牛津译林 模块七第二单元 M7u2project

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 2 Project,Magic needles:,Chinese acupuncture,1.,通过阅读,了解独特医疗方式,-,中国针刺疗法;,2.,把握文章体裁和结构,通过高考题型训练(选择题,限定词数回答问题),提高阅读技能和解题技巧;,3.,突破长难句理解,能仿照课文复杂句型造句,提高表达能力;,4.,学习重点词汇和短语,增加语言积累;,5.,探索中华医药,感受它们的魅力并能用英语向世界推广中华医药。,本版块的教学目标,Lead-in,1.,Have you ever experienced an acupuncture treatment?,If so, was it a good experience?,2. What do you know about acupuncture?,magic needles:,Chinese acupuncture,Different tools for acupuncture,acupuncture points,针灸穴位,Help people lose weight,Pets also follow the fashion,The traditional Chinese acupuncture is becoming more and more popular with foreingers.,Lets read a website article to know more about Chinese acupuncture.,Magic needles:,Chinese acupuncture,What aspects do you want to find out when you are exploring Chinese acupuncture?,Development,History,Treatment(,治疗,),Influence,Side effects,Theories(,理论,) related to acupuncture,Brainstorming,Para. 1: _ Para.2,: _,Para.3:,_ Para.4,:,_,Para.5,:,_ Para.6,: _,Para.7:,_,Scanning,Please find out,topic,word(s,),of each paragraph:,replaced by stone,needles,metal,needles,began nine different kinds of,needles,. a,needle,with ,These points,are called acupuncture,points, there were 365 such,points, the number of,acupuncture points, while others select,points,Para. 1: _,Para.2,: _,Para.3:,_,Para.4,:,_,Para.5,: _,Para.6,: _,Para.7: _,History,Needles,Acupuncture points,Pulse,Medical problems,that can be treated,Theories,Influence / Importance / Popularity,It was,developed long ago, perhaps,as early as,2000 BC / acupuncture,began during the Stone Age,acupuncture,spread to, / It,was introduced,to / Today acupuncture has,become popular,round the world / interest continues to grow.,check your,pulse,only recognizes one,pulse,there are twelve different,pulses, by checking all the,pulses,some of the,medical problems that can be treated,by .,One,theory,explaining Another,theory,relates , subscribe to,these theories,.,Para. 1:,_,Para.2:,_,Para.3: _,Para.4:,_,Para.5: _,Para.6: _,Para.7:,_,what aspects are mentioned in the text:,Needles,Acupuncture points,Pulse,Medical problems that can be treated,Development,History,Influence,Treatment,Side effects,Theories,Careful reading,Read the development of acupuncture (,Para.2&3,),then choose the best answer.,1.A needle like a sword was used to_.,do,operations,B,.,press the,tissue,under the skin,C,. make holes in the surface of the skin,D.,let,liquid,out of the,swollen,body parts,2._ is the most widely used needles of acupuncture today.,Bian B.,Stainless,steel needles,C. Silver and gold needles D.,Stone needles,3. Which of the following is right? _,A. There are 365 acupuncture points.,B.,Acupuncturists,put needles into the skin at any points on the patients body.,C. Not all the acupuncturists select points by the symptoms the patient has.,D. The number of acupuncture points stays the same all the time.,D,B,C,Careful reading,Read,Para.4 - 6,then answer the following questions.,1. Whats the difference between western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine in recognition of pulse? (,no more than 13 words,),3. According to the passage, what are the possible reasons why acupuncture can reduce pain? (,no more than 10 words,),2.List three medical problems that can be treated by acupuncture. (,no more than 7 words,),difference,in recognition of pulse,three medical problems,possible,reasons,reduce pain,13,7,10,1. Whats the,difference,between western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine,in recognition of pulse,? (,no more than 13 words,),Western medicine recognizes one pulse According to traditional Chinese medicine, there are twelve different pulses L29-31,Western medicine recognizes one pulse,while,there are twelve in traditional Chinese medicine.,Western medicine recognizes one pulse while Chinese medicine recognizes twelve pulses.,which reduce pain / reducing pain.,2.List three,medical problems,that can be treated by acupuncture. (,no more than 7 words,),High blood sugar, severe pains and injuries;,/ High blood pressure, headache and stomachache,3. According to the passage, What are the,possible reasons,why acupuncture can,reduce pain,? (,no more than 10 words,),One theory explaining this phenomenon suggests that acupuncture blocks pain signals from reaching the brain.,Another theory relates acupuncture to the production of chemicals in the body which reduce pain.,L39-42,acupuncture blocks pain signals,relates acupuncture to the production of,which reduce pain,It blocks pain signals,and produces chemicals,chemicals,Discussion,Chinese medicine has amazed many people around the world with its different approach to health and is becoming more and more accepted by people in the west.,Would you like to choose western medicine or traditional Chinese medicine if you were ill? Why?,Help:,effects, taste, convenience, price,Language points,1.,中医疗法,2.,取代,3.,被用于,4.,钝头针,5.,敲打压痛点,6.,放出,发出,7.,肿胀,膨胀,8.,复杂的医疗器械,9.,例如,10.,逐渐增加到,11.,与,相联系,12.,使沉溺,热衷于,13.,同意,赞同,14.,推荐为,15.,逐渐凋谢,/,慢慢减弱,Useful expressions,L1.,Chinese medical treatment,L5.,be,replaced,by/,L6.,take,ones,place/,L8.,make,shallow holes,L8.,in the,surface of,the skin,L9.,tissue,under,the skin,L9.,a dull needle,L10.,tap,against,pressure,points,L11,. let,out,L14.,fine,and sharp,L15.,complex medical,instrument,L1.,中医疗法,L5-6.,取代,L8.,刺出小,(,浅,),孔,L8.,在皮肤表面,L9.,皮下组织,L9.,钝头针,L10.,敲打压痛点,L11.,放出,发出,L14.,细且锋利,L15.,复杂的医疗器械,L23,. gradually,increase to,L28.check your pulse,L31. connect,with,/ =relate,to,(L41),L33.energy channel,L38. be,addicted to,L42.,subscribe to,L46.be introduced to,L49.recommendas,L51.,fade away,L23.,逐渐增加到,L28.,为你诊脉,L31.,与,相联系,L33.,经络,L38.,使沉溺,热衷于,L42.,同意,赞同,L46.,引见给(传到),L49.,推荐为,L51.,逐渐凋谢,/,慢慢减弱,Sentences study,1.,_,evidence,that,acupuncture began during the Stone Age,_ stone,tools,called,bian were used to press areas of the body,.,A. That is , that B. It is, when,C. There is, which D. There is, when,2,. For example, the,needle,_,like,a sword has been replaced by a sharp knife,that,doctors use in operations,.,A. looks B. looked C. looking D. to look,3,. Acupuncture uses stainless steel needles,_are,put into the skin at certain points on the body,_ a,disease can be,cured or a health problem solved.,A. which, so B. that, so that,C. that, because D. which, as,D,C,B,4.Some acupuncturists insert needles at or near the body part,affected by,the disease,_ others select points according to the symptoms _ the,patient has.,A. while, that B. when, that,C. although, which D. while, what,5.,One theory _ this phenomenon suggested that acupuncture _ pain signals from reaching the brain,.,A. explains, blocks B. explaining, blocks,C. explaining, should block D. explains, block,A,B,一些针灸师在病灶处或病灶附近扎针,而另外一些则根据病人的症状选择扎针的位置。,今天,如同其它的传统中医疗法一样,针刺疗法在世界各地颇受欢迎。,as / so + be /do +,主语,= and so too,也一样,1.,她特别高,她父母也都那麽高,.,Shes unusually tall,as are,both her parents.,2. Hes a doctor,as was,his wife before she had children.,他是医生,他妻子生小孩之前也当过医生,.,6. Today acupuncture has become popular round the world,as,have,other traditional Chinese medicine.,7. _ doubts about its safety have faded away, interest continues to grow.,A. Because B. If,C. While D. Though,8. Over the last 2,000 years, this number _ to about 2,000.,A. increased B. has been increased,C. have increased D. has increased,C,D,let out,It lets sunlight in but doesnt,let,heat,out,.,2. When she saw him, she,let out,a cry of horror.,(let out a scream/cry/roar etc.),3.,Let out,that dress please Ive gained a lot of weight.,4.,Someone has,let,the news,out,.,5.,Boats are,let out,for thirty,yuan,per hour in the park.,(,发出尖叫声,/,叫喊声,/,吼叫声,),(,加宽、加大衣服,),泄露,(,机密,),透露,出租,(,让(光)透出去,让(水、空气等)跑掉,),He accidentally _ that he had,quarrelled,with his wife and that he hadnt been home for a couple of weeks.,A. let out B. took care,C. made sure D. made out,解析,:,let,sth,. out,泄露,透漏(消息等),take care,小心(不能带宾语),make sure,确信,务必,make out,辨认出,理解,了解,subscribe,1. How much did you,subscribe,(,to,the disaster fund)?,你(向赈灾基金),捐了,多少钱,?,2.Which,journal(s,) do you,subscribe to,?,你,订阅,哪一种杂志,?,3. Do you,subscribe to,her pessimistic view of the state of the economy?,你是否,同意,她对经济状况所持的悲观看法,?,1. (,sth,.) (to,sth,),认捐,捐助,(,一笔款项,),2. (to,sth,.),订阅,订购,(,报刊等,),3.subscribe to,sth,.,=agree with,同意,赞成(某观点,理论等),The,colour,of the cloth will _little by little.,The old stereotypes(,模式,) are beginning to _.,3. 50 million Americans are thought to _ nicotine.,4.Our head teacher is ill today, so Mr. He will _.,5. Animals _ scientific experiments.,6. Tom have a fall and his under lip begin to _.,7. I have never _the view that schooldays are the happiest days of your life.,take ones place; be used for sth./ to do sth.;,swell up; be addicted to; subscribe to; fade away,were used for,take his place,be addicted to,fade away,fade away,swell up,subscribed to,1.,通过各种题目训练,我很好地了解了中华针刺疗法;,2.,我掌握了该篇文章的体裁结构和语言特点;,理解了长难句,能仿照课文复杂句型造句;,4.,积累了词汇和短语;,5.,积极探索中华医药,感受了它们的魅力并能用英语向世界推广中华医药。,Self-assessment,


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