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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,学术英语 理工,Academic English,for Science and Engineering,Unit 2 Searching for Information,Unit Contents,1,Finding reliable and better sources,2,Scanning and skimming,3,Identifying topic sentences for information,4,Guessing word meaning,5,Using the organization of the text,6,Reading critically,7,Taking notes,8,Writing a summary,1 Finding reliable and better sources,To evaluate source materials,Tasks,Unit 2 Searching for Information,1 Finding reliable and better sources,To evaluate source materials,Is the material,a primary or a secondary source,?,Is the source the,latest one,?,Is the author,a reliable scholar or an expert,in the field?,Does the author have,biases or prejudices,?,Has the author,been cited frequently,in the field?,Are the authors,arguments supported by evidence,such as,statistics, experiment, recent scientific findings?,Are,different opinions considered,and weighed or simply,ignored ?,Are the authors,arguments and conclusions convincing,?,Unit 2 Searching for Information,1 Finding reliable and better sources,Tasks,Check the reliability of the sources on Page 40.,Search for source materials your paper may use and then write down the titles and sources of the articles. The model is given on Page 41.,Mark the reasons for your choice of the articles.,Unit 2 Searching for Information,2 Scanning and skimming,Tips for scanning and skimming,Task 1,using scanning and skimming strategy,Text 5,Can you complete with A.I. for the Next job?,Unit 2 Searching for Information,2 Scanning and skimming,Tips for scanning and skimming,keep in mind at all times,what you are searching for,(e.g., the definition of a term, the effect of a phenomenon);,search,thesis statements and topic sentences,in paragraphs for the information you want to gain;,use the knowledge of the,essay organization,(such as cause-effect, comparison-contrast, problem-solution) to find what you are looking for;,pay attention to,signal words,such as numbers, letters, steps, the words such as first, second, and next, or words that are bold-faced, italics, or in different sizes, fonts, etc.,Scanning:,Unit 2 Searching for Information,2 Scanning and skimming,Tips for scanning and skimming,the title and subtitles;,the abstract (if there is one);,the introduction and thesis;,the first or last paragraphs of the essays/chapters;,headings and subheadings;,the conclusion and summaries;,the first sentence or the last sentence of each paragraph;,highlighted texts such as words in bold or italic text;,graphs, tables or diagrams.,Skimming:,Unit 2 Searching for Information,2 Scanning and skimming,What does “A.I. in the title stand for?,Artificial intelligence.,2 What is the main idea of the article you may predict from the title?,3 What does the story in the first paragraph imply?,The article may argue for/again the idea that Artificial intelligence will replace human jobs in the future.,The story tells that computerization threatens to replace many white-collar jobs.,Unit 2 Searching for Information,2 Scanning and skimming,4 What does the last paragraph suggest in terms of the authors attitude?,The author is optimistic and may not agree that machines will replace human jobs.,5 What is the topic sentence of the second paragraph?,The specter of automation unemploying us all may have finally arrived.,Unit 2 Searching for Information,2 Scanning and skimming,6 The key sentence refers to the sentence informing readers of the attitude of the author. Can you locate the key sentence(s) in the first three paragraphs?,7 Can you locate the places where the idea of the key sentence is repeated?,But the mass job shrinkage that these observers all expected did not come.,Yet Americans as a whole were not automated out of work (Para. 8, L1).,Yet, through all that, more new jobs appeared (Para.,11, L2).,Unit 2 Searching for Information,2 Scanning and skimming,8 What does the subheading “Demands of a new economy tell us?,Man will not lose jobs because there will always be demands of a new economy.,9 What does one of Leinbachs neighbors mean when she wrote about the order of her shoes?,10 What does the subheading “Saving leads to spending mean?,The neighbors would prefer to order the shoes from machine-handling factories.,Saving will lead to spending which in turn will create newer, perhaps better jobs tomorrow.,Unit 2 Searching for Information,Unit 2 Searching for information,Additional questions for your understanding of Text 5,2 Scanning and skimming,1 What was the virtual end of farming in American history? Please explain the declining trend of farming workers in the US.,The biggest occupational displacement in American history was the virtual end of farming.,Declining,t,rend:,Around the time of the Revolution, about 90 percent of Americans were involved in farming. But as the agricultural industry grew, it needed fewer and fewer workers. The absolute number of people who worked at farming and ranching hit its peak in about 1910at around 11 or 12 millionand then the number dropped off rapidly. Today, agriculture provides fewer than two million jobs.,Additional questions for your understanding of Text 5,2 What is the example the writer gives to show that automation made products cheaper?,The example is: Around 1900 a pound of bread cost an American about half an hour of hard factory work; around 2000, a pound of fresher, more nutritious bread cost about five minutes of much easier work.,2 Scanning and skimming,Unit 2 Searching for information,Additional questions for your understanding of Text 5,3 What does the historical trend in American work suggest?,The historical trend in American work suggests some optimism that better jobs for humans are coming, but history also suggests that few trends move in the same direction for very long.,2 Scanning and skimming,Unit 2 Searching for information,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,5 c,10 i,1 e,2 h,3 a,4 g,6 b,7 j,8 f,9 d,2 Scanning and skimming,Unit 2 Searching for information,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,2 Scanning and skimming,1 electric power,(,自动化,) equipment,2,(,职业的,) disease,3 illegal,(,移民,),4 Music can,(,振奋,) your spirits.,5 result in substantial population,(,转移,),6 the,(,手工制作的,) furniture,7 He has,(,在牧场工作,) in the north for 20 years.,8 eat,(,有营养的,) food,9 be,(,卷入,) in the trouble,10 a new,(,装配,) line,11,(,屈服,) to the enemy,12 make,(,难以置信的,) progress,13 unrealistic,(,乐观,),14 in recent,(,暴徒,) violence,automation,occupational,immigrant,uplift,displacement,hand-crafted,ranched,nutritious,involved,assembly,yield,incredible,optimism,mob,Unit 2 Searching for information,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,2 Scanning and skimming,15 get,(,专业的,) help,16 the luggage should be,(,加上标签,),17 financial,(,分析员,),18 trade,(,盈余,),19 attack on pearl,(,海港,),20 a professional,(,专栏作家,),21 the,(,事实上的,) manager of the business,22 underestimate the strength of the,(,革命的,) forces,23 untie the,(,鞋带,) and take off your shoes,24 trying to,(,削弱,) his authority,25,(,交换,) furs for guns,26 a(n),(,可诉讼的,) case,27 raise the,(,恐惧,) of oil crisis,28,(,仔细翻看,) through her purse,29 He has got a(n),(,大量的,) of money.,professional,labelled,analyst,surplus,harbor,columnist,virtual,revolutionary,undercut,lace,barter,litigable,specter,sift,pot,Unit 2 Searching for information,Enhancing your academic language,Complete the paragraph,2 Scanning and skimming,Robots are playing,(,越来越重要的作用,) in our life. They replaced humans in the assistance of performing those repetitive and dangerous tasks,(,那些人类不愿做或不能做的事,) such as in outer space or at the bottom of the sea,(,以及诸如此类的事,) where humans could not survive the extreme environments. But the important role of robots does not,(,解决人类的担忧,).,(,问题提了出来,): Will robots control man?,increasingly important role,tasks humans prefer not to do,or are unable to do,and the like,settle mans worries,Some questions are raised,Unit 2 Searching for information,Enhancing your academic language,Translate the following sentences from Text 5 into Chinese.,1 最近在?纽约时报?上登载的一篇文章谈到了一种新计算机软件,该软件在瞬间就能通过数以千计的法律文件筛选并寻找到那些可诉讼的条款,这为律师们节省了在阅读文件上所花费的数百小时。,2,他们主要靠耕种来养活自己,然后再多种一些用以物品交易或卖一些盈余。,3 从事农业和畜牧业者的绝对数量大约在1910年时到达顶峰约有1,1001,200万,在此之后人数便急剧下降。,2 Scanning and skimming,Unit 2 Searching for information,Enhancing your academic language,Translate the following sentences from Text 5 into Chinese.,4,这个故事总结了美国几个世纪以来的工作经历,从失业工人的层面上讲是悲剧,但从全国劳动力的层面上讲是件好事。,5 人工智能是一种新的自动化技术吗?是一种削弱了曾经是20世纪末就业标志的脑力工作的技术吗?是一种只会消除更好的工作时机的技术吗?,2 Scanning and skimming,Unit 2 Searching for information,3 Identifying topic sentences for information,Two parts of a topic sentence,Task 1,Task 2,Task 3,Text 6,Game Theory,Unit 2 Searching for Information,3 Identifying topic sentences,for information,A topic sentence consists of two parts:,Modern technology,+,intrudes into modern mens fun,and relaxation,Nutritional deficiency,+,is a major problem of elderly,Americans,topic + a comment,Examples:,Unit 2 Searching for Information,3 Identifying topic sentences,for information,the definition of “hacker: Paragraph _,Which paragraphs will you read in detail if you want to,get the following information?,the ways to protect your computer from hackers:,Paragraph _,2,11,Unit 2 Searching for Information,3 Identifying topic sentences,for information,1,Game theory is the science of strategy. (Para. 1),Games are fundamentally different from decisions made,in a neutral environment. (Para. 3),The essence of a game is the interdependence of player,strategies. (Para. 4),A general principle for a player in a sequential-move,game is to look ahead and reason back. (Para. 5),Unit 2 Searching for Information,3 Identifying topic sentences,for information,In contrast to the linear chain of reasoning for sequential,games, a game with simultaneous moves involves a logical circle. (Para. 7),6,Another way to make threats credible is to employ the adventuresome strategy of brinkmanshipdeliberately creating a risk that if other players fail to act as one would like them to, the outcome will be bad for everyone. (Para. 1,7,),Unit 2 Searching for Information,3 Identifying topic sentences,for information,the definition of “game theory: Paragraph _,the general principles of a player: Paragraph _,the fundamentals of game theory: Paragraph _,1,5-10,12-19,Unit 2 Searching for Information,Unit 2 Searching for information,Additional questions for your understanding of Text 6,1 What does game theory attempt to do?,It attempts to determine mathematically and logically the actions that “players should take to secure the best outcomes for themselves in a wide array of “games.,3 Identifying topic sentences,for information,Additional questions for your understanding of Text 6,2 The writer mentions that “The essence of a game is the interdependence of player strategies. What are the two distinct types of strategic interdependence? Please explain.,Sequential and simultaneous. In the former the players move in sequence, each aware of the others previous actions. In the latter the players act at the same time, each ignorant of the others actions.,Unit 2 Searching for information,3 Identifying topic sentences,for information,Additional questions for your understanding of Text 6,3 In the case of “the prisoners dilemma, if suspect A confess, what should suspect B do to avoid especially harsh punishment?,Suspect B had better confess to avoid harsh punishment.,Unit 2 Searching for information,3 Identifying topic sentences,for information,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,5 h,10 g,1 d,2 f,3 i,4 b,6 c,7 a,8 e,9 j,Unit 2 Searching for information,3 Identifying topic sentences,for information,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,1 Some places are,(,有问题的,) for women traveling alone.,2 I have to make some,(,推测,).,3 go through what he calls a period of political,(,边缘政策,),4 She reminds us of the famous,(,格言,).,5 enjoy the,(,垄断,) of cigarette business,6 try to,(,隐藏,) his envy,7 If you want a(n),(,份额,) of the pay, youll have to do your fair share of the work.,8 They threatened him with a(n),(,诉讼,).,9 No difficulty can,(,阻止,) us from trying it again.,10 joint together for,(,相互的,) benefits,problematic,presumptions,brinkmanship,dictum,monopoly,conceal,share,lawsuit,deter,mutual,Unit 2 Searching for information,3 Identifying topic sentences,for information,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,11 If you are serious about our relationship, you should make,(,保证,).,12 promise never to,(,泄露,) his secret,13 a(n),(,有目的的,) decision and action,14,(,过得,) badly during those days,15 the,(,相互依赖,) between humans and nature,16 The troops were thoroughly,(,士气低落,) by this setback.,17 The children helped the old man,(,共同地,).,18 He,(,规定,) payment in advance.,19 The car is sold with a 12-month,(,担保,).,20 The benefits have,(,超过,) the risk.,21 Too much food will,(,引起,) sleepiness.,22 force applied,(,一致地,) over a surface,commitment,reveal,purposive,fare,interdependence,demoralized,collectively,stipulated,warranty,outweighed,induce,uniformly,Unit 2 Searching for information,3 Identifying topic sentences,for information,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,23 the (最正确的) method for improving speaking,practice,24 refuse to (成认) to his crime,25 Even the best quality rubber will (毁坏) with age.,26 Unless the employers (采取行动) quickly, there will,be a strike.,27 be faced with a(n) (两难境地),28 remain (中立的) in the war,29 (无法忍受的) temper and attitude,30 The right hand is (占优势的) in most people.,31 His statement doesnt (符合) with the facts.,32 the (结果) of the election,33 (吓退) the man off,34 It is a(n) (直线的) diagram.,optimal,confess,perish,dilemma,move,neutral,intolerable,dominant,square,bluff,outcome,linear,Unit 2 Searching for information,3 Identifying topic sentences,for information,Enhancing your academic language,Complete the paragraph,Few social situations can be modeled by a single interaction. The strategy one uses to,(,为自己得到最好的结果,) depends on his experience in previous interactions.,(,为了说明这一点,), the paper,(,尝试运用,) the example of a game. A player is likely to cooperate only if his opponent previously demonstrated willingness to cooperate,(,这个过程就导致了,) a relationship of mutual reciprocity.,(,这种例子还出现,) in other situations where social interaction occurs.,secure the best outcomes for himself,To illustrate the point,attempts to use,a process that leads to,Such an example also arises,Unit 2 Searching for information,3 Identifying topic sentences,for information,Enhancing your academic language,Translate the following sentences from Text 6 into Chinese.,1 就前者来说,玩家按照顺序移动,那么每个人都了解其他玩家之前的动作。就后者而言,玩家同时做出动作,那么不了解其他玩家的动作。,2 当一个人思考别人会如何反响的时候,他必须站在别人的角度,用和他们一样的思考方式进展思考;一个人不能将自己的推理强加在别人的身上。,3,尽管各位玩家同时做出动作,不知道其他玩家当前的动作,然而,每个玩家都必须明白其他玩家也和自己一样有同样的想法等等。,Unit 2 Searching for information,3 Identifying topic sentences,for information,Enhancing your academic language,Translate the following sentences from Text 6 into Chinese.,4 事实上,有众所周知不好的例子,如:“囚徒困境见下文,在这个游戏中如果每个人追求自我的最正确利益,那么所有玩家都会卷入一个糟糕的结局。,5,这种合作行为可通过反复玩这个游戏实现,因为这种由作弊暂时获得的利益会被由于合作破裂引起的长期的损失所压倒。,Unit 2 Searching for information,3 Identifying topic sentences,for information,4 Guessing word meaning,Guessing word meaning from context,Guessing word meaning through affixes and roots,Task 1,Text 7,Darkness on the Edge of the Universe,Task 2,Task 3,Text 8,How Nanotechnology Works,Unit 2 Searching for Information,4 Guessing word meaning,Guessing word meaning from context,Use restatement or synonym clues such as,in other words,that is,also known as, sometimes called,as,.,Use collocation knowledge to guess the meaning from the,neighboring words in the sentences.,Use antonym or contrast clues such as,but,however,unlike,in contrast,instead of,while,.,Use definition clues such as,is defined as, or an appositive,phrase.,Context clues can be used in different ways:,Unit 2 Searching for Information,4 Guessing word meaning,Guessing word meaning from context,Use explanation clues such as,because,as a result,consequently,.,Use example or anecdote clues such as,for example,such as,like,.,Context clues can be used in different ways:,Unit 2 Searching for Information,4 Guessing word meaning,2. immutable (Para.4, L2) 不变的,3. trampoline (Para.4, L4蹦床,弹床,4. malleable (Para.4, L5有弹性和延伸性的,5. stay put (Para.4, L7不动的,6. flew in the face (Para.5, L4敢于违抗,7. stalemate (Para.6, L2僵局,Context clues:,Please read the paragraphs and sentences containing these words.,Unit 2 Searching for Information,4 Guessing word meaning,8. repulsive (Para.6, L5排斥的,9. antigravity (Para.7, L2排斥力,10. exodus (Para.8, L3大批离开,11.supernovae (Para.11, L2由于爆炸而突然变亮的星,12. garner (Para.13, L5获得、得到,13. perplexing (Para.14, L5令人不解的,Context clues:,Please read the paragraphs and sentences containing these words.,Unit 2 Searching for Information,Unit 2 Searching for information,Additional questions for your understanding of Text 7,1 What did Einstein find about the space and time through his general theory of relativity?,Through his general theory of relativity, Einstein found that space, and time too, can bend, twist and warp, responding much as a trampoline does to a jumping child.,4 Guessing word meaning,Additional questions for your understanding of Text 7,2 What did Einstein call the space-filling energy?,Cosmological constant.,Unit 2 Searching for information,4 Guessing word meaning,Additional questions for your understanding of Text 7,3 If the dark energy doesnt degrade over time, then what will happen to the space?,The accelerated expansion of space will continue unabated, dragging away distant galaxies ever farther and ever faster.,Unit 2 Searching for information,4 Guessing word meaning,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,5 f,10 h,1 g,2 d,3 i,4 b,6 j,7 a,8 c,9 e,Unit 2 Searching for information,4 Guessing word meaning,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,1 amateur (天文学家),2 sign a(n) (合同) with the landlord,3 professional (奉献),4 theory of (进化),5 a(n) (踪迹) of evidence for the claim,6 have no (概念) of the law,7 (散发) light and heat,8 correct (错误的) data,9 be (插入) in the soil,10 climate (预报),11 (数量的) information on both costs and benefits,12 (扩大) domestic demand,13 be (准确地) the same,14 No one can (贬低) us except ourselves.,Unit 2 Searching for information,astronomer,contract,dedication,evolution,trace,conception,diffuse,erroneous,embedded,prediction,quantitative,expand,precisely,degrade,4 Guessing word meaning,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,15 a(n) (排斥的) force,16 goods in (运送),17 give us a(n) (洞察力) into the problems of education,18 (俘获) an escaped convict,19 (充分的) and necessary condition,20 a huge (分歧) between them,21 have a productive


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