磷酸盐(酯),磷酸盐(酯),磷酸二氢盐,磷酸一氢盐,Prefix,-Parent-,Suffix,Nomenclature of parent part:,Nomenclature of alkanes and alkyl substituents,Straight-chain alkanes,Straight-chain alkanes are named by counting the number of carbon atoms in the chain and adding the family suffix-,ane,. Thus,pent,ane,is the five-carbon alkane, and,hex,ane,is the six-carbon alkane.,Nomenclature of Organic Compounds 1,An alkyl substituent (or an alkyl group) is an alkane from which a,single hydrogen,has been removed.,Alkyl substituents are named by replacing the “,ane,” suffix of the alkane with “,yl,”. The letter “,R,” is used to indicate any alkyl group.,Thus CH,3,- has the name of meth,yl, while the group of CH,3,CH,2,- was named eth,yl,.,Number Molecular Name Name in Alkyl,of carbons formula Chinese substituents,1 CH4,Meth,ane,甲,烷,Meth,yl,2 C2H6,Eth,ane,乙,烷,Eth,yl,3 C3H8,Prop,ane,丙,烷,Prop,yl,4 C4H10,But,ane,丁,烷,But,yl,5 C5H12,Pent,ane,戊,烷,Pent,yl,6 C6H14,Hex,ane,己,烷,Hex,yl,7 C7H16,Hep,tane,庚,烷,Hept,yl,8 C8H18,Oct,ane,辛,烷,Oct,yl,9 C9H20,Non,ane,壬,烷,Non,yl,10 C10H22,Dec,ane,癸,烷,Dec,yl,11 C11H24,Undec,ane,十一,烷,Undec,yl,12 C12H26,Dodec,ane,十二,烷,Dodec,yl,13 C13H28,Tridec,ane,十三,烷,Tridec,yl,20 C20H42,Icos,ane,二十,烷,Icos,yl,21 C21H44,Heneicos,ane,二十一,烷,Heneicos,yl,30 C30H62,Triacont,ane,三十,烷,Triacont,yl,Branched-chain alkanes,3-ethyl-3-methyl,hex,ane,Some useful prefixes for indicating the number of substituent groups,Mono-,单取代,一取代,Di-,二取代,Tri-,三取代,Tetra-,四取代,Pent (a)-,五取代,Hex (a)-,六取代,Hept (a)-,七取代,Oct (a)-,八取代,Nona-,九取代,Deca-,十取代,2,6-dimethyl,oct,ane,not,2-ethyl-6-methylheptane,3-ethyl-2-methyl,hex,ane,not,3-isopropylhexane,Some useful prefixes used to name branched alkanes,(Common names),(normal) n-,正,(isomer) iso-,异,neo-,新,primary,伯,一级,(secondary ),sec,-,仲,二级,(tertiary),tert,-,叔,三级,quaternary,季,四级,n-pentane neopentane isobutane,正戊烷 新戊烷 异丁烷,Pentane 2,2-dimethylpropane 2-methylpropane,tert,-butanol,iso,-butanamine,sec,-butanamine,叔丁醇 异丁胺 仲丁胺,2-methyl-2-propanol 2-methylpropanamine 1-methylpropanamine,The univalent radical derived from acyclic alkene or alkyne has the endings “-,enyl,” or “-,ynyl,”, (alkene alken,yl,) (alkyne alkyn,yl,), and the position of the double or triple bond is indicated where necessary. (unlike alk,ane,alk,yl,),e. g.,1-propenyl 2-butenyl,ethynyl 2-propynyl,The following non-systematic names are retained,Ethylene (,乙烯),Allene,(丙二烯),Acetylene,(乙炔),Isoprene,(异戊二烯),Vinyl,(乙烯基),Allyl,(烯丙基),Isopropenyl,(异丙烯基),Nomenclature of acyclic hydrocarbons with two or more double or triple bonds,Two or more double bonds: the ending will be,“-adiene,”,“-atriene,” etc. (,alk,adiene,),Two or more triple bonds: the ending will be,“-adiyne,”,“-atriyne,” etc. (,alk,adiyne,),e. g.,2-methyl-1,3-but,adiene,prop,adiene,2,5-dimethyl-2,4,6-oct,atriene,3-ethyl-4-methyl-1,6-hept,adiyne,Nomenclature of monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,苯 甲苯 二甲苯 苯乙烯 异丙苯 均三甲苯,benzene toluene xylene styrene cumene mesitylene,苯基 甲苯基 二甲苯基 苯乙烯基 异丙苯基 均三甲苯基 苄基,Phenyl tolyl xylyl styryl cumenyl mesityl benzyl,Common names,retained for the,disubstituted,benzene,ortho-, o-,邻,meta-, m-,间,para-, p-,对,m-methylbenzyl m-tolyl 3,4-dimethylphenyl,3-methylbenzyl,3-tolyl,o-styryl p-cumenyl 3,5-dimethyl-4-,ethylphenyl,2-styryl 4-cumenyl,Some important Families of organic molecules,Saturated hydrocarbons:,such as: Alkanes; cycloalkanes;,Un-saturated hydrocarbons:,such as: alkenes; alkynes; cycloalkenes; cycloalkynes; cycloalkadienes; cycloalkadiynes;,Aromatic compouds:,benzene; biphenyl; naphthalene and other fused and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons;,Compounds with functional groups:,alkyl halides,(卤代烃),; alcohols,(醇),; phenols,(酚),; ethers,(醚),; amines,(胺),;,Compounds with functional groups:,aldehydes,(醛),; ketones,(酮),; quinones,(醌),; carboxylic acids,(羧酸),; esters,(酯),; acyl halides,(酰卤),; acid anhydrides,(酸酐),amides,(酰胺),; imides,(亚胺),;,Compounds with functional groups:,alkyl halides,(卤代烃),; alcohols,(醇),; phenols,(酚),; ethers,(醚),; amines,(胺),etc.,alkyl halidesR-X,halogen,(-halo) (-Cl, -Br, -F, -I),AlcoholsR-OH,hydroxy,group (-OH),PhenolsAr-OH,hydroxy,group (-OH),EthersR-O-R,Alkoxy,group (O-R),AminesR-NH,2,amino,group (NH,2,),Alkyl halides,(,halo,alk,ane,or,alkyl,halide,),Alkyl halides are classified as,primary, secondary, or tertiary,depending on the carbon to which the halogen is attached.,The,common names,of the alkyl halides are obtained by citing the name of the alkyl group followed by the name of the halogen. (,alkyl,halide,),In the,IUPAC system, alkyl halides are named as substituted alkanes. The substituted prefix names for the halogens end in “,o,”(fluor,o, chlor,o, brom,o, iod,o,). (,halo,alk,ane,),Alcohols,The,common names, similar to alkyl halides, are obtained by citing the name of the alkyl group to which the OH group is attached, followed by the word “,alcohol,”. (,alkyl,alcohol,),The,IUPAC,name for an alcohol is obtained by,removing the “e”,from the name of the alkane and,adding the suffix “ol”,. (,alkan,ol,),Nomenclature of alcohols,Amines are compounds in which one or more hydrogen of ammonia have been replaced by alkyl groups. There are,primary, secondary, and tertiary,amines. This classification depends on how many alkyl groups are bonded to the,nitrogen.,(! not carbon,),Nomenclature of amines,The,common name,of a amine is obtained by citing the names of the alkyl groups bonded to the nitrogen in alphabetical order.,The entire name is written as one word.,(,alkyl,amine,),e. g.,There are,two,IUPAC approved way to name an amine.,It can be named as a substituted alkane using the prefix “,amino,” to designate the amine substituent. (,?amino,alk,ane,),It also can been named with a functional group suffix- “,amine,”. The “,e,” at the end of the alkane name is replaced by “,amine,”. The names of substituents bonded to the nitrogen are preceded by an,N,(in italic) to indicate that the substituent is bonded to a nitrogen rather than to a carbon.,(,N,-alkyl),alkan,amine,Amines with four alkyl groups bonded to the nitrogen-and therefore a positive charge on the nitrogen-are called,quaternary ammonium,salts,. Their names are obtained by citing the names of the,alkyl,groups in alphabetical order as a prefix to “,ammonium,”, followed by the name of the,counterion.,alkylammonium halide,(or hydroxide etc),Nomenclature of ethers,symmetrical ether,and,asymmetrical ether,.,e. g.,The,common name,of an ether is obtained by citing the names of the two alkyl substituents (in alphabetical order) followed by the word “,ether,”. The smallest ethers are almost always named by their common names. (,alkylalkyl,ether,),The,IUPAC system,names an ether as an alkane that bears an,alkoxy,substituent. Alkoxy substituents are named by removing the “,yl,” from the name of the alkyl substituent and adding “,oxy,”. (,alkoxy,alk,ane,),methoxy,ethoxy,1-methylethoxy,1,1-dimethylpropoxy,A,carbonyl group,(羰基),is a carbon doubly bonded to an oxygen and an,acyl group,(酰基),is a carbonyl group attached to an alkyl substituent. A,benzoyl group,(苯甲酰基),is a carbonyl group attached to a benzene ring.,The,common name,of an aldehyde is the same as carboxylic acid (derived from some Latin words). (Latin+,aldehyde,),The,IUPAC name,of an aldehyde is obtained by removing the “,e,” from the alkane name and adding,“-al,”. (,alkan,al,),Nomenclature of aldehydes and ketones,If the aldehyde group is attached to a ring, the aldehyde is named by adding “,carbaldehyde,” to the name of the ring. (,cyclo,alkane,carbaldehyde,),phenylmethanal,Common name:,Only a few ketons have common names, such as,acetone,(like aldehyde). Common names are also used for phenyl-substituted ketones. They are called,phenones,. (+,one,),IUPAC name:,Ketones are named in the IUPAC system by removing the “,e,” from the alkane name and adding,“-one,”. (,alkan,one,),Derived name:,Like ethers, R-CO-R can be named by citing the names of the two alkyl substituents (in alphabetical order) followed by the word “,ketone,”. (,alkylalkyl,ketone,),Nomenclature of ketones,Common name,IUPAC name,Derived name,Nomenclature of carboxylic acids and its derivatives,X= OH, a carboxylic acid,X= halogen, an acyl halide,X= OR, an ester,X= OCOR, an acid anhydride,X= NRR, an amide,Nomenclature of carboxylic acids,a carboxyl group,The functional group of a carboxylic acid is called a carboxyl group. Long-chain carboxylic acids are called “,fatty acids,”.,Common name:,Carboxylic acids (6) are frequently called by their common names. They are named by adding “Latin prefix” before “,acid,”.,? what is carbon?,IUPAC name:,a carboxylic acid is named by replaceing the “,e,” ending of the alkane name with,“oic acid,”.,(,alkan,oic,acid),Carboxylic acids in which a carboxyl group is attached to a,cyclic,compound can be named by adding “,carboxylic acid,” to the name of the cyclic compound.,benzoic acid,Nomenclature of acyl halides,Acyl halides are named by using the acid name and replacing the “,ic acid,” with “,yl halide,” (,alkan,oyl,halide,) , or by replacing “,carboxylic acid,” with “,carbonyl halide,” (,cyclo,alkane,carbonyl halide,),benzoyl chloride,Nomenclature of acid anhydrides,?,Do you know the meaning of “anhydride”,R = R, a,symmetrical anhydride,R R, a,mixed anhydride,Symmetrical anhydrides,are named by using the acid name and replacing “,acid,” with “,anhydride,”,mixed anhydrides,are named by stating the name of both acid groups in alphabetical order followed by “,anhydride,”.,In naming an,ester, the name of the group attached to the “carboxyl oxygen” is stated first. This is followed by the name of the acid with,“-ic acid,” replaced by,“-ate,”.,Salts of carboxylic acids,are named in the same way.,(,R alkyl,R,alkan,oate,),Nomenclature of esters,ethyl acetate,A primary amide a secondary amide a tertiary amide,Amides are named by using the acid name, replacing “,oic acid,” or “,-ic acid,” with “,amide,”, or by replacing “,carboxylic acid,” with “,carboxamide,”.,(,alkan,amide,) or (,cyclo,alkane,carboxamide,),Nomenclature o


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