九年级英语I’ll help clean up the city parks课件2

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 8,Ill,help clean up,the city parks.,Period 1(1a-2c),学习目标:,1,.,掌握P60-61页单词,: cheer up ,clean up, homeless, hunger, give out, put off, set up,2. 学会用英语提供帮助,自学指导:,1:,小组自学单词并背诵。,2.自学检测:根据句意和首字母完成单词,The kind man always helps the h_ children.,We often see the s_ of “No Smoking” in public places.,The city library was e_ three months ago.,Around fifty people die of h_ every day in the camp.,If you wait to sell your old sofa, why not put an a_ in the local paper?,2: 小组讨论用什么方法帮助别人,help,Can you guess this word?,Would you like to be a person who has to be helped by others?,Yes,Id love to.,完全免费,无需注册,天天更新!,There are also some people who need help.,Would you like to be a person who can help others?,If everyone offers only a little love to others, the whole world will become more beautiful.,如果,人,人都能献出一点爱,整个世界将会变得更美好。,How could we help,people ?,We,could,help stop,hunger(饥饿),.,They are hungry and,homeless(无家可归的).,could 能,可以。表示建议,比can婉转。,We could help,the posters.,put up,We could,him,.,cheer up,We could,a volunteer project to help more peopple.,set up,Volunteers,start,establish,We can,come up with,many ways to help people.,We,could help,the city,streets,.,clean up,think up,We could _,food at the,food bank,.,食品库,give out,hand out,We could _old peoples houses for olds.,set up,We could make more,advertisement,s to _more people to help others.,召集,号召,advertisement,s,call up,Good memory!,建立,想出,give out,打扫干净,clean,up,使高兴起来,cheer up,come up with,start,establish,think up,set up,分 发,hand out,号召,call up,1a What other ways you could help people?,Just think and fill in the chart.,other ways you could help people,3._ 4. _,I help my parents with the,chores.,I could help kids with schoolwork,I could help clean up the parks.,I could help sick people in the hospital.,Look at this picture, the boy and the girl are talking the ways could help people.,外出工作,饥饿,1b,Listen and complete the sentences.,Id like to outside. You could,help clean the city parks.,Id like to homeless people. You,could give food at the food bank.,Id like to cheer sick kids.,You could them in the hospital.,Id like to help kids their,schoolwork. You could,in an,after-school study program.,课外学习活动,work,up,help,out,up,visit,with,volunteer,1c Pairwork.,Talk with your partners about what kinds of volunteer work you could do:,A:,Id like to,help the old.,What could I do?,B:,You could,give them medical service.,help set up a Hope School,help stop hunger,volunteer in,an after-school study,program,give them medical service,plant trees,A group of students are planning a City Parks Clean-Up Day. They are talking about ways to tell people about the Clean-Up Day. Listen and fill in the blanks.,We need to _ _ _ a plan.,We cant _ _ making a plan. Clean-Up Day is only two weeks from now.,Ill _ _ all our ideas.,We could _ _ signs.,Ill _ _ advertisements after school.,We could each _ _ ten people and ask them to come.,come up with,put off,write down,put up,hand out,call up,Grammar focus,Phrasal verb,Sentence,Meaning of phrasal verb,cheer up,He looks sad. Lets cheer him up.,make someone happier,set up,Were going to set up a food bank to help hungry people.,establish , start,come up with,We need to come up with some ideas.,think up,If you have chances to be volunteers at,school today ,what could you do?,当堂训练:一.适当形式填空.,1.Will you help _ (clean) up the classroom?,2.Tom could put off _(make) that plan.,3.Clean-up _(day) is only two weeks from now.,4.We need _ (come) up with some _ (idea).,5.They plan _ (buy) a big house.,6. _(sing)aloud so that everyone can hear clearly.,单项选择:,1.The class room is so dirty, I decided _.,A. clean it up B. to clean it up C. clean up it,2. You should visit the sick kids to _.,A. cheer up them B. laugh at them C. cheer them up D. take after them,3. We have to _ our sports meeting till next week because of the heavy rain.,A. put up B. put off C. put up D. put down,4. We have to put off _ plans for the vacation.,A. make B. to make C. making D. made,5. The teacher is giving _ the new books to the student.,A. to B. out C. in D. off,动词+副词构成的短语,代词做宾语只能放在中间,名词做宾语可中可后。,如: clean up ; give out ; cheer up ; put up ; write down ; hand out ; call up ; set up ; fix up ; give away ; work out,Eg. We must,clean up,the classroom,every day.,Give,the money,out,to the children.,Nothing can,cheer,me,up,.,选择所给短语的适当形式完成下列句子。,Cheer up set up give up give out hang out,Come up with look up clean up write down,1.What can I do for you,Mrs Green?,Well,please help me_the test papers.,2.You should _smoking.Its bad for your health.,Yes,youre right.,3.We had a good spent Sunday morning _our city park.,4.Joe looks happened to him?,He failed his math should do something to_him_.,5.Salina is very often helps me _some good ideas.,6.I relax myself on usually _with my friends in the shopping center.,7.What do you want to do in the future,Pual?,I want to _a Hope School to help the poor students.,8.Im afraid I cant remember Jims telephone number.,You can_it_in the book.,9.Ive _what the teacher think its important.,give out,give up,cleaning up,cheer up,come up with,hang out,set up,look up,written down,volunteer 可数名词 “志愿者”,v. 自愿,volunteer to do sth自愿做某事,They are the Chinese Peoples Volunteers. 他们是中国人民志愿军。,I volunteer to help you. 我自愿帮助你。,GoodBye!,Period 2,Section,A(3a4),学习目标,1.,掌握P62-63 单词,: major , coach, take after, similar, fix up, repair, think up,2.,讨论作为一名志愿者应该做什么,自学指导:,一.小组自学单词.,二.自学检测训练:,1.The students plan _ (buy) some flowers for Miss Wang.,2.The old man is an expert. He can r_ kinds of machines.,3.My clothes seem s_ to Bobs because we like the same design.,4.The radio should be f_.,三. 1.快速阅读3a掌握大意. 2. 朗读短文,小组讨论遇到的问题. 3认真阅读短文,把志愿者做的工作及喜欢做的原因用不同的标记标出来,A guessing game,Whats this?,A: I d like to do something for the Olympics in 2008 in Beijing. What should I do?,B: You could join the volunteer project. Being a volunteer is great!,的家,Volunteer的用法.doc,一个重大贡献,从学校毕业,从事志愿活动很开心,reading,Being a volunteer is great!,Useful phrases,volunteer their time to plan to spend doing cheer up not only but set up put off,What kinds of volunteer work could these students do? After you read the article , fill in the table.,Name,Loves,Could,Hui,football,Xiao Tang,writing stories,Joy,movies,Wei,music,Teach the pupils to play football,Turn the city peoples life into stories,Show free movies to the villagers,Play music to cheer people up,pairwork,Role play. Take turns being one of the people in the article. Ask for and give advice.,A: Id like to join the school volunteer project, but Im not sure what should I do.,B: What do you like doing?,A: I love playing football.,B: Well, you could help coach a football team for little kids.,当堂训练:,用所给词的适当形式填空,1.Lets cheer _ (they) up, ok?,2.Id like _ (visit) my English teacher tomorrow.,3.Ill feel good about _ (help) the old people.,4.He _(spend) every morning _ (do) some sports.,单项选择:,1They finally thought _ a plan and solved the problem.,A. up B. over C. away D. off,2. How dirty your room is ! You must _.,A. clean it up B. clean them up C. clean it up D. do some cleanings,3. When do you plan to set _an interest group.,A. off B. out C. up D. to,4. I tried my best, but I couldnt _.,A. cheer up them B. cheer his up C. cheer he up D. cheer up he,5. At the beginning of a new term, new test textbooks are _ to students.,A. give out B. give off C. given out D. given off,6. Not only_ polluted but _ crowded.,A. was the city, were the streets B. the city was, were the streets C. was the city , the streets were,D. the city was, the streets were,7. He handed _ the pens to everyone in the class.,A. to B. up C. out D. with,Section B,第3课时,1a-4,1.掌握P63-65单 :put up , ask for, hand out, work out, website,2.掌握出现的短语及短语的结构和特点,学习目标,自学指导:,1: 自学单词.,2: 快速阅读3a熟知大意.,3.阅读3a回答问题:, What problem did Jimmy have ?, How did he solve the problem?,大声朗读3a,找出下列动词短语,使振作_ 用完_ 张贴_ 要求某物_,分发_ 建立_ 想出_ 修理_,分发给_ 产生结果_,match the sentences with similar meanings.,_ 1. Ive run out of it. A. I repaired it.,_ 2. I take after my mother. B. I dont have any more of it.,_ 3. I fixed it up. C. I am similar to her.,_ 4. I gave it away. D. I didnt sell it.,b,c,a,d,4,2,1,3,reading,Read the article and underline all the phrasal verbs.,Explanation for Section B,1.run out of = use up “用完”、“卖光”。句子的主语是人或使用的物。注意不能用于被动语态。,I am running out of my money.= My money is running out of.,We are running out of the gas. = Our car is running out of the gas.,2. I take after my mother.,take after,look like ,be similar to,3. I fixed it up.,fix up = repair(修理);fasten(安装),4.give away 赠送,5.call up = ring up;give sb. a ring.;phone sb.,6.hand out(散发);hand in(上缴);,hand around/round(传递),hand on (依次传递),2. He put up signs,.,3. He called up friends,.,4. He handed out advertisements,.,5. He told teachers,.,Brainstorm a plan for helping out in your community. Make notes on where you will help and what you will do. Then tell the class about your plan.,where _ what _,Task 3,help(sb) out帮助摆脱困境,社区、集体,当堂训练:,达标测评,1. When she was walking in the street, she met a friend of _.,A. she B. her C. hers D. her s,2.He put up a map on the wall and then_.,A. put it on B. put it off C. take it off D. took off,3.Everyone, including my parents,_ going to be at party.,A. was B. are C. were D. will,4.The plan _ they came up with was very good.,A. then B. it C. / D. what,5.-What was Jimmy going to do?,A. up; to ask for B. on; to ask to C. up; asking to D. down; asking for,6.-Its time for sports._ your sport shoes, please.,- Ok, Im coming.,A. Put on B. Put up C. Take away D. Take off,7.I cant see the words clearly. Can I _ the light?,A. turn on B. put off C. hold on D. take off,8.-Hi, Betty?Shall we go swimming this Sunday?,9.-This Sunday? I am sorry. I have a lot of homework _ this Sunday.,A. to do B. doing C. do D. to be done,第4课时,Self-Check-Reading,学习目标:,1.掌握P65-66单词.,2.句型: Id like to thank you for,Ill send you a photo of .,You see you have helped make it possible for me to have a lucky.,3. 语法: 动词短语的运用.,自学指导:,1:,自学单词.,2.,完成self check , 小组核对答案 .,自学指导:,1. 自学p65-66页单词,并掌握重点单词:fill, pleasure, blind, deaf, imagine, shut, carry, specially, fetch, at once, help sb out,2. 快速阅读课文并回答下列问题,What does the writer thank Miss for?,Who is lucky?,What is “Animal helpers”?,How long did Liz have the training with Lucky?,How does Lucky help the writer?,Self check,give out,came up with,gave away,hang out,takes after,作状语:a bit = a little,not a bit(一点也不),not a little(非常),作定语:a bit of和,a little of 都修饰不可数名词,writing,Write an article using the notes below. Tell what happens to Sally.,Sally Brown / a young woman / wants to be a professional singer / as a volunteer / sings at a local hospital / cheers up sick people / also sings at schools / ran out of money for singing lessons / came up with ideas for making money / put up signs asking for singing jobs / also called up parents offering singing lessons for children / now will be able to continue her lesson / become a professional singer,Sample answers,Sally Brown is a young woman who wants to be a professional singer. As a volunteer, she sings at a local hospital to cheer up sick people and also sings at schools. But after she ran out of money for singing lessons, she came up ideas for making money. She put up signs asking for singing jobs and also called parents,offering singing lessons for children. Now she will be able to continue her lessons and become a professional singer.,How do you connect with your friends, have a call, write a letter or send an e-mail?,How many different kinds of letters can you think of?,per-reading,_,_,_,notes,informal letters to a friend,business letters,invitations,以口语体写的信,1b,Letters needs addresses,Letters need greetings at beginning and end.,Letters use informal language.,reading,Learning strategy,:,using parts of speech,If you dont understand a word or a phrase in English, ask yourself what part of speech it is. It might be a none, a verb or a preposition. Knowing what it is can help you understand better. And it allows you to use the new English word or phrase correctly in the future.,三星学科,教师助手,学生帮手,家长朋友!,exercise,Subject,Miss Li,Liz Smith,Lucky,“Animal Helpers”,Verb,can fetch,trains,donated,is,Object/predicate,unable to move well.,money to “Animal Helpers”,animals like lucky.,things for disable people.,Use information in the letter to make true sentences by matching the different parts.,Example answer,Dear Liz,I was so happy to receive your letter. Thank you very much for writing to tell me about Lucky. I would really love to come and visit you one day. Id also like to help you some more because I have some extra time at the moment. Perhaps I could help you at home, or do some work for “Animal Helpers”. Id enjoy watching them train the animals too. Ill call them one day soon.,Here is my phone number:468-3852. please call me so we can arrange a time for me to visit.,Best wishes,Ming Li,当堂训练:,一.单选:,1.“I dont know where Wenchuan County is” “ Let me _a map of China for you”,A. take B. bring C. fetch D. carry,2. The box is _ books.,A. fill with B. full of C. filled of D. full with,3 Id like to thank you for _ money to “Animal Helpers”.,A. sending B. send C. to send D. sent,4. Im _ at this dog.,A. amazing B. amaze C. amazed D. surprising,5. They improved the software to make _ easier for people to use computers.,A. that B. this C. these D. it,6. Please _ the cup _ milk or water.,A. filled; with B. fill; use C. fill; with D. fill; of,7. Im going to see my friend _ is ill in bed after school.,A. which B. whose C. who D. whom,二用所给词的正确形式填空:,1. There are many political and social _(organize) in the world.,2. Your _ (donate) is greatly appreciated.,3. This math exercise isnt difficult. I can finish it _(easy).,4. Everyones life is filled with _(please).,5. I feel lucky _ (study) at No.14 Middle School,6. The dress is made_ (special) for the Art Festival.,完全免费,无需注册,天天更新!,


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