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专项十二单项选择,(,简单句,),外研安徽版九年级下,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,提示,:点击 进入习题,5,11,12,13,14,15,答案呈现,C,D,A,D,A,B,A,A,A,D,A,A,16,17,18,B,C,C,A,B,C,19,B,考点,1,疑问句,1,. 【2021,云南昆明,】A nice T-shirt!,_ is,it?,Its 50,yuan,.,A. How long,B,. How far,C. How much,D,. How old,C,2,. 【2021,江苏南京,】Millie,_ are,you reading?,Camel Xiangzi, by the famous Chinese writer, Lao She.,A. who B,. how,C,. where,D,.,what,D,3,. 【2021,江苏连云港,】,_,is the concert,going to,start?,Ive no idea. Why not check the ticket?,A. What time,B,. What about,C. How long,D,. How,often,A,4,. 【2021,江苏扬州,】 _,do,you play,basketball with,your friends?,Only once a week.,A. How long,B,. How much,C. How soon,D,. How often,D,5,. 【2021,湖北荆州,】,_ do,you usually,start doing,your homework?,Right after I finish dinner.,A. When B,. Where,C,. What,D,.,Why,A,6,. 【2021,福建,】 _,do,you play sports, Ella?, Every day. Its necessary for us to play sports,an hour,a day at school.,A. How much,B,. How often,C. How,long,B,7,. 【2021,黑龙江龙东,】 It is rude to ask,direct questions, _,?,Yes, but I think its OK to your close friends.,A. isnt it,B,. doesnt it,C,. does,it,A,8,. 【2021,黑龙江绥化,】There is plenty of,information about AI(,人工智能,) on,the website, _,?,A. isnt there,B,. isnt it,C,. is there,A,考点,2,感叹句,9,. 【2021,甘肃武威,】They have bought the,sick children,some toys and flowers.,So they have.,_ nice,of them!,A. How,B. What,C,. How a,D,. What a,A,10. 【2021,四川遂宁,】He has made many,friends since,he came here three weeks ago.,_ outgoing,boy he is!,A. How,a,B,. How,C,. What a,D,. What an,D,11,. 【2021,新疆,】Chinas womens soccer,team won,a ticket to the Tokyo Olympics.,Wow!,_ great,they are! We are,proud,_,them.,A. How; of,B,. How; in,C. What;,of,D. What;,in,A,12,. 【2021,云南,】Our class won the first,prize in,todays basketball match., _,exciting,news it is! Were all glad about it.,A. What B,. What an,C,. How,D,. How,an,A,13,. 【2021,海南,】 _,time,flies! Our middle,school life,is coming to an end.,A. How,B,. What,C,. What a,A,考点,3,倒装句,14,. 【2021,黑龙江绥化,】Only at that,time _ that,he was wrong.,A. he realized,B,. did he realize,C. he did realize,B,15,. 【2020,黑龙江绥化,】Will you go to,the movies,tomorrow?,If you dont go,_.,A. neither do I,B,. neither wont I,C. neither will,I,C,16,. 【,中考,甘肃天水,】 Peter has made,great progress,in English recently., _,.,He has been studying so hard these days.,A. So have he,B,. So he has,C. So he have,D,. So has he,B,考点,4,祈使句,17,. 【2021,黑龙江绥化,】,_ it,over, and you,will be,able to work out the problem.,A. Thinking,B,. To think,C,. Think,C,考点,5 there be,句型,18,. 【2021,新疆,】There,_ an,English show this weekend. Shall we go and watch it?,A. are going to be,B,. was,C. will,be,D. were,C,19. 【2021,四川乐山,】There,_ a basketball game,against Class Two this Sunday.,I see. I will come and cheer you on.,A. will have,B,. is going to be,C. is going to have,B,


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