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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Use of Comparison,形容词的比较级,一:,用法,用于两者(人或物)之间,表示“其中一个比另一更,”,或“较,”,,后面,通常,用连词,than,连结另一个比较的对象,其基本句型是:,主语谓语(系动词)形容词比较级,than,对比对象。,eg,: Jim is taller than Mike.,Mike is shorter than Jim.,Which goes faster, the bike or the car?,The car goes faster than the bike.,The bike goes fast.,Which flies higher,the plane or the bird?,The plane flies higher than the bird .,The bird flies high.,Which runs faster, the dog or the sheep?,The dog runs faster than the sheep.,The sheep runs fast.,Donald duck,Harry Potter,Which is,more,interesting?,Harry potter is,more,interesting,than,Donald duck.,Donald duck is interesting.,than,后面接代词时,一般要用主格,但在口语中也可以换成宾格。,eg,: He works more carefully than I (me).,他比我工作更细心。,(,3,)“比较级,+and+,比较级”表示,“越来越,”,eg,: He becomes fatter,and fatter.,他越来越胖了。,She is more and more athletic .,她越来越健壮了。,(,4,)“,The +,比较级,,,the +,比较级”表示“越,,越,”,eg,:,The busier he is ,the happier he feels.,他越忙就越高兴。,(,5,)形容词比较级前可加数词,表示“大(小),多少”“长(短),多少”,eg:He,is five years younger than me.,他比我小五岁。,(,6,)表示倍数时用,:times+,比较级,+than,eg:My,room is three times bigger than yours.,二,.,原级和比较级前面通常使用的修饰词:,(一)在原级前面通常使用,very, quite, too, much too, a little, as, so,等。,eg,: 1. The room is very big.,2. The person is quite clever.,3. Today is too hot.,4. He eats too much, so hes much too heavy.,在比较级前面使用的修饰词有:,even,(更,更加),,a little,(有点),,far/ much/ a lot,(更加,,的多),eg,: 1. Yesterday was,hot, but today is,even,hotter,.,2. Im a little,taller,than Mary.,3. This skirt is far/ much/ a lot,more beautiful,than,that one.,“比较”出来的英语,1. A friend is easier lost than found.,朋友易失不易得。,2. Enough is as good as a feast.,知足常乐。,3. Better to do well than to say well.,说得好不如干得好。,4. Better the last smile than the first laughter.,宁可最后微笑,不可首先狂喜。,5. Doing is better than saying.,会说不如会做。,6. Two heads are better than one.,两人智慧胜一人。,7. Good to begin well, better to end well.,善始好,善终更佳。,8. An eye finds more truth than two ears.,百闻不如一见,than,conj,.,(用于形容词,副词的比较级后)比,more,adv.,(,构成含有三个或三个以上音节的,大多数形容词及副词的比较级),(比, ,)更;更多的;更大的,If you have a chance to travel, where do like to,choose? And why?,2,. If this Sunday your classmates and you want to have a picnic , where would you like to go? And why?,形容词,的比较等级构成方式,:,1.,一般单音节,adj,的比较级多在原形上加,-,er,最高级加,-est.,多音节,adj,在原形前加,more,最高级加,most,Remember,原级,比较级,最高级,small,small,er,small,est,beautiful,more,beautiful,most,beautiful,popular,more,popular,most,popular,2.,辅音字母加,y,结尾时去,y,变,i,再加,er,eg,. friendly,friendl,ier,friendl,iest,3.,以不发音的,e,结尾时加,r/st,.,eg,. fine,fine,r,fine,st,4.,重读闭音节结尾的词,如末尾是一个辅音字母,双写这个辅音字母,再加,-,er/est.eg,. big,big,ger,bigg,est,5.,不规则,adj,的比较级与最高级如下,:,原级,比较级,最高级,good,better,best,bad,worse,worst,many/much,more,most,old,older/elder,oldest/oldest,little,less,least,


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