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课时,5 Writing,牛津沪教版八年级下,Unit 6 Pets,本单元的话题为“宠物”,题材一般是议论文。论述哪种动物最适合作为宠物饲养。写作时要明确议论文的基本结构,即:提出观点、论证观点、总结观点。论证观点时可以摆事实、讲道理,论证过程中可使用一些连接词来体现条理性。,牛津沪教版八年级下,patient, cost, alive, responsibility,单 词:,keep as my pet, make sb. feel pleased, take care of,in addition / whats more / besides, for these reasons,短 语:,1. I would like to keep goldfish as my pets.,2. Goldfish look very beautiful because they have beautiful colours.,3. Goldfish eat less, and their food is very cheap.,4. It is difficult to keep goldfish alive. I need to take care of them carefully.,5. It can develop my sense of responsibility.,句 型:,许多人喜欢养宠物,那么同学们喜欢养的宠物又是什么呢?请根据下面提示,写一篇英语作文,,80,词左右,可适当发挥。,提示:,1.,我喜欢养金鱼,金鱼看起来很美丽;,2.,金鱼吃得非常少,它们的食物很便宜,花费少;,3.,金鱼虽然难养,需要细心的照顾,但是这可以培养责任感。,1.,体裁,:议论文,2.,人称,: 论述与个人有关的事物要用第一人称,3.,时态,:表达个人观点要用一般现在时,【,审题指导,】,【,思路构建,】,金鱼,外表,look very beautiful, make me feel pleased,饮食,eat less, cost me less money,饲养方式,difficult to keep goldfish alive, take care of them carefully,be patient enough, develop my sense of responsibility,I would like to keep goldfish as my pets. Firstly, goldfish look very beautiful because they have beautiful colours. If I keep goldfish, they will make me feel pleased. Secondly, goldfish eat less, and their food is very cheap. They cost me less money. Thirdly, it is difficult to keep goldfish alive. If I keep them, I need to take care of them,【,范文赏析,】,carefully. In addition, I have to be patient enough. It can develop my sense of responsibility. For these reasons, I enjoy keeping goldfish and I believe that goldfish make the best pets.,点评:短文是议论文体裁。短文描述详略得当,条理清晰。短语,make sb. feel pleased; take care of; in addition,和句型,I would like to keep . as my pets,;,It is difficult to keep . alive,;,I need to take care of them carefully.,的使用,让文章有了高分的亮点。,班里最近开展“最佳宠物”的话题讨论,你认为养兔子最好。请根据提示写一篇,80,词左右的英语短文来阐述你的观点。标题和开头已给出,不计入总词数。,提示:,1.,兔子很可爱,抱在怀里很舒服。,2.,兔子很爱干净,个性温和,不会吠叫和伤人。,3.,兔子很聪明,会用肢体语言表达喜怒哀乐等情感。,4.,兔子体型小,不占空间,基本需求花费也不高。,Rabbits make the best pets,In my opinion, rabbits make the best pets.,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,Rabbits make the best pets,In my opinion, rabbits make the best pets.,Firstly, rabbits are lovely. Its pleasant to hold them in our arms. Secondly, rabbits are clean. They are also very gentle. Some pets like dogs may bark loudly or hurt people. But rabbits wont. They are quiet. Thirdly, rabbits are clever. They can show their feelings by using their,body,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,language. Finally, rabbits are little and they wont take up much space. They are not expensive to keep, either.,For these reasons, I believe that rabbits make the best,pets.,


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