牛津深圳版七年级下册)Module 4 Colourful life Unit 7 Poems复习课件(共17张PPT)

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牛津深圳版七年级下册)Module 4 Colourful life Unit 7 Poems复习课件(共17张PPT)_第1页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Unit 7,Poems,关键词汇:,1.,太,.,以致于不能,. _,2.,上床睡觉,_,3.,比,.,更高,_,4.,建筑工地,_,5.,一片;一块,_,6.,对,.,感到担忧,_,7.,公交车站,_,8.,冲出去,_,9.,放下,_,too.to,go to bed,higher than,building site,a piece of,be worried about,bus stop,rush out,put down,关键词汇:,1.,一大群,_,2.,许多笑脸,_,3.,从,.,到,. _,4.,沿着街道,_,a crowd of,a million smiles,from. to.,along the streets,一、根据教材,P89,的课文内容,补全下面短文,每空一词,My dad does the same thing after work every day. He has a 1. _, eats dinner, then sits in his favourite chair and reads his book or 2._,_,.,After that, he goes to bed. Hes a boring man. But one day, I see him working on the building 3.,_, high up in the clouds. Hes walking on a 4.,_,piece of wood. He is a 5.,_,.,shower,newspaper,site,narrow,superman,The old man is,sitting at the newspaper 6.,_,near the bus stop. He is 7.,_,all the time. People 8.,_,out of the bus. They are 9.,_,to work without smiles. We need smiles in our city. Lets make a 10.,_,smiles!,stand,smiling,rush,hurrying,million,Read,more!,Dont smoke,!,Let,s go home!,Be,quiet, girls!,Imperatives,give orders or advice,postive and negative,What,beautiful,flowers,they,are,!,How,beautiful,the flowers,are,!,Exclamations,What,+(a/an)+,adj,.+,n.,+,subject,+,verb,+,!,How,+,adj./adv,.+,subject,+,verb,+,!,What,+(a/an)+,adj,.+,n.,+,subject,+,verb,+,!,多么有趣的一首诗啊!,What an interesting poem (it is) !,多么漂亮的花啊!,What beautiful flowers( they are)!,多么糟糕的天气呀!,What bad weather (it is)!,我们多么幸运啊!,How lucky (we are)!,时间过得真快呀!,How quickly (the time passed)!,星星多么明亮啊!,How bright (the stars are)!,How,+,adj./adv,.+,subject,+,verb,+,!,二、用,how,或,what,填空或用所给单词的适当形式填空,1,Jack won the first prize in the English competition. _excellent he is!,2,_,brave the woman is to save the boy from the danger of the earthquake!,3,_,an exciting match it is! Wonderful players and wonderful teams!,4,_,exciting news! We will listen to the music after the exam.,5,_,happy children!,How,How,What,What,What,6,_(stand) too close to North Americans. Give them more personal space.,7,Is there a No.2 bus stop near here?,Yes, there is.,_,(turn) left at the second crossing, and you will find it.,8,_,(talk). The baby is sleeping.,Im sorry.,9,If the green light isnt on,_,(wait) a minute.,10,_,(be) late for school again, Tim!,Sorry, I promise that I,_,(will).,Dont stand,wont,Turn,Dont talk,wait,Dont be,一、选择填空,( )1. ,_,talk in class, Jim!,Sorry, I,_,do it again.,A. Not; dont B. Dont; wont C. Not; wont,( )2. Lets,_,make so much noise here.,A. dont B. no C. not,( )3. ,_,your turn when the traffic light is red.,Youre right.,A. Wait B. Wait forC. Waiting for,第,3,课时,Grammar,B,C,B,( )4.,_, or youll fail the exam.,A. Studying hardB. Study hard,C. To study hard,( )5.,_,nice time the boys had playing football with the national team last Sunday!,A. WhatB. What aC. How,( )6.,_,bad weather it is! It has been raining for two weeks.,A. WhatB. What aC. How,B,B,A,( )7.,_,you have offered me! I am out of trouble now.,A. What valuable advice,B. What valuable suggestion,C. How useful suggestions,( )8.,_,useful dictionary for beginners of English! Where did you get it?,A. HowB. What a C. What an,A,B,( ) 9,. - _ day it is!,-Lets go out and enjoy the sunshine!,A. What a lovely B. How windy,C. What a rainy D. How wet,( )10,. _ delicious food my mother cooks every day!,A. What a B. What C. How,A,B,( ) 11,. What a funny person _! We all like walking with him.,A. is it B. is he,C. it is D. he is,( )12,. _ information he offered us! We all thank him!,A. What useful B. What useless,C. How useful D. How useless,D,A,( ) 13,. _ terrible weather we had last Sunday!,A. What B. What a C. Such D. How,( )14,. -Sorry for being late again.,- _ here on time next time, or youll be punished.,A. Be B. Being C. To be D. Been,A,A,( ),15,. Ssh! _ talk loudly. The baby is sleeping right now.,A. Do B. Does C. Dont D. Doesnt,( )16,. _ this kind of peach, and you will like it.,A. To try B. Trying C. Try D. Tried,( )17,. Jack, _, or you will get heavier.,A. doesnt play sports any more,B. doesnt eat so much meat,C. dont play sports any more,D. dont eat so much meat,C,C,D,


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