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Click to edit Master title,Click to edit Master text,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,LOGO,www.theme ,color,From group five,www.theme ,Task 1:Draw,The,Olympic Rings,(Pay attention to their colors),www.theme ,Culture Note (,文化点滴,),:,The colours of the interlinked Olympic rings were chosen by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) , to represent the union of the 5 continents , Australia , Africa , America , Asia and Europe and further signify the meeting of the worlds athletes at the Olympic Games.,国际奥委会选择五个相连的圆环作为其标志,并选择了相应的色彩。五个圆环代表五大洲:大洋洲、非洲、美洲、亚洲和欧洲。更深一层的意思是代表着全世界的运动员都聚集在奥林匹克运动会上,The five colours of the rings from left to right are blue, black and red across the top with yellow and green along the bottom , these colours may be found on most flags of the world.,五种颜色从左到右分别是:上方三个,蓝、黑、红,下方黄和绿。,这五种颜色都为各国国旗上的常见颜色。,www.theme ,The color of “black”,black-market 黑市,black-list 黑名单,black money 黑钱,匿报的非法收益,Black dog 沮丧,black-market goods 黑市商品,Black sheep害群之马,A black-letter day 倒霉的日子 Black and blue 青肿的,The color of “blue ”,Blue Monday(烦闷的星期一) Blue jacket(水手),Blue blood(贵族血统),Blue music(伤感的音乐),once in a blue moon(千载难逢),www.theme ,The color of “White,”,white lie (善意的谎言),white market (官方市场,),A white night (不眠之夜),white room (绝尘室, 最清洁的房屋),a white elephant (白象, 累赘物,无用之物),white coffee (加牛奶的咖啡),The color of “yellow,”,A yellow dog,忘恩负义之徒,yellow journalism 耸人听闻的报道,a yellow card 黄牌,www.theme ,The color of “green”,green hand (生手;新手),green house(温室),green room (演员休息室),green tea 绿茶,green card 绿卡,green light 绿灯,准许,允许,a green old age(老当益壮),green goods 新鲜货,www.theme ,Task 2:link,a,.in the red,b,.in the black,c,.a black day,d,.a white day,e,.a blue day,f,.green-eyed,g,.blue in the face,h,.black-hearted,i,.out of the blue,A.黒心肠的,B.盈利的,C.倒霉的一天,D.负债经营的,E.吉日,F.忧郁的一天,G.突如其来的,H.脸色发青,I.嫉妒的,www.theme ,Task,3,:,Choose,Test: the color of hate shows your character,Choose a color to see the most annoying character you hide,.Red,.Black,.Yellow,.Pink,.Green,.Blue,.Purple,.Brown,www.theme ,THE ANSWERS,A.Hate Red,You do not like others being too close to you .Maybe you would miss your love.Actually ,you are keen,on,hot love.Because of your contradictory personality,you would encounter many twists and turns,which also make you miss your chance of love.,www.theme ,THE ANSWERS,B.Hate Black,You hate being restricted by others.You,h,a,v,e confidence,in,your feelings.Especially,you strongly believe falling in love in the first sight,even if your target is not single.It is dangerous.,www.theme ,THE ANSWERS,C.Hate Yellow,You like impose (强加) your own thougt on others.Your beaus are generally similar to you or are ordinary people.You do not absolutely take interest in artists who are unforeseen(无法预知的).But you will be tired with the similar people for a long time .It is so contradictory.,www.theme ,THE ANSWERS,D.Hate Pink,You are not frank(坦率的)enough with love.You are particular about the other.You want them to be instill obedience(服服帖帖) in you.,www.theme ,THE ANSWERS,E.Hate Green,You are not willing to be adult and mature.You hope that the other would always pay attention to you and take care of you.You dont like to consider for others.You hurt your beaus finally.,www.theme ,THE ANSWERS,F.Hate Blue,You chase for someone who are complementary(互补的)to you.You believe the complementary can make your life wonderful.But if you find a more superior one,you will desert the last one .,www.theme ,THE ANSWERS,G.Hate Purple,You like to get the mastership (主控权)in love.It is not so much changing the others character as shaping their personality.You are overbearing(强势的)with love,which makes your beaus apart with you.However,your confidence makes you little sad.,www.theme ,THE ANSWERS,H,.,Hate Brown,You take the Laissez-faire attitude (放任的态度)in love。You like active and strong love.You have a good Good karma(人缘好),which makes your beaus restless.You stay with your beaus less time than your friends.So your target would apart with you finally.,www.theme ,Thank you very much!,www.theme ,


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