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阅读能力提升练,Unit 3 The environment,牛津沪教版九年级下,答案呈现,6,7,8,C,A,9,10,B,11,12,13,C,A,14,B,C,D,C,1,2,3,B,A,4,5,B,C,B,提示,:点击 进入习题,15,B,答案呈现,16,17,18,F,E,19,C,20,A,B,21,22,23,pollution,see,24,25,to rest,stars,good,26,27,28,how,towards,29,30,small,stop,up,一、完形填空。,【2020,岳阳,】,Many people are playing a role in saving the earth,on Earth,Day. Earth Day is on April 22nd. Lots of people,all over,the world try to do something,1,_,on this day.,1. A. harmful,B,. green,C,.,bad,B,In China, people are expected to keep lights off for one hour at night. People dont use 2 _ in Italy.,2. A. recycled books,B,. reusable bags,C. plastic,bags,C,People dress up like 3 _ and animals to dance in Times Square, New York,(,纽约,时代,广场,) .,3. A. plants,B,. emperors,C,.,trucks,A,On that day, people can see many posters about protecting 4 _ animals in Canada and Norway,(,挪威,) .,4. A. delicious,B,. wild,C,.,magic,B,After reading them, people are supposed to avoid 5 _ things made of animals, such as ivory,(,象牙,),and shark fins,.,5. A. building,B,. buying,C,.,improving,B,The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) has made a list of 6 _ things that each person can do to save the environment.,6. A. three B. four C. five,【,点拨,】,根据下文可知是,5,条建议。故选,C,。,C, 7 _ the lights when you leave a room., Dont leave the tap running., Not turning on your computer every night.,7. A. Turn on B. Turn off C. Turn up,B,【,点拨,】,turn on,打开;,turn off,关闭;,turn up,调高。很明显,“当你离开房间时要关上灯。”,这是保护环境的一种行为。故选,B,。, Wash your clothes in warm or 8 _ water, not hot water., Use as little water as you can when you do the dishes.,8. A. cold B. dirty C. dangerous,A,【,点拨,】,cold,冷的;,dirty,脏的;,dangerous,危险的。根据句中的,warm,及,hot,可推知,此空选,A,。,Some environmental protection groups believe that humans will 9 _ the true spirit of Earth Day and try 10 _best to protect the earth. Small actions can make a difference and lead to a better future.,9. A. change B. finish C. understand,10. A. its B. their C. his,【,点拨,】,change,改变;,finish,完成;,understand,明白,理解。前文大量提到了人们为保护环境所付出的行动,所以此句应表示“人们将会明白地球日的真正精神,并尽自己最大努力去保护地球。”故选,C,。,C,【,点拨,】,根据句子的主语,humans,可知,与其对应的形容词性物主代词是,their,。故选,B,。,B,二、阅读理解。,【2020,青岛,】,11,. Which of the following best explains “,boosting” in,Paragraph 1?,A. Building.,B,. Spreading.,C. Helping.,D,. Creating,.,请同学们看,点拨训练,第,34,页原文。,C,【,点拨,】,由文章第三段“,Some scientists from the University of Exeter already said the beavers helped the wildlife in the area. ”,可知河狸是对野生动物和环境有帮助的。因此,boosting,的含义接近于,helping,的含义。故选,C,。,12. The government wanted a trial first because they wanted to_ .,A. grow more plants along the river,B. build dams for the beavers in the wild,C. introduce the beavers to the wild,D. see if the beavers could be reintroduced to the,wild,【,点拨,】,由文章第三段“,In 2015, the government allowed the beavers to stay there as part of a trial(,试验,). They wanted to see if these animals could be reintroduced to the wild. ”,可知政府想要看是否这些动物能够重回大自然。故选,D,。,D,13. What are the good things about wild beavers living on the river Otter?,A. They help plants grow and make flooding less.,B. They bring heavy rain and floods.,C. They gnaw on trees and harm them.,D. Their dams create floods on peoples land,.,A,【,点拨,】,由文章第四段可知它们能够使植物生长,水灾减少。故选,A,。,14. How many kinds of animals are mentioned in the news story which have been reintroduced to the wild?,A. One.,B,. Two.,C,. Three.,D,. Four,.,【,点拨,】,由文章第六段,可知共是三种动物,分别是,beavers, red squirrels,和,the Madagascar pochard,。故选,C,。,C,15. How do you think animal lovers feel about the news?,A. Embarrassed.,B,. Pleased.,C. Tired.,D,. Sad.,【,点拨,】,根据原文句子,Wild beavers,(河狸),are back! Experts say that the wild beaver families are doing well. The beavers are even boosting wildlife and the environment!,可知答案。,B,三、阅读还原。,根据短文内容,从短文后的选项,中,选出,能填入空白处的,最佳,选项。其中,有,两,项为多余选项,。,Global warming is a big problem that we have to,stop. One,of the best things we do is to plant more trees.,Trees can,take in CO2 in the air and stop global warming.,16_,F,A. More than 55 million trees have been planted in this way.,B. The Chinese public has also joined in these activities recently.,C. And China was responsible for 25% of that gain, according to the study.,D. However, people there can produce vegetables without any difficulty now.,E. But now, China has turned the area into the countrys largest man-made forest.,F. According to a news report, China is doing a great job of “greening” the world.,G. Some people cut down many trees for money.,A team of scientists at Boston University has been working with NASA to study Earths green vegetation,(,植被,) . They used a special NASA camera and found that the global leaf area had increased by 5 percent since the early 2000s. 17 _Thats about one-quarter of the size of the entire Amazon rainforest.,C,A. More than 55 million trees have been planted in this way.,B. The Chinese public has also joined in these activities recently.,C. And China was responsible for 25% of that gain, according to the study.,D. However, people there can produce vegetables without any difficulty now.,E. But now, China has turned the area into the countrys largest man-made forest.,F. According to a news report, China is doing a great job of “greening” the world.,G. Some people cut down many trees for money.,“The growth mainly came from Chinas forest protection programs,” NASA said. For example, since 1962, China has been planting trees in Saihanba, Hebei Province. It was once a desert. 18 _,E,A. More than 55 million trees have been planted in this way.,B. The Chinese public has also joined in these activities recently.,C. And China was responsible for 25% of that gain, according to the study.,D. However, people there can produce vegetables without any difficulty now.,E. But now, China has turned the area into the countrys largest man-made forest.,F. According to a news report, China is doing a great job of “greening” the world.,G. Some people cut down many trees for money.,19 _ Ant Forest, a feature in the Alipay app, gives users points for doing eco-friendly things such as walking and going paperless in the office. Users can then use these points to water and grow their own virtual,(,虚拟的,) trees. When the virtual trees are big enough, Ant Forest will plant real trees somewhere in the world. 20 _,B,A,A. More than 55 million trees have been planted in this way.,B. The Chinese public has also joined in these activities recently.,C. And China was responsible for 25% of that gain, according to the study.,D. However, people there can produce vegetables without any difficulty now.,E. But now, China has turned the area into the countrys largest man-made forest.,F. According to a news report, China is doing a great job of “greening” the world.,G. Some people cut down many trees for money.,四、短文填空。,【2020,江西改编,】,阅读短文,从方框中选出适当的单词填入文中空白处,。,Look up at the sky at night. What can you see?,Before electric,lights, people could often see about 2,500,different stars,. Now, light fills the skies over our cities.,star, good, rest, up, how, pollution,stop, small, see, towards,This is called light 21 _ . Because of it, people in cities can often only see about ten 22 _!,star, good, rest, up, how, pollution,stop, small, see, towards,pollution,stars,Most of the time, light helps us. We can 23 _ because of it. It gives plants energy. But light isnt always 24 _ . We need times of dark 25 _. One hundred years ago, we had those times of dark.,star, good, rest, up, how, pollution,stop, small, see, towards,see,good,to rest,Now the night is like day. Some scientists are worried about 26 _ this light affects,(,影响,) our health. These scientists are studying the affects of light pollution.,star, good, rest, up, how, pollution,stop, small, see, towards,how,Other scientists are finding ways to 27 _ light pollution and make our lives better. For example, many street lights now have covers. The covers focus the light 28 _ the ground.,star, good, rest, up, how, pollution,stop, small, see, towards,stop,towards,They stop the light from going 29 _ into the sky. They also save energy. The covers are a 30 _ change, but they can still have a positive,(,正面的,) effect.,star, good, rest, up, how, pollution,stop, small, see, towards,up,small,


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