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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Units 1,10,(120,分钟,120,分,),第卷(共65分),. 单项选择(15分),1. This is _ abacus. Its _ useful invention.,A. a; a B. an; an C. a; an D. an; a,【解析】选D。以元音音素开头的单词前面冠词用an; 以辅音音素开头的单词前面冠词用a, 由此得知选D。,2. He _ sleep late, but now he _ getting up early.,A. used to; used toB. used to; is used to,C. is used to; used toD. is used to; is used to,【解析】选B。句意:他过去常常睡懒觉,但是现在他习惯于早起床了。used to “过去常常”,be used to“习惯于”。,3. The accident happened _ a cold winter day last year.,A. to B. on C. in D. at,【解析】选B。happen to“发生”,后常接人作宾语,故A不合题意;在表达时间时,on后跟具体的某一天,in后接年、月、季节等,at后跟具体的某一时刻,故选B。,4. The doctors are busy doing what they can _ the dying man.,A. saving B. save C. to save D. saves,【解析】选C 。本题考查动词不定式的用法。what they can是doing的宾语,to save the dying man “为了救这个垂死的人”,不定式表示目的。,5. Mr. Brown is a kind man. He is always trying to _ people in trouble.,A. help upB. help with,C. help toD. help out,【解析】选D。句意:布朗先生是一个善良的人。他总是努力去帮助身处在困境的中的人。help out sb. 帮某人摆脱困境。,6. I was _ busy writing a book _ I forgot to look at the time.,A. so; thatB. such; that,C. quite; thatD. too; to,【解析】选A。so. . . that. . . 如此以至于,结果状语从句,so 后面加形容词或副词。,7. My watch doesnt work. I must have it _ .,A. repaired B. repairs C. repair D. repairing,【解析】选A。考查句型: have sth. done “让别人来做某事” 。,8. Where is Mr. Wang?,He _ be in his office. The office light is on.,A. can B. need C. would D. must,【解析】选D。must 表肯定的推测。,9. Old people must _ .,A. be spoken to politelyB. speak to polite,C. be spoken politelyD. speak polite,【解析】选A。主语 old people 和speak为被动关系,使用被动语态,speak to old people 和老年人说话, to 不能省,故选A。,10. Do you know the girl _ is standing under the tree?,She is my little sister.,A. who B. whom C. whose D. which,【解析】选A。修饰人的定语从句,关系代词用who。,11. _ people come to visit Shandong every year.,A. Millions ofB. Millions,C. Ten millionsD. Ten millions of,【解析】选A。million前有具体数字修饰时,后不加“s”也不和“of”连用;若其前没有具体数字修饰时,其后加“s”,常和of连用,修饰可数名词复数。,12. The shoes are nice on you. Why not take them?,Its a pity. I have _ money today.,A. taken away B. run out of,C. put offD. given up,【解析】选B。由于花光了钱,所以无法购买,备选项中 taken away 拿走;run out of 花光;put off推迟;given up 放弃,所以选择答案B。,13. The information _ two days ago.,A. announcedB. was announced,C. were announcingD. will announce,【解析】选B。本题考查被动语态,消息是动词“announce发表”的承受着,所以要用被动语态,又因为two days ago是过去时间,所以选B。,14. Many children like to dress up _ ghosts on Halloween.,A. in B. to C. as D. for,【解析】选C。本题主要考查词组 dress up as “装扮成”的用法,所以选C。,15. By 9:00 last night, we _ the work.,A. were finishingB. have finished,C. finishedD. had finished,【解析】选D。本题考查过去完成时,过去完成时表示发生在过去的某一动作之前的动作,by+过去时间是该时态的标志。所以选D。,. 完形填空(15分),Kevin Durant is only 19 years old,he likes soccer, but he prefers,1,basketball. Many fans,2,him as,the next NBA story.,3,a child, Kevin was a famous,4,player. He always found he could have a,5,for us on the court. “I am going to be a good player, ” little Kevin thought. Yes, he was right. He,6,many national championships with his youth basketball team.,7,he entered high school, Kevin became stronger and played even,8,. He took his team to keep,9,many,10,. Soon, he,11,a high school basketball star.,12,2007, Kevin wanted to leave,13,after his first year in college to play on the NBA. And later he became a team member of the Seattle Supersonics. Kevin is a(n),14,hand in the NBA.,15,people began to see him as a future NBA star.,1. A. play B. plays C. playing D. to play,【解析】选C。考查动词。题意为“他更喜欢打篮球。”prefer doing sth. 意为“更喜欢做”。,2. A. looked B. knew C. discussed D. regarded,【解析】选D。考查动词。regard sb. as. . . 意为“把某人看作是”。,3. A. For B. As C. To D. Like,【解析】选B。考查介词。由句意“当凯文是孩子的时候,凯文就是一名出名的篮球运动员。”as表示“作为”。,4. A. basketballB. soccer,C. baseballD. volleyball,【解析】选A。考查名词。由上文可知,凯文杜兰特是一位很有名的篮球运动员。,5. A. chance B. surprise C. ticket D. cold,【解析】选B。考查名词。“他总会发现他可以在球场上给人们带来奇迹。”,6. A. lost B. failed C. won D. invented,【解析】选C。考查动词。凯文杜兰特带领他的年轻球队曾经赢过许多比赛。,7. A. Before B. After C. Until D. When,【解析】选D。考查连词。When表示“当的时候”,表示前后动作几乎同时发生。,8. A. badly B. worse C. well D. better,【解析】选D。考查形容词。even后加形容词的比较级。,9. A. win B. to win C. winning D. won,【解析】选C。考查keep的用法。keep doing sth. 意为“不停地做某事”。,10. A. flowers B. medals C. teams D. fans,【解析】选B。考查名词。凯文杜兰特带领他的球队赢得过许多的金牌。,11. A. made B. got C. became D. met,【解析】选C。考查动词。句意为“不久,他成为了高中一名篮球明星。”became意为“成为”。,12. A. On B. In C. At D. Since,【解析】选B。考查介词。年份前用介词in。,13. A. school B. home C. club D. America,【解析】选A。考查名词。上文中提到“他是高校的球星”,由此可知是离校(leave school)。,14. A. old B. new C. young D. long,【解析】选B。考查形容词。凯文杜兰特加入超音速队,成为NBA的新秀力量。,15. A. So B. Because C. But D. However,【解析】选C。考查连词。虽然他是NBA的新秀,但是人们开始把他看作是NBA未来的一名明星。故选C,表示转折。,. 阅读理解(15分),(A),I used to be the best runner in my neighborhood. I even used to beat all the boys every time. Those boys sure would get mad, mostly because Im a girl. They just didnt think girls were as good as boys.,But all that was before the accident.,Now I cant run. Ill never be able to run again. The only thing I hear now on the running track is the rubber on the,wheels of my wheelchair. Sometimes when I think about it, I get sad inside. When Im alone in my room sometimes I even cry.,Its not fair! Why should I have to be in this wheelchair all my life when all my friends are running all over the place, especially when Im the best runner?,Or I used to be, anyway.,But do you know what gets me mad the most? Those people who dont even know me and see me and talk like Im not even there. They call me poor and sick and sad and shake their headsright in front of me, as if I couldnt understand.,I love it when my friends are around! Thats when theyll take my chair and we go racing down the street. We laugh and make all kinds of noise. And people call us troublemakers and bratty (讨厌的;不服从的) kids. But Ill tell you, Id rather be called a bratty kid than a poor sick baby!,I mean, sure Im mad that I cant run anymore. And sure it makes me sad when other kids race but I cant. But Im not going to cry about it foreverand Im not sick or helpless!,You know, when Dad first told me to be brave and try to find something else I could be good at besides running, I used to wish he would just go away and leave me alone.,But that was before I started playing chess. I finally beat him for the first time last night. Before, I never thought of playing something like chessI thought it was something just for sissies (胆小鬼;女人气的男人) but now I think its not that bad.,Before my accident, I used to be good at lots of things and I never really thought about it that much. But with chess, I really have to think about it a bit and practice and try. Actually, now I have to practice lots of things that used to be so simple for me.,But sometimes it makes it even better to do those things now, even though they are more difficult. The first day I got dressed by myself, with hardly any help, it felt just as good as the day I beat Tommy in a race. You know, maybe it even felt,better! Beating Tom was easyI didnt even have to try that much. But getting dressed took a lot of work. I practiced really hard, and I finally did it all by myself.,Even though it wasnt a race, I felt like I won.,1. Who is “I” in the story?,A. A good runner. B. A healthy girl.,C. A girl in wheelchair. D. A bratty boy.,【解析】选C。从文章的第一段“. . . because Im a girl. . . ”可以知道文中的“我”是个女孩;从文章的第四段中“. . . I have to be in this wheelchair all my life . . . ”可以看出,文中的“我”不得不坐着轮椅生活。所以应选C项。,2. Why cant the girl run any more?,A. She got sick. B. She had an accident.,C. She felt helpless. D. Other boys beat her.,【解析】选B。文章的第一段讲到“我”曾经比男孩们跑得都快,第二段接着说明“那些事情都是在发生事故之前了(But all that was before the accident. )”。由此可推断,现在这个女孩不能再跑的原因是由于一次事故,所以选B项。,3. How did the girl feel after the accident?,A. Sick. B. Sad. C. Helpless. D. Weak.,【解析】选B。从文章第三段中“Sometimes when I think about it, I get sad inside. ”可以看出,女孩在事故之后的心情是很伤感的,所以选B项。,4. How did the girl feel when people called her poor sick kid?,A. Angry. B. Lonely. C. Pleased. D. Poor.,【解析】选A。 文章的第六段主要谈到人们用异样的目光看她、同情她时,她的感受。这一段开始提出“But do you know what gets me mad the most? ”,其中的mad和angry是近义词,都表示“气愤;生气”。,5. The girl felt better now because of all of the following EXCEPT that_.,A. She got dressed by herself,B. She won his father in chess,C. She could beat the boys in running again,D. She could do a lot of simple things by herself,【解析】选C。这是一道综合理解题。首先要理解好题目要求,题目是让选出哪个选项不是女孩现在心情变好的原因。文章倒数第二段谈到其学独立穿衣的经历(A项),第十段谈到下棋赢了父亲(B项),十一段中谈到女孩通过大量练习,才学会做一些原来看似很简单的事情(D项)。惟有C项是文中没有提到的。,(B),Qiao is a sixth-grader at a Primary,School. He is only 12 years old but has,been smoking for three years.,Liu, 15, is a Junior 2 student at a,middle school. He began smoking four years ago. “Smoking is part of my life, ” Liu said.,Qiao and Liu are not those boys real names. But their problem, smoking, is a very real problem. In many countries, smoking is becoming a bigger problem for young people. Most smokers start in their teens(years of a persons age from 13 to 19)or earlier.,A study of 8, 000 Beijing students last May told us that smoking is a problem for many Chinese kids. More than 21% of middle school students and 6% of primary school pupils said they smoked.,“If young people start smoking early, they will probably get addicted to nicotine(尼古丁). And it will be very hard to give up later on. ”said a professor.,Every year, about four million people die because of smoking. And if people keep smoking, that number will go up to about 10 million a year by 2030, the World Health Organization(WHO)says. So we have to learn and tell others about the dangers of smoking.,6. The sentence “Smoking is part of my life. ” probably means “ _ ”.,A. I dont smoke very often,B. Smoking is very important to me,C. I dont smoke at all,D. Im going to give up smoking,【解析】选B。由上下文语境可知该句的含义是“吸烟对我很重要”。,7. What will probably happen if a person starts smoking early?,A. He will surely die early.,B. He cannot stop smoking.,C. It will be difficult for him to give up smoking.,D. He will become lazy soon.,【解析】选C。由短文第五段And it will be very hard to give up later on可知C项正确。,8. The main idea of this passage is that _ .,A. smoking is becoming a bigger problem for young people,B. many people die because of smoking every year,C. WHO asks young people to give up smoking,D. nicotine makes people addicted,【解析】选A。通读全文可知短文主要讲述吸烟对青少年的危害。,9. As middle school students, what should we do from now on?,A. We should start smoking after middle school.,B. We should ask others to smoke outside.,C. We should laugh at smokers.,D. We should say no to smoking.,【解析】选D。短文主要通过讲述吸烟的危害,劝诫青少年不要吸烟。,10. The phrase get addicted to in Paragraph 5 means _ in Chinese.,A. 放弃 B. 喜欢 C. 上瘾 D. 抗拒,【解析】选C。由下文“And it will be very hard to give up later on”可知C项符合语境。,(C),The husband-and-wife team of Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo is the hottest on ice. They just won the gold medal at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, Canada.,The couple were together as skating partners seventeen years ago. After fifteen years of working together, Zhao asked Shen to marry him. At the end of their winning performance in Tokyo in 2007, Zhao got down on his knee and proposed to Shen.,Over the years, the hot couple have won many competitions, including three world figure skating championships. They have also won bronze medals at two Olympic Games. In recent years, injuries have kept Zhao and Shen out of the spotlight. But they have never stopped working. Their dream is to finally win an Olympic gold medal.,Winning the gold medal would be wonderful but just watching this hot couple perform will make your heart melt.,11. The couple have been married for _ years.,A. two B. over three C. four D. five,【解析】选B。细节理解题。由第二自然段可知,他们是在2007年结婚,距离现在应该有两年多的时间。,12. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?,A. They get along very well in the game.,B. Their dream is to win a gold medal at the Winter Olympics.,C. They have been partners for seventeen years.,D. They are getting ready for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Canada.,【解析】选B。比较判断题。由该句:“Their dream is to finally win an Olympic gold medal. ”可知,他们在为奥运会金牌而战。,13. What does the underlined word “training” mean?,A. 火车 B. 准备 C. 训练 D. 期待,【解析】选C。猜测词义题。题干中说“为了获得2010年温哥华冬季奥林匹克运动会的金牌”,故可推知be in training意为“在接受训练”。,14. From the passage we can conclude (推断) that the couple _ .,A. have stopped training,B. have already won the Olympic gold medals,C. havent won a lot of competitions these years,D. are one of the most famous skaters around the world,【解析】选D。比较判断题。由第一段首句讲述“他们在溜冰赛场是最热门的运动员”可知。,15. Whats the best title of this passage?,A. The Hottest Couple on Ice.,B. The Couples Dream.,C. Never Give up.,D. How to Perform on Ice?,【解析】选A。主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了申雪和赵宏博这对“冰上鸳鸯”的强势表现。,第卷(共55分),. 任务型阅读(10分),Do you like to wear the same old school uniforma tracksuit every day? Most of the students say, “ No, I dont. ”,(1) Lots of people think it is necessary to design different styles of school uniforms for students. This Saturday, there is a school uniform show in Beijing Sunshine School. Students try on more than 60 new kinds of clothes. There are many new styles at the show. Please look at the three pictures.,They all look good. They are made of cotton. It is also comfortable to wear them in summer. And they will be good for a long time.,Look at Picture and Picture . The boys uniforms are suits and the girls are skirts. Students like those two styles best. One of the students says, “ The new styles look modern. They make us feel like gentlemen. I must look good all the time. And I have to be polite. ” “The new school unforms are fun. They make us look cool. They look clear. ” Says Wang Jie.,How about new tracksuits? Look at Picture .,(2) They are quite different from the old school uniforms. They are made of cotton. Some students think they are more colorful and comfortable than before.,(3) Which style do you like best? Can you tell me?,1. 将划线句子(1)翻译为汉语。,_,2. 根据短文内容填空:(答案不惟一),Students like the new school uniforms because they _ _ and_ .,答案:,1. 很多人认为为学生设计不同款式的校服很有必要。,2. look modern, make people feel like gentlemen, are made of cotton, are more colorful; comfortable than before等多个答案都符合要求,体现了答案的多样性和开放性。,3. 写出划线句子(2)的同义句。,_,4. 将划线句子(3)合并为一句。,Can you tell me _?,5. 写出本文的题目(8词以内),_,答案:,3. They are not the same as the old school uniforms.,4. which style you like best?,5. New Style School Uniforms!,. 词汇运用(10分),()根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(5分),1. The little boy hurt his f_ , so he couldnt write.,2. There are 50 people in the room i_ 12 children.,3. She is too young to d_ with such pressure.,4. My father k_ into a tree yesterday because of the dark.,5. I cant i_ life without the children now.,答案:,1. fingers 2. including 3. deal 4. knocked,5. imagine,()用所给词的适当形式填空(5分),6. Some of the students were so _ (sleep) that they couldnt open their eyes.,7. It was _ (report) that Michael Jackson left the world on June 25, 2009.,8. Are there any further _ (develop) in your study?,9. Your old books are very _ (help) to me.,10. Can you find the answer _ (easy)?,答案:,6. sleepy 7. reported 8. developments,9. helpful 10. easily,. 完成句子(5分),1. 当其他学生嘲笑他时, 他感到很尴尬。,He_ _ when the other students laughed at him.,2. 应该允许青少年参加小组学习。,Teenagers should _ _ to study in a group.,3. 过去这个花园里春天有许多的花。,There _ _ _ many flowers in the park in spring.,答案:,1. felt embarrassed 2. be allowed 3. used to be,4. 我昨晚熬夜了。,我也是。,I _ _ last night., _ _ _ .,5. 他提出的那个计划对我们很重要。,The plan that he _ _ _ _ is very important for us.,答案:,4. stayed up; So did I 5. has come up with,. 补全对话(10分),用适当的句子填空,使对话内容通顺、完整。,A:There will be a charity show tomorrow.,B:,1,?,A:It will be held at Center Park.,B:,2,?,A:Yes, of course. There are many things you can do. You can sing to raise money for the blind.,B:,3, but I cant sing well.,A:Maybe you could bring some food for the poor people tomorrow.,B:Thats easy. Ill ask my mom to help.,4,?,A:Im going to draw pictures and sell them to raise money for the disabled people.,B:Ive got an idea! I could help sell your pictures.,A:Sounds great. Lets meet at 8:00 am tomorrow.,B:OK.,5,?,A:At the post office. Then well go to the park by bike together.,B:OK. See you then.,答案:,1. Where will it be held,2. Is there anything I can do,3. Thats a good idea,4. What are you going to do,5. Where will we meet,. 用所给动词的适当形式填空(10分),Nylon(尼龙),1,(invent) in the early 1930s by an American chemist, Julian Hill. Other scientists had worked with him on his invention and finally on 27, October, 1938, nylon was introduced(介绍)to the world. It was cheap and strong and immediately,2,(become) successful, especially in the making of womens stockings.,During the Second World War, the best present for many women was a pair of nylon stockings, but more importantly, nylon,3,(use) to make parachutes and tyres.,Today, nylon can,4,(find)in many things:carpets, ropes, seat belts, furniture, computers and even spare parts for the human body. It,5,(play)an important part in our lives for over 50 years.,1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _,答案:,1. was invented 2. became 3. was used,4. be found 5. has been playing/has played,. 书面表达(10分),假设你是某市的市长,你会做什么来和全市人民一起为节约资源,保护生态环境做一些贡献呢?请以If I were a mayor. . . 为题写一篇100120词的短文。要求条理清楚,语言流畅。,提示词:mayor 市长 resource资源 protect 保护 citizen 市民 emit 放(冒)出,If I were a mayor. . .,_,【参考答案】,If I were a mayor. . .,If I were a mayor, I would do my best to help save natural resources and protect the environment.,If I were a mayor, I would require every advertisement to be made to draw peoples attention to the environment. Many rules would be made to help the citizens form good habits.,If I were a mayor, I would encourage people to plant more trees and every year prizes would be given to ten persons who have done best in planting and protecting trees.,If I were a mayor, I would stop factories from pouring waste water into rivers. Factories which emit the waste and smoke into the air would be punished.,


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