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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,冀教版九年级下,Lesson 57,Best Wishes,UNIT 10 Get Ready for the Future,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,5,11,12,答案呈现,13,14,15,wallet,owner,row,senior,remain,A,C,D,C,A,flies,memories,confidence,to take,using,提示,:,点击 进入习题,答案呈现,16,17,18,19,20,to stay in touch,junior high school,will get it back from,in the future,Good luck with,答案呈现,21,22,23,24,25,They wish me all the best,It is time for us to have a good rest,Will I have to put on my raincoat,It wont be easy to forget all my friends,I have great memories of the journey,答案呈现,36,37,38,D,D,B,26,27,28,D,B,C,29,30,C,A,31,32,33,C,B,D,34,35,A,C,.,根据句意及所给提示填空。,1. I found my,w,was lost when I wanted to buy something.,2. I am surprised that the,o,of 25 cats can even call each cats name.,3. Would you like to join us to,r,boats this weekend?,allet,wner,ow,4. The _(,高等的,) high school entrance exam is around the corner, but I havent got anything ready.,5. Though we are away from our family, our relationship will always,r,.,senior,emain,.,用所给单词的适当形式填空。,6. How time _(fly)! Three years has passed.,flies,7. I have great _(memory) of my childhood.,memories,8. (,荣德原创,) We Chinese have enough _ (confident) in overcoming all difficulties.,confidence,9. Be sure _ (take) an umbrella with you, dear.,to take,10. We can learn these new words by _ (use) the dictionary.,using,.,单项选择。,11. _ you do, dont miss this exhibition, for its so hard for me to get the tickets.,A. Whatever B. Whenever,C. Wherever D. However,A,12.【2020,淮安,】 Dina, a theme park will,be built,in our city next month.,_ good,news!,A. What a,B,. How a,C. What,D,.,How,C,13,. I want to improve my English _,so my father asks a foreigner to teach me English.,A. health,B,. licence,C. wealth,D,.,level,D,14,. _,you,a happy New Year, Dad and Mum! I _,you,can enjoy yourselves!,A. Hope; wish,B,. Hope; hope,C. Wish; hope,D,. Wish; wish,C,15.【2021,盐城,】China has done a great job of dealing with poverty(,贫困,)., _ . Were so proud of being Chinese.,A. Fantastic B. Dont mention it,C. I have no idea D. Good luck,A,.,从方框中选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空。,16. Encourage children _with nature. Because being close to nature is good for them.,stay in touch, in the future, good luck with,junior high school, get it back from,to stay in touch,17. Its said that the _ students will be allowed to choose some of the courses.,stay in touch, in the future, good luck with,junior high school, get it back from,junior high school,18. I lent some money to my friend last week and I _ him tomorrow.,stay in touch, in the future, good luck with,junior high school, get it back from,will get it back from,19. _ your interview, Lingling!,stay in touch, in the future, good luck with,junior high school, get it back from,Good luck with,20. Tom said he would like to be an English teacher _.,stay in touch, in the future, good luck with,junior high school, get it back from,in the future,.,连词成句。,21. the, wish, me, they, best, all,_.,They wish me all the best,22. time, is, for, it, rest, a, have, us, good, to,_.,It is time for us to have a good rest,23,. have, will, put, raincoat, I, to, on, my,_?,Will I have to put on my raincoat,24,. easy, wont, it , forget, friends, to, all, be, my,_.,It wont be easy to forget all my friends,25,. memories, great, have, journey, I, of, the,_,.,I have great memories of the journey,.,完形填空,【2021,石家庄裕华区模拟,】,。,My daughter saw a colorful rainbow the other day after a thunderstorm. She called me to _26 the window and see it as well.,26. A. slow down B. look for,C. break into D. look out of,D,Looking at it, I was amazed at its,_27. And,I also,_28,the first time I ever saw a rainbow as a,boy.,27,. A. value,B,. beauty,C. shape,D,. light,28,. A. chose,B,. liked,C. remembered,D,. enjoyed,B,C,I had been sitting in the house for an hour,waiting _29,for the rain to stop so I could go out and play.,It had,rained hard for long and I thought it would,never end,.,29,. A. lazily,B,. happily,C. impatiently,D,. bravely,C,When it finally did,_30,I rushed outside and,was attracted,by the beautiful sight of the rainbow across,the sky.,30,. A. stop,B,. change,C. remain,D,. keep,A,I had just recently heard of an old,_31.,It said,that there,was a,pot(,罐子,) of,gold at the end of a rainbow,. Excitedly, I started to run down the streets near my,house to,find the,treasure.,31,. A. letter,B,. saying,C. story,D,. diary,C,The faster I ran, though, the,more rainbow,began to,_32.,Finally, I found myself,running as,fast as I possibly could, but it was too late. By the time,I got,there, the rainbow and its pot of gold had gone,.,32,. A. grow,B,. disappear,C. show,D,. shine,B,Sadly, that wasnt the,_33,time I found,myself running,after the false treasure. Over the years, I ran,after the fame (,名声,),success and money and even,power that,I thought would bring me the happiness I,always wanted.,33,. A. first,B,. second,C. third,D,. last,D,None of them did, though. It took me a long,time to,find the true,_34,that doesnt disappear or run away,. The,true treasure is the love between people and it is,free to,all,.,34. A. treasure,B,. rainbow,C. pot,D,. gold,A,I welcomed the treasure into my heart and life,and shared,it with others as well. And the more love I,_35, the,more love I had in,me.,35. A. cared about,B,. took out,C. gave away,D,. came out,C,.,阅读理解。,36. Jacobs dream job is to be _.,A. a vet,B. an animator,C. an accountant,D. a mountain-climbing guide,请同学们看,点拨训练,第,54,页原文。,D,【,点拨,】,根据,Jacob,所在第二段中句子,Id like to be a mountain-climbing guide for several reasons.,可知答案。,37,. What is Annes main reason for her dream job?,A. The job is interesting.,B. The job is well paid.,C. She is good at numbers.,D. She likes to work by herself.,D,【,点拨,】,根据,Anne,所在第四段中句子,But the most important of all, accountants mostly work alone, and I like to work alone.,可知答案。,38,. What do the four students have in common?,A. They enjoy working outside.,B. They enjoy offering help to others.,C. They hope to meet fun people.,D. They hope to make a lot of money.,B,【,点拨,】,根据原文中句子,Number Two, I enjoy working outdoors and helping others.,、,I also enjoy helping animals and their owners feel better.,、,Im good at numbers, you know, and I also like helping people manage their money.,、,Id like to help people relax and enjoy their life.,可知答案。,


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