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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Magic needles:Chinese acupuncture,project,different kinds of needles used in the past,arrow head needle,箭头针,round needle,圆针,a needle that is not sharp,提针,sword-like needle,镀针,What will he or she do if you go to an acupuncturist?,look at the,colour,of skin and tongue,listen to the breathing,ask about the situation,check the pulses.,望 闻 问 切,What kind of medical problems can be treated by acupuncture?,Neck and back pains,Headaches,Injuries,Stomach problems,Blood pressure problems,Addictions to cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, food,Acupuncture can be used to help people lose weight .,Chinese medicine,Do you know about any other,traditional Chinese treatment?,cupping,scrapping,推拿疗法,massage,traditional Chinese herbal medicine,中草药,Different tools for acupuncture nowadays,便携针灸笔,脉冲针灸按摩罐,针灸马桶,针灸按摩床,Listen & Fast reading:,Please scan the text and find which of the following topics is not mentioned:,history,past uses,current uses,acceptance in the West,benefits,disadvantages,The disadvantages of Chinese,acupuncture,are not mentioned,Language points:,There is evidence that,有证据表明,2.,as,acupuncture develops,随着针灸的发展,with,acupuncture _,或,:,with the development of,acupuncture.,3. be replaced,by/ with,被,替代,replace A by/ with B,用,B,替换,A,eg,: replace meals,by/with,snacks,developing,4.,take,ones place,坐某人的座位,代替某人的职位,eg,: Last night, our monitor didnt come and I was asked to,take his place,.,take the place of,代替某人、物,eg,: It would be difficult to find a man to,take the,place of,the present manager.,take place,发生,举行,in place of/ in ones place,=,instead of,代替,取代,5.,let out,放出,;,发出,(,叫喊声等,);,泄露,;,放宽,放大,(,衣服等,),Let,the dog,out,of the house.,Let out,a cry of surprise,Do you know there is any house,let out,?, let alone,更不用说,let sb. alone,不要管,不打搅,let down,不支持;使失望;放下,let in,漏水;欺骗;让,进来,6. swell up,肿胀;膨胀,swelled swollen,7. stainless steel,不锈钢,8.,the,number of .,的量,a,number of =number,s,of,许多的,大量的,它们做主语时,要注意谓语的数。,The number of,the students in our class _ 64/69.,A number of,students in our class _studying hard.,is,are,9.increase,to,增加到,increase,by,增加了,10.,“,与,有联系,”,的常见表达法:,be connected with,be related to,be linked to,be associated with,11.treat,治疗,cure,治愈,He is being _ in the hospital.,His illness has been _.,cured,treated,treat,sb,for,sth,cure,sb,of,sth,12.,be/become addicted to,(doing),sth,., addict,n.,对,有瘾的人,成瘾者,addiction,n.,吸毒成瘾,沉溺,癖好,addictive,adj.,上瘾的,会成习惯的,non,-addictive(,反),Eg,: The little boy,is addicted to,_ (lie), so no one trusts him.,a heroin_,the growing problem of heroin,_ among young people,lying,addict,addiction,13.,“阻止,做,”,的常见表达法:,block from ,prevent (from),stop (from),keepfrom,discourage from,被动语态中不省,14 relate,联系;使有联系;把,联系在一起;叙述,eg,: I cant,relate,what he does,to,what he says.,He,related,how he had,run away from,home as a boy., relate to,涉及,;,与,相关,;,理解并同情,;,了解,Eg,: Many adults cant,relate to,children.,The second paragraph,relates to,the situation in Scotland., be related to,和,有联系,/,关系,;,有亲属关系,eg,: How,is,this fact,related to,that one?,Are,you,related to,Mary?,15. subscribe to,sth, Which journals does the library,subscribe to,?,订阅,订购,The president,subscribed to,the idea that the welfare system should be improve.,同意,支持,16. Today acupuncture has become popular round the world,as,have other traditional Chinese medicines.,eg,: She is very tall,as,is her mother.,17. the treatment,for,“,对,的治疗,疗法”,.,eg,: The best treatment for a cold is to rest and drink lots of water.,18. doubt (n), doubt about,sth,There is no doubt that ,毫无疑问,eg,: There is some doubt about the best way to do it.,There is no doubt that we did the right thing.,doubt (v),19. fade away,逐渐消逝,逐渐消失 衰弱,病重死去,eg,: Hopes of reaching an agreement seem to be fading away.,达成协议的希望看来已逐渐渺茫,.,In the last weeks of her life she simply faded away.,她在生命的最后几个星期已是草枯灯油尽了,.,1. Write an article about traditional Chinese medicine (one herb or treatment).,2. Finish the exercises of this unit.,Homework,


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