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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,汉译英常见错误例析,Improve the following translations,我晚上常常很晚睡觉。,I always sleep late at night.,某地第二医院,The Second Hospital of.,在那家快乐的酒吧,in the gay bar,爱护草地,请勿入内。,Take care of the grass, please do not enter.,护士量了我的体温。,The nurse measured my temperature.,我要求你马上出去。,I demand you to get out immediately.,我有健康,他有财富。,I have health and he has wealth.,这导致了经济领域的改革。,That brought about reforms in the sphere of economy.,这棵树不长果子。,This tree doesnt grow fruit.,我,22,岁大学毕业。,I graduated from university at 22 years old.,他们送我到门口。,They sent me to the door.,我可以占用你几分钟时间吗?,Could I occupy some minutes of yours?,我们在树荫下乘凉。,We relaxed under the shadow of a tree.,造成汉译英常见错误的原因错综复杂,但究其原因主要有两个:一是运用英语知识的实践能力差,尽管道理和规则记得很熟,但由于练习较少,动笔时就容易出错;二是受汉语的影响,常见的错误往往是用英语套用汉语的表达方式、习惯说法和思维模式等。,1,.,生搬硬套型错误,这类错误就是把汉语的句子意思逐词照搬地直译成英语。,例,1,欢迎你参加英语角活动。,误:,Welcome you to join our English corner activities,!,正:,You are welcome to,join our English Corner!,or: Welcome to join our English Corner!,热烈欢迎国内外嘉宾参加贸易洽谈会。,误:,Warmly welcome all guests of honor at home and abroad to attend to this symposium!,正:,Warm welcome to,all honored guests both at home and abroad to attend the Trade Talks!,例,2,不要搞一刀切。,误,: Do not cut off at one stroke.,正,: Do not impose uniformity in all cases.,原文是带有汉语特色的比喻说法,意为“不可不顾实际情况,用一种方法处理一切问题”。,例3这么好的天, 你为什么要呆在家里?,Why are you at home in such a fine day?,Why are you at home,in such a fine weather,?,下岗职工,off-duty workers,laid-off workers,三好学生,a three good student,an all-round student,本店,10,点后关门。,The shop is close after 10 oclock.,The office is open until 10 oclock.,2.,逻辑型错误,在用英语表达汉语原文的意思时,时间的先后,执行者与承受者之间的关系,非谓语动词的逻辑主语与主句的主语,代替词和名词的性与数的一致等等都存在着逻辑问题。许多汉译英的错误都属于逻辑型错误。,1),时间的先与后不合乎逻辑,例,1,对不起,我没有看见你。,误:,Sorry I dont see you.,正:,Sorry I didnt see you.,例,2,我不知道你在这儿。,误:,I dont know you are here.,正:,I didnt know you are here.,2),不定式的逻辑主语问题,虽然不定式没有语法上的主语,但有逻辑主语。不定式的逻辑主语与句子的主语要一致。不定式的语态与逻辑主语有关。逻辑主语是行为的执行者,要用主动不定式;若逻辑主语是行为的承受者,要用被动不定式,to be done.,例,1,. 为了在科研中取得成功,需要坚持不懈。,误:,To succeed in a scientific research, persistence is needed.,正:,To succeed in a scientific research, one needs to be persistent.,说明:原译中不定式的逻辑主语与句子的主语不一致,改译后句子用主动语态,增补,one,做主语。,例2这本书需要翻译成英语。,误:,The book is required to put into English.,正:,The book is required to be put into English.,例3他挨了批评真是遗憾。,误:,It is a pity for him to have criticized.,正:,It is a pity for him to be criticized.,在例2、例3中,不定式的逻辑主语是行为的承受者,故要改用被动不定式。,3),分词的逻辑主语问题,分词的逻辑主语必须与主句的主语相一致,否则便成为垂悬分词,属于语病。,例,1,.,看着窗外,他想起了自己的童年。,误:,Looking out of the window, thoughts of his childhood came to him.,正:,Looking out of the window, he thought of his childhood.,例2从山顶上看下去,这座城市就像个漂亮的花园。,误:,Seeing from the top of the hill, the city looks like a beautiful garden.,正:,Seen from the top of the hill, the city looks like a beautiful garden.,例3老虎在笼子里,因而我不怕。,误:,Being in a cage, I was not afraid of it.,正:,The tiger being in a cage, I was not afraid of it.,4),动名词的逻辑主语问题,动名词的逻辑主语若与主句的主语不一致,也属于语病。,例,1,在挤公共车时,我的钱包丢了。,误:,On squeezing on to the bus, my wallet was lost.,正:,On squeezing on to the bus, I lost my wallet.,例2未接到邀请他就参加了晚会。,误:,He attended the party without inviting.,正:,He attended the party without being invited.,5),不合乎逻辑的比较,不合乎逻辑的比较指在译成英语的句子中形成了非等同物之间的比较。,例,1,你们班的女生比我们班的更活跃。,误:,The girls in your class are more active than our class.,正:,The girls in your class are more active than those in our class.,说明:若不加,those,就变成了,girls,和,our class,比较。,例,2,这里的气候像北京。,误:,The climate here is like Beijing.,正:,The climate here is like that of Beijing.,说明:若不加,that ,就变成了,climate,和,Beijing,比较,。,2005,年的数字要比,2002,年的大。,The number in 2005 is more than 2002.,The number in 2005 is larger than that in 2002.,误将“数字”与“,2002,年”进行比较,而二者没有可比性,只有将后者改为“,2002,年的数字,”,才符合逻辑,很显然,这个错误是受了汉语表达习惯的影响。,3.,语法型错误,语法规律是汉译英必备的基本要素。汉译英中所谓的大错,多半是指语法错误。常见的有:名词单复数变化错误;冠词、介词错用漏用;比较级、最高级错用或不一致;主谓关系不一致;主从关系混乱;虚拟语气表达错误等等。,例,1,他本来想要多给你一点帮助的,只是他太忙了。,误:,He wanted to give you more help, but he has been so busy recently.,正:,He would have given you more help, but he has been so busy recently.,说明:根据原文的含义,前半句应译为虚拟语气,后半句译为一般陈述句。,例,2,他们刚要走过街角就听到了枪声。,误:,They were just turning the corner, when they heard the noise of a shot.,正:,Just as they were turning the corner, they heard the noise of a shot.,说明:句子要表达的主要信息是“听到枪声”,应放在复合句的主句中。,介词搭配的一致:,误:,We have great faith and high hopes for her.,正:,We have great faith in and high hopes for her.,误:,The real reason of this change is various.,正:,The real reason for this change is various.,reason,不与,to,搭配而应接介词,for.,代词的一致,那些要参加考试的人请把名字写在这张纸上。,误:,Those who wish to take exam are expected to sign his name on this sheet of paper.,正:,Those who wish to take exam are expected to sign their names on this sheet of paper.,我们不能随地吐痰。,误:,We must not spit everywhere.,误:,We must not spit anywhere.,4.,语义结构型错误,由于容易受到汉语字面说法的干扰,汉译英时要特别重视语义结构(也可称为词语搭配)。有时汉语同一个词要译成英语不同的词语,而有时汉语不同的词语要译成英语的同一个词语。比如 “遇见”有时译成,meet,,“迎接”有时译成,meet,,“满足”有时也译成,meet,,“应付”有时也译成,meet,,等等。,再如汉语“看”根据其后不同的宾语可能要译成:,see,,,look,,,view,,,watch,,,look after,,,take care of,,,reckon,,,consider,,,think,,,go to,,,observe,,,call on,,,visit,,,depend on,,,mind,,,treat,,,perceive,,,tell,,,notice,,,read,等等。若语义结构(或词语搭配)不当,就会造成误译。,例,1,我能看出你的心事。,误:,I can see your mind.,正:,I can read your mind.,例,2,从他的话音里,我能听出东西来。,误:,I can hear something from the tone of his voice.,正:,I can tell something from the tone of his voice.,例3这个故事发生在上海。,误:,The story takes place in Shanghai.,正:,The story is set in Shanghai.,主语,story,和谓语,take place,不搭配。,例,4,10:30,的时候,街上来往的车辆稀少了。,误:T,he time was 10:30, and traffic on the street was few.,正:T,he time was 10:30, and traffic on the street was light.,同义反复,Return back-return,Repeat again-repeat,True facts-facts,Illegal under the law-illegal,Yellow in color-yellow,Enter into-enter,List out-list,Raise up-raise,Revise the following sentences into correct ones:,1. A man is judged not only,by what he says,but also,his deeds,. (,并列结构不一致,),2.,To get ready for the trip,all the things,she needed were put into a suitcase.,3.,While studying the report,the telephone,rang.,(,非谓语动词的主语和主句主语不一致,),4. The,ears,of a hare are longer than,that,of a cat. (,代词的不一致,),


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